Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, June 01, 1906, Image 3

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    Hood's Sarsaparilla
Purifies, enrichei and revitalizes the blood
and builds up the whole -ysteni.
It radically and permanently cures all blood
diseases, from pimples to scrofula.
It Is the best constitutional remedy for ca
tarrh, rheumatism and dyspepsia.
There Is no time of year when it Is not more
widely useful than any other medicine.
These statements are confirmed daily by
cured and grateful men and women.
Over 40.000 testimonials in the last two
years an unequaled, unapproached record I
Now put up in tablets, as well as usual
liquid form. 100 Doses One Dollar.
The Troanls.
"I wish you would send a man up
to fix my typewriter."
"What seems to be the matter with
"I think the type Is pled; look at this
"It Is not your typewriter, but your
stenographer that needs overhauling;
you'll bnve to do that yourself." Hous
ton Post
If His Land Suffers from Drouth or
Lacks Water for Irrigating Wheo
Small Stream Is Near, by Says
Robert Washburn.
' "It is the farmer's own fault, if, in
these days of scientific discovery, he
does not reap all the returns he should
from bis land, be it located wherever
or however it may, in or without the
rain belt, bo Iocs as thcro is a email
stream with a Blight fall nearby."
Such was the remark the other day of
Mr. Robert Waehburn, a man of wide
experience in agriculture, horticulture
and individual irrigation .enterprises
throughout the great Pacific Nortkweet,
being at present an extensive owner
and 'operator of Rogue river land.
"Devastation to crops as a result of
droughts and barrenness of land from
lack of water are two evils that can
easily be overcome," continued Mr.
Washburn, "if the flow of a little
stream is only utilized by any one of
the modern mechanical devices now be
ing mede for just such work and al
ready accomplishing for many the de
sired results. The simplest and most
inexpensive of these devices for elevat
ing the water of a stream to a higher
level is, perhaps the hydraulic ram.
It is a self-pumping engine that is rap
idly fulfilling the need of the farmer
and small irrigationist for a sure
scheme of getting out of their land all
those bountiful returns yielded where
water is plentiful."
"Old Gayboy plays the races, doesn't
"No; he's too smooth for that Uo
works 'em."
Apple Plum Pnddlmsr.
Arrange In a deep earthen baking
dish suitable for serving as many ap
ples, cored and pared, as It will hold.
Fill the core cavities with a mixture
of equal parts of boiled chestnuts,
stoned dates, seeded mining and wal
nuts, all chopped fine and moistened
with lemon Juice and sweetened to
taste. Melt sugar and butter In hot
water In the proportion of one table
spoonful of sugar and one-half tea
spoonful of butter for each apple, and
one cup hot water for Ave apples. Pour
this over the apples and baste fre
quently, adding more water If needed.
There should be Just a little rich thick
sirup at the last Serve hot with thin
cream or cold with whipped cream.
PITQ Permanently Cared. irontsornerroasness
ri Id afterflrstday'saseorDr.Kllns'sUreatKerve
Restorer. Hend for Free trial boltleand tmtlsa.
x Dr. K. H. Kline, Ltd., Ml Arch St.. Philadelphia, Pa.
. IsfsraastlsB.
"What Is a domestic animal, mam
mar' asked the little boy.
"A domestic . animal," replied, mam
ma, with a scornful glance,, at papa,
who was putting on bis coat, "Is one
who does not spend all bis time at tne
club. Brooklyn Ufe.
T R V A I L T H R. ' fiTTSRajagl
Portland Trade Directory
Names and Addresses In Portland of Repre
sentative Business firms.
PHOTO BUPPLIKH; Kodak developing and prlnt
log; write for prices. Woodard. t'larae & Co.
MAGIC LANTKKN8 Welster Co., Portland.
Lowem prices on Lanterns and aildes.
ELASTIC! HOSIKHY; Supporters, Braces; Knit to
frit; free measurement blanks; Woodard, Clarke.
II0KSE8 of all kinds for sala at very reasonable
prices. Inquire 276 Front St.
TRURRKS sent on approval; we guarantee flt la
most dltllcult cases; Woodard, Clarke x Co.
ARTIFICIAL EVKB; every shad and snap; as
sortment sent on approval; Woodard, Clark Uo
CHEAM 8KPAKATOR8 We guarantee the U.S.
' Separator to be the best. Write for free catalog.
Hazel wood Co., Fifth aud Oak.
MEN'S CLOTHINO Buftum A Pendleton, sole
agents Alfred Benjamin A Co.'s correct clothes.
Everything In men's furnishings. Morrison and
Blith streets. Opposite poslouice.
FREE LAND IN OKEOON under the Carey Irri
gation act. Deed direct from state. Write today.
Booklet and map free. B. 8. Cooks et Co., 26L
Alder street, Portland, Oregon.
POULTRY FOOD-If you want your hens to lay
more eggs write us for free particulars about PU
Portland, Oregon.
TAILOHH Columbia Woolen Mills Co.. Portland.
Ore. Latest style clothes made to measure cheap,
Our self measurement system Insures perfect nt.
Write for free samples and prices.
PIA NOH A OHUANH oldest piano house on Pa
cific coast. Organs and Pianos on easy payments.
Write for list. Let us quote you a price. Allen
Ullbert-Raniaker Co., Portland, Oregon.
Unman Hair Goods 8wltches, Pompadours, Men's
Toupees and Wigs; beat quality; lowest prices;
send for free price list; mall orders a specialty.
Paris tlaur Mtore, sot) Washington ut, Kit istta,
Nut Bare.
Peanuts, almonds, English walnuts
or pecans may be used for this candy.
Prepare the nuts by removing the In
ner covering and chopping them. Then
grease the bottom and sides of a
broad, shallow tin pan wUu ficoli but
ter, and put the nuts into it spread
ing them evenly.- Put one pound of
granulated sugar, with half a teacup-
rul of water and a pinch of cream of
tartar, Into a kettle and boll until
thick, but not too brittle. Pour the
sirup over the nuts and set aside to
cool, When slightly stiff mark off Into
iae Dars with a sharp knife and let
stand several days, when It will bo-
come soft and delicious.
Glace Small Frnita.
Divide peeled orannes Into lobes and
run two or the lobes on a mnnii atinir
On another of these thin Rkeu-pra im
pale five Malaga grapes. Boll to a
sirup a pound of granulated snirnr nnrl
a gill or cold water and tin nr Brir
while cooking. Try often by dropping
a nine in iced water and when It Is
brittle add a tablesnoonful
Juice, remove from the fire, set In an
outer pan of scalding water and dip
tue rruu-covered sticks Into the sirup,
turning tbem over and over, then lay
ing on waxed paper to dry.
Baked Eggs,
Put In a frying Pan and melt one
generous tablespoonful of butter; stir
Into It one teaspoonful of flour until
smooth and frothy, taking care not to
brown. Then draw the pan back and
add, gradually, one cupful of cold milk,
half a teaspoonful of salt and a dnah
of pepper. Let the sauce boll up once.
inert pour Into a deep earthen pie plate.
Into this drop eight eetrs. Place thn
dish In a moderate oven, and, when the
eggs are Just set, serve Immediately
In the same dish. Garnish with parsley.
Minced Veal and Eggs, ,
Take some remnants of roast or
braised veal, trim off all browned
parts, and mince It very finely. Fry
a finely chopped onion to a light brown
In some butter; add a large pinch of
flour, a little stock, and the minced
veal, with chopped parsley, pepper, salt
and nutmeg to taste. Mix well and let
the mince gradually get hot; lastly
add a few drops of lemon Juice. Serve
with sippets of bread fried In butter,
and the poached eggs on top.
Chocolate Custard.
Melt over the fire two ounces of Ba
ker's chocolate with a little water and
add a cupful of sugar. Boll two min
utes and pour Into a quart of boiling
milk. Add one tublespoonful of 'corn
starch dissolved In a little cold water,
with a teaspoonful of vanilla, and add
yolks of four well beaten eggs. Beat
the whites stiff with a spoonful of pow
dered mgar; put the custard In cups
and pile the whites on them.
. To Cool the Oven.
If when you . are baklug .anything
the oven gets too hot, put In a basin
of cold water Instead of leaving the
door open. This cools the oven, and
the steam rising from the water pre
vents the contents burning. When
cooking In a gas oven a basin or tin
pf water should always be kept In
the oven.
Ham Salad.
Cut fine pieces of boiled bam. Make
a dressing as follows : To one-half cup
of melted butter add two well beaten
eggs, one-half pint of vinegar, celery,
salt, pepper and salt to taste, dessert
spoonful of sugar and one teaspoonful
of mustard. Mix smooth and boll until
It thickens to the consistency of cream
and pour on the ham.
For Pry Ins;.
Fat Is the right heat for frying when
It has entirely ceased bubbling and a
faint blue smoke rises. To test it
throw In a small piece of bread, and If
this turns 'brown at tfnee the fat If
mm mmm
m w iy a . : ww. at ar .. atr em.
aw LLiiW .MP-- .1KIT - X rA 1 -. 11
if .
There are two classes of remedies: those of known qual
ity and which are permanently beneficial In effect, acting
gently, in harmony with nature, when natureneeds assist
ance ; and another class, composed of preparations of
unknown, uncertain and inferior character, acting tempo
rarily, but injuriously, as a result of forcing the natural
functions unnecessarily. One of the most PYrpnfinnal rf
the remedies of known quality and excellence is the ever
pleasant SvruD of Fks. manufarti lrprl h thp P.alifnrnia
Fig Syrup Co., which represents the active principles of
plants, known to act most beneficially, in a pleasant syrup;
in which the wholesome Californian blue figs are used to con
tribute their rich, yet delicate, fruity flavor. It is the remedy
ui an iciucuics io sweeten ana reiresn and cleanse the system
gently and naturally, and to assist one in overcoming consti
pation and the many ills resulting therefrom. Its active princi
ples and quality are known to physicians generally, and the
remedy has therefore met wiih thpir n nnrnval nc U'all ac itrith
the favor of many millions of well informed persons who know
of their own personal knowlerl CTl find f mm nrtlial vnfriona
that it is a most excellent laxative remedy We do not claim that
it will cure all manner of ills.hut rprnmmnrl it fnr , r.n
represents, a laxative remedy of known quality and excellence,
containing nothing of an objectionable or injurious character.
There are two classes cA! iims ui... ur ;,,r.rm.i
aw me Muaiiiy oi wnai mey Duy and tne reasonstor the excellence
of articles of exceptional merit, and who do not lack courage to go
elsewhere when a dealer offers an imitation of any well known
article; but, unfortunately, there are some people who do not know,
and who allow themselves to be imposed upon. They cannot expect
ucucuciai enecT.5 ii uiey ao not get tne genuine remedy.
To the credit of the druggists of the United States be it said
that nearly all of them value their reputation for professional
integrity and the good will of their customers too hichly to offer
imitations of the
Genuine Syrup of Figs
manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., and in order
f::Ji to buy the genuine article and to apt its hpnpfir ini pffcte
one has only to note, when purchasing, the full name of
the Company California Fig Syrup Co. plainly printed on the
front of every package. Price, 50c per bottle. One size only.
Coatlr Dictionary Belnar Compllad.
On the preparation of a new diction
ary of the English language (400,000
has been spent In Philadelphia and
(250,000 more will be necessary before
It can be dellevered entire. The work
has been going steadily on for thirteen
To Break In New Shoes.
Always shake in Allrn'i Foot-Ease, a powder.
It cures hot, sweating, aching, swollen feet.
Cures corns, Ingrowing nails and bunions. At
all druggists and shoe stores, He. Don't accept
any substitute. Sample mailed FREB. Address
Allen a. Olmsted, U Roy, N. Y.
What I
"I knew ha was somsthlnr af mleh-
rft.7, but I didn't know be was rich. How
did be make his money V
r'ln drrt."
"Real estate or mining?"
"Neither. He WTote a book. You've
read it, haven't you?"
Her Motherly War.
"They say Mrs. Krankley makes regit
lar dolls of her daughters."
"Well, It's true. She fairly stuffs tbem
with breakfast food."
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. chenkx A CO., fropa, Toledo, o.
We, the undersigned, hare known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him
perfectly honorable in all Dullness transac
tions and financially able to carry out any ob
ligations maae dt metr nrm.
Vt ibt A Tru ax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O,
W aldino, K m N am it Martin, W holesale Drug-
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, act
ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur
laces of tne system. Price 76c. per botUa.
sum dt an vrugrisis. 'testimonials iree.
Hall's Family Fills are the best.
Much use is made in the vineyards of
Algeria of sulphate of copper; more than
120 tons were imported last year from
the United States.
1 rricriEa ,
H!iIMi,i i.l.llu....i...i,.i,...i.liVi."lr.ii lir.,, in,. ii, j.iv.iUj, i -,f.
y- ---swi-rr! ' . J t m
Vtgetable Preparalionfor As
similating (he Food andRegula
ting the S toinachs andBowels of
v' til iFIi II him VUf iWn
MA Hp IB mJNTa-fc 3
Promotes Digcslion,Cheerrur
nessandnest.Contains neither
Snum,Morpliine norlineraL
ot "Narcotic.
Bmptm Semi'
A perfect Remedy forConstlpa
non, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness and Lo s s o f Sleep.
TaeSinule Signature of
"ir 1 1
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
tms osarraua somnt. an voaa i
For Over
Thirty Years
MmbBkG ca'l
The Life of a Bag
depends on how
I honestly it is made
are made on honor, of the best mater i
That it why they outlive others.
You won't need to order bags so often
if every order specifies " BEM1S."
Made for
Bemis Bro. Bag Co.
W. L. Douglas
3L&3:? SHOES ffA
W. L. Douglas $4.00 Cllt Edge Line
cannot po equalled at any price.
KD2f'tiIH Capital 2.3oo,om
1 II flnn REWARD to "I who cm
9 I U(UUU dlsprovi this lilement.
If I Could take VOU Into mv thrwa larira lmrinrtm
at Brockton. Mass.. and ahnw nu ih intinit.
cars with which every patrol shoes Is made, you
would realize why W. L. Douglas $3.0 shoes
cost more to make, why they hold their shape,
lit better, wear longer, and are ol greater
i iii.m. fwu. man any oiner noe.
sr. L. uougiam Strang Madm Shoau for
Mmn, S2.HO, S2.UO. Boys' School 4
DressSffaas.s2.Ai). t ai
, CAUTION, Insist uH,n IiuvIiik W.l..l),)i.g.
las sluias. Take no siitmtttute. Mone K"ulne
Without bis name and prloe stamped on bottom.
ri Kiumr ctprrera uaen ; inty win not UHar QrasiU,
Write for lllustriited Catalog.
W. I UOIIGLAS, Urockton, Hats.