7 mmt. Volume XV. Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon. Friday, July 19. 1907. NTninler 21 QM7 , W. R. C. Anniversary. Abe Liucoln VV. U. C. No. 49 will celebrate ils silver anuiversaix on the evening of the 25th inst., at Woodmen Hall. A free entertainment will be given, aftef which refreshments will be served. ' , . PBOGHAM Music . Solo ..Miss Faith Stewart Address. President of W. R. C. - Mrs. Ella Stewait "At Retreat" A dramatic fancy 'of 18o5 Music. :. . . . Instrumental Piintomirae- A Country Courtship. Music ,.. Instrumental Tableau "Lest we Forget." Our Envious Metrop. ' Many citizens are going to the sea shore, not because driven from their homes in this city by heat, dust' and discontent, but siaiply because they want a change of scuo and occupation for awhile, lu point of fact, Portland is itself a summer resort, with beauty, comfort and healthf tiluess unsurpassed. Tub ch'kf pleasure, '.THrt t" sn'nZ away from it, 'is' found in the return, aftef a few weeks' absence in quest of that mocking phantom of modern life rest. OreKoniau. ' Notice to Bidders. Notice is hereby given that scaled bids wiil be received up to 9 o'clock a. m.of the 5th bf August, 1907, by the County Court of Lincoln county, Ore gon, for the furnishing and delivery of -5 cords of 4-foofvine nmpla wood and 5 cords of 4-foot old grow th fir wood. Said wood to be delivered at the Court house woodshed. The Court reserves the right to reject uuy or all bids. Dated this 8th day of J uly, 1007. .' Ira W"ai!!. County Clerk. Call for County Warrants. Notice is hereby given that I have funds on hand to pay all County War rants drawn ou the General Finn, and endorsed : "Not paid for want of funds" up to and Including August 8,xl!)05. Interest on said warrants to cease from and uffer this date. J. L. Hyde, County Treasurer. Dated at Toledo, Or., this 12th day of July, 1007. . - . Waldport' Real Estate Firm. If you wish to buy or still real estate, nee us. We are prepared to handle your business promptly and on satis factory 'jerms. ' Virgil IIowkll & Co.. . W aid port, Oregon. For Sale. Six grade Jersey and Shorthorn 2-year old heifers. Irvkn Maoke, EddyMlle, Or. . For Sale. 'Two good milch cows ; price reason able. K. Busch, Glen, Oregon Bargains for Readers. Here is our record-breaking offer: ; , RKGUl.AR OUR - price price Lincoln- County Leader, 81.501 to you Twice-a-Week Portland ' ( o or' Journal 1.50 (' 1 ' - 60 Pacific Monthly IJO) . Total for the three, $4.00 LicADK.it a nd Twice-a-Week Journal $1.75 LkadkkrikI Pacific Monthly... fl.GO For quantity aud quality this offer beats any other clubbing proposition ever offered to our readers. The Twice a-Week Journal contains all the important state, national and foreign news and an abundance of crisp editorial nud choice miscellany. The Pacific Mouthly is the best and most popnhir magazine published on the Pacific Coast jn fact, the best for the money in the world. 1 You cau't afford to turn down an offer like this. Now is tho time to sub scriberight now. NOTICK OF APPOINTMlNT. ' In the County Court o( lad State of Oregon, for tho County of Lincoln. In the matter of thacstato of reder Anderson, deceased. i Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has boen duly appointed administrator of he estate of I'eder Anderson, .deceased. All persons having claims against said ostato nre hereby notillcdto present tho sumo to mo, properly verilied, within six months of the 'date of tjbjs notice at my residunoe near 'i'c ledo,,Oregon. v Dated at Toledo, Oregon, July It!, 1907. ( I. A US OS.NF.S8, Administrator of' the estate of Pcder Ander- aon, deceased. Ladies' ready-to-wear clothes at Stew- arts. Tom Jackson of Siletz was in. the city yesterday. Surveyor Wygant, of Newport, was in the city yesterday. Best brands bf flour and feed at City .' ' . ,'LFlournhd Feed Store, ScbenckA Wade. Instrumental f ' - l" ' nuuimi xyiuuiiu visiung relatives aim menus iu iius city. The Olympic pancake flour is the best. Get it at the City Flour and Feed Store. Our former citizen, .T.J.Waggoner, now residing near Medford, - arrived yesterday evening for a visit with old friends. Until further notice there will be no Sunday services at the M. E. church. The pastor is taking a vacation in the interest of his health. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Rorick.of Guthrie Center, Iowa, arrived Wednesday even- ing for a visit with Rev. E. E. llorick ,aad family. The Messrs. Rorick are i : Kasimir Basch, of Drift "Creek, was in Toledo yesterday, making proof on a timber claim. His brother Julius anil Nathan Wnikins were with him as witnesses. Mrs. II. C. Jorgenson and daughter, Miss Dora, returned Monday ironi a visit in Portland. ' Mr. Jorgenson, who was in the metropolis on busiuess, re turned Tuesday. ' County Surveyor Jim Derrick, ac companied by Fred Weatherford of Al bany, combined business with trout fishing the fore part of the week in the Drift creek country. ' Walter Girard of Nortpus. who has bpen employed at Doty and Littell, Wash., for several months past, had business, iu Toledo yesterday. He ex pects to remove to Utah in th near future. Kasimir Busch of Drift creek dis covered something new under the sun a few days ago, viz., yellow elderberries. The red berries are plentiful and the blue found in some localities, but this is the first report of the yellow variety. Mrs. C, E. Hawkins and daughter, Miss Aileen, departed Saturday morn ing ior a visit with relatives iu San Francisco. Mrs. Hawkins will return in about two weeks, while Miss Aileen will prolong her visit until the middle of September. J. II. Blair, who has been living in Philomath during the past three years, was a Toledo visitor lapt Saturday, lie is now a citizen of Newport, Where his wife, who suffered a stroke of paralysis some time ago, i9 under the care of her daughter, Mrs. Ti Si. Carter. Elk City's baseball team came down to Toledo last Sunday and were defeated by the locals by a score of 7 to 4. It was a good, clean game better than the average. The Nashville team will hook uo with Toledo on the lntter's grounds next Sunday afternoon. O. B. DeLaurier, formerly principal of the Toledo sohools, and who went from here to Forsythe, Mont., is uow visiting his mother at. Long Prairie, Minn. tIIo didn't like, Montana and expects to rotnrn to Lincoln county "in the not distant future," as heexpressos it. . The "Fir and Spruce Lumber Com pany's schooner Vanguard will come iu one of these fine1 days -as koou as needed. The boat carries 375,000 feet of lumber and with this load draws 13 feet of water. The Curtiss Lumber Compaiiys steamer Legett is also booked for arrival in. the near future. Mrs. J. 11. Penn, who has been at Corvallis, with her husband for some time, was at their home in Yaquina during the past week making prepara tions to remove to Covallis. r. Penn' health is improving rapidly, but lie has decided to make his home in the Valley.' Mrs. Penn returned to Corvallis yesterday. ' N. L. McElwain departed Wednesday morning for "his homo at Inkster,rN. D. He. will get his affairs back there in ship-shape and then return to make his home heie. lie has purchased. tho Langhet place near the Olalla bridge and expects to settle down there and have the time of his life. He will be a large audvery welcome addition to our citizenship. , . . , Surprise Party. On the eveniug of the 11th inst a large bunch of our young people sprung a surprise party on Miss Aileen Hawkins. ' A delightful time' is re ported. Those preseut were : Misses Ethel Ross, Edith Ross, Nola Owen, Faith Stewart, Mary Hansen, Bertha Hoefleiii, Birdie Bradeson, Maud Horning, Agnes Krogstad, Ruth Ofsto dail and Estella Gannon. Messrs. Charlie Fox, Rex NeUon, Arthur. Nye, Fern Hayden, Willie Hoeflein, Willie Peterson, Carl Jorgeuson, George Jorgenson, Chauncey Hawkins and Clarence Of stedahl. Adventi3t Services. Elder Nettleton of the Adventist church began a series of meetings Wednesday evening in a tent near the Courthouse. The meetings will prob ably continue for two" or three weeks. Number 282. No. 282 drew the large doll at Mrs. Fish's store. Who holds that number? For Sale. Gray, Barley and Side oats, 50 cents per bushel, i John Kestta, Siletz, Or. New Golf and Negligee shirts at Stewart's. A new lot of Boys' Suits just arrived at Stewart's. Try that Olympic flour at the City Flour and Feed Store. Best flour on the .market. ' . . ' . ' Rev. and Mrs. P. J. Rinohart and daughter retained this morning from a visit at Newport. With the resignation of Gtiy W Talbot as general manager of the Cor vallis & Eastern Railroad company, which? was accepted Thursday, tho posi tions of general manager and assistant to the geperal manager have been abolished. . i This announcement was made yesterdayjn circulars, issued by J. P. O'Brien, general manager of the Harriman interests here aud president of the Corvallis 4 Eastoru. This move closely following the purchase of the Corvallis & Eastern by the Harriman interests is for the purpose of bring ing the management of the line more closely under the Portland offices. Following this change George F. Ncvins has been appointed general superin tendent of the Corvallis & Eastern and will have direct control of the line. Mr. Nevins has been assistant to Mr. Talbotuind the abolition of Mr. Talbot's office and Nr. Nevin's appointment as general superintendent is practically equivalent to Mr. Nevins appointment as general manager. Mr. Nevins will have charge of the Albany offices, where he has been stationed for several months. Another step in harmouizing the Corvallis. & Eastern with the re mainder of tho Harriman system in Oregon is the appointment of J. W, Newkirk as . treasurer of that road. Mr. JJewkirk is connected with the First National Bank of Portland, which is the depository of tho Harriman lines in lhis territory. The position of treasurer was also held by Mr Talbot, who severed his connection with, the Corvallis & Eastern to become vice-prei-iilout and general manager of the Oregon Electric Railway, the now Salem lino, Oregouian, July 13'. ' NOTICE FOR 1'UBLICATJON. U. 8. LandUfllce, Koseburg, Oregon, May iu, 1907. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1S7S, entitled "An act for the mUo of tlmbpr lands in the Htates of California, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the l'unlic Land Htates by act ot August 4, 1892, Klizabetli K. Small of Monta villa, county of Multnomah, stnto of Oregon, has this day Hied in this office her sworn state ment No. 8178, for tho purchase of tho Lots 19, 'JO. 21 nnd 22 of section 3 In township 14 south, range 10 w, and wi'I offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuaW" for its timber of Bione than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the County Clerk and Clcrlt of the County Court of Llnco'.ii county, Orugon, at hlsolllce nt Toledo, Oregon, on Monday, th 19th day of August, 1907. Hho names as witnesses: I Vlriilt Howell, J. It. Allen, Charles Webb of Waldport, Or.j J. Lewis Small of Montavilla. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims iu this ofllee on or licforernid 19th day o Auguit, 1907. "A , Benjamin L. Eddy, Register.' . It pays to trade across the street at Stewart's. O. M. Hatch of Albany is in Toledo this week. Dr. M. M. Davis nf Eugene is in the city today. I.J.Pepin bf Chitwood was in the city yesterday. Justice Robert DePoe was over from Siletz Wednesday. A. J. Warnock of Eddyville was in the city last night. Bob Troimon of Siletz returned yes terday from a trip to Portland. v Mrs. SI A. Pruett, of Vaquina, made a brief visit in the' city yesterday. Frank Priest of Newport passed home ward yesterday eveuing from a trip to the Valley. The deer season opened Monday. So far as heard from there have been no casualties iu the vicinity of Toledo. County Treasurer Hyde and Sheriff Ross have been on the sick rosier for several'days. Both are reported to be improving. Tom Coleman, the popular represent ative of Wadhams & Kerr Bros., of Port land, was taking orders from our mer chants Wednesday. The Toledo school board awarded to Thomas Gildersleeve the contract for building the additiou to the school house, the price being $2GC0. The build ing wi'I be ready for the opening of the fall term. NOTICE FOR I'l'KUCATION. U. 8. Land Ofllce, l'ortb.ind, Oregon, i . ' ' January 29, 1907. Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of i.'oiigrens of June(3, 1S78, entitled "An act for. tho sale of limber lands in the States of California, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," a extended to all the Public Land Htates by act of August J, IBM, J. Lewis Small of .Montavilla, county of Multnomah state of Oregon, has this day Hied In this onlce his swotn statement No. 7196, for the purchiise of tho se!i ot ne'i of sec tion 33, and gwj-i of swj of suction St in town ship 13 south, range 11 west, and will oter propf to show that the land soufht is more valuable for its timbor or stone than for agri cultural puriwses, aud to establish hi a claim to said land before the County Clerk of Lincoln county at Toledo, OrcKon.on Monday, the 19th dayof August, 1907. ' ( lie names as witnesses. ' Virgil Howell, J. K. Allen, Charles Webb f Waidpart, Or.; Elizabeth Small of Montavilla, Oregon. , Any and all persons clulming adversely the above described lands are requested to Hie iheir claims in this ofllee ou or before said 19iu day of August, 1907. Algk.hnon'h. Drti!Hj'.it, Register. NOT1CK FOR 1TI11.ICATION. U. li. Land Office, Kosebuig, Oregon. May; 7, 191)7. Notice is hereby gtvun that in compliance with the provisions of an act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the aula of timber lands In the stHtes of Califoi'.iia, Ore gon, Nevada and Washington Turrltory," as extended to all the Public Lund States by ar.t of August 4, 1892, Charles K. Scott of Victor, county of Itavalli, state of Mntitaua, tiled In this ofico ou January .'II, 1907, his sworn statement No. 81S0, for tlio purchase of the ti sy'4 and w''scli of section ."3 in. tow slip 14 s, mnge 9 vr, and will oilVr proof to show that the land sought in morevaluablo for its timber or stone than for aKrii'iiltural pin -pses, end to establish his claim to said land before the County Clerk and Clerk of County Court of Lincoln county at hisoltlco at Toledo, Oregon, on Tuesday, tho 20th day of August, 1907.. ) lie names as witnesses: Alexander 1 Rnss'and I). M. Ross, Jr., both of Box, Or.; Thomas II. Ilanbidge and Joseph Appnlonln, both of Victor, Montana. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to lilt their claims in this utlli e on or before snTd 20th day of August, 1907, Itr.N-UMiN L. Kniiv, Register. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Olllce, Roscburir, Oregon, May Hi, 1!07. Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress ol June 3, 1878, entitled "An act fi-r t lie sale ot limber lands in the Status of c'ulilorn iu , Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,'' as extended to all the Public Land stales by act of August 4,18ft!, J. Lewis Small of Mmiliivillu, county of MuJtnnmah, state of Oregon, has this day tiled in this oil ice his sworn statoineut No. 7271 for tho purchase of thclnts2and :l, sec tion 4, in township 14 s. range 11 w, and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is moro valuable for Its timber or stone than for agri cultural pnrposes, and loestabllshhls clnlm to said laud before the County Clerk and Clerk of the County Court of Lincoln county, Oregon, at Toledo. Oreifnn, on Monday, the 19th day of August, 1907. llo nniiios a wllnca-e-: Virgil Howell, J. It. Allen. Charles. Webb ol Waldport, Or.: Klizubeth Small of Montavilla, Oregon. Any and all lersons clulming adversely the above-doscrlbcd liu.ds are requested to ille their claims iu this oftico ou or before said 19th day of August, law. ( . 1 , Benjamin L. Eddy, Register. Hog vs. Dog. A writer in an agricultural paper ..mil i .... j l , l onjra. nai your uog ana ouy yourself . - . mi. . . .. , i pig, iuo scraps you teea to a uog would, if fed to a pig, net you a neat little sum every year." ' : ' Yes, kill your dog-kill him., you -brute. And then, aftor you have mur- ., dered the noblest and best friend man ever had In all the animal kingdom, buy yourself a pig. It will be a more fitting companion for a nian of 'your type. Then, when you rotnrn at night, ' worn out with the toil of the day r , harassed by the worries of business cares, expect your pig tocome bounding out to meet you, to lick your hand in welcome, whilo his whole body quivers with the joy his poor dumb soul feels at being in your presence ; and when you lie clown to sleep expect youjpig to guard your couch, a faithful sentinel who would gladly lay down his life be fore he would suffer barm to yon or yours, or wben misfortune overtakes .. you, or some great sorrow comes upon you and you feel thai you have been forsaken by heaven and deserted by every human triend, and you bit in silent grief and misery in the solitude of your room, expect your pig to steal r softly to your side and lay his head in silent sympathy upon your knee while' his great, honest, soulful eyes look up in your own with a mute eloquence and truth moro potent than might be por trayed by human language, and that says: "No matter what may bo your sorrow, your misfortune, or even your disgrace, I will share it witli you, J will, ' gladly stay by your side to the end." And then then, yon contemptible, miserable,, misfit caricature on the name of man if you find that your pig falls in this, you can at least satisfy you i sordid, degraded and shriveled soul with tho knowledge that by murdering , your faithful dog becauso your dastard- ly greed begrudged him the few scraps he eats, you are able to soil your pig for a pitiful pittance, that i mow precious to your avaricious soul than would bo the life blood of your divided dumb friend and faithful protector.- - Ex. . ' Hogs for Sale. 20 head, composed of sow and pig--, shouts and one large inslo; on Little' Elk, by flic undersigned. T. N. Ahmstuo.Vg, , Viddyvilh', Oregon. ' -4 Boy Wanted. A whistle boy at Dunn's logging Camp Fin & Spacer. Lumber Co. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. t S. Land Olllce, Portland, Oregon,' May 29, 1907. Notice is hereby given that In enmiillancii with the provisions of the act of Congrts ol Juno 8, 1H7S, entitled "An act for the sale ot timber lands In the States or California', Ore gon Nevada, and Washington Territory," as ' extended to all tho Public Land stales by act of August 4, 1892, Rain . Russell or Falls City, county of Polk, slule of Oregon, has this da) tiled In this olllce bis swrn stale- mem No. 7111, for the purchase ol the s) of so'' section 20, township 9 a, range 8 w, and wlrt oiler proof to show . that the ' hind sought is more valualilo for lis timber or slono Hutu , . for agilcultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said lind before the County Clerk at Dallas, Oregon, on Monday, the lath day of September, 1907. ' 1 In n am es us w 1 1 nesscs : William McLaughlin, lliirdy Phelps of Falls City, Or.; V. V. Fuller of Pallas, Or.: V. A. i'.lllott of Newberg, Oregon. Any and nil persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to (llo ' their claims In this olllce ou or before said 101 It day of September, 1907. v Alokiinok H. i'ttKssKti, Register,' iy NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION, t'. S. Ijatid ottlco, Portland. Oregon, May 21, 1907. Notice li hereby aivea that In comulauco With the provisions of lliu act of Congress ot June 8. 1878, cntl. led, "An act for tho sale nt timber lan'dsin tho States of California, Ore-' gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as cxtoiirlud to all tho Public Land States by act August 4, 1M92, Boriha M. O'Bi len of Ar.gorn ' county of Lincoln stale of Oregon, has this day tiled lit thisomVc her sworn statement NiV ' 74IV2, forthn purchase of the e'ij of sw'i and Lots 3 mid 4 of section 'M In township 13 sonll -rango 8 west,. anil will oiler proof to show that tho laud sought Js more valnnblo for Uh timber or stone thaii foraa ricultural purposes. . ami to establish her clnlm to ntd land before" the Rcglstet and Iteceivcrat Portland, Oregon, on Wednesday, the lull day of September, 1907. She names as witnesses: , James O'Bilen, James K. o Bneny Floyd Cams, of Angura, Or. ; Fred M. Cunk of-Portland, Oregon. , Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to 'lib their datum In thlk otllce oh or before said UtV ' ' day of September, P!07.' ' ' ' A t.OKltNON S. IqiKSsEH, Register. ' v ' I - i ' 'I i-if.. ., - t i.-- .