Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, February 16, 1906, Image 5

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for the Best
A '
Stoves and Ranges
on the Market
Yours Truly
Toledo, Oregon
i Notice.
United States Land Office.
Roseburg, Oregon, Jan. 19. 10.
j Notice is hereby given that tho ap-1
j; . proved fiupplemeutal pi"' additions!
$ : to Sections 1, 13 and 15, TownMiip No.
X' 30 South, Range No. 1 West, of the'
p. : WiUauiettt Meridian, Oregon, has been j
K ' received fioin the Surveyor General for j
! Oregon, and on Tuesday, t he Gtb day of l
sj-j j March, 190fi, at 9 o'clock a. m., the said j
X ' supplemental plat will he filed in this!
v office, and on and after said day we will j
be prepared to receive applications for !
M : the entry of lands in the portious of ;
j ' said township covered by said supple- j
: mental plat.
Benjamin L. Eddy, Register, I
J. M. Lawrence, Receiver, j
Of Lewis I'uilding, 350 )'t Morrison St.,
Our specialty Is the painless lillln". or ex
tracting of teeth.
Our Motto: A Pleased Patient our Rest
Office at residence on east side of Hill
Street between Third and Fourth
Immediate attention given tocalls from
any part of the county.
H. R. Dabney
Resident Dentist
Rooms 7 and 8 )
Ofstedahl Rldjj ) Toledo, Or.
All kinds of Dental Work done by
Strictly Modern Methods.
! notice ro rriu.icATio--.
U. S. Lam! Olllee at I'm ttmil, Or.,
I January h. i:o .
i Notice in hereby given Hint the. fc.Uow ing
, mined Hdller Iihs (lied notice of his inteiiltnii
tn:nake thiol pn of In suppnit f his claim.
'. am! th'it siid proof will be made before the
j County Clerk of Lincoln Coun'y, at Toledo,
Oregon, on February l!l, iwai, viz:
! Arthur C. Bancroft, II. E. No. .15310, for the
I lots 1, 2 and and so1.. nw1..'. seutiuii 2. town
ship 12 s, range 9 w.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residense upon and cultivation
of said land, viz:
Frank A. Thompson, Charles A. Overlander,
George II. Hodges and James Hodges, all of
.Salado, Oregon.
Alueknok S. Diiessek, Register.
For Best Values
and a Square Deal
Go to
George A. Landrcth,
The Barber.
A ueat hair-cut in any style desired,
and an easy shave.
Ou the Water Front, oue block south
of Depot.
Accommodations ns good as can be
found in Lincoln county.
" rates reasonable.
U. S. Land Olllee at Portland, OV.,
February 1, l'.iOO.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of nn act of congress of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands In the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, aud Washington Territory," as
extended to all the Public Land States by an
act of August 4, 1892, EriiKt (. libers of Boise,
County of Ada, State of Idaho, has this day
filed in this office his sworn statement No.
for tho purchase of the wj oj nw.1.,', se)i of
iiw'4' and nw'i of sw'. of section No. 34 In
township No. 12 s of range 9 w, and will offer
proof to show that the land sought la more
valuable for Its timber or stone than for agri-
clutural purposes, and to establish his claim
to said land before Ira Wade, County Clerk of
Lincoln county, at Toledo, Oregon, on Thurs
day, the 19th day of April, 1900.
lie names as witnesses:
Joseph Parks, George Hodges and James
Hodges of Salado, Oregon, and J. S. Wheeler of
Portland, Oregon.
Any and ail persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requestod to filo
their claims in this olllee on or before said 19th
day of April, 1906.
Alof.iinos S Dkkskkk. Register.
United States Land Office,
Roseburg, Oregon. Jau. 19, 1900.
.Notice is Hereby given that tlie tip
proved plat of survey of Township No.
27 Suutli, Range No. 1 West, of the
W illamette Meridian, Oregon, has been
received from the Surveyor General of j
Oregon, and ou Tuesday, the 6th day of i
March, 1906, at 9 o'clock a. ni., the Mid i
township plat will be tiled In this office,
aud on aud after said day we will be j
prepared to receive applications fur the ;
entry of tho unappropriated aud unre
served lauds iu said township.
liExj amiN L. Eddy, Register,
' J. M. Lawrence, Receiver
Nole This township wus withdrawn
from entry on August 3, 1903.
. .
No Lice.
United States Land Office.
Roseburg, Oregon, Jan. 19, l!H)3.
Notice is hereby given that the ap
proved plat of survey of Township No.
28 South, Range No. 1 West of the Wil
lamette Meridian, Oregon, has been
received from the Surveyor General
for Oregon, and ou Tuesday, the (Hh
day of March, 1900, at 9 o'clock a. tu.,
the said township plat will be Hied in
this office, and on and after said day
we will be prepared to receive applica
tions for the entry of the unappropri
ated and uureseryed lands in said town
ship. Benjamin L. Eddy, Register,
J. M. Lawrence, Receiver.
Note This township was withdrawn
from entry en August 3, 1903.
In the County Court of the Slate of Oregon,
for Lincoln County.
.In the matter of the estate of John Johnson,
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been appointed by the County Court of ihe
suite of Oregon for the county of I.tncoln, ad
ministrator of the estate of John Johnson, de
ceased. All persons having claims agaiust
: said estate are hereby nn'.ilied to present them
.The traveling public cordially iuvited i tome at my residence in Kernville, Or., within
six months from the date hereof, duly verified
I as by law required. JOHN MORRIS,
i Administrator of the estate of John Johnson,
I deceased.
Fresh and Choice Groceries and
everything right in
Toledo, Oregon
The Toledo Sawmill
G. L. GRAY, Proprietor
to give this house a trial.
- Proprietor.
Real Estate Agent
If you have a
to sell, or if you wish to buy one
call on me.
Dated February 15, 1906.
When in Corvallis
Stop at the
Hotel Corvallis
In the County Court of the State of Oregon,
for the county of Lincoln.
In the matter of the estate of John Tyee,
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned,
as administrator of the estate of John Tyee,
deceased, has tiled in the Conty Court of Or-
egon, for Lincoln county, nis final account as
firm nr imun 1rt 1 administrator of said estate, and that on the
iarni or town 101 ,M duy o( AuriI im at. tha of j
o'clock p. m. thereof, has been fixed by said
Court as the time for hearing objections to
said report and the settlement thereof.
Dated at Toledo, Or., this 15th day of Feb
ruary, 19UC.
Administrator of the estate of Jonh Tyee, deceased.
3est in the City and none better at
same rates in the valley
JOE K05YDAR, Proprietor
Good accommodations for the traveling
public. Givo the Sileiii, House a trial.
I w ill try to please you.
Lame Back.
This ailment is usually caused by
rheumatism of the muscles rind may he-
cured by applying Chamberlaiu's Pain
Balm two or three times a day and rub
bing the parts vigoroufly at each appli
cation. If this does uot afford relief,
bind on a piece of 1 flannel' slightly
dampened with Paiu Balm, and quick,
relief is almost sure to follow. For sale
by 0. O. Krogstnd.
Yellow Fir, Spruce and Alder
Good Stock of Seasoned Lumber on hand. Lumber delivered nt Newport or
Any Other Port, at Prices Consistent with Market Conditions
Quality and Prompt Delivery Guaranteed!
The Farmer's Opportunity.
By special arrangement with tho
publishers we are euabled to make the
following clubbing propositions in con
nection with The Leader:
Regular Price to You
The Leader 81.50
Cosmopolitau 1.00
Pacific Homestead. . 1.00 V !f2.50
Total for the 3.. $3.50 J
The Leader fl.50"j
Pacific Homestead. . 1.00
Apple Specialist 50 ) 3.00
Oregon Journal. . .
1. 50 j
81.50 j
All Citissons of Lincoln County who are
it) favor of building tip homo industries
should bring iheir hides to mo and get
highest Cash price on tho spot.
Also get your Harness Leather, Etc.,
of me and save money.
JT. O..SJUTJI, Toledo, Cr..
Total for the 4
Tub Leader
Pacific Homestead
Nw Poultry Journal. .50
Dairy Farmer. . : . . . 1 .00
Cosmopolitan 1.00
f 1.50-
1.00 !
, 3.25
Total for the 5 .fSOOJ
The Leader ifl.501
Pacific Homestead.. 1.00
Cosmopolitau 1.00 ....... 83.75
Review of Reviews.. S.U0
, f3.75
i 4. .80.50 J
Total for the
Tun Leader 50 1
Pacific Homestead. . 1.00 l
Nw Poultry Journal. .50
Review of Reviews.. 3.00 y
Cosmopolitan 1.00 I
Total for the 5.. $7.00
The Leader fl.501
Pacific Homestead. . 3.00 i
Madaruo Magazine.. 1.00 I
OoiiinopolitHti 1.00
Dnirv Farmer 1.00
Nw Poultry .lourual. .50
Total for the 0.. 86.00 J
Laud Oftice at Portland, Oregon
January 11, 190fi.
Notice is horeby given that in compliance
with the provisions of an act of Congress of-
June 3, 1X78, entitled "An act for sale of timber
lands In the States of Culiforula, Oregon, Ne
vada, and Washington Territory," as extended
to all the Public Land States by act of August
4. 1892, Martin Pitson, of Glen, county of
Lincola, state of Oregon, has this day tiled in,
this olliec his sworn stutemtut No. 07S0, for the
purchase of the Lot 4 and se'i of swj Sec. 19,
township 12 , range 9 w, and s'.2 su'of section
24, township 12 s, range 10 wist, and will offer
proof to sbow that the land sought Is more
valuable tor its timber or stone than for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish his claim to
said land before the Register and Receiver of
this olllee at Portland, Oregon, on Friday, tha
20th day of April, 1900.
lie names as witnesses:
Thomas Bean, of Portland, Oregon, George
Hodges, of Salado, Oregon, and T. L. Bohamion
and M. W. Randall, of Glen, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested
their claims in this olllee on or before said 20th
day of April, 1900.
Ai.gkhnon S. Dhkkskh. Register.
Flooring. Ceiling
Rustic, Shiplap
Boxing r Stepping;
Boat Lumber
Door and Window Jamb
Turned Torch Columns.
Brackets,. Cresting
Picture Moulding
Panel Moulding
Brown Moulding
Bed Moulding
Moulded Casing and Base
Balusters and Spiiidh$
Water Table:
Agent for
Alfred Teats; Wall Paper
United States Land Olllee, Portland, Oregon,
November !, 19Ui
Notice is hereby given that in compllanco
with, thin provisions of tho act of Congress of
June 3, 1S78, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands In tho states of California, Ore
gon, Nevada and Washington Territory." as
extended to all public land states Dy net of
August 4, 1892, James S. Wheeler of Toledo,
county of Lincoln, state of Oregon, has this
day Hied In thisollieo his sworn statement No.
070.1, for the purchase of the lie' Section 21,
Township No. 13 south, Range No.. 9 west,
and will otter proof to show that the lund
tia I sougni is more vttniMun; ui i.e. ...... ... .........
1116 I ., l .....1 1 n.wl In oa'ill,.
Ulllll lor UKiii;iiiLiiiii '
lifch his claim to said land before Ira Wade,
County Clerk of Lincoln county, at Toledo,
Oregon, ou Monday, the 19th day of Febru
ary, 1'Jl 6.
lie as witnesses:
George A. Hodges and Joseph Parks of Sa
lado, Or.; William Parks of Elk City, Or.;
Henry Wilson of Portland, Or.
Any and all iiersniiH claiming adversely the
above -described lands are requested to lile
their claims in this olllco on or before said 19th
V. S. Land Olllee at Rosobuig, Oregon,
February fl, lyotl.
Notice Is hereby given that tho following i
named settler has tiled notice of his Intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, I
and that said proof will be made before '
Iril Wail, f'mnitv f'lprk of Lincoln ponntv. nt I
his olllee at Toledo, Oregon, on March 19, 1906, j ot y
Corwin J. Smith, II. K. No. OlCl, for Lots 1 and
2 section 3, township 14 s, range 10 w.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz:
Mrs. M. K. Farley, Thomas Barclay, Neven
Harelay, of Tidewater, Oregon, and Wesley
Bales, of Waldpnrt, Oregon.
limJAMW L. Eddy, Register.
AU1KUNON S. Dkksker. Register.
8. Land Olllee, Portland. Or.V
Feb. il. l0fl.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named pettier has tiled notice ot Ms Intention
to make final proof 'in support of his claim,
and that said proof will be made before the
County Clerk at Toledo, Oregon, on March 19,
1900, viz:
II. K. No. 12655, by Corwin J. Smith, for the
e of ne! of section 31, township 13 ., range 10
Ho names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
Land Olllee at Portland, Oregon,
November 9. I9ii5.
Notice Is hereby given that in comiiliaurr
with the provisions of the act of Congress o;
. June 3. 1878. entitled "An act for the sale ol
timber lauds la Ihe states of California, Or
! egon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," n
extended to all tho Public Land States by a-t
of August 4, 1892, Henry Wilson of Portland
County of Multnomah, Ktato of Oregon, has
this ilny tiled in thlsotllce hissuorn statement
No. 0701 for the purchase of the ite'i of nectlon
No. 17. m township No. 13 south, range 9 west,
and will oiler to show that the laud sought Is
more valuable for lis timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to saM land before tho- County Clerk of
Lincoln county, at Toledo, Oregon, on Mon
day, the loth day of February, 19(Hi,
George A. Hodges and Joseph Parks of Sa
lado, Oregon ; William Parks of Elk City, Or.;
J:ne8. Wheeierof Toledo, Or.
of Baidland, viz: Any and all persona claiming adversely the
Mrs. M. . Farley, Thomas Barclay, Neven above described liutds are requested to tile
Burclay, of Tidewater, Oregon, and Wesley tholr claims In this oi'.fcuon or beloro nald 19.h
llalos.of Widdport, Oreon. duyof February, lt.ue.
AMIKUNoK. S. Diiehseii, RctflHtetj,, I Amkkqn,8. Iirkshkb. Register,
U. H. Lund Olllco at Portland, Or.,
December 211, 1905.
Notice is heraby given that the lollov nig--named
settler has filed notice of histnten loin
to make final proof in support of his ch nn ..
and that said proof will be made before lhc
Register and Receiver at Portland, Or. m
February 9, PJuft, viz:
Andrew Jagodinsk, It K. No. T4-102, for thei
northeast quarter of section 23, township 8 s,.
range 9 w..
lie names the foliowibg witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz:
William HI anke, Lewis Jones, Joseph Stitnkc
aud Lee Smith, all of Falls City, Oregon.
Auikiinon S. Dhksskk, Register.
Land Olllee at Portland, Or.,
December 29, 1905.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance,
with the provisions of the act of Congress "of
June 3, ls.78, entitled "An act for tho sale of
limber lands ill the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the Public Land States by net
of August 4, 1892, Joseph A. Roman, of Oregon,
City, county ot Clackamas, state of Oregon,
hus this day tiled In this ofllce Ills sworn state
ment No. 07 12, for the purchaso of tho sw't, .
nc' ,, s'i nw'i nnd ne'i v'i of soction No. 2.1, .
In township No. 12 south, range No. 10 west,
anil will oiler proof to show that the laud
sought is more valuable for its timber or stono -than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish,
his claim to said land before Ihe Register aud
Receiver of this olllee nt Portland, Oregon, on
Tuesday, tho 27th day of March, 1900.
lie names as witnesses:
George Myers and Julius Bosch, of Glen..
Oregon, and I). Frank Adeoek and Samuel T.
Roman, of Oregon I ity, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the-above-described
binds are requested to (He .
tholr claims in I his olllee on or bofore said 27th ,
day of March. !!'.
AI4JKHNON S. Dhksskk, Register.
The Best Physic.
When you want a physio that is mild
and gentle, easy lo take ami p'ei sunt in.
effect, take Chamberlain's Stomaelti
and Liver Tablet. Price 55 cetitH.
Kvery box warranted Get a free Sam
ple at O. O. Kftigstad'ii dv'ug store, au'il
try, theuu.