tmdn mwv. Volume XIV. Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, Friday, July 27, 1906. Number 32 Teachers' Examination. Notice is hereby given tbat the County Superintendent of Lincoln county will hold the regular examination of appli cants for State and County paper, at Toledo, as follows: FOR MATE PAPERS Commencing Wednesday, August 8, at nine o'clock a. m., and continuing until Saturday, August, August 11 at 4 o'clock p. m. Wednesday Penmant-hip, History, Spelling, Physical Geography, Reading, Psychology. Thursday Written Arithmetic, The ory of Teaching, Grammar, Book-Keeping, Physics, Civil Government. Friday Physiology, Geography, Men tal Arithmetic, Composition, Algebra. Saturday Botany, Plane Geometry, General History, English Literature, School Law. FOB COCNTY PAPERS Commencing Wednesday, Aupust 8, at 9 o'clock a. m., and contiuuing until Friday, August 10 at 4 o'clock p. m. rirst, becond and Third Grade Cer titlcates. Wednesday Penmanship, History, Orthography, Reading. Thursday Written Arithmetic, The ory of Teaching, Grammar, Physiology. Friday Geography, Mental Arithme tic, Schrol Law. PRIMARY CERTIFICATES Wednesday Penmanship, Orthog raphy, Arithmetic, Reading. Thursday Art of Questioning, The, ory of Teaching, Physiology. Dated at Toledo, Oregon, this 23d day of July, 1900. George Bethers, County School Superintendent Wanted Teachers. The Toledo school board has not yet succeeded in eugnging teachers for the coming year. O. B. DeLaurier has been tendered the position of instructor of the Dis trict High School, combined with the principalship of the city schools, but has not accepted the same, although a definite answer is expected today or tomorrow. A teacher for the eighth grades is also wanted. Married. BCRT-WIL80X At Portland, Or., July 14, 1906, Miss 'Lulu Burt formerly of Toledo, to Mr John F. Wilson of Portland. Many Toledo friends of the bride tender congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson returned Tnes day to their home in Portland, after visit with the latter's mother, Mrs. C H. Williams, at Newport. Mr. Wilson, we understand, ia printer associated with the Pacific Monthly of Portland. Toledo wasn't at dry as it might have been last Sunday. Mrs. Grant King of Newport 'visited Toledo friends Monday. Mrs. Josle Rader of Newport visited Toledo friends Tuesday. day to consult an oculist. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hall of Siletz were in the city Tuesday. Rev. P. J. Rinehart of Siletz made a brief call on Toledo Tuesday. County Commissioner John Fogarty veying parties are scattered along the of Newport is in the city today. coast from Tillamook bay south, and Miss Frances Alexander is visiting another gang is said to be along the her sister, Mrs. Warren Hall, at Siletz. Wilson river. Colonel WUsey says the fv..n..i,.n,iM,. t, w ro. I preliminary line will be completed into turned yesterday from a visit In Al- , final locations will be made. The date bny- u i .m i wiiou nuiuiii uujiBbruubiuu huik win Mrs. R. D. Burgess and daughter . . AKnmAa. rv.. hnt it i. Elsie are visiting relatives and fiends .... ... fl . Fall. When - W - 0 in OOrvaillS. iua -.4 t:n HiannaAd nt tliA flnlil W. E. Wann of Salem passed through forc, wjn be shifted to Central Oregon esterday evening on bis way to tne Portland Telegram l ciCiiats country. A. T. Peterson was busy in Newport The Oregon Coast & Eastern Rail this weeK putting in new pnones tor road has filed a tlat for a permanent the Mutual company. location of a proposed line la lot 3, Harry Fant returned to Portland section 20, township 1 north, range 10 Monday. He expects to be back in a west, which is at the strategical point few weeks possibly to remain. going to the beach at Garibaldi. Tilla Mrs. C. C. Kubler returned Wedneg- lnook Headlight. The Coast Road, Right of way has been promised the Oregon Coast & Eastern through Tilla mook county over such lands ai the final locations are made, and the right of war has been secured practically the Mrs. C. H. Gardner went to Salem to- enllre distance south to Humboldt bay. This information was given out by W. J. Wilsey, who represents the com pany in Portland, which is backed by the interests through the brokerage firm of Baker & Crabtree of St. Louis, in addition to some local capital. Sur- Mlss Lora Carter of Newport was in Love with the Lid Off. the city Tuesday. T . " " II iuq urn a am ou roH nil va tlia rn i rvrt Allen Hughes left this morning for -.. trin . lha Vo-- r'n.. his home in Astoria. L:nn e,.Av Ai,,t i,ir t Born July 22, 1906, to Mr. and Mrs. dozen couples of 16 to 18 summers for J. W. Robertson, a son. eot all about the presence of other pas- Attorney C. M. Brown of Newport sengers and yearned foreach other with was in the city Tuesday. a yeurnf ulness that was positively pa- Guess Lincoln oountv won't be reD- thetic. One maiden and her beau of resented at the coming State Fair. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Trapp of Chit- wood were Toledo visitors Wednesday. Mrs. Matilda Espy went to Albany ine iere part oi me week to consult a physician. not more than 19 summers each took turns about sitting on the others lap and leaning on each other, passing a swift kiss back and forth when they thought the rest of the car was not lookiug. Another fair-haired damsel made the journey of 60 odd miles to Dr. F, M. Carter of Newport made a Corvallis on the lap and bosom of her day to her home at Newport, after a visit of several days with Mrs. J. A Hall. Banker William Scarth and Attorney C. E. Hawkins left this morning for Drift creek after trout. They expect to come back loaded. Fred Weatherford of Albany has. been doing the big woods and trout streams of the Siletz country for several days and incidentally getting fat. Hon. C. is. .Moores of Salem was a passenger Monday evening lor rew port, where he is enjoying life with his family in his summer home. Mrs. A. M. Scott of Siletz returned Saturday from Philomath, where she had been visiting her daughter, who had been very ill for several days. Billy Parker came in on the Sunday excursion for a visit with relatives and friends, returning Monday to bi3 job in the State Printing Office at Salem. Miss Ethel Koss came over Sunday from Albany on the excursion train and visited her folks until its return in the evening. Her sister. Miss Grace, ac companied her, returning to Harrisburg. George Wadsworth came in from Portland last Friday evening for a visit with his parents. George has for some time been malting good as eleotriciau in the marine department of the O. R. & N. Mr. and Mrs At the M. E. Church, Texts and subjects for services at the M. E. church Sunday, July 29, 1906: Morning Text. 1st Corinthians 15:33. Subject, "Influence." Evening Text, Revelations, Subject, "Refreshing Novelty." 14:3. Boarders Wanted. Apply to Mrs. Elizabeth Comer, To ledo, Oregon. Bids Wanted. I will receive sealed bids on four fine lots in Newport near scboolhouse ; good buildings on lots. Bids will be opened July 26, 1906, nt 10 o'clock a, m. at my residence in Newport Property will be sold to the highest bidder. J. F. For Sale. A good second hand New G. Howe sewing machine. Price $15. Mrs. George Bethbrs, Toledo, Oregon. professional call in Toledo the fore part of the week. Ed Hufford came down from Port land last Saturday for a visit with John Akin and family A carload of bridge lumber from Altree's mill passed through to Mor rison this morning. Hon. 8. B. Huston of HilWwro passed through Monday evening to join his family at Newport Everette Jones and Allen Hughes were over on the Siletz after trout the fore part of the week and report sue cess. Ed Avery of the hardware firm of Gardner & Atery has been doing a lot of plumbing and other things in New port this week Mrs. Williams departed Wednesday for her home in Tucson, Arizona. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Gray, ac companied her to Albany. Died At his home near Chitwood, Or., July 25, 1906, M. II. Wilson. De oeased was a brother of J. E. Wilson, the nurseryman. No other particulars, Mesdames T. P. Fish and S. T Jeffreys went to Portlnnd Wednesday, to remain about a month. Mrs. Fish will test the merits of some hot springs near Portland before returning. trans uyae oi ttcidyviile was in Toledo last night visiting his folks. He was out on a bear hunt yesterday with Ches Morrison and the latter killed a big one after it had been treed by his own dog and Billy Wakefield's famous pair. The animal was very fat, having been living high on choice Angora goat meat youthful beau of not more than 17. Still another with all the symptoms of a sick kitty, aud in utter abandon as to appearances, eat with her arms around the neck of her beau, while he. with an air of complacency, sat through the ordeal wholly undisturbed and apparently unaware of the vulgar gaze of passeugers unaccustomed to such umxliuimle exhibitions. Iu out) sunt he and she got to talking baby talk to each other which seemed to be a sort of mixture of humming bird courtship and the wail of two dying calves. An old codger stuck bis head in the rear door of the car and, after catching a glimpse of the situation remarked, "Everybody sleeps but father." Just then the train ploughed into a tunnel and after giving vent to a sound like a cow drawing her foot out of the mud. he shut the door and disappeared, much to the disgust of those in love and the amusement of those out of love. The occurrences are alluded to here, not in criticism, for it would be wrong to attempt to put any lid down on true love, but just to show that the new generation courts a little different to what the old one did, especially when the wierd effects of the sad sea waves at the Newport bouohes are brought nto the case. The things told of above are merely what happened outside the tunnels. Corvallis Times. Married. FISK LLOYD In Toledo, Oregon, July 20, 1906, Miss Helen Fisk to Mr. John S. Lloyd, County Judge B. F.Swope officiating. The groom Is one of Lincoln county's hardy, energetic and square young men, who has for several years been carying out a home for his bride in the vicinity of Kernville. Mrs. Lloyd has until recently resided in Lane county. Success to the bargain. Card of Thanks. I wish to express my sincere thanks to my many friends for their kind sym pathy and flowers during my late be reavement. Dearest Robert thou haal left me And thy Iobb I deeply feel, But 'tin (iod that has bereft me; He can all my torrows heal. Yet again I hope to meet thee, When the day of life Is tied: And In Ueaveu with Joy to greet thee, Where no farewell tear is ihed. Mrs. Catherine Conklin. Thomas Leeee came out Sunday night from Newport, where be has recently established a new banking house, mak ing a chain of three banks of which be is the bead one at Corvallis, one at Toledo and the new one at Newport, Mr. Leese has been kept at Newport for several weeks during the process of Arthur Boeschen of getting the new establishment in run Salem, who have been enjoying life at ning order, and his presence will con the beach for some time, passed home- tinue to be required there more or less want Monday morning. Arthur in- during the present busy season. The formed The Leader, in strictest con- business of the establishment is open fidence, that he would rather take a ing up in much greater volume than dose of castor oil than return to Salem, wan originally expected by its pio I . i , i .. mt Surveyor Wygant passed through this morning en route to Dolph, in Yamhill county, to join a crew of the June with her husband, sends a friendly Oregon Coast & Eastern Railway com- greeting to ber Toledo friends from pany, which is said to be working Ten Sleep, Wyoming. One of the toward Portland. Mr. Wygant arrived interesting but familiar features of her in Newport Wednesday night from the letter is the statement that it is nearly north end of the countv. impossible to hire help in that country. The first "midwk ATr-nralnn" ovpr That tired 'eell8 sem9 b in VOgue the C. & E. to the beach was "pulled lrom coast lo 00881 off" Wednesday. Four coach loads of Albert Martin of Siletz was in Toledo hot people from the Valley enjoyed the Monday and forgot that this is a dry trip. It required five coaches for the town, ine mistake cost hira a few Sunday excursion. In addition to these nourB in tDe s00d house and 110.25 Important, if True. Tuesday's Oregonian .contains the A. J. McMillan and sons Alec and Clyde arrived last Friday eyoning from Vancouver, B. C. Mr. McMillan has been appointed Assistant Chief En gineer of the Oregon Coast &, Eastern Railway Company, and will havecharee of all the surveying crews operating in the- several coast counties. He de parted Monday morning for the mouth of the Nestucca to get in touch with a following, which may be of more or less Pay working norm rrom tbat point to local interest : Portland. During bis absence his sons 'A. B. Hammond, railroad magnate wl11 make tneir hom n Toledo with and timber baron, reached Portland lne,r granainotner, Mrs. Alien rarker. last night from San Francisco, and is J. jr. McNeil and son Cecil returned staying at the Portland Hotel. He is last Saturday evening from Southern accompanied by his wife. The two will California. They came back to get a remain In Portland several days. Mr, drink of (rood water, and will Drobablv Hammond is on one of his regular tours remain. Mr. McNeil tells of numerous of inspection of this territory, as he drawbacks in the famous golden state motors. Corvallis Times. Mrs. Fred Winsor, who left here in comeB to Portland once a year to look over his holdings and to keep in touch with the managers of his two Oregon railroads, the 'Astoria & Columbia River and the Corvallis & Eastern. "Mr. Hammond cannot confirm the reported intended purchase of his prop erties by either Hill or Ilarriman, and disclaims any negotiations with either system. His present visit is said to have nothing to do with such a dispo sition of his holdings. ''The owner of the Corvallis & East ern and Astoria & Columbia roads is a decided contrast to most railroad men, who have grown up in the business from telegraph operator or office clerk. Mr. Hammond hud no connection with excursions, every regular tram is pat ronized to almost its capacity V. P. Fifeke of Dallas, Or., was in the city last Friday night in the interest of railroads until he was 50 years old. It's wrong, very wrong, to got jagged, in Prior to that time, he confined his a dry town. It shocks people some enorm to.mercnanaising, banning anu people. T. W. Beddo arrived Tuesday evening the Woodmen of the World, going to from Los Angeles, where he has been Notice to Bidders. Sealed bids will be received until noon, AugUBt 1, 1906, for furrishing 17,000 feet or 1x12 inches 16 feet long, good, Bound lumber, ends squared; also 1,200 feet 2x4, 18 feet long. Said lumber to build sidewalk from Toledo to ceme tery. Bidder to furnish more lumber, if needed, at same rale of bid. All bids to be addressed to Ada Soule, Toledo. Will Iloeflein came in from Coburg Sunday for a few days' visit at home. Newport Saturday evening. In addi tion to being an efficient Held worker for the Woodmen, Brother 'Fiske is editor of the Polk County Itemizer. of which he recently assumed control. and which he is rapidly improving. Ralph Van Cleye is quite uneasy over the fate of his brother-in-law, Lieuten ant Floyd Williams. Soon after his marriage last winter to Miss I.uella Van Cleve the Lieutenant sailed for the Philippines, assigned to duty with the Constabulary. A meagre report of a fight with a band of ladrones, or out laws, has caused some fear that Lieu tenant Williams was among tbe killed. detuiued by business interests for u couple of months. He will now settle down for life on his farm on Thiel creek and devote his time to raising cattle and goats. Mrs. M, E.Thayer, now residing in Stevenson, Wash., forwards a renewal for The Leaoeu. She wishes to keep track of her many Toledo f rionds. The launch Leslie H., in charge of First Officer Leslie II. Evens, came up from Newport Tuesday with a couple of traveling men aud Fred Wygant. Mrs. C. II. Williams of Newport was in the cityv the fore part of the week, tbe guest of Mrs. Al Waugh. timbering. "He is a Canadian by birth and when young man bec.tme trader's clerk at a fur trading post in Montana. Later he became trader at the post. In this business he laid thd foundations of bis fortune that he has accumulated. lie became interested in banking in Mon tana and in the timber business-. "A few years ugo he was able to pick op a bargain when the Corvallis & Eastern was disposed of at forced sale. Mr. Hammond hid the property iu for $100,000. The value of the track aud grade alone Is at least worth 11,000,000. Estimates of the value of the property, including steamers owned at tbe time of the transfer, place tbe property pur chased at such a small sum up iu the neighborhood of 114,000,000." which are not encountered in Lincolu county. When a man starts out in' search of a better spot than this, it's odds that some day he'll wander back ugain. Ted McElwain has opened an eating house in the rooms under George Hall's Bonboniere and will serve meals at ail hours. Tbe rooms are bright aud clean and everything looks tempting. In addition to tbe hurry-up lunch counter there are tables in a pleasant, nicely furnished room adjoining. The pro- ' prietor will do his best to make the place popular. Try it. W. A. Kyniston was' up from Wald port the fore part of tbe week. Billy reports that his shingle mill is now in operation, and that he is receiving a good patronage. He displays an ad on another page. 'I iik Leader and Oregonian both one year for only $2. That's fair enough. Notice to Bidders. Notice is hereby given tnat the Coun ty Court of Lincoln county, Oregon, will receive ftp to 10 o'clock a. in. August 8, 190fi, Sealed Bids for thH opening of the change in the Wald port Tidewater County Road at Eckmau slough, and also for the making of a fill where the said road crosses said slougb. Bidders to bid on said fill by the cubic yard. The Court reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the County Court. Ira Wade, County Clerk, t . i r