' mw Volume XTV Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon. Friday, June 22. IDOti. Ximlcr 17 COMMISSIONERS' COURT. Session. Toi.kpo, Or. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. of the City Dads Regular Session. Council Chamber, Toledo. Or. June 18, 1 '.'(Hi. The common council of lie city of Toledo met in regular session. Present in 1 to make additional report after work is completed according to agreement on file. Adjourned until Monday, July 2, V.KKi at 9 o'clock a. ni. Read and approved. C. M. Brown, County Judge, Gkokoe King, Commissioner, F. A. Thompson, Commissioner. Atttsf. Ira Wade, Clerk. I for shall caiieell such prescription by endow 'lug thereon ihe word "cancelled" and the j ante ot cancellation, aim miau nje me same ' Business Transacted at Regular ; away. Nothing in tws order ?haii 1 oon- Doings : atrucd to prevent one registered pnarmacisi j selling such alcoholic liquors to another reg- istercd pharmacist. ' ln.,c 15 1900 I C- JI- H"ws- County Judge, Commissioners' Court for Lincoln! R A. Thompson, Coin missiouer. nniintv iii i-eonim esirn Present.! In rb tunftop f t.ho rpnnrt of V. A. Hn r M Hrr.i...Tilm.- Ifon. (Seo.lTi. v..,.i.,t. i.,;HrrC T:,.,,n.-r 1 Mayor Vincent, Councilruen Amler King nnd lion. F. A. Thompson, Com-; BCL.eptca and .L.mes Harrison appointed ! so- (5ardner, Schenck, Arnold; ab- missioners; Ira Wane County Clerk; J. II. Ross, Sheriff. In the matter of the local option liquor elec tion in Lincoln comity, min of Oregon: At this time, namely, Friday, the lith day of June, A. II., l'.ul, at the hour of ! a. in. thereof, came on for com-idt ration by ihe Court the above cntit'.cd matter, and it duly appenring to the Court that on April a petition for local option liiiuor election, signed by not less than 10 per cunt of the registered voters of Lincoln county, slate ot Oregon, was duly tiled with the County Clerk of faid county, petitioning tlin! on Vondcy, the fourth day of Juno, l'.sifi. an election be held to determine tether the sale of Intoxicating liquors shall be prohibited in mid Lincoln county as a w hole, and it lurther appc ;!.ring to the ('urt fro:.: !"." o-tttwo of c-'d iv.unty Clerk that the signatures on said petition were by him carefully compared with the signatures on the registration hoot? und blanks In his ollice at said time, for the general election then pend- I,... ai 1.1 Ih.l .niii ...Iftti,,., emit ninofl iimiics of 241 electors, of whb-h he foutnl 211' duly registers J in Lincoln county, state of Oregon for the election then pending, towit, on June 4, i'.Hjr.. that ihe total number of votes last m Lincoln county, Oregon, at. the last preceding election to-Justice of tho Supreme Court, was wo, and that the total number of petitioners signing sr.id ttitiou as above stated, nnd no: lauceUed. but in dually regis, tcred for the said election then i-cnding, was 219, that belni; more than 10 per cent of the vole CR.il for Justice of the Sunremc Court on June 0, l'.'ot, the last preceding election for , yesterday saidotlicc: that tieieu;on the ottrt im:de an j f;1rl Salines order wherein it was duly ordered that an Tom Harrison of Ona was in the city Monday. J. E. Dixon of Elk Citv was in the city Monday, t innrm Blnttner of Newport was in the city Tuesday. Kd Greenbrook of Newport made Toledo a call Tuesday. Superintendent Egbert of Siletz was in the city Tuesday night. A. W. Rodgers of Chitwood had business in Toledo Weduesday. M. M. Davis, who voles in Newport, hail business iu the county seat Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. J.- E. Wilson and son Claude of Chitwood were Toledo visitors sent, Cotincilmen Fish and McCuttlou. Minutes of the last regular meeting j read and approved. Louucilmau-eicct Ueorgo it. AcnencK took the oatli of office and etitered upon his duties. He was nppoiutod by the Mayor to committies in place of R. S. Van Cleve, resigned. Petition introduced by Waugh it Wade asking for a refund of 6180.73 on account of four aud one half months unexpired license period between June 30 and November 15, l'JOfi, the new county prohibition law compelling them to quit business. On motion petition was grauted and a warrant is sued in the sum named. Bund of newly appointed Marshal, Toe Hill, with J, J. Guither and Geo. A. Hall as sureties, approved and ordered filed. Council iidjoin'iicfl. Otto O. Kkoostad, Recorder. C. C. Kubler of Newport was a Toledo j visitor last Friday. I Newport "Will Celebrate. Editor LcAiu.it: Newtxirt will eole- Born-Juue 14, 100(i, to Mr. and Mrs. j i...te tlie i.,,m. ,.f .j,llv in a I,lltl.iflti,. election lie held at the time mentioned in said and Joe Ludwig are I building a 30x12 feet scow for J. H. pelitiou. and in tlie entire county of Lincoln, Doty of aquiua. as a whole, to detennine. w hether the sale of intoxicating liquors shoti'd be prohibited in said co".t:ty, as a who'e; that at least twenty dnvs previous to the said general election. held on the 4ih day of June. I'M. namely, on the ih day of Mny, l'.M, the f.id County Clerk deliveied to ihe Sberill'of said l.incolucounty, Oregon, at least live notices ot the said elec tion for each and every election precinct in auid county; thiitsiud Sheriff, at least 12 days before said election held on June 4, lPOii, posted tiveo! mi l i.otio s. 1" Cve public places in tho vicinity of the polling place in each and every election precinct in Lincoln county, state of Oregon; that pursuant to suid petition and older, an election w ns held on the said 4th day of June, l.'O'', in Lincoln county, state of Oregon, in manner and form as b law pro vided, upon Ihe puestiou as to whether the sale of intoxicating liquors should be pro hibited in said Lincoln counly,. as a whole: and it further duly appeals to .the Court from the certificate ol the County Clerk of said county tiled herein aud the returns made by the board of election cunvaers, consisting of Ira Wade, County Cljrk, 0. F. Sylvester, Justice of tho I'eace tor Newport precinct in said county, aud tico. K. bchetirk, Justice of the Peace tor Toledo precinct in said county, that at said election there were cast "for pro hibition" in said Lincoln county, as a whole, HIT votes, and "against prohibition" ill said county, as a v. hole, lie votes, giving a majority of M votes in favor of the prohibition of the sale of intoxicating liquors in said Lincoln county, as a whole. Mow, therefore, at this time, tlie Court being fully advised in the premises aud having carefully examined the various proceedings hcrcwi, and by virtue of the law, ai.d by reason of the pietuises afore said, it is ordered a. id declared that lit the general election held on June 4, P.hn;, in Lin cola county, stale of Oregon, the nuiulKjrOf legal votes cast in fuver ot prohibition of the sale of intoxicating liquors in said comity as a - - Hoxie Simmons was over from Siletz yesterday. lie reports that Siletz is still going Republican. George I lodges of Salado was in the city Tuesday night, leaving next morn ing on a business trip to Portland. Leslie II. Evens and launch Leslie II. of Newport were in port last Saturday Captain Evens is preparing for a good business this summer. Dr. I lurry Dabney, the dentist, re turned Tuesday from Portland, where he was detaiued several days by the serious illness of a friend. The "ornery" types last week made Ttn: Lkader say "George Freeman, the painter is kept 'bust' between showers." Of course we meant "busy." Julius liuseh of Drift Creek was iu the city Monday making proof on his homestead before County Clerk Wade, liiadley Troxel and Clyde Knapp were with him as witnesses. Commodore Simoa Leutdeu and his launch were up from Newport Wednes day with Postmaster-Merchant Frank Lane, returning with a scow load of lumber from Gray's mill. Billy Parker came in from Salem Saturday night for a visit with relatives, returning Sunday evening on the ex cursion train. He is still holding down a job in the State printing office. George Arnold, Frank Paradise aud Jnities ."i. Callayhan of Portland were in Sunday Excursions on the Corvallis & Eastern R. R. To Newport and Return Sunday Excursions? to Newport and re turn on tho Corvallis &1jtisti:fu Rail road will leave Albany at 7:30 a.. ni., Corvallis 8.00 a. m., Philomath 8:12 Wren 8:30, Blodgett 8 :50, Summit 0:05, Nashville 9:25, Eddyville 10:00. Mor rison 10:21, Elk City 10:30, Toledo 1055 Every Sunday During the Summer Rain or Shine Season tickets or three-day tickets will be good going or returning on Sunday excursion trains, from all point9. Fare for the round trip: Albany, Corvallis or Philomath.. .$1.50 Philomath to Chitwood 1.00 Morrison to btorrs io Toledo, Mill 4 and Oystorvllle .... Numerous attractions, including Hand Concert, Life-Saving Drills, Boating. Fishing and gathering pretty Agates W IIOIC, BS i', Ullll I V IIUIOOl.-l 01 ieio outs : m , , . , . , . j. - , , ,' .... vr?-. i Toledo Moudav making proof on timber cast at said election against the prohibition of - " the sale of intoxicating liquors in said county, us a whole, was 417, thereby giving a majority of lij votes in said county cast at said election in favor of the prohibition of the sale of iu toxicnling liquors within said county; It Is I'urther ordered, adjudged aud decreed by the Court that by virtue ( f the law and by reason of the prcini-es aforesaid, Hint from and alter the first day of July, A. p., P.iWI, the salo of iu" toxicatin claims betore County Ulerfc Wade. James Hodges and Joseph Parks of Salado wore their witnesses. George McCluskey departed Wednes day morning for his farmstead in tlie Tetitnile country, uccompaoied by Post master Arnold. Tliey were heavily armed with fishing tackle and light i artillery. Suockled trout, cougars, bear We Apologize. A tew days before the late election Charlie Winnut of Newport informed The Leadkr, on t"he quiet, that Gover nor Chamberlain would bo his own suc cessor. We thought Charlie had been viewing the situation th tough a liquefied telescope, and told him so. It is now our duty to apologize. As a member of ihe smooth, sly and active organization which turned the unexpected nnd cruel trick, Charlie was certainly in position to know more about it than a trusting, verdant editor, who has never been ablo to bclitve that all men are liars, Wo apologize again. Clarence Altree, h son. Ted Moore of South Beach had busi ness in Toledo Tuesday. Prices on chocolates slaughtered at the 1'ouboniere uiilil July 4. Mrs. George Hall returned last Satur day from a visit in Portland. O. G. Dalnba of P'llc City was mixing with Toledo friends Wednesday. Mrs A. O. Hooker is visiting her daughters in Waldport this week. J. II. Doty, Ed Hanloti and I). F. Scott of Yaquina wore in the city Tuesduy. County Clerk Ira Wade went to Port land Weduesday on a business mission. Harve, Will and Jim Fnrks of Elk City weio in Toledo the fore part of the week. Mrs. Joseph Lilnworof Mill 1 returtiM Saturday from a visit with Corvallis friends. Hans Olson left yesterday morning on a ijii.-ilni.oj trip r) Albany. j I.. V, Calkins of Drift, creek left yes terday morning ou a business inpto Portland. Couuty Commissioner-elect John Fo- gnrty of Newport was a county sent visitor last Fridav. Mrs. C. E. McDonald of Chitwood is visiting her pareuts, Mr. and Mrs. H. E- Collins, this week. The Bonboniere is headquarters for the celebrated Aldon chocolates best on the Pacific coast. Mrs. A. II. Clark returned last Satur. dav from Shodd. where she had been visiting her daughter. Clans Ludcmnnn of Waldport was iu the city last Friday on business with thu Commissioners' Court. Mrs. A. E. Altreo of Portland arrived last Saturday evening for a visit wilh her sou Ed and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wnrren Hall of Siletz visited relatives and frieuds in Toledo tho fore purl of the week. A. W. Weber and R. II. Howoll of Beaver creek had business in the city Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bailey aud Post master Mike Roddy of Winant were Toledo visitors Wednesday. Wanted A girl for general house work; good wages to good girl. Mrs. A. S. Lasted, Yaquina, Oregon. C. E. Hawkins fished for trout Wednesday between Chitwood and Pioneer, but without his usual success. Too much water. County School Superintendent Both ers returned Monday night from a visit, to tho Chatterton school near the mouth of tho Silelz. I.J. L'uibo of Salem came in Tuesday for a visit, with his sister, Mrs. John McCluskey, whom he had not seen for rr.oro than twenty years. Billy Allen was in the city Monday making proof on his homestead near Bald Mountain. Frank Koehler aud Martin Smith were his witnesses, C. B. Crosiioaud daughter Tillie went and elaborate manner. A line program is being prepared by special commit tees, and no elfort w ill be left untried to make it. a day ol pleasure, happiness and patriotism. The celebration will be held lu the beautiful pine grovo just, above the Ocean House. This spot, command a line view of the bay, har bor and Pacific Ocean, Tho program to be rendered on the grounds will have special merit; a popular orator has been spi rted id deliver the ora tion, and a brass band will be present to discourse patriotic music. After dinnor the crowd will repair to main street anil there en joy tho spectacular performances that) take place on thu bay. People who como to celebrate may bring, their baskets and haven picnic, diqner, or they ran take dinner at. I ho hotels and and boarding houses, whero they will bo entertained in a hospitable manner. A general invilatiou is extended to C'ivvmIIm and ' everybody to come nnd enjoy the day at tho beautilul setislo at Newport. 1 Committkk. Play Ball! All citizens who are interested, and can possibly do so, are invited to assemble at the new ball grounds to morrow 'Saturday) and assist in clear ing tho same for action. Tho Toledo team will soon be organized and may possibly accept an invitation to go to Waldport ou tho Fourth for a gaino with tho team of that plaeo. . Remember the Date. The school board of thu Toledo dis trict has called a meeting of tho voters of tho district for .lulv 14, to discuss the question of establishing u district high school. This is it very important, matter and every qualified voter should ! bo there. At the M. E. Church. Text and services for Sunday services June 24, 11)00: Morning Text, Isaiah 2:2. Subject, "The.Coming Glory of the Church." Evening Text, Hebrews 4:9-10. Sub ject, The Divine Rest.'' Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tongelaud re turned last Friday evening from Phil omath and will hereafter reside on tho Tongeland place on Olalla. Arthur is now owner of the place nnd will en deavor to win recognition as a success ful rancher, good citizen and valuable accompanied by the latter, who will j member of the Toledo baseball learn, visit relatives and friends for a few; Tho Juno Philomath College Chimes days. isays: "Arthur Tongeland is an athlete ; liquors within tho limits of Lin coln county, state of Oregon, be and the same is hereby absolutely prohibited until sum : HU(t ul,Uv..Us ju tuat couutry are HUp timeas the qunlilicd voters in in Id county, at . , , i i i , h .i i r - .s, . L- 1 posed to bo lu more or less daugor. illegal election held for that purpose, by u ; 1 w majority vote, decide otherwise, except oulyi Ralph Van Clove returned Tuesday tor the purp.cs nnd under the regulations ,., Xonll ykima, Wash., where ho spceilied nmtin. towit: pure alcohol for en-j , funeral of ,,ls brother title and miinuiitclurlng purposes, or winci to , , , Vliurchotliciiilsioi sucraaicnial purposes, alert. I Bei t. Mrs. an Cleve, who had been holic stimubuiis us medicine in case ol actual visiting at Independence with Mrs. sickness, bi-.i such stimulant shall only bo sold jjveiotte Jones, returned tho sanio day, Upon tne Wtllieu pvcsi-ripuon ui n rcifou" practicing physician , dated and signed by him, and certilied, un bis honor, that he, the physician, has personally examined the appli cant naming him. and that ao finds him actually sick and in need oi thu stimulant j ...-ii:,.,.h.tl nu ..n,lt.. to i rovbleiL that a nh vsi- ..i-..h a.,.. ,.i f..nv th.. imcii, e of med. I now operating in Liucoln county are I icineas a principal and usual calling shall moving along rapidly. Give them a ,oyal rhilophroneau and a strong do uot be authorized to give the prescription pro- j ut,.irlv Welcoino all along tho line of J baler. Ho is president of tho grad vided for here!..; and provided further that hnud leBH0 don't bo stingy in ""ting class of 1000. Only one thing he l subsidies. Th. Uu for his .u1.nd th.t l. he permitted to null at ad on the prescription a thing wrong with that part of the that ho is a married man. lho girls of a physician not heiein authorized to give It, i proposition. If tho road comes, you don t bothor him any more. nor on a prescription which la not datea, .. if jt Joesu't come, you don't will, signed nnd certified as above required; pro-1 . . , ., l,,fT ...n i, it vided, that every person soiling uch stimu-' uU 11 a tt bUlff ttU ll- Tt Inn tsupou tho prescription herein provided WOu't COtt you anything. I have my new engine installed in the launch Toledo and am now ready to accominodato both bid and new pa trons. Sunday excursions o coinnifiiico Juno 3, round trip fiOc. Tolephono from Stewart's store. I. II. McJcxkin. Sheriff Ross has chosen Walter E. Ball as his deputy for iho term begin ning July I. Mr. Ball arrived Wednes day and is getting pointers preparatory to entering upon liis duties on theaboyo date. He has had some experience iu ollice work and will undoubtedly tnako good. His family will arrive about, tho first of next month and will occupy tho McNeil residetico on First street. A large number of their neighbors gath orod at their homo last Saturday night to give expression of their good-will and wish them well during their stay in Toledo. This welcome addition to our citizenship will also add four to I ho enrollment of the Toledo schools. S. A. Pruett, S. J. Brown and L. W. Richards left Wednesday morning for Portland, having been summoned to al.ipe.ir ar, the Land Olllco nnd dcfctnl their claims to homesteads in the Siletz country, thu same having boon contested. They took with them as witlipukus h'l-tiiilr AI of irni lob Pi. not l to Corvallis last Saturday, M r. Crosno t ., . . , , ,, , ... Surveyor-elect Iiernckand Ade Crosno. Miss Jennie Stull of Newport, who has been in Palo Alto, Calif., during the past two years, arrived in Toledo ' .... i.,...i.. ,. ; i ,. ;it i... reports that his machinery is on hand ! 7 """r "l " ' ' -ii mi ' ii tip her abode m the IJcsort ( Uy. Shu aud his shiuglo mill will soon be busy. ' J i has leiliieil all she cures to know about Matilda j curl hqunkes, and will appreciate the 'tiesday i i,t, ,,( ,i,;. ,,,, ,.,,,; i n ,. County Judge Brown camo up from Newport Tuesday, accompanied by E. A. Swnn, who has been visiting him for some time. The old gentleman is now returning the same dav. Miss Tillie remained for a visit with relatives. Billy Kyuislon was up from Wald port the foru part ot tho week. He The two surveying parties of the Ore gon Coast & Eastern Railroad company of no little reputation. Ho is first in basketball, first in football, first in baseball und fb'st iu studies. He is a J. F. Stratton of Euchre mountain returned u few days ago from a visit to his former homo, Willapa, Washington. Mesdamos Samuel Center, Espy und C. F. Soulo left for Grants Pass to attend the statu con- j ventiun of the Woman's Relief Corps. They were accompanied by Captain II, I It. Sturdevant, who represents the local t 1 1 t Y i .A1. . . . 1 o, ,1, u. 1 urn. Li l uu Qillin i-iii.iiii iiiiutn, , , , . . . . , , , ,, ,, . making his home with lhomas Horning and Mrs. Center's sou Newton. i . , .. I ami i;inuly. At the school-meeting Tuesday after j (,. L-itchiiel 1 of Salem passed noon M. N. Anderson was elected j t), yeslerdav evening to Yaquiun. Director to succeed C. B. Crosno. .1. F. t()P u V!)U wl,h h(.r lm,Ulm. aIlll (,lM1iiv. Stewart introduced a resolution ex-j sho wa, .joined at Toledo by Mrs. John pressing appreciation of the elllcieiit M (j, Mrs. I.itcliflehrs mother. Clerk C. W. Rastall aud Walter Halt of Siletz were passengers fur Portland Wednesday morning. The latter will visit his siiter, Mrs. G. II. Uinbiiugh befoio returning. B. F. Grant of Big F.Ik was in Toledw services of Mr. Crosno (luring ins con-1 nectiou wilh the school board a period ' of about fifteen years. The resolution' was unanimously adopted. C. E. j Hawkins was unanimously elected to. succeed himself us Clerk of the board.! It was tin enthusiastic and hannonious ; meeting, and the interesting discussion will undoubtedly result in much good to tho cuuso of educaliou in Toledo and Lincoln county in tho near future. Mouday as a w itness for Carl Oglosby, who made proof on his homestead. Jack Morgan of Kuchre mountain was iu the city yesterday.