Lincoln County, Leader. INHERITED INDIAN LAND FOE SALE AT SILETZ, OREGON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That bids will be received for the sale of the following described iuherited Indian lands, situated and being in Lincoln County, Oregon, as per schedule hereiu set forth, to-wit : CHARLES F. SOL'LE, ADA E. SOULK, PnoPHIETORS. f TUOS. LEKSE, President. J. C. DCDI EY. Vice President. l.H. OI. Alii 1, Cashier. Official. County Paper. liiQColQ Eoupty Pal Responsibility 75,000 CO 8 H Date Listed Date Bid Opened Entered at the postoftiee lit Toledo, Oregon, as ecund claw wail matter. Acres 2 10 II 80 Mar 21, 1S00 Aug. 20, 1900 HEIIM . BrB- divisioms Nellie White et al Lots 31 and 32 section S, and Jots 2.) and 20 Nellie White et al Lots 15 and 16 section 3, and lots 9 and 10 SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year . - - - fl 50 Six Months. - - 75 Three Months. - 50 Republican County Ticket For Joint Representative F. JONES County Judge B. P. SWOPE. ' Sheriff' . J. H. ROSS County Clerk IRA WADE Treasurer J. L. HYDE" Commissioner GEORGE KING: Snrves'or 1 M.WYGANT; Coroner Ftp. V. M. CARTER' Nellie W hito et al wl The Republican cotiuty ticket may he safely supported by any vater who rec ognizes ability, Mr. Witbycombe, Oregon's-next Gov ernor, will make a runaway race in Lincoln county. It is freely predicted that he will carry every county in the state, including Multuotnnh. Tlie First district has never had a candidate for Congress who possessed the ability and attractive personality of V. C. Ilawloy. Lincoln county can afford to hand him a handsome majority say nbout 400. The Newport gentleman who con tributed tin article to Thk Lkadkk last week in reference to the present county officials, including Sheriff Ross, is one of tuo best-known citizens of Lincoln county. When he is in Toledo again he will probably call on the Reporter and tell the wise editor all about it.. The I.hADKR has been very careful to. keen, within thebonnds of truth when giving space to Witless Willie of the Newport News. That's what, makes him mad. , Willie is a real naughty boy;, he kicks, bawls aud goes into a spasm every time a conlemporary contests his right to. a monopoly of mndslinging; he wntits everybody 10 pat hiin on his little and oalj htm a fcweet little cherub, etc., but. Jie can't catch even one little caress. We insist on dividing the time with Willie, but cheerfully purmit him to .do. all .the dirty lying. 10 10 9 10 5 JO 9 ' 9 9 9 9 9 10 9 March 12 '00 June 11 '00 .. ;-J'; 1 uouen i i'iii nwJi jg Robert l'elix ne1,' se!i seyiion 0, and e'i nw'l se'i and lot 24 8 Ida Hcnsell !..n,isw'i S4 Win. I'mntata Lots 19. 20, 29 and 30 11 liutler Fairehild. Lots 1 2, 13, U and.15 3 Kaldwln Katri'hild...s'i se1:,' ne'4' und lie1 4 se' 9 Nettie West et nl. ...Lots 1 and 10 and wWniv; 29 j Martha Johnson nenr1 26 Martha Johnson s!ane;i 20 Mnrthu Johnson. t.ots 2J, 30, 31 and 32 28 Surah Captain....!' ni'i sw,'4', e's; uw sw4', w' j se'i iw.'i nnd ei viUli Kitty Evans.... H'i iw4 27. Kitty Evans l.ots 14, 15 and 10 section 33 and sw!4 nw!4 William Klamath Lots 3 and 4. and swf; Catherine!4 se'4 and 3, and se!4' Mary Dick el al w, nw,'i William Mctcalf ...Lots 8,9, 12 and 7" Hurry Clmpman Lots 1 and 5 Jane Yaunur ne'4 nw!4 anil lots 7, 9, 14, 10 Jane Vanner. .net ne.', e'4'sw!4'ne!andlitll Moses Lane w"j ne'i 11 wU. e'.j lot 1, w'! sc.'4 mvf, and e)a lots Lucy Samuels ne.'i se.'j and lot 7 . Betsy Wilson s1 ij se'4 nnd lot 4 and ne4 nc4 I'etcr Hohb e)a sw'4 Peter linbb Lots 17, 18, 19 and 31 Peter llobb ;... w' se1 Peter llobb ejjsc.'j Bensel Orion, et al, lots 27, 28, '"land SO Coquelle Thompsoli cjj s!4 CcKuelle Thompson cj nwlisn''.e'a xw;4 sv!4 w!ine'4nw'i nnd lot 32, se1., Coquelle Thompson wj nw'i ne'i, iic1 nw;4 and e1;; nwj ; n .v!4 Coquelle Thompson wJi nwj4 se'4, nc'4 s Ji and lot 12 Said bids will be received up to 12 o'clock, noon, of the various days upon which they are listed to bo opened in above schedule, and must be enclosed in sealed envelopes directed to Knott C. Egbert, Superintendent, Siletz, Oregon. Envelopes containing such bids should not have noted thereon the description of the lands to which the bids relate, but there shall be noted on such envelopes the date upon w hich the bid is to be opened. Bidders should submit a draft on some Portland bank ; otherwise remit enough to cover exchange on outside hunks. ' . KNOTT C. EGBERT, Supt. and Special Disbursing Ageut, in Charge of Sileta Agency, Oregon. 9 8 17 17 ! 0 0 0 10 9 !) 1, II HI 11 H 10 10 9 11 10 10 10 11 Hi 10 10 l 10 10 11 80 80 80 i 80 80 80 80 05.74 80 40 80 80 80 81) . 80 83.10 80.07 80 80.40 ' 77.05 52.30 79.90 78.05 71.55 100.70 80 80 , 80 80 80 ' 80 Transacts a General Banking Business Interest Paid on Time Deposits Exchange .Sold on All Points ' State, County and School Warrants Bought Principal Correspondents: . PORTLAND Canadian Bank of Commerce, London and San Fran- f cisco Bank, Ltd. SAN FRANCISCO London and San Francisco Bank, Ltd. NEW YORK-J. P. Morgan & Co. (f CHICAGO First National Bank. , LONDON, ENG. London and San Francisco Bank, Ltd. if 11 83 12 M. N. Anderson Proprietor Toledo Livery and Feed Stable Good Rigs and well-broken saddle horses. Special attention given to Traveling Men. Horses boarded by day, week or month CITY DRAY IN CONNECTION DAILY STAGE TO AND FROM SILETZ Leaves Toledo at 7:30 a. m. . Leaves Siletz at 12:40 p. m. . . Arrives at Siletz at 10:50 a. m. . . .Arrives at Toledo .it 4.00 p. m. B. F. Swopo, as deputy district at torney for this couut.y, bus prosecuted with vigor every, cri mi ual. case which he has tried in a Justice's Court in this bounty, and wherever there has boen sufficient evidence, he has succeeded in hither conviction or .committal to the Circuit Court, as was true iuthe.Mc t'ulluni rape case, also in, tho case at Newport, both of which are referred to. ii. this week's issuo of -toe Reporter. In both of these cases the defendants were bound over to the Circuit Court, and thon the duty of the deputy dist rict attorney practically ended as to the prosecution, as District Attorney Brown takes full charge ii the Circuit Court,, or wheu the case is before the. Grand fury. &1yo.ah In A lpu-i.ncatv. ff jj ' nclal Sallot for X MARK X BETWEEN THE n j STATE f For United State Senator Voto for Oi i 1 1 & Tgrm Poglpnlny March 4. 190f. j I BOUBNB. JONATHAN JR., of Mult. Co.. Republic I - ' ' j I For United States Senator Vote for Oi i I K & y Vacancy. I i L "J$L MOUSEY. FRED W, of Multnomah Oo. . .fcepublici I j ' y 1 zl 1 I For Governor Voto for Oil I -iyWITHYOOMBB, JAMES, of Bontou Co. .Bepcbllci For Supreine Judge ' Vote for On I sVjEAKJN, BOBEH3, of Union Oouuty Bpubllc I For Secretary of State Vcta for Oni Gastronomic. A little girl who was not feeling well was taken to see the doctor. After f';eling her pulse end inquiring the synipioms, he located the trouble as coming from the liver. "If that's my liver," said the )itt!e girl, "then I want to know where my bacon is." Juno Lippiucott's. NOTICE FOR pniUCATIOX. U. S. Land Olllca, Portland, Oregon. May 4, 190(1. Notice fs hereby given that in com pliance Willi the provisions of the act of Congress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands iu the States of California, Oregon, Ne vada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act. of Antrust 4. Murr Knllninn ; . of Portland, county of Multnomah, KOTICK 1'OIt I'L'lfl.rcATID.N. i Mate of Oregon, has this day filed in U. S.'l.andOilioe.I'orihmd.Oreiton. s fllce her sworn statement No. 0917 May 1 l'Kjr, ' l0r tIlft PIIrch'se of the sw.1 of section Xotiee is heret.y uiven that in compliance ! t"w"slli!) ,'2 s. rnge 0 w, find will with th provision o( the act of Congress oi ontir.Vroof to show that the land sought June 3,1878, entitled "An ma fr the sale of ! !? m01;" valll fr its timber or stone timher lands in the states of California, Ore-1 ,'! , V 1ilKr,c1u!t"'''l Purposes, nnd to gon, Nevada, and .Wa.hiimton Territorv." as 1 t!l!,l,!' he claim to said land before extended to all the Public l and States l.y act ! Kelstei' Keceiver at Portland, Ore- iuvuun) , uue outii oay oi .luly 1'JlKi. 1 She names as witnesses: I.Uen Paulson. ,Joh of August 4, 189J. Clill" V. Willis of Pm-tlni.d county of Multnomah, stale of Oregon, has this day tiled iu this olllce his sworn statement, No. Mil for the purchnse of the rvi of se1 suction 'J7; sw.iof sw,'-, section 26; ne'ot nc'4 section 31, and nw4' o( nw,'4 of section Xt in township 12 south, range 9 w, and will oiler proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for ngri. cultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before County Clei k ot Lincoln county, at Toledo, Oregon, on WedncsJav, the 18th day of July, lyuo. He names as witnesses: (leorge Hodges, James Hodges, Joseph Purks all of Snlado, Oregon; Charles Smith, ot Mt Tabor Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the aliova described lands are requested to file thoir claims in this olliccon or before said lsth day ot July, l'JOii. AI.GEKNON S. DKESSKU, Itcgister. r Portland. Or t tonriro Ilnrlrraa .um injures, oi MiliHlo, Uregon. Any' and all persons claiming ad versely tho above described lands tiro requested to tile their claims in this ofliee ou or before said 30th dav of J nly, 191HJ. " Algernon- S. Drksseu. Register. D'llS. ADAMS ty&T Dentists Of Lewis Building, Xw, Morrison St., roiiTLAND, OR. . Our specialty is the painless, tilling or ex tracting of tottli. I Our Motto' A Pleased Patient Our Ilest A.lvertiser. NOTICE FOlt 1'fIU.ICATlON. U. S. I.aud Olllce. Portland, Oregon, . 4 May 1, 1900. I Notice la hereby given that in compliance with tho provisions of an act of Congress of llltW:i 1K7U ,,,(, tail A . , t aKi lur me OI - timber lands in the Slates cf California, Ore- Olco "t resideticb on onst side of Hill R. D. BURGESS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON TOl.KDO, OP.HOOK The juggling mathematician, of the Reporter comes to tho front .this week wiili auother bunch of "flggors," show ing the. hinoimt .Sheriff. Boss lias re ceived us salary , and the, amount ho might have reouived if ho had only received it. Every cent of county ex-, tn'nso is (-villained, iu itemized "bill. which arc kent nn lllr. un.l ,,m- l.u i. spected by any taxpayer who desires to'l satisfy himseff us to their character. V'o challenge the Reporter to prove llmt nny one item of expense in, con-1, neclion wit h tho Sheriff s olllce has not been rcttspnable, or uecessary. Facts -oiitintle to have more weight than .iti?gled figures, misrepresentations and insinuations. BENSON, FRANK W of DougUs Comity . BopubUccij For State Treasurer Vote for Oi 34gp STL-L, OBOB03 A, of Clackamas Oo . . .Bejiablli For Superintendent of Public Instruction Voto for Ofl ISfi jZ ACKEIAM, J. H., of Multnomah Co EopublkJ rq ; For Attorney General VoU for Od SUVV ORAWroaO, A. M., of Doagla a Oouuty. .Bopubllca! For State Printer Vote for OrJ t3f9 DUNIWAY, Wt-UO 8., of Multnomah Oo.JMpubUc For Commissioner of Labor Statistics and Iaipectf of Factories and Worlhop Vote for 01 "TT HOfF, O. P, of Multaomah Oouuty. , . . .BapubUci gon, Nevada, and WashiiiL'ton Teiritorv " u extended to all the Public Land States by act or August -1, 1892, Klleu Paulsoai of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of Oregon, has imsuny niea in tnis olllceici- sworn statement No. Otils, for the purchase of tho n, of sec tion N o. 20 in township No. 12 s, range No. l w, and will oiler proof to show that the land i Sought is more valuable for lis timber or sionc ' than tor agricultural puriKises.und tocstablish I her claim to said land before Itegisior und lio-1 culver at Portland, Oregon, on Monday, the! iWthday of July, 1HO0. Sho names us witnesses; ' ! Mary Kallinan, John Norbern or Portland, Oregon: Ceorge UodRes, James Hodges or! Salado, Oregon. j Any and nil persons claiming udvoisoly Hie ' above described lands lire requested to Hie' their claims in this ofti on or beforo suld Sum! day of July, luou. ALUEUXON 8. HUKSSKIt, lieglstor j fetraybd or Stolen. ii 'ii v . I'6, tah'.v,"8 ildle,wltU;, igbt tJUiltcrl .beat, one nirrui gouctj iiib.v tllso litWe bridle blu Missing since'' nboui May lit last mh-u on loud between I NeWM t HhJ Pile. Lrav informa. 1 t tlriti with lti.ll .Ut-titliel'8 lit Sllet riiid Tt, n :. .-' ItWIltfJ. , ' 1st Congressional Distrid presentative to Congress Vote for Oil , MHAWL-Y, WIL-IS 0., of Marion Co . BopubUcaJ and.Oregonjan, I2.00 NOT ICE FOR l'fBI.ICATION. U. H. lr.d Office, Portland, Oregon, v. , , t , 5Ih' I'm low. Notice is hereby given that the following, named settler has filed noiice of his Intention to make tluo.1 proof iu support of his claim und that said proof will iv made beforo the" County Clerk uf Lincoln county, at Toledo Oregon, on June 19, isoo, viz: ' II. E. No. 1350.2, by Ji llus Busch. for tho nei ' neicctioii20,se;4'e;i and w,i,j seJi secUon 23, township 12 a, range 10 w. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, Vie: J. E. Knapp, Clyde E. Knapp, Uradley Troxel of Glen, Oregon; C. E. Hawkins of Toledo Or ALtiKKNON , WtESSEK.KegiHter. ' Street between Third and Fourth Immediate attention given to calls from . any part of the county this $60 Machine for $25 FREIGHT PREPAID. It is a h'l-h arm, drop hitflri hull I... i lvlf. Hitch, double lied, s-lt-llir'dlng i.hui le: has. automatic bobbin vi:,!vr and ruber luttM inip'o1 e-i-ivntM. Tlits l the ANTi- TKtlST MACHINE. It is tbe Mftme iimchln sgciM are tikiiigyne Ml fcr. Al af.taclitiii,ut povvitb maclilnu. feo'd for only .t cnu inn . moii'iti). Write TODAT for free rUPttlTtiHE CATUOCUE cliowlnir elegnnt bouehold ,.,,i wow II! -hi- (Frnloht rrcpsld) on Lasy Paymenls our new CfECil plan. Gavuptx Ftxfnilsifo Ccn:pany . 173-173 PirstSt., MliTLANl). ! CITY FLOUR. FEED Aim SEED STORE GKORGE A. II ALL; Proprietor. TOLEDO, OREGON . Complete Stock, Best Grades