Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, May 25, 1906, Image 1

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Volume XIV.
Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, Friday, 3Iay 35, 1906.
"Swope is Responsible."
Under the above title t!ie Reporter, a
Democratic publication, indulges iu
some of the rankest nonsense and po
litical rot imagi uablc. It attempts to
show that Mr. Swope irresponsible for
everything the County Court has done
during the lust four yearn, because ho
has been acting as a deputy district at
torney for this county during that time.
Now. as a matter of fact, Mr. Swope
has had absolutely nothing to do with
the acts of the County Court, except
when a legal proposition has been pre
sented to him for an opinion, and be
yond this lie hus never gone ; as a
matter of fact, he could not go further.
As to whether a thing should be done
or not, a road laid out or not, or a par
ticular route be followed or not, he
had no authority whatever, this being
exclusively for the County Court.
The county has had four years of Mr.
Stewart as County Judge, aud during
that time the county ran deeper and
deeper into debt each year of his term,
to the tunc of over ?22C0 per annum".
This is good business, according to the
Reporter's way of figuring; but since
Stewart went out of ofiice the debt of
the county has decreased annually over
f 1300. This is poor business, accord
ing to the Reporter's wuy of figuring.
According to his way of tiguring, we
should keep running deeper into debt
each year, and then we would have a
business administration.
When Stewart was in ofiice hundreds
of dollars of the county's money were
thrown, away ou surveying out pro
posed county roads where no road was
ever established. Take the JTepre
Siletz road, for instance, which was
to terminate on the Siletz river near
Hoots. Here the load was surveyed,
at an expense of $11:2, the reports of
surveyor aud viewers accepted aud
here the matter ended, without an order
declaring the same a public highway ;
hence it never became a county road.
Thisjs only an example of other cases
where the people's money was wasted
' without oue cent of return .
The Reporter talks of Stewart leav
ing good bridges scattered all over the
county, when, as a matter of fact, the
county contained many rotten bridges
and bad roads. People who are inter
ested do not forget in tour years.
Mr. Swope stands pledged to an
economical administration of county
affaire aud the permanent improvement
of county roads. No mistake will be
made by voting for him for County
Judge ou the 4th day of June.
Right under the Democratic ticket
this week the Reporter has a lengthy
spiel against "politics in county offices."
That is aUo funny. If there is no pol
itics in the game, why doesn't it
support some Socialist or Republican
in the list of candidates? Is it possible
that all the good men in Lincoln county
are Democrats? This is queer bait to
toss before Republican and Socialist
vo'tors! How muuy will swallow it?
Fact is, the Reporter is fighting strictly
as a Democrat. It wants Democrats in
all the ollices, and is ready to make
any kind of wild statement against a
Republican candidate. It has failed,
however, to show where Sheriff Ross
or any one of the present county
officials has failed to properly attend
to the duties of his office. The people
are not to be misled by its slurs and
'no politics" nonsense.
Memorial Day.
A joint committeeof the G. A. R. and
W. 11. C. have chosen the following
committee for Decoration Day:
Committee on Speaker Mr. Hooker
and Mr. Collins.
Committee ou Music Mrs. Stewart,
Mrs. Emma Crosno, Miss Verne Ross.
Committee on Program Mr. Sttirde
vant, Mrs. Center, Mrs. Gannon.
Committee ou Flowers Misses Ruth
Ofstedahl, Faith Stewart, Estella Gan
non, Winona Hooker, Nora Krogstad.
Committee ou Deeoratiug Mr. Beth
era, Mesdames Espey, Nye, Hyde,
Schenck, DeLauricr, Mr. Woods.
Committoe on Martial Music Austin
. , ,
Settle, Please.
All knowing themselves to be in
debted to the undersigned for flour or
feed will kindly settle the same by June
,1, ' Short accounts make long friends."
(ino. A. Hall.
Sam Hill of Ona was in the city Wed
nesday. Postmaster Roddy and Fred Bailey
were visitors from Winaut yesterday.
Mrs. J. S. Akin and daughter Iris
left yesterday morning for a visit at
Miss Edith Ross, who has beeu visit
iug at home fot several days, returned
yesterday to llarrisburg.
Presiding Elder Rowland will talk ou
local option at the M. E. church in
Toledo, Monday evening, May 28.
Everybody invited to be present.
Mesdames Jennie Arnold and Nellie
Gaither will serve tea at Odd Fellows
Hall next Tuesday afternoon for the
benefit of the cemetery improvement
Conductor Billy Hoefiein and his
brother George, accompanied by their
incumbrances, were at Coburg the fore
part of the week, attending a family
reunion in honor of their father's 80th
birthday. Chauncey Trapp punched
tickets for Conductor Hoefiein during
his absence.
Attorney C. E. Hawkins went to
Portland last Saturday to defeDd Butler
Faircbild in the Federal Court on a
charge of assault with intent to kill.
Butler returned Tuesday, having been
placed under bonds to appear for trial
in September. Superintendent Egbert,
Justice Robert DePoe, Jakey Johnson
and wife, Louie Fuller and wife and
Ned Eveus went te Portland as wit
nesses in the case.
Mesdames Matilda Espy, Ada Soule
and Jeunie Arnold went to Portland
Monday to represent Do Good Rebekab
Lodge iu the Rebekab. Assembly. Mrs.
Carrie Macdonald of Newport was a
delegate from Rhododendron Lodge,
and Owen Graves and John A. Olsson
of Newport attended theXlrand Lodge
of Odd Fellows. W. F. Wakefield of
Eddyville was also among the bunch as
a delegate from Elk City Lodge.
Memorial Day.
Following is a synopsis of the pro
gram for Memorial Day :
Members of Abe Lincoln Post No. C8,
Department of Oregon, G. A. K., ladies
of Abe Lincoln Relief Corps, all com
rades who served in the Civil War, all
comrades who served in the War with
Spain, all fraternal orders, citizens aud
school children are invited to join with
the Grand Army ou May 30 and help
to perpetuate the memory of comrades
wno died that this nation might live.
Tho comrades, Relief Corps, orders.,
citizens aud school children will assem
ble iu front of T. P. Fish's store at 9
o'clock a. in., form in column aud pro
ceed, headed by Rosebrook's martial
band, to the cemetery where an in
formal decoration will take place. All
will again meet in front of T. P. Irish's
store at 2 p. m. and, led by Rosebrook's
band, march to the courthouse, whore
a program will be rendered, consisting
of both vocal and instrumental music,
recitations and an address by Key. T. J.
Riuehart of Siletz; utter which alt will
proceed to the city wharf where the
Relief Corps will render the service for
sailor dead.
Memorial Sunday, May 27 Sermon
at ll.o'clock by Rev. Rorick.
G. A. R. Veteraua and Relief Corps
will meet at Fish's store at 10:30 aud
March to the M. E. church.
Ximihcr III
Facts in the Case.
Newport, Or., May 18, HOC.
Editor Leader:
In a recent issuo of the Reporter
there appeared a scurrilous article
relative to the County Court, which is
both false and villainous.
The fact3 of the matter referred to
are : J. K. Weatherford Hied a petition
asking for a compromise on taxes for
the years 1900 and 1902, which had be
come delinquent. He represented to
the Court that tho land was sold for
$1.50 per acre the year it was assessed
I for 82.00, and asked the court to reduce
the assessment to the cash value as
sold for. The Court did not believe it
had the authority to compromise taxes,
neither have they ever done so, but to
make sure, Judge Brown referred the
matter to the Attorney General aud the
following is his reply :
A. M. Crawford
Attorney General
Salem, Oregon
Hon. C. M. Crown, County Judge.
Your favor of the 14th instant has been
under consideration by this office for
several days, ami in reply I beg to say
that I have been unable to find any law
of this state, or other authority giving
the County Court a right to accept pay
ment of a less amount of taxes than the
amount entered 011 the tax roll. While
the Supreme Court has held in some
cases that the County Court has a right
to compromise claims against the countv
the validity of which are doubtful, I am
unable to find that the county has the
right to reduce the valuation of property
after the roll has been equalized bv the
hoard of equalization or the County
Court, sitting as such.
To accept payment of taxes in such an
amount as the Court deems to be .the tax
on a fair valuation of the property where
it appears to have been overvalued would
be the same as reducing the valuation,
and this I have been unable to find any
authority for either in the statutes or
court decisions.
Therefore, I am lead to believe that
such proceedings would be unauthorized.
Where property is assessed twice or
there is a mistake in the description, or
other such error, the Sheriff is author
ized to make the correction and take
credit therefor in his settlement with, the
County Treasurer, but this does aot seen
to cover the case which you have stated.
Very respectfully yours,
A. M. Crawford,
Attorney General.
Now, when the Court meets in June,
to the great surprise of the Reporter,
the petition of the corporation will be
turned down. This is another evidence
of the carefulness of the present Court
ana uu additional reason why the tax
payers should vote to continue Com
missioner King in office.
C. M. Brown.
Memorial Sermon at Waldport.
Next Sunday, being the Sunday be
fore Memorial Day, Rev. C. T. Whittle
sey will preach a memorial sermon at
the Presbyterian church. Waldnort, at
11 a. m. All are cordially invited.
The Schlappi School of Elocution
and Oratory is now open. For terms
apply to Mrs. Myrtle SciiLAPn,
at Chestnut Grove
(the old Gowell place)
Tolodo, Oregon.
Strayed or Stolen.
A bay horse, carrying saddle with
light quilted seat, one stirrup gone;
may also linve bridle on. Missing since
about May 6; last seen 011 road between
Newport and Siletz. Leave informa
tion with Ball Brothers at Siletz and
receive reward.
Fcr Sale.
Household furniture, etc. Apply to
Mrs. J. Ofstedahl, Toledo, Oregon.
The Toledo Cemetery.
Notice is hereby given to all persons
having friends buried in the Toledo
cemetery, that the officers are prepared
to execute deeds to lots and desire you
to apply for same; also, if you have a
deed please present same at my office
that I may affix the company seal; or if
you are delinquent please pay for your
lot as we need the money to improve
aud beautify tho grounds. This being
a common interest please give it your
attention. c. B. Cuosno,
Secretary Toledo Cemetery Associa
tion. - .
Clean the Cemetery.
Next Monday, May 23, is the day set
for the annual cleaning of Toledo com
ctery. All interested are requested to
Benefit Entertainment.
Syringa Circle, Women of Woodcraft,
will give an entertainment Saturday
eveuing, June 2d. for the benefit nt
destitute and homeless victims of the
San Francisco disaster.
Local talent has responded gener
ously to requests for numbers and a
program of unusual merit has boen
trrauged, consisting of the following
Selection Rosbrook's Orchestra
Violin Solo Shed Kosebrook
Reading Mrs. Myrtle Schlappi
Selection Rosebrook's Orchestra
Vocal Solo Miss Verne Ross
Reading ;.. Master Frank Schlappi
Cornet Duet. Dave and Shed Kosebrook
Character Song Ten Children
Cornet Solo Dave Rosebrook
Reading L. M. Starr
Dl'il Guards
Selection llosebrouk's Orchestra
Admission, 10, 20 and 30 cents.
A. T. Peterson made a business trip
up tho line yesterday.
Colonel J. Henry Penn of Yaquiua
passed homeward Monday from a busi
ness trip to Portland.
Mayor H. W. Vincent has been con
fined to his loom for several days from
an attack of sciatic rheumatism.
Our Norwegian citizens celebrated
their nation's natal day on the 17th
inst on the banks of Olalla. The usual
happy time is reported.
Frauk KeibbolT and George Olden
berg returned to their homes in Port
land Monday, after a short visit at the
home of W. B. Haydeti and family.
S. X. Guilliams of Ona passed home
ward lust evening from a business trio
to the valley. Mr. Guilliams is said to
have the finest Jersey cattle iu Lincoln
R. I. Hepburn of Portland was in tho
city Wednesday, representing the
Reese Waterproof Manufacturing Com
pany of Fruitvale, Cal. The lino of
waterproof irnnds shown bv Mr Hop.
burn is the best ever, and our people
will have a chance to test, its merits, as
J. S. Akin will have it in stock before
the raiuv season arrives.
George McCaulou went to Albany
Mouday to mix with the Elks and trans
act other business. He returned Tues
day in pretty fair shape considerm'.
Charlie Witiant, George Ileckcl and
Jack Cahill of Newport went to Albany
the same day and united with the
autlered tribe. They came back next
day all shot to pieces, but hopeful and
The Sheep Question.
Harlan, Oregon, May 21, l'JOti.
Editor Leader:
If 'you will kindly give me space in
your paper I would like to say a few
words about tho sheep business iu
Lincoln county.
I suppose we are to have a vote on
whether or not sheep shall run at largo.
Now it surprises me that such a ques
tion should even be put to a vote in
Lincoln county, with the vast amount
of outside range compared with w hat
is inclosed, aud the peoplo depending
largely upon the outrange for stock of
all kinds. We all have a few acres
fenced, and the greater portion of that
we have to cultivate, either in grain or
meadow, to carry our stock through the
winter. Now if wo have to confine
our sheep to our own land, it will coin
pel us to fence the same, which, as a
rule, is about 100 acres, and perhaps
one-half or two-thirds of that is no
belter than three or four times that
amount adjoining and lying idle and
doing no good except for the pasture
we get from it. It is my experience
that the more stock thero is 011 the
range the better, especially sheep and
goats. They break the fern down and
kill it out so irras can start. Now whv
should sheep bo prohibited from run
ning ou this outrango any more than
coats or cattle? If I have sheep aud
neighbor has goats, why should I want
him to keep his goats up? or, if I have
cattle Hud my neighbor has shuep, why
should I want him to keep his sheen
off a range that ho has just us much
right to as I have? Sheep are the best
paying stock wo have in the countv.
aud when you make a law burring them
from tho range, you cut them out en
tirely, for not many places in the
county afford pasture for many sheep
after you take out what is necessary
for other purposes. It seems to me
the big mujority of voters of Lincoln
county should bo awake to their own
interests and Uot vote out the sheet) in-
dustry. While a few might be benefited
uy the aot, it would be an injury and I
an injustice to many. People in towns
should remember that mutton r-lifiiifl t
are high enough now, and they should I
uot vote to make them any higher or
to cut oft this source of revenue. Let
sheep havo the same chance as other
stock ou the open range, with special
privileges to none. B. F. Giiast.
A Loyal Newporter.
Newport. Or., May It), 190(1.
Editor Lkapek: The people for the
first time havo had tho benefit of the
primary nominating law and have
selected candidates for tho various
offices both county and state. The Re
publican party may well be proud of
the selections it has made. There is
not a bad, weak or incompetent man in
the whole list of candidates. This is
the work of the people and now to sus
tain and approve that work, and to
show that tho real power of the
should bo in tho hands people, every
uopuuiicau who registered under the
law should support tho ticket from tun
to botioni aud thus sustain their own
Everybody knows this county has
been run long enough under boss rule.
A few picayune politicians would set.
up the primaries and county conven
tions and make tho nominations and
tho people could have no say iu the
matter whatever. Exit boss!
lhu RupuldiiMu county ticket is un
doubtedly strong and was strongly en
dorsed in the primary election and will
no doubt tie elected on June ith bv
increased majorities
The county debt is being reduced, the
county's resources are being devoloped.
new roads are being built and old
roads improved, aud in everv wav tho
county's affairs are in better shapo than
tney have heon since tho county was
organized. No.v it is good policy to let
well enough alone and make no change
iu our county officials.
B. F. Swope will make a good county
Judge and his name will add strength
to the ticket.
George King has made a safe, pains
taking Commissioner and the taxpayers
want him re-elected.
Ira Wade is a most efficient, accom
modating and popular County Clerk, a
friend to everybody and will no doubt
be re-elected to succeed himself by a
largo majority.
J. L. Hyde, the well-tried and popular
County Treasurer will stay right where
ho is if tho good will and confidence of
the people of Lincoln county count for
Sheriff Ross is one of the host officers
iu the state. Ho is a terror to evil
doers. In a mountainous county like
Lincoln, where criminals and evil-doers
have so many places to hide, it is of the"'
greatest importance to have a well
qualified Sheriff to maintain order aud
keep down crime. A Voteh.
Notice to Bidders.
Notico is hereby given that sealed bids
will be received up to 10 o'clock a.
of the 0th dav of Juno. 100H. I.u
county court, for tho huildiinr of
bridge across Five Rivers at a point on
the county survey below the mouth of
Lobster River. Plansand specifications
to be submitted with said bids. Tho
court resuives tho right to reject auy or
all bids.
Uy order of the county court.
Iha Wapic, County Clerk.
. ,
Notice to Voters.
Having boen nominated for Joint
Representative for Lincoln and Polk
counties on the Socialist ticket, will
say that if elected I will stand for tho
bust interests of all and special priv
M. S. Dickinson.
1 cges to none.
For Sale.
Three good milch cows. Inquire of
Julius Busch, on Drift creek. Address
Glen, Oregon.
I have just received
alarge line of th e
latest styles iu La
dies' and Misses'
Caps. Call and see
them. Stewart.
Persons found trespassing on my
land will bo prosecuted to tho full
Men Wanted.
Sawuiiil and lumber-yard laborer.-.,
S2 per day; woodsmen $2.25 to
Steady work, Apply to Booth-Kelly
Lumber Co., Eugene, Or.
Notice to Voters.
Having been nominated for Sheriff
of Lincoln county oil the Socialist
ticket, will sav that if elected 1 will
stand for the btst interests of all ami
f-pecial privileges to none; and will say
further, if elected, will do all iu my
power to see that all havo equal rights,
also, if elected, will donate to the
county three Inudrcd dollars (.?;iU0) of
my salary for tho improvement of our
public roads, to bo distributed to the
several districts of the county have
filed a bond iu the County Clerk's
ofiice to that effect.
Hoping to hear from a majority ,,f
the voters on the 4tli of June.
Irtvr.N .Mai.ei;,
extent of the law. K. Bunch.