Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, June 01, 1906, Image 8

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?.''. 1 Li-hyc Ydniiina 7:thi n i-
Ia-hvcn Toledo 7:'.' n ;n
Arihesnt I'nrviiillg ll:is.i in
Arihisnt Albany 1m: . in
."No. 'J 1 i Albany p in
l.m.i's (-iirvnUio 1:1,' p m
Ariivcsnt Inledu :,; m
Arrives at Vu'iiiiim r. : i in
'"o. 'A Leaves Albany 7;:'o n in
Arrhvsat Petroit Vl:"t y m
No. i I .raven iKMrolt l :iiA p m
Arrives at Albany j:jn p m
t:;ain. fik i-ouvalus
. No. I.en t Albany 7-.V" a ni
Arrive al CurvalUi :X u m
'Mo. !)-,1 Mie Albany 'j::m n m
Ariivi-sat C.irvn'lis :i:i) p in
'Nu. 0 l.i-Hvt' Albany 7;:;;. p m
Arrives at ('orvallii :i; p m
riiAiNs i'oi: ai.haxv
Wo. V-.cavc ('orvallis fi:ao p m
Arrives at Alluiny 7:10 n m
No. 9- r.ciive-. Cnrvallis i:n p m
Arrive al Allmtiy 1:2". p m
"o. 7 Leaves Cnrvallis ;00 p m
i: i:i.t i.a u sfxijaV tiialvs
"No. .'- leaves ( orvallis ii::;o a in
Arrives at All. any 7:10 n in
No. 11 -Leaven ('orvallis 11 ;:io a in
Arrives at Alliany l':r,- p m
'No. 7- Leaves (orvallis nam p m
Arrives at Alliany il: III p in
No. 8 Alliany 7:.V a in
Arrives al Cnrvallis x::'"i a m
.No. 1J Leaven Albany U'-lii p in
Arrive .a Cnrvallis l::!;i p in
'n C--livivo Ul.nny -'X rt 111
Arrives at Cnrvallis s : 1 ." p m
Al! of tho above eonneet with Smrthnrii
1'nellle company trains, lioth at Alliany ami
.( orviillis, as well as train tor petroit, Riving
illreet service to New port and adjacent beach--es
as veil ns lireitenlini-h Hot Springs.
For further lii.'nnnalion appry to
J. C. .MAYO, Gen. Pass. Agl.
II. !l. HOIKS, A Kent, Alliany.
II. II. CttoXlsK, Ajteiit, CnrviiUls.
Settle, Please.
All knowing themselves to lie in--dnbtod
to llie undersigned for Hour or
feed will kindly settle the same by June
1, '-Short nccouuts make lung friends."
Ono. A. Hall.
Land Olliec at I'ortland, Oregon,
April 'Jii, mm;.
Xolien is hereby given that In coiiinliiiiico
w ith tlie provisions of the act of Congress of
June:;. 1S7S. entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the states of California, Or.
egnn, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
extended tn all the I'nlilie Laminates by at
of August I, m'i, John Nnrhcrg ol Portland,
Connty of Multnomah, Hlato of Oregon, has
Ihisdny died in this oll'ico his sworn statement
Xo. won for the imvehase of the lie1; of nc'i of
.flection 2H, and e) , of and nw' ,of tc'i ol
sei'llou 21 in township la s, ranire 'J west, and
will nlfer proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable lor its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes. arid to establish his
claim to said land be (ore tho Register and
lteeeiverat I'ortland. Oregon, on Thursday, the
-.lith day of July, I'.inii.
lie names as witnesses
Lriek Oman and F.dward Olund of I'ortland,
Or.: (ieorgc Hodges, JaiiKts Hodges of Salado,
Oregon. i
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lauds are requested to (lie
their claims In this i. lice on or before said Jilih
dav of July, llitHi.
At.cEiiNos 8. Diiesskr. Itegisrer.
I niled Slates Land Ollice, I'ortland, Oregon,
April L'l, V.HMi.
Notice 1h hereby given that in compliance
ivlth the lirovislons of tho net of .Congros'i of
.lune :t, ls;, entitled '-An act for the sale of
timber lands In the states of California, Ore
C"ti Sewada nncl Wiisliington Territory," as
extended to all public land states by net of
August I, IS-.i, Kilward I-', (iratton, of Port
land, eoiinty of Miilinoiniih, state of Oregon,
has thisday llled m thisoiliee his sworn state
nient No. ini7 for the purehaso of Hie n'j of
'4 and ni, of se1., of teolion No. 15 in
township No, 13 south, raiiKe Xo. (1 west
and will oiler proof to show that the luiiil
sought Is more valuable for its timber or stone
Hum for agricultural purposes, and to es'ab.
lbh his claim to said land before the Iteglsler
mid Receiver at Portland, Oregon, on Friday
the Jdih day of July, land,
lie nnii.c as witnesses: (
Charles II. Feldmann of I'ortland, Oregon;
Charles .Smith of Mt. Tabor, Oregon ; (ieorge
Hodges and .lames Hodges of Salado, Oregon.
Any and all ikm-soiis claiming ndver-cly the
above-described lands are re.iuested to lilc
their elaiins in this illlee on or before sui'l 'JOth
day of July, Iwi.
land Ollice al I'ortianil, Or.,
March -J7, r.ti'ii.
Xotleeis hereby, given that in compliance
with tho provisions of the act of Congress ol
June 8, 1S7 entitled "An act for the sale of
timber landxlii the states of California, (ue
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory."' as
extended to nil the I'nlilie Laud states by net
of August -1, lsw, (Icorgo Arnold of Portland,
comity of Multnomah, state of Oregon has
this day tiled ill this olltce his sworn statement.
No. for the purchase of the Lots 3 and 4
juidsLjof nw' of section .'i in township 13
south, range west and will oiler proof to
show that tho laud sought Is more valuable
for its timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to suld
land before the Comity clerk o( Lincoln county
at Toledo, Oregon, on Monday, the lMh dny of
June, ismti.
He names as witnesses:
(ieoige Hodges, James Hodges, Joseph Parks
jand Charles Smith, all of Salado, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
ahove-(leriled lauds are requested to tile
.their claims in thtsofllceon or belore said 18ih
day of June, )9oc.
AiaiHo.N 8. Dwjsm,, HegUtcr.
Harlan Items.
i It continues to raiti. tirniti and gar
, dens aro beginning to need a little stiu
shitip. Strawbct ries arc riiio-iitij; very
; slowly, tnvitiK to thp wet weather.
' Coyotes are still on the rampage. It
seems they have come to stay. We run
i them nil day with our dojrs and they
come bin-k and kill lambs and kids at
night. People are yetiing discouraged
and are talking about veiling their
goats and sheep. Xot very encouraging
to cut off the revenue of thecountyi
Hotter hold on boys and make rjp a
bounty siillicient to induce men with
long-winded dogs to come in and kill
the coyotes. 1'onTsell your goats and
sheep, I hey are too good property, and
if we keep on narrowing down ou them
they only soar higher in value.
! Miss I'm ink-hie is in ou a visit with
! her two brother. They had a dance
j there Friday night and ths young folks
1 n-gort a roaring gooil time. Jo.) Si6vens
vvasj there, good naiured as ever, Joe
1 has run coyotes so much lately that he
and old Sounder are getting right down
i'jto running trim.
J. V. Stewart passed through the
i valley looking up tho telephone busi
ness. Of course he wanted to know
! hoiv things are goiug the 4th of June.
! I. W. Derrick cuine over from Fall
Creek, where he lias been visiting witl
his tiiiclo Jack Ogleshy and enjoying
some fine fishing. He stopped over one
day at B. V. (Jrtmt's and caught eighty
fotirof the speckled beauties.
j. ni; i-.ioBc iniiy ,c fur an-J
cattle this year but it is good for sheep
too. Cthe them an equal cliauco and
there is more inouey in what they e.-lt
than there is in goats or cattle either,
t.'attle ate too low and goats ate only
making sheep range.. The day is com
ing when the goat range will be run
out and there will be sheep in their
place. Whenever the brouse is gone
and we have all grass it will not he
profitable to keep goats for tho reason
there is more profit in sheep. They are
less trouble and thrive better on grass.
J!. F. Gram siays ho did sign the
petition to nut it to a vote whether
sheep should run on the range the
same as other stock, but supposed there
was voters enough in the county that
are awake to the interests of all to kill
such a proposition on June 1th,
How to Break Up a Cold.
It may he a surprise to many to leitru
thai a severe cold can be completely
broken up in one or, two days' dime.
The first symptoms of a cold are. a dry,
loud oongh, a watery discharge
from the nose, and a thin, white coat
ing on tho lonpue. .When Chamber
lain's cough remedy is taken every hour
on the first appearance of these symp
toms, it counteracts the effect of the
cold and restores the system to tt
healthy condition within a day'or two.
For .stile by 0. O. Krngpiad.
Notice to Voters. ; '
Having ) been ' nominated for Joint
Representative for Lincoln and Polk
counties on the Socialist ticket, will
say that if elected I will stand- for the
best interests of all and special priv
ileges to none. M. S. Dickinson.
Notice to Bidders.
Notice is hereby given that sealed bids
will bo received up to 10 o'clock a. in.
of the Cth day of Jaue, 190(1, by the
'county court, for Iho building of a
bridge across Fve Rivers at a poiut on
tho county survey below the mouth of
Lobster River. Plans and specifications
to be submitted with said bids. The
court reserves the right to reject any or
all bids.
15y ordor of the county court.
Iha Wade, County Clerk.
V. S. Land Olliec, I'ortlaud, Oregon.
1 May 'Jii, l'.HHi.
Notice is hereby girtm that the following
mimed settler h is tiled notice of her intention
to make Until proof in support of her claim,
and that said proof ' will be made before the
County Clurk of l'olk county, at Dallas, Ore
gon, on July 14. viz:
Orace II. Hampton, II. K. No. for the
w?aw?i motion 17, and H'sj se1 section is,
township 9 south, range S west. .
She tiainos the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon aud cultivation
of said land, viz: f I
Ahin llroek, Lewis W. Hampton, Frank
Morrison, Joseph I.. Morrison, all of Korea,
Oieion. Ai.uf.knon s. DiOixsKit, ltegister.
l". s. Land Olhco at I'ortland. Omgnn.
- May at), lUiHl.
j Notice Is hereby given that the following-
named sctller has llled notice of his intention
I to make tinal proof in support of his claim,
I and that said proof will he made before the
I County Clerk or l'olk county, at Pallas'
I Oregon, on July H, lPim, xlz:
j Lewis W. Hampton, II. E. No. 1.1J57, for the
U)i tie1 end nj, se'4 section :'0, township 9 a,
ratiifc 8 west.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his coin lutious residence ufon aud cultivation
of said land, viz:
Alvin llroek, Orace B. Hampton, Frank Mor
rison, Joseph I Morrison, all of Itoecn, Oregon.
Al.cSK.vojt B. UncijUER, He glster.
Newport, Yaquina Bay, Breiten
bush Hot Springs from all
S. P. and C. & E. Points
On and af cr June 1, liKKi, tho Southern Pa
cific, in connection with the Corvallis i Kast
eru tallros'l, will have on sale round trip
tickets froi i iwints on their lines to Newport.
Yaquina ae 1 Detroit at very low rates, good
for return until October 10, 19lHi.
Three da; tickets to Newport and Yaquina,
Kqod going aturdays aud returning Mondays,
are also on tile from all East, Side points, Port
land to Eiil. -ne, inclusive, and from all West
Side poinrv enabling people to visit their
families nie. fpend Sunday at the seaside.
Season ti'kets from all Kast Side points,
I'ortland to Lunelle, inclusive, and from all
West Side i 'iuts, are also on sale to Detroit at
very low n tes, with stop-over privileges at
Mill City or any point taint, enabling t.iurists
to visit hi Snntiam and lirciteubusli Hot
Springs in fie Cascade mountains, which can
be reached i i one day.
Season tie els w ill be good for return from
all points ii';til October lo. Three-day tickets
will he good going Saturdays aud returning
Mondays o ly. Tickets from I'ortland and
vicinity wi! be good for return via the Lost or
W'est side at .ptinn of passenger. Tickets from
Kugene and vicinity will be good going via the
Lebanon-S.: inglield brunch if desired. ISag
Kage on Nev. port ticket checked through to
Newport: oi. Yaquina tickets to Yaquluaonly.
Sunday excii -sioiiM to Xewp irt on the C. A; K.
will begin .Iisiio lOtli or 17th and run every
Stinday the -cutter, leaving Albany at "::! a.
in.; leave Corvallis 8 a.m.
S. 1". train- connect w E. at fi
lially and Cirvtillis for Yaquina anil Xewp.irt.
Tiiiins on tin- C. A: K. for Detroit will leave Al
ba n..- at 7:uii a. in., e ii lulling tourists to the Hot
Springs to rc:i h there tho same dny. Trains
from Hid to ( orvallis connect with all Kast
Side trains mi the S. 1'.
l-ult intoriiiatioii as lonucs, Lime lubica, etc,
can be obtained ou application to J. C. Mayo;
Ocn. Pass. Agi. C. v. K. I!. It., Albany; A. L.
Craig, ti. P. A., H. I'. Co., I'ortlaud, or to any
S. P. or C. A- i:. agent.
Hates from Toledo to Newport, f 1.10.
rl'hree-dHy rate from Toledo to Xewfiort,?l.
U. S. Land Office, Portland, Or.,
Apni -jj, v.m.
Xotice is hereby uiven that in com
pliance witii the provisions of the act
ot Congress ot June.;, 18.8, entitled
"An act fin llie sale of timber lands in
the States of California. Oregon, Ne
vada and Washington Territory," as
extended to till the public, lands by act
ot Aurusf 4, 18!2. Krick Oman of Port
land, Oiegon, lias this day tiled in this
otiice his swum statement Xo. ti'JUS, tor
the purchase of the swj of sectiou 8 in
township l;i south, ratine !J west, and
will olfnr proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber
or stone than for agricultural purpose,
and to establish his claim to said land
before Register and Receiver nt Port
land, Oreo n. on Thursday, tho 2uth
day of July, 100(!.
Ho names as witnesses:
John .Norherg and Edward Olund of
Portland, Oregon ; Oeorue 1 lodges and
J, E. Hodges of, Salado, Oregon.
Any anil all persouschiiminKndverse
ly the above described lauds are re
quested to file their claims in this ollice
on or before said L'Oth day of July, liWG.
.lokknoo.v S. Dklsser, Keg'igter.
notice i-oi: rrr.LicATiox.
U. S. Land Office. Portland, Or.
February I, l'JOfi.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of Juno 3. 1878, entitled
''An Hi-t, for the ssfloof timber lauds 'in
the f-tatcs of California, Oregon, Ne
vada, and Washington Territory.1' as
oxteuded to all the Public Land Slates
by act of Auirust 4. 18t)2. Ernst G. Ebers
of Boipc, county of Ada, state of 'Idaho.
lias tins day Hied in this otuce his sworn
statement No. 0775, for the purchase of
ttie w.'i, ot nwii, mi ol nwli and uw'x
of s of section 31 in townsihp 12 s,
rauKe 'J w, and will oiler proof to show
that the hind sought is more valuable
for its timber or stone 'than for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said Jand before Count v Clerk
of Lincoln county, at Toledo, Oregon,
on Wednosday, the lSth day of July,
Ho names as witnesses :
Joseph Parks, Georgo Iludges, James
Hodges, of Salado, Or.; J. B. Wheeler
of Portland, Oregon.
Any and all persons claimhiir adverse
ly the above-described lands are re
quested lo tile their claims in this office
on or before said 18th .day of July, VJOC.
Algernon S. Duksskk, Itegister.
I', s. Laud Oluec, I'ortlund, Oreiion.
March 1.1, VMi.
Nutice i-i hcreliy given that la eonipliance
with the provlsionx of the act of CongriB of
.lui.e ;t, TS, entitled "An net for ihe sale of
tiniher limits In the states of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Vanliliigton Territory," as
extended to all the Pntilie Land States hy act
of August 4, lSth!, Clara T.' Iteieison, of I'ort
lund, comity of Mtiltnomnh, stale of Oregon,
has thin day tiled in this ollice his sworn slate
tnent Xo. iwa, for the pnrehai-e of the ttjj ol
ne1.;, se'4 of ne'.i mid nc1 of se'' of scetion 27
in townkhlji 1J south, range fl west, and will
ofl'or proof to show that the land sought is
morn valuable for itx timber or stone than lor
agricultural purposes, mid to estalil sh his
claim to mid land before the liegistur and Re
ceiver at Portland, Oregon, on Monday, the 2d
day of July, l!XKl.
He names ns witnesses:
(ieoige A. Hodges, Jarne- A. Hodges, of Pa
lado, Or.: .1. K. McOmber, .lenuloC. Kciersou,
of i'ortland, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiminu adversely the
above-described lands are rcqlielitcd to Hie
their claims in thisoiliee on or before said2il
day of July, P.WC.
Alukrmon p. Dkksskb, Register.
Eggs for Sale.
Pure-bred Barred Plymouth Rock
CS, SI per setting of 13. Inquire of
Lbh. Geougi Betueks, Toledo, Or.
My stock is complete with
Men's Suits
Ladies' Dress Gooch
In fact anything to make yon Com
fortable, Happy and Well Dressed,
as my goods arc Up-to-the-Minnte
and my price is right
You don't havo to
come and ask
. .T. 8.
IIENKY LEWIS. Proprietor.
Leader in
Low Prices
Yours with Bargains
Toledo, Oregon
I T 1T - t"
Old-Giwth Fir,
Boat and Box Lumber (TT T() rmk
" r
No. 1 crtical-Grain Flooring Am well prepared to furnish e
and Mouldings a Specialty anything in building line f
Operatiug an Up to-Date Planer jr
Good Stock of Dry Luniber on liand
r -
I will deliver lumber at any point on the 0. A ti. railroad or
i tidewater on liiquina bay at
nRANCH yards j, R. Mays iz, Son, Elk City
J. A. J. Fleming. Newport
U. S. Land Office, Portland, Or.
April 24, HXKI.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provifions of the act
of Congress of June II, 1878, entitled,
"An act for the sale of timber lands in
the StateH of California, (Jfegon, Ne
vada, aud Washington Territory," an
extended to all the Public Land Viate.s
by act of August 4, 18D2, Charles II.
Keldtnanti of Portland, county of Mult
nomah, date of Oreiron, has this day
filed in this office his sworn statement
No. C8i)i), for tho purchase of the no).,
of teetion 15 in township 13 s, tange t)
w, and will offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to
said land before the Register nnd Re
ceiver at Portland, prenou, on Fridav
the 20th day of July, 1!)0G. " '
He names as witnesses.
Edward P. Uratton, of Portlaud, Or.;
CbarleB Smith of Mt. Tabor. Xlregon
George Hodges and James Hodges of
Salado, Oregon.
Any aud all persons claimingadverse
ly the above described lands are re
quested to Ulo their clnima in this office
on or before said 20th day of J uly, 1906
Alokilnox S. Dkusser, Register.
Fancy Novelties
ssnd away if yon only
M T,-i 1 c H'
Snruccand Alder
right prices, quality considered
Toledo, Oregon
In thi; ('utility Court of the Mate of Oregon,
fur the county of Lincoln.
! In ih matter of the csfate of Niels Aiu'erscn,
(1 i-chsuiL
Kot ice is hereby (tivci) thut tho iiinl. i -lt;uc(l
hiis .cii iluly appointed by the County i inn t
of tho state of Oregon for tho county of l.iu
eolu. ailinliiistriitlx of the estate of Mel." An
derail, (leceaKOil. All persons hiivlni.' rlninia
aiiitis-t Kakl OHtnle are hereby nolllli-il lo pre
Merit tl-.em to me at my residence near Ker
vllle. Oregon, within six mouths from date
hereof, duly verified as by law required.
Ailmiiiislratrixof thcestatoof Niels Aiuiorscii
deceased. '
Dutcd this J7th dny of April, lOirt:.
Wanted Iy - Chicago wholesale nnd
in a 1 1 order house, assistant manager
(man or woman) for this county and
aj-diiliiB territorv. Salarv $20 and ex-
pe'i'-os mid weekly; expause money
itiivanced. Work pleasant: position
permanent. No investment or experi
ence required Spare time valuable.
W itti at once for full particulars and
em loe self-addressed nvelope.
132 Luke BU, Chicago, 111.