Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, November 30, 1906, Image 4

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    Hincoln Counts Xcafccri inherited Indian land for sale at siletz, oregon
Entered at the postoftice at Toledo, Oregon,
second-class mail matter.
One Year - - fl 50
Six Month - - 75
Three Months - 50
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That bids will be received for'the sale of
the following described inherited Indian lands, situated and being in Lincoln
County, Oregon, as per schedule herein set forth, vo-wit:
Be charitable. Before yon get mad
at the editor and ask him to scratch
your name from his subscription list,
please runecber what a task he hasj
in trying to please several hundred
other more or less sensitive and cranky
Judge liunson of Klatnnth Falls is
opposed to the whipping-post law, and
says some wives need Uuating to make
them decent. He thinks the wife
biater should simply be arrested for
assault and battery. This means a fine,
which means that the wife, in addition,
the thumping, might have the pleasure
of going without necessaries of life, as
t he brutal husband's money had been
taken from him to satisfy Judge Heu
;ons idea of "punishment.' The whip
piug-poht law is a good law, but hang
ing is a penalty that would better fit
the crime of wiie-bentiiig.
Louie Fuller Lots 29, 30, 31 and 32 Sfi
fihasta Costa .Sam scjf ew)4 and twl-i sw' 21
William Aleck Lots 20, 29 and 30 2
and Lots 27 and 28 SO
Mary Dick, ct al w!Jnw4 29
Jane I'ayne Beneoll wjj ne'i and w!J sef-i 4
BeiiKoll Orton, etui Lots 27, 28, 29 and 30 17
John Logsden Lot 4, ne4 10
and ne'i nfli and Lot 3 IS
Coquelle Thompson.. e1 j nwj nw.'i.ue' nw?i
und wJi nw.'-i ne'i 27
Coquelle Thompson . .w-j nw,l4 se! i, ne-i sw)
and l.nt 12 1
Coquelle Thompson ei 22
11 .
80 ,.-
Nov. 6, 1906
Date Bid
Feb. 4, 1007
10 160.92
10 80
10 77 26
SO '
Said bids will be received up to 12 o'clock, tioou, of the various days upon
which they are listed to be opened in above schedule, and must be enclosed in
sealed envelopes directed to Knott C. Egbert, Superintendent, Siletz, Oregon.
Envelopes containing such bids should not have noted theroon the description
of the lands to which the bids relate, but there shall be noted on such envelopes
the date upon which the bid, is to be opened. Bidders should submit a draft on
some Portland bank ; otherwise remit enough to cover exchange on outside
Supt. and Special Disbursing Agent, in Clmrgo of Siletz Agency, Oregon.
The grsnid jury could not find a good
and sullicient reason in returning a
true bill against the Oregouian man
agement or Editor Harvey Scott,
charged with libeling William Ladd.
This is .'cod news to editors ull over
tho state, including the editor of This
Lf.aikir. It gives pencil pushers gener-1
ally a much desired aud greatly appre-1
dated extension of latitude. Hereafter!
when The Leadek feels justified in
saying Fomothing mean, it's going to
cut loose. Doubt as to what consti
tutes lihel has often kept us from doing
justice to both ourselves and the other
deteslablo party of llio second part.
Every mile of good and piactically
permanent wagon road made in Lincoln
County, regardless of location, is of
value to every taxpiiyer. After tho
road is constructed, tho annual drain
upon tho treasury by that particular
mile of public highway will cease, the
adjacent property be enhanced in
value and the county be just that much
more attractive to homoseekers. Tbeso
are points w hich do not c.ll for argu
ment. It is further apparent that the
good-ronls movement should begin at
the county's chief business points and
extend into the chief-producing sections.
The necessary work in this line cannot
m done in a year, nor in five years, but
it will be done in the shortest possible
time and at the least possible ex
pense if the various sections of . the
county will get together and work in
harmony in '.ho good cause. United,
we roll along smoothly ; divided we
wallow through the mud.
Supply all wants of Homesteaders
and will deliver all orders amount- jj
ing to over $25 free of charge to
Major Ludson's, Canoe Landing
and Ned Evans' place until October f,
' President,
Vice President.
mm. acAiiTir,
IxiQCOlQ goupty tBarl$
Responsibility 875,000 '
(ft Transacts a General Banking Business
Interest Paid on Time Deposits
Exchange .Sold on All Points
State, County and School Warrants Bought
Principal Correspondents:
) PORTLAND Canadian Bank of Commerce, London and San Frao- r
(19 - CM0 ijaui) j,td.
I' r. i V-,-, t n t r, ry. . T 1 ... 1 O 1:1 :. I, I, T .1
ol I U-tiS(.'U J-.OIH1UU ami iwu r i iiuuirw imim,
- NEW YORK-J. P. Morgan Co.
CHICAGO First National Bank.
LONDON, ENG. London and San Francisco Bank, L"A.
all Bros
If. you wish to buy or sell, give us a call.
A reliable medicine one one that
should always lo kept in the home for
immediate use in Chamberlain's Cough
Reuiedy. It will prevent the- attack if
given as kooh as the child becomes
'nurse, or even after the croupy cough
appears. For sale hy 0. O. Krogstad,
Strayed or Stolen.
Bay mare, 10 to 12 years old, weighs
about 10C0 pounds; small slit in one
'ar. Reward for information leading
lo recovery. . B. 1 Swope,
Toledo, Or.
Just Received
One car load of flour; one car load of
.'groceries, dry goods, etc. Now is tho
H,ime to call and I will quote you prices
''that will save you money.
JoitN Kentta. Siletz, Or. I
Notice to Creditors.:-
All persons having an account with
'jMcCanlou .& Soulo are requested to call
at onco and square the same.
G. L. McCaulou..
. .
In Time of Peace.
In the first months of the Russia Ja-
pun war we bad a striking example of
the necessity for preparation and thb
early advantage of those who, so to
speak, "have shingled their roofs in
dry weather."' The virtue of prepar
ation has made history aud giveu to us.
our greatest men. The individual as
well as the nation should be prepared
for ftuy emergency. Are, vou prepared
to successfully combat the first cold
you ntko? A cold cau I cured much
more quickly when treated as soon as
it lias hc-eu contracted and before it has
ttecome settled in the system. Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy is famous for
it cures of cold and it should be kept
iU band ready for instant utt. For sale
V O.O. KrogstAd.,
Farm 3 miles north of Toledo, 100
acres, good barn, 11-room house, over
100 acres iij cultivation, good orchard
Hnd good out buildings. Price and
terms reasonable.
1G0 acres adjoining above, small house,
good bam, 30 acres in cultivation, 2 mil
lion feet good saw timber. An ideal
dairy farm. '
29 town lots in Toledo.
1 good warehouse and lot, situated on
water front in Toledo.
50x150 feet in Stanton's addition to
Toledo. Also other city and farm lands
in and near Toledo, Oregon.
40 acres adjoining Toledo, 15 acres
1 1.8 acres, 20 acres pasture, 45 acres
tideland, the rest brush land; large
eight room house, spring water piped to
house, large barn, 2 large orchards, in
cluding apples, plums and Bartlett
pears ; 2 good . horses, harness, now
wagon, plow and drag, 0 head jersey
cows, eiglit heifers, for1 $3500; or the
best half of tho farm for 81,500.
Furniture . Trunks
Stoves , Suitcases
Uooljing Utensils Telescopes
Quilts Window Shades Coffins
blankets Lace Curtains Caskets
Pillows Etc. " Robes
See Me
M0h m
M. N. Anderson
Toledo Livery and Feed Stable
Good Rigs and well-broken saddle horses. Special attention
given to Traveling; Men. Horses boarded by clay, week or month
U. a. I.Btid Office at ItoKcburir. Or.,
September 12, lwtl.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with tho provisions of tho net of Congress of
Jane 3, 173, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California, Ore
gou, Nevada, and Washington Territory," a
extended to all the Public f.imd Slates by act
of August 4, 1892, Jlaiis (iushus of Portland,
county of Multnomah, statu of Oregon, lias
this day filed in this cilice his sworn clale
ment No. 7110 for the purchase of the nwjj of
8w!i of xeetion 5, and n,' of so) and hwJ of
sej., of section 0, in township So. 15 s, rane
No. 11 west, and will oiler proof to show that
the land sought is moio valuable for its timber
or stone than for agrlcnlluit.1 purposes, and
to establish his claim to said land before Ira
Wade, County Clerk and Clerk of tho County
Court of Lincoln county, at Toledo, uiugiu.i, on
Wednesday, the li)th duy of Peeumber, l'Jtfi.
IIo names as witnesses:
James P. Wolfe of Ocean View, Or.; Joseph
K.Hoffof rarlland, Or.: (). W. Peterson of
Waldpoit, Or., and liert I.. Wolfe of Ocean
View, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lauds are requested to tile
their claims in this ollice on or before said l'.Uh
day of December, PAW.
Benjamin L. Kinv, Register.
U. S. Land Oflice, Rosebur, Oregon,
September 12, looo.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1S78, entitled, "An act for the sale of
timber lands In tho StateB of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
extended to all tho Public Land Slates by act
August 4, 1892, Joseph K. HolF, of Portland,
county of Multnomah, slate of Oregon, has
this day filed in this office his sworn statement
No. 7114 for the purchase of tho lots 1, 2, 3, 4
and Oof section No. 7 in township No. 15 s,
range No. 11 west, and will oiler proof to show
that the land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to said land before
Ira Wade, County Clerk and Clerk of tho
County Court of Lincoln county, at Toledo,
Oregon, on Wednesday, tho 19th day of Decern-1
ber, 1906.
He names as witnesses:
James P. Wolfe, B. L. Wolfe, Wm. (I. Reynolds,
James Proctor, all of Ocean View Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely tho
above described lands are requested io file
their claims in this office on or before said 19th
day of December. 1900. .
Benjamin L. Eddy, Register,
I carry a, Complete Line.-ot
Staple and Fancy Groceries
and Crockeryware
Which I am selling at PRICES THAT ARE RIGHT
My entire stock of Hats, Shoes Furnishing Goods and Jewelry
Must Go at Actual. Cost '
R. S, YanCleve
U. S. Land Oflice, Itoseburg, Oregon,
September 12, 1906.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 187S, entitled "An act for the talo. of
timber lands In the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the Public Land States by act
ot August 4, .1892, Benjamin J. Hawthoruo of
Eugeno, county of Lane, slate of Oregon, has
this day filed in this ollice his sworn statcmeiiv
No. 7115 for the purchase of the nej-i of ne,1
(or Lot 1) of section No. 5 in township N0. 14 S(
range No. 10 west, and will offer proof loshow
that tho laud sought Is more valuable for Its
timber or stone than for agricultural purposes
und to establish bis claim to said land before
Ira Wade, County Clerk and Clerk of the
County Court of Lincoln comity, at his office
at Toledo, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 19th day
of December, 1906,
llu names as witnese':
John H. Early, William RobncU, Fredrick
Robnetr.of Tidewater, Or7. ; E. W. Counsll, of
Waldport, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file
their elalmi In this office on or before said 19th
day of December, 1900. -
TIknjahik L. Eddy, Register.-
Boardln and dajf school tor nunc l.lW
' vour: sptcial Inducement roe,
-Information ddreii ; Bister,, fiufiBrter
V. S. l and orlice, Portland, Oregon,
September 21, l'Jcfi.
Notice i hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of Ihc act of Couirre.'-K of
June :i, 1ST8, entitled -An act for the sale of;
timber lands in the suttv, of California. Ore
gon, Nevada, and Wa.-diitiKi'in Torritory,'' as
extended 10 ell tho Public Lund Stales by net
of Augtit4, 12, AliM I Nilvou of Portland,
county of Multnomah! ttut.j of Oregon, has
thfs day liled In this otliro his sworn statement
No. 70f.7, for 1lic pur base of the nvr.' of sec
tion No. 21, in township No. IS s, range 9 west.,
and will oli'er pvor.f to si-.ow that the luml
sought is more valuable for lis timber or stne
than for agricultural purposes, and loc'stnblish
his claim to siU 1 lend before the Register and
Receiver at Portland, 1 lienor,, on Tuesday, tho
11th day of December, 15(11.
lie names as wuntsscs:
Ole N. Hodlun, Angust Itodlnn, Levi Rodlun,
of Urehm-. Or.: (.eurfje .v. Hodges of Saiado,
Any and all person claiming adversely the
abovo-described hu.ds are requested to lile
their clc.i'jis in this office on or before said 11 ih
day of December, I'.x-O.
A w s itso ss. n u awEit. Register.
U. S. Land Office, Itoseburg, Oregon,
October 20, 190,1.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with tho provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1378, entitled "An act for ihe sale of
timber lands iu the Slates of California, Om
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory ,-' and
extended to all the Puhlie Und Sstmes by act
of Angut,t4, 1892, Ciust Johnson, of Stolla, coun
ty of t:owlitz, Mato oi Washington, has this
day filed in this office his sworn statement No.
7270 for the purchase of tho e! ef nwj and'
nwJi of nw'i of section IS, and of swf ot
section 12, township 15 south, range 11 west,
and will oiler proof to show that the land,
sought is more valuable for its tlmlieror stonu
than for agricultural purr, aud to establish
his claim to said land before Ira Wade, County
Clerk and Cku-k of the County Court of Lincoln
county, at his office at Toledo, Oregon, on
Wednesday, Ihe Kith day of January, 1907.
He names as witnesses:
Carl Migllck of Stella. Wash.; James Hodges
of Salhdo.or.; J.y. Wheeler of Portluna, Or.;.
. 1;. mcnrine of Euclid, Or.
Any and all persons claiming adversely tho
above-described lands are requested to fllo
their claims in this office on or before said 16th
day of January, IO07
. BBNJAMjN- L. Eddy, Refsrer,
17. 8. Lund Office, Roseburg, Oregon,
October 20. 1900.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the hit of Congress of
Junes, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands,in Ihe States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as -extended
to all the Public Land stales by act
of August 4, 1892, carl. Nelgllek of Stella,
county of Cowlitz, stale of Washington, has.
this day filed in Ihisoffiee his sworn statotnen t
No. 7209, for the purchase of the ry2 of sw';
ney of nw!4, sw'4 of nw'4 of see'ion 1' iii'
township No. 15. south, nuijie No. 11 west,
aiul will oiler proof to show, that the land'
nought is more valuable for its timber or stone .
than for agricultural purposes, und 10 establish
her claim tosJid land before Ira Wade, County
Clerl: and Clerk of the County, Court of Lin-:
coin county, at his oflice at Toledo. Oregon, on, -Wednoiday,
lhaliith day of January. 1907.
He mutm us wltnesseB:
Gust Johnson of Stella, Wash.; Jame. lfod(res ,
of balado. Or.; J.-H. Whculer of Portland, Or.; -CO.Mcllrlde
of Euclid, Or.
Any.and nil persons claiming adversely the .
above-described lands are- requested to file .
thoit elaims.ln this office on or before said Kith -day
of January, 1907.
- HMW.tAirw r r. Repister.
Notice to Tresuassers.
Peraous treiipnsxlntr on., ruv land,
destroying properly or tearirjR down,'
trespass notices will -be. prosecuted to,
the full extent .of the law.