if mtoln WOtttlttJ - Volume XIV.. Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon. Friday, June 1, 19()(i. Xinnhrr It Benefit Entertainment. S vr i iiira Circle. Women of Woodcraft. will give an entertainment Satnrdav ! evening, June 2'1, for the benefit ol ! destitute and homeless victims of the ! San Francisco disaster. I-oeal talent has responded gener-; ously to requests f"r numbers and a j program of unusual merit has been J Mranged, consisting of she following features : Select inn.. . . Violin Solo. . Rc idiug Selection.. . . j . . Rosbrook's Orchestra J Sh I Rosebrook ! . . Mrs. Myrilt; Schlappi . Ro.-ebrook's, ():,chestra Vocal Solo : Miss Verne Ross Rending. . .' Master l-'rauk Schlappi Cornet Duet. Dave and Shed ilosebrook Character Song Ten Children Cornet Solo . ..Da.e Rosebrook Heading L. M. Starr Drill Ouards Selection Eosebrook's Orchestra Admission, 10. 20 a-.d 30 cents. - . Memorial Day. Memorial Day was observed in Toledo in the usual appropriate manner and practically according to program. The exercises at the Courthouse, in ibe after noon were enjoyed by a large audience, j I'atriotio music was furnished by an j excellent choir, consisting of V esd:(mes Emma Crosno and J'ditll Van Clove. Miss Verne Ko-.s and Khe.rili' Ross and G. L. McCaulou, with Mrs. T.lla Sicwart ' as accompanist. A pe-anni; number j was a recitation by Mrs. Myrtle ' Sehlappi. ! The. address by Kev. '. J. Kinehari of Silelz was a creditable effort and was Well received. The speaker dealt! principally with lead ing incidents and battles, of the civil wart I Dr. Rowland of Portland, presiding cider of the M. V.. church, was culled upon by the chairman, Captain Slur dovaut, and he responded with a brief, but eloquent and patriotic tall:, devoted principally to the dan art which threatens our country from tho lower class of Europeau immigrants. The cloning event of the h? was the always beautiful ceremony for the sailor dead at theciiy whan", conducted by the Woman's Relief Corps. The floral decorations in the Court house were beautiful, emphasizing again tho laudable interest w hich the members of tho lloiief Corps and friends in and around Toledo tako in the day dedicated to tho Nation's defenders. A large number of citizens were present from neighboring points. To Restrain Sheep Running at Large. The statement has been made in cer tain parts of the county that'll. P. Swope fcigued the petition to restraiu sheep from running at large. This is an unqualified and absolute falsehood, as I have taken no part in the contro versy. Furthermore, the petition was never prcsented,to me, and I had no opportunity to sign it, or refuse to do so. B. P. Swope. Under False Colors. Yaqnina, Or., May 'Jo, 1000. Editor Leader: The Reporter started out as an inde pendent paper, but a close observer could see it was sailing under false colors, and that the ears of the Demo cratic mule were alwavs sticking out from under tho false cover, showing just what kiud of an animal it was you could not be mistaken. Tho editor of the Reporter is a dyed-iu-the-wool Democrat, and he could not be any thing else It would be just as impos sible for him to change his politics as it would be for a leopard to chuugo its spots; so, when ho talks about there being no politics in the election this year, it can bo taken with a largo measure of salt. This play is made only to get Republicans to belo put Democrats into ollice, but I think the scheme will fail, ns this is a Republicau year and nil Republicans should feel a personal interest in Toting for the ticket, both county and state, aud thus keep Oregon iu the Republican columu. The Newport News is alsq about three-fourths Democrat and one-fourth Republicau. This cayuso way is bad; it ought to be one thing or the other a Democrat or a Republican pBper. I do liate a hermaphrodite. A Voter. Chicken Dinner. On election day, at Woodmen -Hall. I J. II. Doty of Yaquina liad business I in the city Monday. d iianlon of Yaquina Rud Jack i Vigars of Winant were in the city yes- j terday. Dennis Cusack left yesterday mora- ing for his fami-tead near Roots, where he will look alter bis crops. Wanted A girl for general housn- work; good wanes to good girl. Mrs. A. S. Casteel, Yaquina, Oregou. Mrs. L. Coffin of Albany passed through Monday evening on a visit to friends in Varjuina, her former home. Mr. and Mrs.'D. S. Young and Owen Graves of Newport returned Monday from Portland, where they attended the conventions of Oddfellows aud Rebiikahs. .Captain Dick Evens and his launch Leslie II. came up from Newport Wed nesday with a cargo of representative citizens, who participated in the ob servance of Memorial Day. dies Morrison of Pioneer was in the city Monday stocking up ou lubricating oil, acid and stuff. He will go into active training aud endeavor to land tbo'Democratic nomination for Sheriff two years hence. Klmer Homing, son of Mr: and Mrs. Thomas Horning, had his right leg broken between the knee aud ankle last Saturday, the result of a mix-up with a horse. Dr. Uurgess was called ami the lad w as repaired in first class style. He is getting along nicely. As Mr. Fogarty Sees It. To the Voters of Lincoln County: I am the Democratic nominee for Couuty Commissioner. I have oudeav ored to see every voter in the county, but find it impossible in such a short space of time. If you elect mo I promise to serve you in a clean business way. I believe partisan politics should have no place in our County Court, I believe in a fair and equitable valualiouof all prop erly at its cash value. This will give us a low levy and win iook gooil to people seeking homes among us. .The County Court should comply with the law aud make a full levy for our schools. The Judge aud Commissioners should be under bonds to comply with all laws relatiug to their offices. The people should take intelligent action with re gard to ouricounty indebtedness. They say they are paving it olf, but 1 refer you to the levies of each year since 11)00, aud ask you how are they paying it? Is it by economy, or by putting their hands in your pockets? I am iu favor of funding our present debt I ihiuk it can be doue at 1 per cent: We are now paying G per cent. This will practically put us on a cash basis. This doue we can turn our at tention to our roads; they are sadly needing it. The present method of paying ofF our debt means high taxes, bad roads, illegal school levies, and the same old debt still. Voters of Liucoln county, I ask you to use your best judgment on election day, and vote for your interests iu county affairs, regardless of politics. John Foqauty. The Leader, aud doubtless every voter in the couuty, agrees with Mr. Fogarty as to what will work for the good of the county. As to the county indebtedness, we have placed it before our readers iu phiiu English and clear and correct llgures. Iu the matter of tho school levy, (he County Court made the same levy (5 mills) this year that it has made in years past. Wei do not believe Mr. Fogarty inteuds to charge the Couuty Court with any act border ing on dishonesty. I have my new engine installed in the launch Toledo aud am now ready to accommodate both old aud uew pa trons. Sunday excursions to commence June 3, round trip 50c. Telephone from Stewart's store. 1. li. McJunkin.J Walter Rail of Kernville had business in the couuty suit the fore part of the week. S. A. Pruett of Yaquina returned last Friday evening from Portland, where Mrs. Pruett is receiving medical treat meat iu the Good Samaritan Hospital. She will Boon be able to come home. Woodmen, Attention! The annulment in memory of. our late Neighbor, Johu Ofstedahl, will be unveiled Sunday afternoon, June 3. .Members of Pocahontas Camp and s.vliua Circle are requested to meet at w"oiioien llall at :..U, lorm in proces si6n, and begin the march to Toledo cemetery promptly at 3 o'clock. All members of the Camp are urged to attend the regular meeting thereof this (Friday) evening to perfect arrange ments for tho unveiling ceremony, and transact other important business. All citizeus are invited to witness the uuveiling ceremouy. Committee, For Sale or Rent. Hotel at Yaqnina for sale or rent; will also sell store building and stock of general merchandise. I.. E. Casteel & Co. Nailed Again. The Uatemenf is being persistently circulated that, should Ira Wade be rc-ppftn,l Pnnnrv Olorlr, be will not be permitted to take homestead or timber hind proofs. Were this true, it would work a hardship upon settlers by com pelling them to go to Portland or Rose- burg, but it is absolutely aud unqual ifiedly false, as is proven by tbv.- follow ing letters : U. S. Land Otlice, Portland. ():., May 3, RUG. Ira Wade, County Clerk, Toledo, Oregon. Dear Sir: Iu renly to your favor of the 1st inst., I will say that this otlice has leceived no instruction prohibiting the setting of final proofs to betaken before you, and we have no intimation that such instruction is in contempla tion. The proofs taken before vou compare very favorably wild those taken before other Couuty Clerks iu the district. In General Circular of January 25, 1901, page 254, you will tind where proofs can be taken before a County Judge. Yours very truly, A. S. Dkesskr, Register. U. S. Laud Office, Itositburg, Or., April 30, lOOii. Ira Wade, County Clerk, Toledo, Oregon. , Dear -Sir: You arc hereby notified that we are issuing notices for publica tion, setting the following dutes for taking proofs in your ollice for tho mouths of July, August and Septem ber: July 1(3, August 18, September 10. Yours very t ruly, Be.njamix L. Eddy, Register. Does this indicate that Ira Wade is not ia good standing "with the land ollice officials? Look over ttie county papers and noto. the proofs that have been made in his office during the past year and right up to date. It is not necessary to say more ou this subject. Lincoln county voters believe iu fair play aud cannot- be poisoned by little sneaking campaign yarns. Self-Confessod Carelessness. Angora, Or., May 25, 1906. Editor Leader: About four years ago I bought a No. 2 Sharpies separator of J. F. Stewart for S71 cash, and he was to furnish a pulley that cost 82. 50 when ever I got tired of running the sep arator by hand, so I could run it by water power. The separator soou got out of order, mid I wrote to Stewart to see if he could tell me what was the matter I got uo answer. I wrote an other letter, and got no answer; and I wrote the third letter, and got no an swer. Then the separator was getting so bud I bad to quit using it until I wrote to Pennsylvania to the factory ; then I got it to running again, aud last fall I wrote to Stewart for the pulley, as I wanted to put in a water wheel ; but again I got no answer. Then he came here Wednesday, .May '23, and wauted me to support him. Say, he must have a gt.ll big as a cook stove ! He acknowledged that lie had got the letters aud that I had paid for tho pulley, and he gave me a check for 82,50 to squard tho account. He said that was one of bis worst faults that he was careless about answering letters. Now that is a bad fault iu tmy couuty officer. What I like about Ira Wade is that when I write to him I get an an swer by the next mail; aud everybody else tells me he treats them the same way. So I hope' Ira will be elected again. A man who will neglect one duty will neglect another. Oscar Tom. Ed llanlon of Yaquina returned Saturday from Portlaud, where ho rep resented Yuquiua iu. tho Oddfellowe Grand Lodge. Mrs. A. S. Casteel of Yaqnina had business in the city Tuesday. The Reporter's Final Wad. The Reporter opened its mud gun on Comity Clerk Wade iu yesterday's issue its last issue before election - take notice. He admits that Wado is an efficient Clerk, but that he has had it long enoutrh. Then lb-other Clark should bend his effoits to beat Moses, who is the Democratic candidate for a third term as Clerk in Denton; Kurnett, who is a candidate for a fifth term as Siierilf on the Democratic ticket, and also Payne, who is the Democratic candidate for a third term ns Clerk in Linn. Mr. Gait her, ids opponent, while a nice, courteous gentleman, was Clerk iu tho Indian service for nine years at a salary of $1000 per year, and no ono claimed that he served too loug. As to tin! appoint ineut of .Mr. Wade's brother as'deputy, this is true, but has his deputy tailed to perform his duties iu u salisfuohu v uiauiiui? Will hia opponent, if elected i,o outside of bis family, or will ho follow iu the foot steps of his father who, when Agent at the Siletz, appointed his son Jim as Clerk at $1000 per year anil twoof Jim's sisters iu-1 iw to good paying positions in the Indian school? Now, as to the deputy bill, it is not true that this bill was railroaded through the Legislature, but, on the contrary, was peuding in the Legisla ture for over four weeks, and was freely commented on by the county papers, and iu addition Senator Wright, who had charge of the bill iu the Senate, wrote to several prominent people iu this comity and asked them if tho bill was objected to. .Among the many he wrote to were Hon. C. 15. Crosno, Hon. K; A. Lleiisell, Hon. Henry Nice. The replies ho received were certainly satis factory, as ho urged the passage of the bill through the Senate. Now, Mr. Wade's feo book, which lays open to the public from 8 o'clock m the morning until 5 at night, will show thut the Clerk's office since he took charge on the "th day ( f July, 1902, has not cost the taxpayers of Lincoln county a cent, hut that the oflieo is paying its way. Will the Reporter give Wade credit for securing $3.'!3.33 from the Statu Treas urer, the amount due Lincoln county for scalp warrants drawn by his prod eetssor and no report of t he same made to the Secretary of State? The letters on file iu the Clerk's oflice, which can be seen by any taxpayer, will prove the above assertion. Will they give him credit for putting iu a book typewriter, which cost him $175, and- which saves the county $150 a veitr on books alone? If this deputy was not needed, will the Reporter explain why the expert who expertod the books in October, 1901, strongly recommended that a deputy bo allowed? The work in the Clerk's office is three times hat it was when Wade took cluirgo of the otlice, there fore, if the old salarv was not too much, is the additional deputy too much? And further, has his opponent said he would ruu it lor less thau Wade pledged himself to run the office for the next two years at its present sal ary? llrether Olark's last statement is that Wade has only sent to the saloons the pamphlets sent him for distribution. This is absolutely false. At the time Wado prepared the Ijidlot boxes for the primary election in April he put many of these pamphlets iu the small box, and they wore distributed by the judge.-t and clerks iu each precinct. Iu addi tion to this, he has sent them to N. J. Leabo, Yaquina; Geoigo F. Sylvester. Newport; John Rowers, lienvur Creek; W. R. Wakefield, Alsoa; W. K. Karnest, Five Rivers; (!. T. Vernon, Tidewater; O. M. Hudson, Morris, and o' hers. Why did tho Reporter wait until its last issue before election before junip ou Wade? I'.ecause he would have an swered and produced the records, not only as to a copy of his fee book, which would have showu the nepd of a deputy, but the sworn affidavit of the parties to whom he sent pamphlets, proving that be had fully complied with tho law. This assertion is true iu connection with the wad of false charges against Sheriff Ross, which will be taken up in detail in the future. As the Re porter well knew, wo have ueiiber tho time nor the space at this late hour to reply to all its shameful statements. THE COUNTY OFFICIALS. Democratic Editor Says They're Good Men, but He Doesn't Want 'Em. Elk City, Or., May 29. IDOii. Editor Reader : On the morning of tho 21th inst. the editor of the Reporter made his ap pearance via the ('. ,t E. railroad and reminded us it was the day for Demo cratic candidates in our town. About tho dinner hour a few more made their appearance. They seemed to be a con fident lot and amused themselves by buying cigars for Republicans, as only three registered Democrats appeared. Cbaiiiuau Morrison, at 2 ;!I0. made a move that we vol ire to some secluded spot, as the candidates wanted to ex plain matters to us. Artisan Hall whs selected. Chairman Morrison called tho meeting to order and called on the editor of tho Reporter as orator of the .)) The speaker recited to us tho different articles that have been published iu tho Reporter with a few explanations. He told us of a "ring" and l'.os Ross Hut wo cannot understand how lioss Ross couid bo tho ' diamond" iu a ring by the direct primary. We presume it, is as the speaker said before the mud got, into his mouth that Ross is per fect in his duties to the ollice and the people, arid by tho help of his daugh ters keeps a faultless oflice; ami the public wauls that kind of an officer. The speaker sutd Ross had no political belief, and never expressed himself, but seemed to be a favorite in all parties. He told us of how Ross was following in the steps of old King Solomon and David, the sweet singer, aud tho result of his coming into con tact with escaped convicts, as explained by the Newport News; how his daughters at different times wero al lowed $00 for stenographic work, and ot the Shiirrult case at. Waldport, etc. Mr. Svfipe is a very able attorney. t he says, but a dangerous man for Couuty Judge. as bis advise has put the county in debt. Ira Wado is a good fellow and a per fect officer, hut ho is a veiy important, cog in the wheel of the lioss Ross ma chine. Tho candidates came next. Warnoek explained how he was asked to take up the race, and felt confident he could distance the "Old Man." tliiither said be was a friend of Wado aud he wanted the plum by a fair fight, if ho won. Fogarty read a few remarks from n paper, and was called ou by P. A. Miller for Ijis opinion ou bonds for the County Court. Fogarty could not ex plain, as tho court never came iu poses sioii of anything but their salary, ami be saw no reason for bonds. Mr. Miller said he would see him again, Now, Mr. Editor, it seems to us, from a Democratic standpoint, that the "Ross Ring" ure a very able lot of officers, and should be kept in office. If we get a good man in our employ, w ho is faithful to business, wo usually raise his wages and keep him for life, if possible; audit Republicans vote their ticket, we will surely elect it by a large majority. One ok Them. ' Siletz Items. The Democratic candidates for coun ty ollices invaded Siletz hist Saturday, and hiisinoss was good iu the lino of cigars and tobacco. A meeting was held in the police court room and each man told what he would do for the dear people if elected. Mrs, C. O. Copclaud arrived home Sunday from a, week's visit iu Portland aud other points in tho Valley. A barn on the faim occupied by li:-. Brown burned down last Saturday uight. Tho fire is supposed to have been of incendiary origin. Jim Curry was a visitor at Silet. last Saturday and Sunday. Presiding Elder Rowland delivered an address iu the M. E. church Tuesday evening. His subject was the proposed amendment to tho local option law. Walter Hall is a cripple these days. He cut bis toot quite badly while work ing on his homestead last weekj Chicken Dinner. Ou election day, at Woodmen Hull. i