More Prejudice. Confidential Friend Didn't the Idea Ter occur to jou that you ought to um a part of your wealth in endowing a school for Journalism?" Wealthy Politician (with exceeding bit terness) No ! The idea has occurred to me a thousand times that I'd like to endow a school for the suppression of Journalism ! Chicago Tribune. Persuaalre. Musical Critic That new star of yours has a good enough voice, but she doesn'i know how to use it. ' -. Comic Opera Manager That only shows how little you know about her voice. You ought to hear how magnifi cently she can use it when the box office Is a little late in paying her weekly salary. CLASSIFIED ADS XOTICE The following announcements sre from leading business men and firms, and are well worthy your careful reading. The list may contain just UK proposition you are look ing for.- REAL ESTATE 110.00 DOWN-110.00 MONTHLY Bend In for booklet describing onr guaranteed investment at JamJeson Park, a suburb oi An Investment here enjoys all the security and protection offered by a savings bank or life insurance l ompany, but the returns will net irom 50 per teut to 100 per cent on the in vestment. Let us mail you full particulars; a postal card will bring them. , BABCOCK A MOSS Belling Agents Spokane, Washington -- National Bank, Kef. EAST GREEN ACRES The only tracts on the market where you can contract to sell vour crop. Ten trains a day. Abundance of water. Price 11.50.00 per acre tasy payments come in or write for particu lars. BEECHER A THOMPSON Spokane, Washington. 110 Stevens ARCADIA ORCHARD TRACTS. (10.00 a month will buy you a t5.000.00 bear ing orchard. We clear, plow, plant. Irrigate and care for your orchard four years. The fruit will make your payments aftar that. Postal card will bring free book. ARCADIA Bpokane Washington If yon are ttreO of Inns- cold winters and want to live where vegetables grow the year round, wwp, seuiuieuiary sou. irrigaiea, rail, river and electric transportation, excellent markets, nM,IU WUOS.1CU LOS MOLIN08 LAND CO. " Los Molinas Tehama County California WE BUY Timber Lands from owners BPABJC8 BRO., H Bernard, Spokane, Wash. Coeur d'Alene Reservation will open soon; choice land 25 miles from SDokana. Cnenr d'Alene Reservation Agency, 17-18 Exchange , OAlene Keservatlon Age ' building, Bpokane, WasB. HOLD UP! and consider ft If N -2 W asjt.ew VI J1 'w A J 17 fhw wtifi Town OMAMAH JPJL POMMEL LIKE ALL TOW WATERPROOF CLOTHING. limade of thrbrsl mlai&siliirksTJtlow Julflurantctisnd sold b' rniiwt dfdwswrnwitn T 3TICKT0THC SIGN 0FTHE FISH 'MUslim KJTOWCR CO. aft,uiAj A MUSICAL EDUCATION NOT NECESSARY , THE REMEDY: 71X180 STAND AED OP TIJEB. How Nation Suit the Convenience of the Traveling Public. The whole German empire has a uni form time, adopted April 1, 1893, the central European time, so called, which Is exactly one hour faster than the time of the Greenwich meridian. The same standard Is In use la Austria, Hungary, Italy, Switzerland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden that Is, In all the countries which are traversed some where near their center from east to west by the fifteenth meridian east of Greenwich. The West European time is the time of the Greenwich meridian and la used In England, Holland, Belgium, ,Lum embourg and Spain. France out of na tional vanity holds to the time of Paris both for herself and for her colonies In Algiers and Tunis, although this time Is only nine minutes faster than Greenwich time. It Is a peculiar cir cumstance that the French, who are called "behind the times" in many things, should persist so obstinately in being a few minutes-ahead of the En glish on the clock. The East European time is tne same as the time of St Pe- tereburg, which is two hours, one mln ute ana tnirteen seconds faster than Greenwich time. This standard Is used, in European Russia, Turkey In Europe, Koumania and Burgaria In Cape Colony the railway standard time Is an hour and a half faster than Greenwich time, in Japan nine hours faster. Australia has four different stand' ards East Australia, eight hours fast er than Greenwich; South Australia, nine Hours; Victoria, Queensland and Tasmania, ten hours, and New Zealand, eleven and one-half hours. The division of the day Into twenty- four hours (from one midnight to an other) has been officially established in Italy, Belgium, Canada and British In dla. At present, however, only for use in railway and telegraphic communlca tion. in tne United States the railroad time is divided Into four zones, called eastern, central, mountain and Pacific, which, reckoned from east to west, are exactly five, six, seven and eight hours lower than Greenwich time. These standards have also been officially adopted In Canada. The necessity of adopting a uniform tandard of tlme-wlth which the local time of all places may be compared had been felt for many years in the United States and became urgent with the In crease of facilities for communication. The differences of local time arise front the use of solar motion as a time meas urer. We call the time noon when the sun Is opposite the meridian of the place where we are living, and, as a conse quence of the sun's apparent motion from east to west the more easterly of two places will have the earlier time, the difference In hours being exactly one-fifteenth of the longitudinal differ noe In degrees. In other words, 15 de grees of longitude correspond to a time difference of exactly one hour, as there are 300 degrees In the earth's circum ference, which divided by twenty-four hours gives 15 degrees to an hour. Jewelers' Circular-Weekly, Trust Doctors ill! & A. B. CHASE PLAYER-PIANO Dom not enlarge the instrument or change style of ease; mechanism all below keyboard; operates piano action abstract direct, and precisely as regular piano keys do, seouring the same expression as the artist can by hand; can be entirely removed from the piano in five mlnutes's time, and that without the use of a sorew driver. Writ for Free Booklet SHERMAN CLAY & CO. SPOKANE, Wash, SEATTLE, Wash. PORTLAND, Oregon The Crltlo at the Keys. Types and typewriters are prone to error, as every editor knows. A Kan sas paper tells of a lawyer who dic tated to his stenographer the phrase, "being the direct result of an act of God." In the typewritten copy he found, "being the direct result of an active God." A writer of fiction who deals with the life of Kentucky and Tennessee moun taineers had an even more amusing ex perlence, which the New York Evening Post records. She had encountered great dfficulty in finding a stenograph' er who combined technical skill with a reasonable degree of . Intelligence. One young lady after another was tried. Finally appeared one of supe rior demeanor and looks, whose queen ns:e seir-possession seemed to bode well. In the 'course of their first session the author dictated considerable dia logue in the characteristic slovenly dia lect of the mountaineers, and among other phrases this one: "Hit's him !" When the "clean copy" wag placed before her, she found this colloquial Ism rendered as: "It is he." . And all the rest of the dialogue was similarly "corrected." The second ses sion with the queen-like stenographer was postponed indefinitely. P. N. U. No. 19-07 I TTTHEN writing? to advertisers please I f mention this paper. . - Roeke that Float la Water. A geologist who Is well up In his business can name a dozen or twenty different specimens of rocks and min erals that have less specific gravity than water, and which will, if tossed Into that element, float on the surface. Hubellte Is one of the best known rep resentatives of that class. The common pumice stone Is another example. The rock with the very least specific grav ity known la damari, a substance found In an extinct Tolcano In Damaraland. Its atomic weight Is .5, or exactly one bait that of hydrogen. If you arc suffering from impure blood, thin blood, de bility, nervousness, exhaus tion, you should begin at once with'Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the Sarsaparilla you have known all your life. Your doctor knows it,too. Askhimaboutit. Ton must look well after the condition of your liver and bowels. Unless there is dally action of the bowels, poisonous products are absorbed, causing; headache, biliousness, nau. sea, dyspepsia, and thus preventing the Sar saparilla from doing its best work. Ayer's Villa are liver pills. Act Kent ly. nil vegetable. The dose is ouljr one pill at bedtime. y J. O. Ayer Co., Lowell, yers manufaoturere of 9 HAIR VIQ0R. AflLE CURE. CHERRY PECTORAL. The only two great European capitals that never have been occupied by a for eign foe are London and St. Petersburg. In China and gome parts of India the finest tea costs only 6 or 8 cents a, pound. Getting? Hie Measar. Aunt Fllura was preparing soup for dinner, when one of the neighbors hap pened In on a borrowing errand. "Why, Aunt Fllura, Isn't that an un usually large soup-kettle?" asked the caller, wltba calcualting glance at the stove on her passage across the kitchen. "If you're Just looking at the kittle, it does seem plumb sizable," said Aunt Fllura, calmly; "but when yon cast your looks on the extents and pliabili ty of my Enoch's mouth, I reckon 'twon't look any too large, that kittle won't" v Properly Cenaored. "When Maxim Gorky dined with me," said a literary New Yorker, "he talked about the Russian censorship. "lie said that In the course of the Russo-Japanese war he had occasion In an article to describe the headquarters of one of thp grand dukes. He wrote of these headquarters, among other things: " 'And over the desk of his highness's tent Is a large photograph of Marie la Jambe, the beautiful ballet dancer.' "Before this article could appear, the censor changed that sentence to : " 'And over the desk of bis highness's tent is a large map of the theater of war.'" The lighthouse at Corunna, Spain, la believed to be the oldest oae now in use, It was erected during the reign of Tra jan, and rebuilt in 1031. Banking by Mai WE tAY INTEREST On savings deposits of a dollar or more, compounded twice every year. It is ju9t as easy to open a Savings Account with us by Mail as if you lived next door. Send for our free book let, "Banking by Mail," and learn lull particulars'. Addres Oregon Trust & Savings Bank Portland, Oregon Sixth and Washington Sts. I One oi the Important Duties oi .Physicians and the Well-informed of the World la to learn as to the relative standing and reliability of the leading manufactur ers of medicinal agents, as the most eminent physicians are the most careful as to the uniform quality and perfect purity of remedies prescribed by them, and it is well known to physicians and the Well-Informed generally that the California Fig Syrup Co by reason of its correct methods and perfect equipment and the ethical character of its product has attained to the high standing in scientific and commercial circles which is accorded to successful and reliable houses only, and, therefore, that the name of the Company lias become a guarantee of the excellence of its remedy. TRUTH AND QUALITY appeal to the Well-Informed in every walk of life and are essential to permanent suc cess and creditable standing, therefore we wish to call the attention of all who would enjoy good health, with its blessings, to the fact that it involves the question of right living with all the term implies. With proper knowledge of what is best each hour of recreation, of enjoyment, of contemplation and of effort may be made to contribute to that end and the use of medicines dispensed with generally to great advantage, but as in many instances a simple, wholesome remedy may be invaluable if taken at the proper time, the California Fig Syrup Co. feels that it is alike important to present truthfully the subject and to Bupply the one perfect laxative remedy which has won the approval of physicians and the world-wide acceptance of the Well-informed because of the excellence of the combination, known to all, and the original method of manufac ture, which is known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only. This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known tinder the name' of Byrup of Figs and has attained to world-wide acceptance as the most excellent of family laxatives, and as its pure laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well known to physicians and the Well-informed of the world to be the best of natural laxatives, we have adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna as more fully descriptive of the remedy, but doubtlessly it will always be called for by the shorter name of Syrup of Figs and to get its beneficial effects always note, when purchasing, the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. plainly printed on the fijont of every package, whether you simply call for Syrup of Figs or by the full name--Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna as Syrup of Ifigs and Elixir of Senna is the one laxative remedy manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. and the same heretofore known by the name Syrup of Figs which has given sat isfaction to millions. The genuine is for sale by all leading druggists throughout the United States in original packages of one size only, the regular price of which is fifty 1 cents per bottle. " ' Every bottle is sold under the general guarantee of the Company, filed with the Secretary of Agriculture, at Washington, D. C, that the remedy is, not adulterated or misbranded within the meaning of the Food and Drugs Act, June 30th, 1906. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. Louisville, Ky. m Ban Francisco, CaL U. S. A. London, England, PUTNAM FADELESS DYES ".e b''5,; mni ,!a8Ur.color B"B ny otne1r ' 0n 10c Pae colors silk, wool and cotton equally well ami Is IY1 "- ,v, prfec """" dealer, orwe will send post paid 10c package. Write lor free booklet bow to dye. bleach and mix colore. MONROE DRUG CO- llnlonville. Missouri. " The deepest sounding yet made in tha oceans is said to be in the Aidrich deep, to the east of New Zealand. Here the sea Is 30,930 feet deep. Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnslnw's fWtMn Byrup the bst remedv to use for their chiidrea luring the teething period. The new Belgian military system, es tablished on the basis of voluntary con scription, has already proved a failure. riTA Bt. Vitas' Dance and all Nervous filawasea l Id permanently cured by Or. Kline's Urrat Nerve Restorer. Send far FREE 12 trial bottla and treatise, lit. H. H. Kline, Ld., au Arch bu, PhUa-.l'a. Switzerland has twenty-five anowshoa dubs, with 800 members. iafflnst and Irn fSTloa Plants Waterloo WsU Drill Built eepeoinlly for wor in the northweet. Drill Ina and tiihinff tools. VteoArrjrs lima stook Write usnll your marhin nrywtiiits. Well drillers contraot blanks free REIERSON SIAOBINERT OOMrAHY, HJ-S-I Hot H.o.) St.. "VrMiw",. r. FREE The latest details concern I nir the construe. tion of the "Clilcafro- New York Air Line Rail road" will be found In the "Air Line News," which can be had free of any expense by writ ing the SOUTHWESTERN SECURITIES CO. Portland, Oregon. HURT, BRUISE OR SPRAIN THE OLD-MONK-CURE RELIEVES FROM PAIN Price 25c and SOe mi The Portland Tile and Mantel Go. you particulars about Will be triad to irlve Its beautiful -Ceramic, Mosaic, Knameled and Kncaustlo Tile, wholesale and retail. Write today. JAMES f. BARKER, Prop. 217 Marquam Bldf. Portland, Oregon m mT m u st w,ljv-sBsjasssssssssss M I .J I fL?? k 1 J la al Lia at i I f lawii ii T r m BRING, YOUR TOOTH TROUBLES TO US Before Going Elsewhere. DR. B; E. WRIGHT. U2M Washington St. Portland, Oregoe As Cheap it Can Bi Bought In tha East Dslivary Much Quicker Writs Us Today