Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, September 13, 1907, Image 1

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Volume XV.
Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, Friday, September 13. 1907.
Number 29
Toledo, Lincoln Count, Oregon
It is not business to buy real estate with
out an abstract of title. We are pre
pared to furnish tame promptly an
1 i
Of. Lewis Building, 350 Morrison St.,
Our specially 1 the pnlnteu filling or ex
tracting of teeth.
... Our Motto- A Flatted Patient Our Beat
Office in Schenck Building. Office
hours : 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 4 and 7 to 8
p. m. Emergency Calls at any time.
J. BURKEL, Proprietor
South end Railroad Avenue
Fresh Bread, Fresh Pies
Fresh Cakes
Everything First-Class
Orders out of town promptly filled.
Dr. H. J. fllNTHORN
Calls attended to anywhere in County
Phones on both lines
U. 8. Land CITice, Portland, Oregon,
August 24,1907.
. Notice ii hereby given that Ira E. Brown,
of Slletx, Oregon. has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final three-yearKSllets) proof in
support of hi claim, viz: Homestead entry No.
15210 made Dec. 14. 1903. for the wost of west
li of sectiou 2, towhship lOaouth, range 10 west
and that said proof will be made before the
Connty Clerk of Lincoln county, at Toledo,
Oregon, on October 16, 1907.
He names tlie following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz:
Walter 8. Hall, Warren R. noli, John Kentta,
C. H. Ruhl, all of Siletz. Oregon.
ALGxaxos S. DREssfcR. Register.
17. 8. Laud once, Roeeburg, Oregon,
August 14, 1907.
Notice Is hereby given that William Jorgen
sen of Euclid, Oregon, has filed notice of Jis
inienuun 10 mass nnai live-year prooi in sup.
port of his claim, vis: Homestead entry iNo.
lor82mude April l.rth, 1901. for the twit nw,
miiw4 section 8, and lots 2 & 8. section 0,
township IS south, range 10 west,and that said
proof will be made before the Clerk of Lincoln
county at Toledo, Oregon, on October 11, 1907,
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and cultiva
tion of, the land, viz:
J. C. Luderman of Waldport, Ore; J. P. Wolfe
Elmer Helms, aud Arthur Marks, ol Ocean
View, Oregon.
Benjamin L. Eddy, Register.
U. 8. Land pfllco, Portland, Oregon.
September 5, 1907.
Notice is hereby given that John Q. Post, of
Nortou, Oregon, lias filed notice of his inten
tion to make finnl seven year proof in support
of his claim, vis: Homestead entry No. 12778
made May 14, 1900, for tho ni Wi fc n j nw
Section 28, township 10 south, range It, and
that mid pioof will be made before Hie Regis
ter and Receiver at Portland, Oregon, on Octo
ber 18, 1907.
Ho names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz:
J. O. Davis, F. A. Reynolds, of Nashville,
Oregon, N. F. Edwards, .'. P. Allen, of Nortous,
' Algernon S. Dresher, Register.
U. 8. Land Office, Portland, Oregon,
'A ugust 24, 1907.
Notice Is hereby given that William E. Lacey
. of Roccn, Oregon, hns filed notice of his In
tention to make final commutation proof in
support of his claim, viz: Homestead entry
No. 1A971, made Juno 11, 1900, for the neof
section 2, township 8 s,'mnge 9 w, and that
said proof will be made before the Register
- nnd Receiver at Portland, Oregon, on October
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and cultiva
tion of, the land, viz:
Theodore Farrlugton, Frank M. Wales,
Samuel P. Dell, Leonard 0. Mowrey, of Rocco,
9-8- AloebnoN 8. Drxssbr, Register.
Local Notes.
A good story Is running on the last
page of this paper. Read it. Take the
advice given therein and Pave some
Ladies' ready-to-weartlothes at Stew
art9. -
Saturday evening, Captain Bob and
launch Gazelle brought up a crowd of
young people from Newport to attend
the dance.
It pays to trade across the street at
8 tewart's.
Salmon are running in the lower bay
and a few catohes with the troll are
made. So far the run has been' light,
but a good rain will start them up the
New Golf and Negligee shirts at
Stewart's. . -
The thermometer last Sunday told
us it was 96 degrees in the shade just
10 degrees hotter than any other day
this summer and we believed it. It
was surely a scorcher.
Lacuna' Vv'aiuU, Skirts, Coreet Covers,
etc., at Stewart's.
The pleasure-seekers and tourists
are rapidly leaving Newport, the trains
every morning being heavily loaded.
This has been the best season in the
history of this leading Oregon resort.
The City Flour and Feed Store de
livers free to any part of the city.
The new series of state school books
now ou hand. Old books taken Inez
change until first of January next.
Don't wait until first dity of school
you may get left. For particulars call
at Krogstadta drug store.
Try that Olympic flour at the City
Flour and Feed Store. Best flour on the
market .
The Ofstedahl building is being
raised and repaired this week. It was
built ten years ago and some of the
sills and joists have rotted badly and
have to be replaced by new ones. Mar
tin Thompson is doiDg the work. .
Tns Leader and I'ortiaruL .Journal
only $1.75 for a year. :
Summer coughs and colds yield at
once to Bees Laxative Cough Syrup,
contains honey and tar but no opiates.
Children like it. Its laxative qualities
recommend it to mothers. Hoarseness,
coughs; croup yield qniokly. Keep it
on hand. Bold by Otto O. Krogstad's
The Oljmpic pancake Soar is the
best.. Get it at the City Flour and Feed
This is the season of the year when
the dealers in wood are reaping their
harvest, . Wood in Toledo is scarce and
the price is higher than ever befere
known. Hard wood is selling for $4.60
to5, and fir 14 to 4.50 per cord.
Scarcity of labor and high wages are
the cause of such prices.
Be wise and sow your grass seed now.
A fresh stock of all kliids-now on hand
lat Krogstad'd Drug store.
U, S. Land Office, Portland, Or.,
August 12, 1907.
Notice is hereby given that Sidney A.
Prttet.t of Siletz, Oregon, bas filed
notice of his intention to make Anal
commutation proof in support of his
claim, viz: Homestead Entry No.
14122, -made May 12, 1902. for the sej
of swV, 8w)f of se& and n of se
of section 12, township 9 south, range
10 vest, and that said proof wilt be
made before the County Clerk at Toledo,
Oregon, on September 19, 1907. .
He names "the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon,
and cultivation of, the land, viz:
Z. M. Derrick of Toledo, Or.; S. J.
Biow n, Walter S. Hall, J. S. Lloyd of
Siletz, Oregon. .
Algernon S. Dresser, Register.
U. S. Land Office at Portland. Or.
August 3, 1907.
Notice is hereby given that Ella M.
Baxter of Chitwood, Oregon, has filed
notice of her intention to make final
three year proof in support of her
claim, viz: Homestead entry No. 15504,
made July 27, 1904, for the b4 of sw
of section 17, and of se of sec
tion 48. township 10 s, range 9 w, and
that said proof will be made before the
Clerk of Lincoln county,, at Toledo,
Oregon, ou September 18, 1907.
She Damns the following witnesses to
prove her continuous residence upon,
and cultivation of. the land, viz:
Oilver Johnson; KTL. Wildman, D. J.
Chit wood, Thomas F. Lewis, all of Chit
wood, Oregon.
Algernon S. Dbksseb, Register.
Business Transacted in Regular
I . Toledo, Or., Sept. 4, 1907.
Present Hon. B. F. Swope, County
Judge; Hon. F. A. Thompson,' County
Commissioner; Hon. John Fogarty,
County Commissioner; Ira Wade. Coun
ty Clerk; James H. Ross, Sheriff, by
W. E. Ball, Deputy.
Z. M. Derrick, surveying Toledo-DepoU
Blleta wagon road and making map of
$2i io
II. Luley, work on crowder with team. 20 00
Jacob Burkel, bread furnished Fialey.... 2 oo
A. Rosebrook, window shade for county. 63
J. E. Edgar, special work as supervisor
district NoJ9 44 60
Earl Proctor, special work on road in
district No. 19 47 60
James Proetor, special work on road In
district No. 19 48 60
8. A. Seits, making assessment ol Five
River precinct.... 7 so
A. Rosebrook, care of Lon Hall July and
August 25 00
B. E. Barclay, work as deputy assessor In
Tidewater and Atsea precincts SO 25
8 imuel Hill, et al. Justice, Constable and
witness fees, Ptate vs. John Gatens,
elalmed (38,96; allowed..?-. SI 46
John Finley, sawing wood foreourthouse,
11,50, allowed; and it is further ordered
tha clerk issue warrant tj Finley in sum
of Si fer clothing including said ll,E0 . 6 00
Mamie E. Wakefield, work at teacher's
examination .'. 1500
J.W. WiIsD, examining Eighth gtade
PPrs.. .... too
Geo. Bothers, salary, stamps, express and ' '
traveling expenses as Brhool Snperin-
tendent July and August lot 80
B.F. Swope, County Judge salary July
and August 100 00
Ira Wade, salary as County Clerk from
July 7 to September 7 ', 208 80
Lee Wade, Deputy Clerk, July and AugustlOO 00
J.H.Ross, salary as BheilfT July and
August 800 00
Ethel Ross, 42 days' work for Assessor.. 126 00
J. L. Hyde, County Treasurer! salary
July and August.. 67 66
A. W. Weber work at soporrlsor district
No. S 7 66
George Hodges, work as supervisor dist- '
net No. 10 4 00
Otto O. Krogstad, (applies -furnished .
eounty.. 10 4.1
C. C. McBrlde, work in roadjdlstrfct No.19 82 00
. ii. niuiamaou, wore in rona oniric I
No. 19 ; .-. 84 60
J. W. Weldman, work in road district
No. 19 , 24 75
J. E. Edgar, work in road district No. 19. 49 80
John Turnldge, work as Vanitor of the
courthouse and washing towels 81 00
J. H. Rots, stamps and sundries July snd
August. ........ 9 82
Ira Wade, stamps and expressage July
August 17 60
R. 8. Van Cleve, supplies for Finley 7 55
Lincoln County Leader, printing for '
county 2J to
Oven Ruperts, county aid 80 00
Fir and Spruce Lumber Co., lumber lur- -
dished district No. 8.. 18 88
J. H. Byerly, serving subpoenas for Dist-
rtct Attorney .- 6 00
F. A. Thompson, Commissioner per dlem:
and mileage 17 00
John Fogarty, Commissioner per diem
and mileage ..J9 10
In the matter of the Toledo, Depoe
Siletx wagon road, ordered that said
road shall be declared a public high
way and opened in form as by law
In the matter of making cuts and fills
on the Yachts county road on the
homestead claim of J. P. Wolfe. ' It
duly appearing to the court fliat the
bid of J. J. Williamson for $33 for doing
the work is the lowest hid, it is ordered
that the bid of J. J. Williamson be
accepted. .
In the matter of allowing J. V. Pipes
to redeem certain lands: Petition
In the matter of the petition of
Samuel Elmore for rebate of taxes : Re
ferred to District Attorney for an
opinion relative to same,
"lathe matter of the - petition - of
Laura Flickinger for rebate' of taxes.
Not allowed for want of jurisdiction.
In the bond of Z. M. Derrick. It is
hereby ordered that bond be approved.
In the matter of the deeded road bed
on the Toledo, Newport county road at
Depoe. slough by C Christiansen, etal :
It is ordered that the (ward- of connty
road viewers meet at the bridge on said
road spanning Depot slough on Satur
day, Sept. 14 and proceed to survey,
looate and establish a county road upon
said deeded road bed.
In the matter of furnishing 30 cords
of wood to Lincoln county, to be - de
livered at Courthouse shed. The bid:
of J. Jenson being the lowest, it is or
dered that said bid be accepted. ... I
In the matter ot improving the town :
plat of Keady's addition to the town of
Waldport. It Is ordered that said town
plat be approved. .
In the matter of the resignation of W
W rioule as Justice of the Peace for
Toledo precinct. Ordered that the
resignation be accepted and A B Clark
appointed to fill the unexpired term.
In the matter of the per diem and
milage to jurors aud witnesses in
Circuit Court, Aug. 1907, term as per
Jury Book: Claims allowed.
In the matter of the report of Com
missioner Fogarty in regard - to the
condition of certain ' bridges on the
Waldport-Tidewater county road and
estimate cost of reparing same. Report
In the matter of theclaim ot William
Dovle for reparing five bridges on the
Waldport-Tidewater county road.
Clerk ordered to issue warrant in
favor of William Doyle in sum 8105
after receiving a written report from
Commissioner Fogarty, receiving and
accepting said bridges.
Petition of M M Davis to compromise
certain tares. Continued for father
In tha matter of the petition of
Samuel White for correction of records
to6how redemption of property in
Stewart's addition to Coast View ad
dition to Yaquina. Petition granted.
In the matter of bids received rela
tive to the permanent improvement of
the Toledo-Newport county road under
the special road tax levied in road dis
trict No. 8. Bid of Charles Bradeson
accepted. -
. B. F. Swope, County Judge,
F.A. TnOMPsON, Commissioner,
John Fckjartv, Commissioner.
Attest: Ira Wade, Clerk.
Lincoln County Sunday School
- Convention.
The annual convention of the Lincoln
Connty Sunday School Association will
be held in the First Presbyterian
church, Newport, September 13-15, 1907.
racoBAii ' s ' .
7 :30 p. m. Song aud Prayer Service -
7 :45 Address. ........... R. A. Bensell
8 K Address, "The Modern Sunday
School". ..... .Rev. C. A. Phlpps
lO.-00-Song aud Prayer Service
10:15-Registratiou and Roll Call
10:25"-- Election of Officers
10:40 "Sunday School Management"
Rev. C. A. Phipps
11 :00-"How to Win and Hold Pupils"
S. O. Irvin
11 :15 Round Table, the Adult Move
2 :00 -Song and Prayer Service
2:15 Reports of Schools
2:30-"Primary Work"..
Mrs. 8.. Burrows
2:45-"Intermedlate Work"
Miss Mabel'Floming
3:00 "Home Department"
Mrs. II. D. Blakeley
3:10 Recitation Miss Julia Kysor
3:15 Open Parliament
3:40 Round Table, the Teachers' Op-
I portnnity
7 :30 Song and Prayer Service
7:45-4'The Power of Truth"
Dr. H. J. Miuthorn
8.-00 Address, "A Call to Service". . .
Rev. C. A. Phlpps
- 80NDAT
10 a. m. Sunday School
11:00 Preaching. Rev. Phipps
3 p.' m. Junior Endeavor Meeting
0:30 -Senior Endenvor
7 30 -Preaching .-.Rev. C.T. Whittlesey
U. 8, Land Office, Portland Oregon,
September 7, 1907.
,No lice is hereby given that Lewis Q. Beck,
of Tail, Oregon, has H'.ed notice of his inten
tion to make final three year proof in .support
of his claim, vis; Homestead entry No 1556ft
made Oct. 8, 1904, lot 4, co1 swJ4,,& swj se
section 19, township 7 south range 10 west, and
that said proof will be mada before tlie Regis
ter and Receiver at Portland, Oregon, on Octo
ber W, 1907.
He names tho following witnesses to prove
hiscoutlnuonsrosideuce upon, and cultiva
tion, of, the 1-ind, vis:
J. P. Bones, Charles F. Robertson, ltoxs II.
Haviland and Tom Hille. nil of Taft, Oregon.
Algernon 8. Duehser, Register.
Hay for Sale.
I have between 25 and 40 tons of good
oat hay in the field for tale. For price
apply to the undersigned at bis farm
one mile above Toledo.
K. M. Borden.
The Olalla Dam.
Contractor J. W. Parrish and crew-
are making rapid headway on the Olalla
dyke dam near the mouth of Olalla
slough. The dam is 30 feet wide and
205 feet long and will contain about
30,000 feet of lumber. In building, two
rows of piling were driven across tlie
6lougb, these were planked and the
space between is now being filled in
with dirt. A sluice-way 10 feet wide
with two lock gates will allow the water
above the dam to pass out at low tide
and prevents it returning daring flood
tide. Mr. Parrish expects to have the
work completed within three weeks.
The completion of this dam will place
hundreds of acres of tideland under cul -tlvation.
This land when broken and
plante.l to crops will vield thousands of
dollars to the owners, while now a con
siderable portion of it is practically
waste land.
This dam is somewhat of an experi
ment and if found to be a success, dams
will undoubtedly be built across the
mouths of several other siougns along
the bay.
U. 8. Land Office, Portland, Oregon,
July 19, 1907. -
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
Junes, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the Public Land States by act
of August 4, 1892, Bin a L. Turney, of Portland ,
county of Multnomah, State of Oregon, has.
Ihis day filed in this oRlee her sworn statemen t
No. 7494, for the purohnsu ef the Lots 1, 2, ft
and 4, section 80 and Lot 1 in section 31, town
ship 12 south, range 9 west, and will otter proof
to show.' that the land sought Is more V ill liable
forlls timber or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish her claim to suid lano be
fore the Register and Receiver at Portland,
Oregon, on Monday, the 4ih day of November,
Che names ns witnesses:
Oeorge n. Hodges, C. H. Van Orden, of Ellt -City,
Or.; 8. If. Cox or Hood River, Or.; Hai ry
W. Kaud of Portland, Oregon.
Any and all persona claiming adversely the
a'ove-d escribed lands are requested to illo
their claims in this office on or before said 4th
day of November, 1007. "" '
M Alqkrnon H. Dressier. Register.
i). V. 8. Land OUIce, Portland, Oregon,
' July 8,1907.-' -
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the pmvlflnns if tlie act of Congress of
Junes, 1878, entitled "An act for tho sale of
timber lands in the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the Public Land Ktates by set
of August 4,1892, William Harris of Portland
coutity of Multnomah state of Oregon, hns this
day filed in this offlco his swoin statement Nu.
7488, for the purchase of the s of uw)i and
wjfof sw'.iof section No. 4, In township No.
12 wrath, range No. 8 west, and will offer
proof to show that tlie land nought Is more
valuable for its timber or stone than for agrl
cultural purposes, and to estubllxh his claim
to said land before the Register and Receiver
at Tortlaud, Oregon, on Friday, tho 25th day
of October, 1907.
He names as witnesses. ,
William II. t-chulze of 89 N. ftth St., Portland,
Or.; Herman Kperling of 95 6th Kt., Portland,
Or.; Thomas J. Hammer of. 232,'; WnHhington
St., Portland, Or.; W. W. January of Peak, Or.
Any and all persons claiming adversely tli
above described lands are requextod to file
their claims in this office on or before said 25th
day of October 1907.
Algernon 8. Dresser, Register.
U. 8. Land Oflice, Portland, Oregon
July 2(1, 1907.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of tho act of Congress of
Junes, 1878, entitled "Au act for the sale of
timber lauds in the States of California, Ore- .
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," us
extended to all the Public Land States by act
of August 4, 1892, August Stark of Albany,
county of Linn, state of Oregon, hns this day
filed In this office his sworn statement No. 7511,
for the purchase of the Lots 1 and 2 aud sl of
ne! of section C in township 13 s, range 8 w,
and Will offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, aud to
establish his claim to said land before the .
County Clerk of Benton County at Corvallls,
Oregon, on Thursday, tho 24lh day of October,
He names as witnesses:
J. D. Isoin of Albany, Or.; Frnnk Davis of
Harlan, or; V. L. Mulvauy and W. J. Igo of
Wrenn, Oregon,
Any 'and all persons claiming adversely the
abnve-desorlbe.l land are requested to iile
their claims In this oltico on orbetoresaiil 24th
day of October. 1907.
Alokknon 8. Dresser, Register
Bids Wanted.
Bids will be received by the Lincoln
County Telephone Company for fur
uIhIiIiik and setting a line of teleDhone
poles from Elk City to Nortons. via the
old military road from Elk City to
Chitwood. Specifications can be had
on request. J. F. Stewabt,
Maunger. '