XtncoInCountsXca&er OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER CHARLES F. SOULE, n ADA E. SOULE, Phopriktorb. Entered at the postodlce at Toledo, Oregon, u second-class mail matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES , One Year - $1 50 Six Months - - 75 Three Months - 50 Council Proceedings. Toledo, Or., May 6, 1907. The Common Councii-of the city of Toledo met in regular session. Pres ent Mayor Sonlo, Councilm en Avery, A. T. Peterson, Gaither, Rosebrook, Croaiio, Recorder Krogstad. Absent Councilman II. E. Peterson. Minutes of last session read and ap proved. Ordinance No. 59, relating to plank ing of Fourth street, passed by unan imous vote, 1 Ordinance No. 60, relating to assess ment against property affected by the plunking of Fourth street, passed by unanimous vote. The committee on Ordinance was in structed to prepare and present at next Nuesiou an ordinance providing for 10 foot planking on Fourth street between railroad track and west side of Hill street. On motion it was ordered that th County Surveyor be employed tore establish grade on Hill street between north side of Eighth street; also to es tablish grade on Dnle street. Ou motion the ' Recorder was in structed to notify by publication all property owners along contemplated improvement of Catherine street from First etreet south to city limits. On motion committee on Fire and Police was instructed to look after the matter of a proper gauge on water tank of Toledo Wator Company. Following claims wereallowed : Toledo Wuter Co, hydrant rent for April. .$90.00 .loo A Hill, Marshal' salary 10 01 0 O KrofjHtnd, Recorder's salary s 00 Lincoln County Leader, irintln 12 CO v On motion committee on Fire and Police was authorised to have insnr ance placed upon City Hall and fire apparatus at best rate obtainable in some safe company, Ou motion Council adjourned. Otto O. Krogstad, Recorder. Ordinance No. 59. An Ordinance for permanently improv ing Fourth street from east side of Hill street to west side of Graham street. Ho it Ordained by the Common Council of the City of Toledo: Sec. 1. Fourth street shall be planked from east side of Hill street to west side of Graham street with plank 4 iuchos wide, 3 inches thick and 12 feet long, laid 1 incli aparU Bee. 2. Thoro Rhall be used 3 string ers 3x6 inches, laid in Hat side and im bedded in ground. All lumber must be of fir. Sec. 3. 8aid plank shall be laid iu center of Fourth street, and decking laid as provided in section 1 arid se curely nailed to the three stringers with not less than No. 30 spikes.' p Sec 4. That Fourth street shall be graded by property owners abutting KHid street to conform to grade and pro tile filed oliice of City Recorder March 1, 1907. prior to laying said plank road on siid btreet. 0 Sec. 5. Said penuauent improvement Miall bo completed within 90 days from time this Ordinauce goes into effect and be subject to the conditions pro vided, for in section 31 of City Charter. Sec. 0. Owing to bad condition of said street and heavy travel on same, this Ordinance shall be in force una effect after its publication or posting, us re quired by law. Passed by the Common Council of the City of Toledo, Oregon, aud approved this 0th day of May, 1907. C. F. Soule, Mayor. Attest: Otto O. Krocbtad, Recorder. Ordinance No. 60. An Ordinance to levy assessments on lots abutting Fourth street between east side of Hill aud west side of Graham streets, for grading and planking said street. lie it Ordained by the Common Couucil of the City of Toledo : Sec. 1. That the following .sums be . assessed upon lots and blocks herein- after described to provide a fuud for grading and planking Fourth street between east side of Hill and'wesl side of Graham streets:. M. L. Trapp Lots 1, 2 and 3. block 6. Graham's 4th addition, $49. Unknown Lot 4, block C, Graham's 4',h addition, $18..TO.N A. W, 15agley-Lot 5, block G, Gra ham's 4th addition. $21. G. Olson -WtiKl 14 lot G, block C, Gr ham's 4ih addition, $U. A. T. Peterson-Lots 7 and 8 and of lot 9, l)lock 12, Graham's 8th addi tion, $49. George Hall East lot 9 and lot 10, block 12, Graham's 6th addition, $54. N. Anderson Lot 1 and w of lot 2, Mock .8, Gtabatn' 4th addition, $23.2$. II. Lewi- East lot 2 End lot 3, block 8, Graham's 4th addition. 823 25. Fir and Spruce Lumber Co. Lot 4, block 8, Graham's 4th addition, $15 50. John Turnidge-Lot 5, block 8, Gra ham's 4th addition, $15 50. J. L. Hyde Lots and 7, block 8, Graham's 4th addition, $31. Episcopal chnrch Lots 8 to 12 in clusive, block 9, Graham's 4th addi tion, $77.50. Al Waugh Lots 13 and 14, block 9, Graham's 4th addition, $31. Sec. 2. That the assessments made and levied as above become due and payable 90 days from date of publica tion or posting of this Ordinance and are subject to the conditions provided in City Charter, sections 31 to 51, in clusive. Sec. 3. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its publication or posting. Passed by the Common Council of the City of Toledo, Oregon, and approved this 6th day of May, 1907. C. F. Socle, Mayor. Attest : Otto O. Kbogstao, Recorder. Proposed Street Improvement. All persons owning property adjacent to Catberiue street from First street south to city limits, Toledo, Oregon, are hereby notified that the Common Coun cil of this city contemplates ordering permanent improvements made upon said street. If there be auy objectiou to said improvement, remonstrance must be filed with the City Recorder ou or before May 20, 1907. Otto O. Krogstad, City Recorder. Memorial Day. The local G, A. R. Post will observe Memorial Day in the usual manner. The public schools and civic societies are cordially iuviied to ptti'Uclpa'u.-. Program and particulars later. For Sale. Team young mares, weight 1000 aud 1100 pounds, wagon aud harness, $280; also one heavy work mare, $75. En quire at J. C. Dixon's, Elk City, Or. NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION'. D. 8. Land Office, Portland, Oregon, April 19, 1907. . Notice ii hereby given that In compliance with the provision o( the act ot Congress of . Jane 3, 1878, entitled, "An act (or the sale of 1 timber lands in the Stntea of California, Ore-1 gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," aa extended to all the Public Land Slate by act of August 4, 89., Kaslmlr Bunch, of tilen, county of Lincoln, state of Oregon, has this day filed in this olfieehts sworn atatemfnt ro. 7382, for the purchase of the se of nei sec tion 22, and i of of section 23 in wwn ahip 12 s, range 10 w, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than ior agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land boforo the County Clerk of Lincoln county at Toledo, Oregon, on Thursday, the 18th dry of July, 1907. He names as witnesses: Nathan J. Watkius, Julius Bnsch, J. T. Calkins, all of Glen, Oregon; J. C. Altree of Toledo, OreKOU. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file tbelr claims in this office on or before said 18tb day of July, 1917. , alukbnoM S. Drbsskr, Register. FOR A FULL LINE OF Furniture Trunks Quilts Window (Shades Coffins Stoves. SuitCases' Blankets. Lace Curtains Caskets Cooking Utensils Telescopes Pillows Etc. Robes GOTO A. ROSEBROOK S ft THOS. LEESE j, resident, tli 1 I- J. C. DUDLEY. Vice President. M. 8CAKTH, Tl 9 Cashier. NOTICE FOR J'CBLICATION. U. 8. Land Office, Portland. Oregon, April 19, 1907. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 8, 1878, er. ti led "An act for the sale of timber lands in the Stales of California, Ore gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as ex tended to alljlie Public Land States by act of August 4. 1892, Fred E. Keene, of Lebanon, county of Linn, state of Oregon, hag this day filed In this office his sworn statement No. 7176, for the purchase of the nwJi of sec tion 32 in township 12 a, range 8 w, and wt.i ofi'er proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the County Clerk of Benton county, at Corvallis, Oregon, on Tucs clay, tueJoimjuy 01 Juiy.iau. . lie names as witnesses: Thomas J. .earns of Corvallis, Or.; E. W. Allen of Philomath, Or.; Wesley January of Ilarlan, Or.; U. G. Keene of Lebanon, Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this otlice on or before said liith day of July, 1907. . . ALiiKBNON S. Dkksskr, Register. Responsibility 875,000 I ' Transacts a General Banking Business Interest Paid ou Time Deposits Exchange Sold on All Points State, County and School Warrants Bought Principal Correspondent : PORTLAND Canadian Bank of Commerce, London and San Fran- jj ) cisco Bank, Ltd. r I) SAX FRAXCISCO-London and San Francisco Bank, Ltd. NEW YORK-J. P. Morgan & Co. 'A CHICAGO First National Bank. r LONDON, ENG. London and San Francisco Bank, Ltd.' life , J INHERITED INDIAN LAND FOR SALE AT SILETZ, OREGON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That bids will be received for the sale of the following described inherited Indiana lands, situated and being in Lincoln County, Oregon, as per schedule herein set forth, to-wit: ' ,IKI1W ' 8UB" 3 Acres Date Date Bid mvistoNs a V ; Acres Ligted 0p(jneJ Shasta Costa S-ara eeswJi.'swswtf 21 ' 9' 9 80 Feb. 25, 1007 May 27, 1907 Mary Dick et al irj nwjj 29 A 10 SO ' BeiiHell Orton ct al Lots 27, 28, 29 aid 30 17 10 10 8(t ' William Dick Lots 10, U, 12, 22 and 28 23 6 11 81.22 " ' Isaac Washington ojjiiwji 12 10 10 80 " John Spencer etui. swU ne and lot 4 29 9 11 andse)4ne.'i 32 11 110.03 " ' John Baxter et al Lots 19, 20, 80 and 31 24 0 11" 76 83 ' " Henry Hell vt wj.$ nw'4 9 10 9 , ' and J4 e! nel-i 8 10 9 80.90 ' Nellie Johnson etal s'4 nej-i 8 10 10 Ml ' Kogue Kiver Jack wj aw 12 10 9 80 . " . , Rogne River Jack wuw 10 10 9 80 '" ' William Aleck Lots 20, 29 and 80 9 7 11 and lots 27 and 28 3fi 6 11 73.05 s 4 Juno I'uyne licnseU ne'4, wj seJ4 4 11 10 100.O2 ' CoquiUe Thompson. . . ,w,; nvf4 n(s',i, ne bw and lot 12 1 .7 11 83.12 CoquiUe Thompson., .e nw!-i nwi, neJi nwj-i , , ' andwj nwJneJ4 27 9 '9 80 CoquiUe Thompson esw". 22 9 9 80 Coquillo Thompson wne)4nw 82 6 10 ; andlotS2se;4 25 0 11 4) ' Mary Harding lots 22 and 23 & 10 9 andswncVi. 7 10 9 80- Anna Tocumsch n4 nwj ncjij 33 9 l nwj-i nwJ4 35 9 9 ; ' n swW iw 26 9 80 ' ' ' linoch Fisherman sw1 2 20 4 160 vMar. 18. 1907. .T,m 17 mm Jake Foarn nei 8 22 4 160 " : Jake Fearii 8W '4 22 4 160 ' " Jake ream soi 4 22 4 160 ' Jake Fearn Lots 1 and 2 and sj. ne'4 4 22 , 4 154.37. 1 ... ' Jake Kearn .oJi uwi'.nesw and nwncJ4 34 . 23 4 160 " " Jake Fearn sw4 10 22 4 160 ' ' ' Joseph Cook Lots 17, 18. 19 and 20 3 10 10 80 ." Catherine Fall-child . .ne'i se4 and lot 3 S2 9 11 80.67. "- " William Klamath..' Lots 8 and 4 7 10 9 82.10 ! William Klamath. tJ4 BwJi 7 10 9 80 ". " " ' Charlos Johnson Lot 9. R 10 9 , and seVi and u swj no 4 10 9 80 ' " . Ada Arden, et al,... Lots 4, 5, 12 and 13 8 10 10 80 " Ada Arden, et al Lot 1, e1 hw nw'4 and wli ne4 nwi 17 ' 9 11 ' '. ' and Lot 2 18 9 11 82.53 " Archie Johnson ...ejsw 31 9 9 80 ' " Martha Johnson ei4liel4 26 9 9 80 ' " Martha Johnson Lots 29, 30. 31 and 32 28 9 9 80 " ' " Alary Callahan, etal :....wji nwnw 27 9 9 neVi ne'4 and ctf nw ne!4 28 v . 9 9 . 80 " " Joshua Louie, et nl s lots 18 and 14, and 1 v ' lots 10, 15, 16 and 17 15 9 10 81.38 April 15, 1907 July. 15, 1907 Joshua Louie, et al .lots 4, 5 and 6 10 and n',4 lots 18 and 14 and lots Hand 12 15 9 10 71.68 . 1 William Klamath, etal,.... lots 18, 19, 30 and 31 31 9 9 80 ' KingKippen w seJi 5 10 9 80 " ' " , King Rippen swj.f lot 8, wJi lot 9 and lot 16 8 ' ' ' and w w lot 13.. 9 10 9 81.S7 " " Nellie M. White, el al .. . . . . . .ne; nej, 11 and se! bw.'4 2 10 9 80 " " , Nellie M. White, et al nwj neVi 11 andswjse.1 2 10 9 80 " " Eliza Albert ul-s bwJ4 27, 9 9 (0 " " Eliza Albert, K.' j,' so! nej, nesol, n)i seseli 22 9 9 80 " Eliza Albert, aw tm4 nxt'i soj-i, and Hli swJ4 se1 22 9 . 9 1 80 ' " " John Albert.... .lot 5 and sw( nej 17 8 10 78.13 " " Mary Callahan, et al, n sJ.J so)4 22 ' aud n' ne aud e nw4 nej 27 9 9 80 " n Louie Fuller lots 29, 80, 31 and 31 36 6 11 80 " " Mary Wilbur, etal sesw f2 8 It 40 April 22, 1907 July 22, 1907 Mary Wilbur, etal, Loti 12, 18, 14 and 15 29 9 10 ' SO .' Minnie Metcalf. et al Lots 23, 21,25 and 26. 17 10 ,10 80 " " Winnlo MeValf, etal,. eise 18 10 lio 80 " " Said bids will bo received up to 12 o'clock, uoon, of the various days upon which they are listed to bo opened In above schedule, and must be enclosed in sealed envelopes directed to Knott C. Egbert, Superintendent, Siletz, Oregon. Envelopes containing such bids should not have noted thereon the description of ill lands to which the bids relate, but there shall be noted on such envelopes the date upon which the bid is to be opened. Bidders should Bubmit a draft on some Portland bank; otherwise remit. enough to cover exchange on outside wnks. , KNOTT C. EGBERT, , Supt, a.id Special DisbursiiiAgent, in Gbarga ot Siletz Agency, Oregon, M. N. Anderson Proprietor Toledo Livery and Feed Stable Good Rigs and well-broken saddle horses. Special attention given to Traveling Men. Horses boarded by clay, week or month CITY DRAY IN CONNECTION h () FURNITURE Carpets and Linoleum Mail Orders Promptly Filled . Satisfaction Guaranteed IsT. T. PRATT 109-111 w. First St., ALBANY, OREGON mnn empire cream, separator is iijc oiiiipicii vream separator manulaetured today. It has the Lightest Bowl, with the Fewest Number of Parts. If you want jx Separator that wears and will not get out of order every time you use it, take the EMPIRE. The Simplicity, Easy Running, Few Pans to Clean, Ease of Adjustment and Repair Features appeal to all. v FOR SALE BY I Gardner & Jorgenson J - Toledo, Oregon gj- ttisaaiKmMiwiiiw M' v'..n..a.Ki0aWWKWaiia T C. J. SMITH ESTATES DEALER Tidewater, Oregon Phone I.! ' . If you wish to buy or sell giW me a call I HAVE FOR SALE Farm at bead of tide on Alsoa rivr, 102 ncree. 40 acreH grass, nearly all bottom, balance good second-growth llr wiih about 200.000 feet old rir jmRll orohard good six-room house, 3 tarns, & head dairy cows', 8 head heifer., 1 bull, 12 head hogs mowing machine, 2 new plows, new cultiva tor, separator, cream cauh, household furniture. 63,000, part time. 70 acres 2 miles from tidewater, 25 acres bottom land in grass, balance flno' second growtn llr, 1 barn, some fence, good water. 82,000 cash Two farms, 2 miles from Tidewater, on river and road, 230 acres. 50 acres in cultivat.on, 2o acres in grass, river bottom, balance fine second growth fir aud considerable cedar, 2 fine streams for irrigation aud power. 3 good barns, good 10-room house, orchard, 1 mile to Bchool. $6,000, part time. Two farms, 226 acres, 10 miles from Tidewator, on Ahwa river 40 acrps In grass, 8 acres in cultivation, 2 good orchards, comfortable 'houne, good barn, good dairy or goat ranch. $1895. One HO acres $850. Other dairy and stock ranches, up to 5G0 acres. ' K. u:. MS Sf:. K. 5: a. i