Lincoln County Leader. INHERITED INDIAN LAND FOR SALE AT SILETZ, OREGON 'JJ' c CHARLES F. POULE, ADA E. SOULE, NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN' That bids will bo received for the sale of the following described inherited Indian lands, situated and being in Lincoln County, Oregon, as per schedule herein set forth, to-wit: Proprietors. VM. SC AKTIf, 4 Cashier. i TH03. LF.ESE. J. C. DLUI EY. rreaidenU Vice President. Official Count.v Paper. ilKllts BIB- H ft io 10 Date Listed Nov. 20 Date Bid Opened Feb. 19 '06 IiigcoliQ GouQty tBarl$ Responsibility 175,000 a Acres so Nl Bnl red at the poctofllce t Toledo, Oregon, ecoud-claw mail matter. MVIM03S Klla lien A Andrew Sruith.'.Ixits 9, 1U, 11 and 23 Robert Felix N'of nvli Kobert Felix Ke.'i of eK EJJ nw'i se'i and lot i!4 John Spencer and Caihuriue Falrchilcl Sv. and lot 4 Ee'4 ne;-i 10 9 13 ft 10 10 SUBSCRIPTION R ATES One Year - Six Months - - Three Months - n so 75 50 ' - - j Catherine Fairehild Nc.1 ie and lot 3 Oregon's senior Seimtor has waged a 1 chrles Johnaon si lot 29 determined conflict the past week in j XiSSi the committee on public lands, of which j Be' neV,' and ejj aw na'i he is a member, to have the proposod i George Barney Y.i nr4 & w'-i no)i conditions after repeal of the timber j Hen,y Jol","on .wJiw5'4fcWivJHwK and stone act modified so that the land!, , A and lots 5, 6, 7 and 8 . , , , . Johu LoKuon Iot 4 may be acquired by private indiduals Ke4 nw4 and lot s if it is thought to be more valuable for! John Orion E!i e Moses Lane ne.'i iie)i,e! lot 1, v'i se4 nv'i and v lot 2 ....Kw'4iia and tw4 nelf any other purpose than forestry. The natural effect of the proposed" repeal and forbidding eutry of timber land for homesteads would be to place all of Oregon's timbered public domain not mbraced within forest reserve with drawals on practioatly the same footing as reserved areas. The committee wns not disposed to allow the county in which timber grew more than 10 per cent of the total derived from sales. Senator Fulton'B strongest effort was to have any timbered area thought to have greator value for any purpose than forestry open to some- form of private acquisition. He held that a vast pro portion of Orjjnn being timbered, splendid land for agriculture, grazing, to., might be kept nnder forest reserve for years nnder proposed' conditions. His figures presented showed the re markably low revenue forest land yielded. While of Western Oregon's timbered area a relatively snialliamount remained public domain, the Senator fared that much good land would be kept from development, and is striving to convince the committee of the pe culiar conditions in his and other Pa oifio states, where timbered areas are sometimes the best lands when cleared. It he is unsuccessful in the committee, he will carry the fight to the Senate floor for a final struggle with the East ern spirit, which seems unable to ap preciate Western conditions. JuHe Titou, et nl,. Ma Renarll, 64 tv, Idalteneell W,w'4 Louie Fuller Xel4 w1. and lot 6 nwj I-ouio Fuller Lota 211, 3(1, 31 and 32 Jane Yamier NeU nw, lots 9, 7, 14 and 16 Jane V aimer, Xe!i "'A e.'-i wJ4iieVanl lot 11 Baldwin Fairchlld XwJ-4 part t)i lot 11 Minnie Lane and Martha Metcalf, ..Lots 23, 24, 2a and 26 Minnie Lane and Martha Metcalf.... Xe4 and se'i William Aleck , Loth 20, 29 and So . and lots 27 nnd 28 John Albert Lot 6 and wf4' ne1 John Albert LoU 5 and 7 and lots 33 and 26 John Albert Lot 6 and lot 1 Eliza Albert Kisw!i Ellta John, V ne!, ae'-i n' e4 Andrew Jackson Lots Id, 17. 34, 82, 30 and 13 andBji lot 36 Moses Clllam se Kitty Evana s4 vk Kitty Evana Lots 14, 15 and 16 and vi'i sw!4 nwJ4 Alice John et nl, Lot U and ne'i swi, and n'A s'4 siv.'-i Alice John, et al Lot 12, aw Annie Arden j lot 10 and lota 9 and 4 Annio Arden , hb nw& neJ4 sw'i, lot 3 sw4 Emma John et al Lots 30, 31, 32 and 19 Abbie Johns ct al wyt uwy nwJi Major Ludson i awj 29 32 32 S3 4 3 4 28 8 10 18 44 19 30 34 34 2 36 27 27 9 9 ' 9 9 10 10 1 17 9 10 8 6 9 9 6 C 9 6 9 9 10 11 11 II 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 110.0,1 80.67 8.;..-2 Ki loo Jan. 2, 1U06 Mar. 2, 1906 7M'-J Sfl 8(1 HI 7.V 80 72.30 7y.,.w 17 10 10 80 18 o .Vi 17 16 28 16 "1 27 22 27 28 33 27 33 34 12 12 19 19 10 17 28 10 7 0 8 8 9 9 8 8 16 9 8 10 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 80 7".o: 76.10 80.13 80 80 80 80 80 7S.ini 40.26 74.22 80.20 80 3C.H0 80 Jan. 29, 1906 Apr 30, 1906 Democratic tjnited States Senator John Gearin by the grace of Democrat ic Governor George Chamberlain will be a candidate to succeed himself and his name will appear on the offloial ballot. And there vou are? Mr. Uearin will in all. probability be the only Democratic candidate for the place, but several Republican candi dates are already in the field, with others expected. Very naturally, this will chop the Republican vote ffir United States Senator into several blocks, whila.Mr. ttearin, with the solid Democratic endorsement, may stand before the people with a plurality. lov, with a Republican Legislature, does any sane man expect Mr. Gearin to receive the vote of that body and be regularly elected to represent Oregon in the United States. Sanate? Hardly. Audagaiu:. With three or more Re publican candidates for that office, and one or more of the number in bad odor with a large per cent of, the. people, is h representative ot this element ex pected to vote for the candidate who is objectionable to. the people whom be was elected to represent, Bimply be cause said. objectionable candidate hap Jieued to secure a plurality endorse ment in the primaries? Such., a result is possible if an objectionable candi date has n big 'har'l" and is a resident of a thickly populated part of the state. Under the constitution United States Senators, must be elected by a majority vote of the Legislature, and a plurality endorsement of a candidate in the primaries cannot change the method. So much, for the famous "pledge." The Democratic voters of. Umatilla county held a large and enthusiastic mass meeting in Pendleton February 17. The committee submitted the fol lowing umoug other resolutions:, "We favor the adoption of the woman sufr fi :k'u amendment to toe. Constitution.' The Leader takes oft its hat to the Democrats of Umatilla, on this proposi tiou. They are gentlemen and scholars and, individually and collectively, shin ing lights fpr tho lorda.of creation in general and the great, unwashed tribe Hi particular. Twe boys, students of Edwards Col lego ut Albion, Wash., were awarded a year each in jail for attempting, to wreck a pussenger train. The investi gation brought out the fact that the Hpys ure cigarette suckers. And there, you. are! Said bids will be received up to 12 o'clock, noon, of the various days upon which they are listed to bo opened in above schedule, and must be enclosed in sealed euvelopes directed to Knott C. Egbert, Superintendent, Siletz; Oregon, Envelopes containing such bids should not have noted thereon the description of the lauds to which the bids relate, but there shall bo noted on such envelopes the date upon which the bid is to be opened. Bidders should submit a draft on some Portland bank ; otherwise remit enough to cover exchange on outside banks. KXOTT C: EGBERT, Supt. and Special Disbursing Agent, in Charge of SileU Agency, Oregon. ( One of two things is certain : A large number of Democrats are changing their political faith, or a large number of Democrats are dishonest. The reg istration books not only in Lincoln county, but in many counties in the state show the names of men regis tered as Republicans who have always j been self-confessed Democrats some of I them proud of it. When a man regis-' ters as a voter nnder the present law, I he does so under oath. If he swears j to a lie for the purpose of furthering a j political trick, he is low enough for any kind of dirty work. If he intends to support at the polls the candidates of the party with which he affiliates in the primaries, his act is perfectly on the square, and he will not be one of j the weundod birds who will flutter when they read this. Register. Do it now. Congress is getting meddlesome Bgaio. A bill has passed the lower house de signed to knock out gambling in the territories of the United States. This attempt to suppress the chief indus tries of important parts of Uncle Sam's domain is probably fathered by Rocke feller, who may feel that he isn't get ting his share of the rake-off. John D. looks with disfavor upon every device for robbing the poor man except his own. Common Colds are the Cause of Many Serious Diseases. Physicians who have gained a nation al reputation as analysts of the cause of various diseases, claim thnt if catch ing cold could be avoided a long list of dangerous tillments would never be heard of. Every one knows that pneu monia and consumption originate from a cold, and chronio catarrh, bronchitis, and all throat and lung trouble are ag gravated and rendered more serious by eaoh fresh attack. Do not risk your life or take chrncee when you have a ooldi Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will cure It before these diseases de velop. This remedy contains no opium, morphine or other harmful' drug and has thirty years of reputation back of It, gained' by its cures under every con dition, For sale by 0. O. Krogstad. SEE ' NATURE'S WONDROUS HANDIWORK THROUGH UTAH AND COLORADO ('untie Gate. Canon of the Grand, ( anon, Marshall and Ten nesMie Passes and the World- Famous Royal Gorge For Descriptive! and Illustrated Pamphlets, write to W. C. McBride, Gen. Agt 124 Third St. PORTLAND, OR. Sow! Sow! Sow! Seed! Seed! Seed! Plant! Plant! Plant! NOW Is the time to Plant and Sow Fretih Stock of all you need in the line of Vegetable and Grass Seed ere they married? Surel Sny, have you registered?. Itching Piles. If you are acquainted with anyone j who is troubled with this distressing ailment, you can do him no greater favor than to tell him to try Chamber lain's Salve. It gives instant relief. This salve also cures sore nipples, tetter and salt rheum. Price 2o cents. For sale by O. O. Krogstad. . Herd's a chance for Everybody to get Seeds for Nothing Paints. Oils, Glass laper Wall- Yours for business, KRQG&TAD, DRUQQIST Transacts a General Banking Business ' Interest Paid on Time Deposits Exchange Sold on All Points State, County and School Warrants Bought Principal Correspondents : t t (JJ ruuiui.MJ-Canadian can 01 uommerce, ixtnaon una caurraQ fji) cisco Bunk, Ltd. il SAX FIIAXCISCO London and Sau Francisco Bank, Ltd. 27. NEW YORK J. P. Morgan & Co. '. ft rHIPAOO First Nntionftl Rank. ' Vf 1. TOVnnV FVCJ T.nn.lnn ami Kan FratiRiM-o Rank. T.fl M. N. Anderson PllOPBIHTOR Foledo Livery and Feed Stable Good Rigs and well-broken saddle horses. Special attention given to Traveling Men. Horses boarded by day, week or month CITY DRAY IN CONNECTION DAILY STAGE TO AND FROM SILETZ Leaves Toledo at 7:30 a. m Arrives at Siletz at 10:50 a. m. Leaves Siletz at 12:40 p. m Arrives at Toledo at 4.00 p. m. Uov B. Jacobsox David D. GRAnxu 'ill Wilhrnetie Real EstatCo Rentals and Insurance Rooming Houses and Business Chances a Specialty. Our Motto: Quick Sales and Small Profits m Burnside St. PORTLALD, OR COMMERCIAL New Management The Leading Hotel of Toledo, Oregon One dollar's worth of garden seeds as a prize will be given to anyone bringlug in the largest and handsomest specimen of auy Vegetable. Grass or Flowers Dro- duced from seeds bought at my store I this season. Contest to close October 1 In order to compete with the leading hotels we are compelled to establish the following rates : Commercial accommodations per day $2.00 Tourists and others .' f 1 to 1.50 Single meals to residents 25 Any guest dissatisfied with ac commodations will have mon ey refunded by making com plaint to the management. C. R. Ellsworth WM. GALLOWAY G. I. HKDGES HEDGES & GALLOWAY ATTORNIiYS-AT-LAW LAND OFFICE BUSINESS A SPECIALTY Rooms 1 aud 2, ) Oregon City, Weinhard Bldg, I Oregon COW E mm ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW U. S. Land Office Business a Specialty. CITY FLOUR, FEED AND SEED STORE GEORGE A. HALL, Proprietor. TOLEDO, OREGON Complete Stock Best Grades Lowest Prices G. K. FREEMAN . Toledo, Oregon . Painting Paperhanying Glazing, Varnishing Furniture Cleaned and Polished Satisfaction Guaranteed Twenty yearb' experience befoje the Local and the General Lnnd Office and the Interior Department at Washington, D. C. Rooms 506 507 . Columbia Building Portland, Or. F. SWOPK, Attorney-at-Law. Deputy District Attorney for Lincoln County Will practice in all courts in the state. Probate matters and collec tioDs promptly attended tev Office in Courthouse, Upstairs, TOLEDO, OREGON). james Mcdonald BEES, HONEY AND BEE SUPPLIES Chitwood, Lincoln County Obkgov. LIPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A Family Library The Best in Current Literature 12 COMPLtTt N0VtL YCARLV MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.60 kd vcar; 25 ct. a cow NO CONTINUED STORIES tVfBT NUW1W COMPLETE IN ITML