soticf. for vrnucATiox. l-and o;lie at rortlnml, Oregon, Kotiro i her?l.y Kivrii that in compliance n iih (he provisions of the ct of "un(rres of i June 3, Js7k, f ntitlcil "An act for the a!e of timlier !nnd in the States of t'atifomla. Ore- j on, Nevada, mid Vahinpton Territory," aa j extended to ail the l'ulilic Land State hy act j of Autrimt i. lk'J-, Itolwrt E. Flippin of J An a winter heulth and recreation resort Clatakimle, county of Columbia, atnte of Ore- ; Newport la the one par excellence. Itecogniz ron, haa this day tiled lu this ortice liis itom 1 Ine this, and wishing to give the people an srateinont No. "m:! lor the purchase of the iir'j ' opportunity to breathe the fre6h. pure ozone of section No. 9 In township .No. 1J 1, range No. D' the ocean, the Southern Pacific and Corval- ii) nest, and will ollVr proof to ahow tnat the laud sought Is more valuable lor iu timber or none than for ngrlrultiiral purposes, and to establish hi tlai:n to said land before Ira "Wade, County Cleric of Lincoln county ut Toledo, Orepon, on Tuesday the IMS day of Iiecember, 1'.0f.. lie names n ;eorpc Hodges, James Hodges of Salado, Or.; M. Icrrick of Slletz, Or.; Joseph Parks of alnd, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ndverscly the 1 bovo described lands are requested to mc I i:-.cir claims in this cilice on or beforesaid 1Mb. -day of DcoemtxT. I'.Kkl. ALGERNON S. PRKWiER, ltegister. NOTK'K FOi: ITHI.K'ATlON. V. S. Lund.Oilieo, Portland Oregon, November 0, l'.'dC. Notice is hereby given ihat In compliance "with the provisions of an net. of Congress of j Juno 3, 187, entitled "An ant for the sale of j timber hinds in the slates of California, Ore- gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as j extended to all the Public Land States by au 1 of August 4, W2, Adolph Guse, of Por'land, county ot Multnomah, stute of Oregon, has this day tiled iu this ollico his sworn state ment No. 71U8, for the purchusc of the Lois 7, 8 9 and luof section 5, in tow nship 13 s, range 10 w, and will offer proof to hov that the bind sought Is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes and to estab lish his claim to said land before the Ilcgislcr and Itecciver at V. S. Land Olllce, at Portland, On-iron, on Friday, the .ith dny of January, P.107. lie names as witnesses: August F.odlum of (iresham, Or.; George Hodges of Saludo, Or.; Harold Samlstiom and Nick Oswald of Portland, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their cliiims in this ollice on or before said :25th. day of January, l'.iOT. Al.iiKHNON S. DitKsskR. Kegisfr. NOTK'K VOIt PUliLlCATlON. U. S. Land Otlice, Portland, Oregon , November Id, lW.O. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof 'will bo made before (he Heglster and Receiver at Portland, Oregon, on Iiecember 22, lfl(M), viz.: Milton II. Grant, II. K. No. 1 isr, for tho n',i sw' i and sw'.j; nw'j section IS, township 8 8 Tnnge 9 w. lie names the following witnesses, to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation -of said land, viz; William E. l.f.ccy, Theodore Fnrrlngton, Henry Clill'ord of Hoeco, Oregon; James M. Hears of Mallas, Oregon. ALGERNON 8. DRESSER. Register. NOTICE FOll PriiLICATION. I'.S. Land Ollice, Portland, Oregon, November 10, luofi. Notice is hereby given that the following-' named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that final proof w ill he made before tho County Clerk of Lincoln county at Toledo, Oregon, on December 18, PXiti, viz; Allen Drown, II. li. No. l.'illi), for the bo) 4 of section "2, township 12s, range 9 w. He names the following witnesses to prove' his continuous residence upon and cultivation of sold laud, viz: Theodore Kulmnan, Martin Person, of (Hen, Or.; Ceorga Hodges, Janice Hodges of Salado, Oregon. AuikkncN S. Duf.ssfh, Pollster. AIIMINISTUATUIX' NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned administratrix of the estn'c of S. S Wallers, deceased, will, by virtue of an order of sale duly made and enteied of record iu the County Court of Lincoln county, Oregon, oil the 5th, day of November, loon, authorizing and Deeming the undersigned administratrix to soli that certain piece of real estate belonging to the said di-reased. In pursuance thereof, I will, on and after Saturday, December 1, 1900, ut the hou 1 of one o'clock p. in. of said day aj the Countv Courthouse at Toledo, Oregon, offer for sale at private sale, to tho highest bid der, all the following described piece of rctii stato belonging to said estate, towil: The Lot 1, nc' , of nw.'i of section 31, and Lot 7 and se'4 d sw'i of section ;!0, tow uship 8 south of range 10 west of illametto Mejidian In Ore gon, containing one hundred and seventy-live and llfty-sevn hundredths acres. Terms of sale. esh in hand; subject to con Urination by said Court. . Dated at Toledo, Oregon, this 5th day of No vember, P.K10. C'ATIIKKINK Mt'I.KKY, UOO llatcillBn, Administratrix of the estate of S. 8. Walters, deecased. NOTICE FOR PirilLICATION. V. S. Land Ollice, Ilosoburg, Oregon, 1 November D.PJOR. Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of t:ongress of June 3, 178. omltled -An act for tho nle of ilnilier lands In the states of California, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Tonltory," as extended to all the Public Land mates by act of August 4.1S9-J, Adolph Hirschberg of Salem, county of Marion, stale of Oregon, hug this day filed In this ollice his swoin statement No. 7199, for the purchase of Lots 4, 5 ur.d 6 of aietion No. 6 In township No. 15 a, range No. 11 w, aud will otl'er proof to show that the laud aniifht is more valuable lor its timber or atone than for agricultural pnrioses, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver at this oll'.ce at Rose burg, Oregon, on Thursday, the Hth day of March, 1907. He names as witnessei. Henry A. Cornoyer of Salem. Or.: I). F 7' V einen. or.; Arthur Marks, James P. Wolfe of Ocean View, Oregon. Any and all persona daiinlnc adversilyj the alKive described land, are re-juested to file their claim. In thl. office on or before said ilth day of March, 1907. Benjamin L, Eddy, Register, i Winter Rates to Yaquina Bay, Oregon's Great Recreation and Health Re sort at the Newport Iieaches. Ticket Sales Resumed November I to May 31, 1907 lis & Eastern bare resumed the sale of tickets ' through to Vaquina. From all 8. P. points ticket! will be aold through the winter and spring until May 3! every ; Weiloesday and Saturday and from Albany, CorvaUls and Philomath on j the Corvallis & Kastcrn tickets will be sold to Yaquinn and Sow port daily. The rates will be ihcsameasduriug the sum ' mcr, and will be good for return CO days from I date of sale. r' Mlnthorn s Sanitary liaths 'l'l he 111 operation during the entire winter, ana treatments win oe given auiiy. Other Health Resorts Closed. I Purine the winter nearly all other health . resorts are closed or diflicuit to reach, and I none of thorn have thaadvantages of Newport j and vicinity as regards climate, points of j Interest, recreatiun and amusement. For parties desiring to enjoy fishing, hunting, or seeing the ocean in mushlne or in storm, this famous resort Is uneiiuiiled, the surroundings are ideal beautiful scenery, climatu mild, healthful and Invigorating. Cottages for rent cheap, fresh vegetables, mi'.k, honey, fruit at lowest possible cost, lish and the famous rock oyster to be had for the trouble of sccnrlng I liein. Full information from any h. P. or C. & K. Agent, or from the General Passenger Agent of either Company. liate from Corvallls to Yaijulna, t.1.25. From Corvallls to Newport, f ! 75. Nortons School. Keport lor the mom 11 ending Ncnetu ber L'3, 190(1: Enrollment, 21 ; days' attendnnce,3(iO; davs' absence. 10; times tartly, 7. IloU of Honor: Hit! ha, Joe, Ola, Earnest ttnd Brititon Bryant, Johnny Edwards, Mildred, Lloyd Bud Ruth Porter, Charlie, Sophia, Susie and Crystal W'arnock. Visitors: Nelin Ilamar, teacher of Rook Cieek school,- County Superin tendent George Bothers, Tom Wtutson of Kings Valley, Mrs. II. 8. Porter and Mrs. A. L. Porter. The pupils have organized a literary society, which meets at 2-..10 p. tn. on the first and .third Fridays of each month. M. L. Hampton, Teacher. Going at Cost. I will soli everything in my store ox cept groceries find crockery ut or below actual cost. Notv is the lime to buy. R. S. Van Clf.vh. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U.S. Land Ollice, Koseburg, Oregon. November 9, HOG. Notice is hereby given that in compliance w ith the provisions of the act of Congress of June ;!, 1W8, entitled "An act for the rale of timber lands' in the States of CaliforniaOre gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,' as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August I, 1S9-J, Henry A. Cornoyer of Salem, comity of Marlon, stato of Oregon, has this day filed in thisollice his sworn statement No. 7.rW, for the purchase of tho lota 1,2 and 3 of seation No. (i 111 township No. 15s,raniro No, 11 w, and w ill oiler proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver at this ollice at Hosebnrg, Oregon, on Thursdhy, tho l ltli day of March, 19U7. ... He names as witnesses: Jiiiucs P. Wolf, Arthur Marks of Ocean View, Or.; li. F.Jones of Independence, Or.; Adolph Hirschberg of Salem, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands lire requested to file their claims in this otlice on or before said nth (lay of March, 1!'07. P.mj.iMi;; I,. Enny, Register. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. In the County Court of the State of Oregon t for Lincoln county. In the matter of the estate of W. C. Monroe, deceased, f t Notice is hereby (,'iven that the undersigned has been appointed by the County Court of the state of Oregon fl,r Iho county of Lincoln, ad ministrator, with the will annexed, of the estate of VY. c. Monroe, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them to mo at my residence at Wttldport, Oregon, within six months from tho date hereof, duly verliied as by law re lulreil. Wst. R, WAKr.Fim.n, Administrator of the estate of W. C. Monroe, deceased. Dated November'.!!, 190ti. R. D. BURGESS . PHYSICIAN AND SIT KG HON TOLEDO, 0RK1J0X Otilce at residence on east side of Hill Street between Third aud Fourth Iinmodiato attention Riven to calls from any part of the county I BUY HIDES AND MANUFACTURE AND SELL LEATHER All Citizens of Lincoln County who are in favor of building up homo industries j should bring iheir hides to me and tret I i,.K ,-, V , fe I higbC9t tB8.h 'rlCe " U, Sl10t' Also get your Harness Leather Etc I of mp o.i .-.. 01 mo ami sate money. r J. O. SMITH, Toledo, Or. CORVALLIS & EASTERN RAILROAD. TIME CARD. TRAINS FROM AND TO YAQL'INA No. 1 Leaves Yaqnlna 6:C9 a u. Leaves Toledo 6 : r,l a m Arrives at Corvallls 10:40 a m Arrives at Albany 11:40 am Ho. I Leaves Albany 12:V0 p m Leaves Corvallls : 1:20 p m Arrives at Toledo.., 5:11 p in Arrives at Yaijuma 5:45 p m TRAINS TO AND FROM DETROIT. No. S Leaves Albany 7:?0 a m . Arrives at Detroit ,12:80 pm No. 4 Leaves Detroit 1:00 p m Arrives at Albany 6:55 p m TRAINS FOR CORVALLIS 1 No. 8 Leaves Albany 7:55 a m Arrives at Corvallis 8:35 a m No. 10 Leaves Albany 3:oO p m Arrives at Corva'lla 4:30 p m No. 6 Leaves Albany 7:35 p m Arrives at Corvallla :15 p m TRAINS FOR ALBANY No. 5 Leaves Corvallis 8:30 a m Arrives at Albany 7:10 a m No. 9 leaves Corvallis .'. ;30 p m Arrives at Albany 2:10 p m No. 7 Leaves Corvallis 6:00 p m Arrives at Albany 0:40 p m REGULAR SUNDAY TRAINS No. 11 Leaves Corvallls..... 11:30 a rji Arrives at Albany 12:15 p m No. 12 Leaves Albany..: 12-45 p m Corvallis 1:33 p m All ol tho above connect' with Southern Pttclfle company trains, both at Albany and Corvallis, as well aa train for Detroit, giving direct service to Newport and adjacent beach es, as v.ei as Ilreitenbush Hot Springs. For further information appiy to J. C. JPAYO, (Jen. Pass Agt. . L. C. FOX, Agent, Toledo. ' JJ4"P. SWOPK, ' - Attorney-at-Law. Deputy District Attorney for Lincoln County Will jintctice in all courts in the state. Probate matter? and oollec tioiis promptly attended to. Ollice iu Court hou?e, Vpstairs, . TOLEDO, OUEGON. H. B. DABMEY ' TI IIC DENTIST In Toledo Fridays and Saturdays All km !! of Dental Work done by Strictly Modern Methods aUilarar' : t vk-v- ',fli.-jn.r S53 THE I BON BONIEREl 0 GEORGE A. HALL, Proprietor CJioice Confections Summer Drinks lee Cream, , Fruits, Huts Tobacco, Lunch Goods , !sst Brands Cigars TOLEDO, OREGON WORK 1 j wmwssn trictly to order. Kendy-ground stock lenses no more fit than would ready made falfe teeth. The Munsell Op tical Co. grinds each lens specially tor 'each eye. Our workshops have all the latest, modern and expensive mnehlnery known to the Optical c-aft. Our employes are expert. If ' wo fit your glasses they will be ex actly right. Consultation costs you nothing. Booklet, with valuable infor mation about the human eye, FREE MmseH Optical Go.. I NACLtAt B.D.44-WAS,riSrs.P0RTtAND i ThrRTmoreMcrall l'ntternmold iatlitVnlMd Etatps than of any other muka ol paiterna. This is on account of their ityla, accuracy and timpliclty. . McOnira MagazinefThaOiieenof Fi.Won) hai mora tubacriberl ihnii ana" other' Mairniina. Ona fear'a aubscripiion (xa numberal conti ftO cellfs. f - 1 number, & cents. Every aubacriber gala a McCall l'at tern rroe. Subcrlbo today. 1 I.ndr Agents Wanted, Hanrlsome premtunn or liberal caidl commisaicn. Pattern C:itnlof;ue( ol (msj da. n-n,) nini Pramium Catlllo-ua (ihowiug 400 premiums) rut tree. Aiimt TUB McCALL CO., New York. mat 2Pj FOR Holiday Goods Handkerchiefs New ones to send away to your distant friends. See them. Facinators Automobile Scarfs, Caps, Baby Hoods All useful and what your friends and loved ones will be delighted to receive Ladies' Neckwear New things in Ladies' Neckwear Ties Collars Ruffs Be sure you see these. Slippers For ladies, men and children.. J. S. AKIN & ' 1 T w HENRY LEWIS, Proprietor. Leader- in ' Low Prices CALL, AND WE WILL PROVK IT. WE HAVEN'T TIMB TO TELL YOU ALL ABOUT IT HERE. GOME IN. ' Yours with Bargains THE WHITE HOUSE Toledo, Oregon ly9wi'.,'ivi(',a"iw $ IT rnr rr u 1VX Old-Growth Eir, Spruce and Alder ALL DIMENSIONS Boat and Box No. 1 A ertical-Grain Flooring Am well prepared to furnish i nud Mouldings g Specialty anything building line" 9 Operating an Up to-Date rhincr ? Good Stock , of Dry Lumber on hand r , C I will deliver lumber at nny point on the C. 4 E. railroad or I tidewater on Yaquina bay at right price?, cjitality considered I branch YARDS J. R. r,3a3r3 & Son, Elk City J. A. J. Fleming- Newport I 0. R. ALTRBE, 'ww&swa iLBT n mm Zk ft, )t inrvimdDnimuniBszcw h - - - J- I i l On Your Gnxiery Bills or Any- i thing in Our Lino. I WALL PAPER, PAINTS AND J 5 OILS, HARDWARE, ETC. 3 In fact, anything wanted by the c country trade. Goods not in 4 stock Ordered when iciiuciiou. U1VC us a Call. OUR MOTTO: Quick Sales, Small Profits J. VEIT & I EDDYYILLE, . OREGON Get the habit: subsfiibo now. YOUR .'Jewelry Will he returned to the factory January 4, 1907. Buy early. A n A K M 'A A Si 'A Y. 'A M Suits Men and Boys, have your measure taken now for h haw suit, so. I it will be here Christ mas. We guarantee a fit. 9 A. 1 0 .Sr-t, -t-r -tt- - iJ3 Jlj r I Lumber wttoordkk Toledo,, Oregon 1 j niNTHORN I Calltwiitendod to anywhere in County. I Mi i-.m"l 1: NEWPORT, OREGON 1 TTlTS C! A T A Hire ViiMtf Dentists Of Lewis Building, 350 Morrifou St., PORTLAND. OK. Our Pfclalty la the imlnless tilling or ex Iracnni; of toctli. 8 Our Motto- A Plensect Patient Our Best Advertiser. C. M. BROWN Attornfy and CoOnsellou- at - Law TOLEDO AND NEWPORT Wiil practice id nil the courts Probate Work a Specialty. Four years Judge of Probate Court. . rtotise