y The of Wave WE OUNCES your grocer refundsyourmoney. Send for "Book of Presents." JAQUES Chicago. Msdj horses are made vicious frort cruel treatment. Food for Thought. "I trust, Miss Cutting" remarked young Borem, as he rose to depart after a prolonged stay, "that I have not taken up too much of your val uable time." "Not at all, Mr. Borem," replied the fair damsel. "The time you have tak en up has been of no value to me whatever, I assure you." Then he went forth into the night, and wandered homeward, wrapped In a heavy mantle of thought. Chicago Journal. The Choice of the People. When things began to go too "fast and loose" in New York, the people rose up in their wrath, got together and elected a district attorney who makes life miserable for wrongdoers. Jerome flaunted the banner of- no political party; be was the people's choice. Pillsbury's Vitos is the first choice f all people who relish good things for breakfast. It's dainty, delicious and nourishing. Anxiety. Tramp (outside the gate) Does your dog bite? Mrs. Weptonwish (on the porch) Yes, he docs, and O, please don't come In! We are so particular about what we feed him on! Somerville Journal. riTQ Permanently Cured. Nofltsor nerrousness li 10 after lirst.day'suneofDr.Kllne'sOreatNerve Restorer. Bend for Free S3 trial bottleand treatise. Iir. K. H. Kline, Ltd., 941 Arch St.. Philadelphia, Pa, Reekleaa Courage, '"I talked real sassy to the hotil tele graph operator." "My goodness I You didn't dare?" "Yes, I did." "Geet. I'd like to have a picture of a man doing that." "WhRt would you call it?" "'Ajax Defying the Lightning!" Cleveland Leader. CATAMffl Catarrh is .usually regarded as nothing more serious than a bad cold or Blight Inflammation of the inner skin and tissues of the head and throat, when it is, in fact, not only a vexatious and troublesome disease, but a com plicated and dangerous one. It is true that Catarrh usually begins with a cold in the head, but when the poison9, which are thrown off through the secretions, find their way into the blood, it becomes a constitutional trouble that affects all parts of the body. It has more annoying and disgusting symp toms than any other disease. There is a sickening and offensive discharge from the nostrils, a constant buzzing noise in the ears, headaches and pains in the eyes are frequent, while filthy, tenacious matter drops back into the throat requiring continual hawking and spitting, and in certain stages of the disease the breath has an odor that is very offensive. Catarrh is worse in Winter, because the cold weather closes the pores and glands, and the pois ons and unhealthy vapors which should pass off that way are thrown back on the. tender linings and tissues, causing the inflammation which starts the unhealthy secretions to be ab- sorbed by the blood. When the blood beaomes diseased with this catarrhal matter all kinds of complications may be looked for. As the blood circu lates through the body the foul mat ter finds its way into the stomach, ruining the digestion and producing chronic Dyspepsia, or Catarrh of the stomach. It also affects the Kidneys, Bladder and other members of the body, while the general health is weak ened, appetite lost and the patient feels despondent and half sick all the time. But worst of all, if the trouble is not checked the lungs become diseased from the constant passage of poisoned blood through them, and Catarrh terminates in Consumption, the most fatal of all diseases. You cannot get rid of Ca tarrh by treating it with sprays, washes, inhalations, etc., because they only reach the membranes and tissues, while the real cause of the trouble is in the blood. These relieve the annoying symptoms for a time, but the poison is all the while getting a stronger hold on the system and when they are left off will manifest itself in worse form than before. S. S. S. is the greatest of all blood purifiers, and when it lias cleansed the blood, this pure, rich stream circulates through the body, carrying healthful properties to the diseased parts. Then the inflamed membranes and tissues begin to heal, the dis PURELY VEGETABLE. ease permanently, and at the same time builds up the entire system by its fine tonic effect. S. S. S. is a purely vegetable remedy non-inj'ui ious to the sys tem and a certain, reliable cure for Catarrh. Catarrh sufferers will find our free consulting department helpful In advising local treatment to be used pith S. S. S. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CA Home the Circle is the home where good cooking is loved, where the family enjoy the finest of biscuits, doughnuts, cakes, and pies and other good things every day. The baking is always delicious and wholesome because K C Baking Powder the baking powder of the wave circle, is used. Get K C to-day ! 25 ounces for 25c If it isn't all that we claim, MFG. CO. Foundation of UarkTirali'i Fortune Mark Twain says that in his earlier days he did not enjoy the exceptional prosperity which came later in his ca reer. It Is commonly the lot of genius to suffer neglect at first and experi ence did not affect his abiding good nature. In a conversation with Wil liam Dean Howells on one occasion the subject of literature vicissitudes wag broached by the humorist "My difficulties taught me some thrift," he observed. "But I never knew whether it was wiser to spend my last nickel for a cigar to smoke or for an apple to devour." "I am astounded," observed Mr. Howells, "that a person of so little decision should meet with so much worldly success." Mark Twain nodded very gravely. "Indecision about spending money," he said, "Is worthy of cultivation. When I couldn't decide what to buy with my last nickel I kept It, and so became rich." Were Two Soreheads. A well-known clergyman was telling his Sunday school class the story of the prodigal sou, and wishing to em phasize the disagreeable attitude of the elder brother on that occasion, he laid special stress on this phn.se of the parable. After describing the re joicing of the household over the re turn of the wayward son, he spoke of one who, In the midst of festivities, failed to share in the Jubilant spirit of the occasion. "Can any one in the class," he asked, "tell me who this was?" A small boy who had been listening sympathetically to the story, put up his hand. "I know," he said, beamingly, "It wag the fatted calf." San Francisco Chronicle. The largest flour mill In the British empire ia in Montreal. It turns rut 6,000 barrels of flour a day. ANNOYING DANGEROUS uovoica yaars URO my uiouu was Dad and I had in addition a dreadful case of Catarrh. Ky nose was stopped up, I had headaches, ringing noises in my ears ond felt v.nllt for work. I com menced the use of S. S. S. on the recom mendation of a friend, and in a short time it cured me sound and well. It put my blood in (rood condition and I have never had the slightest return of the Catarrh since that time. GEO. D. CAKK, No. 209 Edgar St. Evamville, Ind. charges cease, the general condition of the system 19 strengthened, every one of the annoying and disgusting symp toms pass away, and the patient is left in perfect health. S. S. S. is the best remedy for Catarrh. It goes right into the blood and removes all effete matter and catarrhal noison and cures the dis Scotch Short-Bread. Ingredients: Twelve ounces of flour, three ounces of sugar, half-pound of fresh butter. Sift and dry the flour, add the sugar and mix well. Melt the butter and stir it slowly Into the flour with a wooden spoon. Kneud it Into a lump and turn it out on to a lightly floured board. Work with the hands Into a nice cake one Inch thick, press ing the edges into shape with a fork. Prick It lightly over with a skewer and slip it on to a baking tin. Bake In a moderate oven for an hour. Sprin kle it over with sugar and cut Into squares. Corn ('bonder. Cut the kernels from a dozen ears of green corn. Peel and mince two on ions and fry them brown In three ta blespoonfuls of butter in a deep sauce pan. Now put In the corn, four broken pilot biscuits, add a half dozen par boiled and sliced potatoes. Season with pepper, salt, and a tablespoonful of minced parsley, and cover with a quart of boiling water. Ixt all cook gently for three-quarters of an hour, then stir in slowly n cupful nf bnl'lng milk, thickened with a tablespoonful of flour rubbed Into one of butter. Turn at once into a heated tureen. Bachelor's Hash. Cut some slices of cold meat with out fat or skin, salt and pepper them and dust on very little floyr; put them Into a frying-pan, add one finely sliced onion, six cloves, a little gruted herbs, a good piece of butter, a wineglass of any kind of wine that is not sweet, a glass of water or gravy and half a glass of different sauces mixed togeth er. Turn all round quickly until the liquid Is two-thirds soaked up by the meat and pour what remains of it on the dish. Mincemeat Fritter. Take half a pound of good mince meat and mix thoroughly with two ounces of cake or biscuit crumbs. The remains of sponge cake, maca roons, etc., will serve excellently. Add the Juice of half a lemon and two eggs (well beaten). Have ready a good sup ply of clarified fat, and, when boiling, drop In dessertspoonfuls -of the mix ture. Fry for eight minutes, drain thoroughly, dish on a fancy dolly and sprinkle with sugar and chopped al monds. Grape Pickle. Take seven pounds of ripe grapes and remove the stems; take three pounds of white sugar, one quart of cider vinegar, one ounce of cinnamon and one-half ounce of cloves. Boil this and pour over the fruit for two morn ings, and the third morning put fruit and. all In preserving kettle; heat so as to simmer for a few minutes. Then put It In glass or earthen Jars, tie up securely, and keep In a cool place. Cucumber Tickles. Wash and fill two quart can with freshly picked cucumbers of any de sired size. Add to them two heaping tablespoonfuls dry mustard; two heap ing tablespooufuls salt, and fill can with good cold cider vinegar. It doesn't matter whether you have an airtight top or not; a cork with cloth tied over or put In crock. If you like more mustard or salt It will do no harm. Plain Vanilla Cream. To make a nice, plain vanilla cream, large enough for dinner for a small family, take one quart of fresh cream, sweeten It with two cupfuls of pow dered sugar, and add two teaspoon fula of extract of vanilla. Stir this mix ture rather gently with a patent egg beater, or with a small cream whip, till the sugar Is quite dissolved, then put it Into the freezer and freeze it Mook Olives. Make a pickle of vinegar, mustard seed and a little salt; heat it boiling hot and pour over green plums before they begin to ripen; let them remain In one night; then drain off the vine gar, heat It again and pour over the plums. Plums may be gathered be fore the stone Is formed and pickled In the same way. Wnrtemliursr Soup, Boll any stale breod to a Jelly with water, add a little chopped onion and celery. When the bread Is ncar'y transparent 'add enough milk to make It look creamy, a small piece of butter and pepper and suit. Scatter a little Parmesan cheese over the soup and serve hot with filed bread. Molasses Layer Cake, Two tablespoons shortening, one half cup of brown sugar, one-hnlf cup molasses one teaspoon soda dissolved In three-quarters cup buttermilk, two cups of flour, one tablespoon of mixed spices. My Hair is Extra Long Feed your hair; nourish it; give it something to live on. Then it will stop falling, and will grow long and heavy. Ayer's Hair Vigor is the only hair-food you can buy. For 60 years it has been doing just what we claim it will do. It will not disappoint you. " My hair use d to he rery short. Bnt sfter using; Ayer's llulr Vigor u flhort time It bKd to stow, and now It It fourteen inches long. This seem a splendid remit tome after being almost without an; hair." MU8.J. 11. Fircu, Colorado Springe, Colo. A Also manuiaoturers of 9 SARSAPARIU.JL yers PILLS. CIIEKRY PECTORAL. Mrs. Sarah A. Evans, who has been appointed inspector of the meat markets of Portland, is president of the Oregon btate k ederation of omen s Clubs. How's This? j We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward foi any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. i T. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. Vie, the undersigned, hare known F. J, Chiuey lur the l&al 15 jca.i, and hcliovo him perfectly honorable In all business transac tions and fi n ancially able to carry out any ob ligations made by their firm. Yi st 5i Tbuax, wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. WiLDiso, K inn an A Marvin. Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo, O. Hull's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Bold by all lirugglsts. Testimonials tree. , Hall's Family Pills are the best. An optimist i a man who runs an ' account with a light-weight grocer. i For bronchial trouMes trv n.io'a Cut for Cniisiuiiptinn. It is a pond cough medicine. At druggists, price 1!5 cents. j Horse racing in Italy ' dead since the introduction of automobile speed cou- 1 tests. I Aquntic birds are more numerous than , land birds. Mothers will find Mr. Wlnilow's Soothing Syrup the best remedy to use for their children during the teething period. These Haptd Timer. "We are certainly going the pace." "How so?" "I only packed my linen suit away yesterday and ttwlay the Christinas num bers of the magazines are out." Louis rille Courier-Journal. We do crown and hrldfrnwork without pa n. Our IH yearn experience In plat work en ables us io tit your mouth romforLiih y. Dr. W. A. W ise has found a sure way to extract teeth absolutely without pain. Dr. T. 1. Wise Is an expert at (to id tilllnif and crown snd bridgework. Extracting Irju when plates or bridges are ordrred. WISE BROS. DENTISTS Falling lildg., Third and Wnxhlneton His. Open evenings till tto't'lnclc. Miiinliiys I'rom lo li. Or Mam ICD. DR. W. A WISE Start the New Year Riqht! TART the new year with a clean mind and a clean body I Most people are very neat and clean in their outward appearance, but how about the Inside? Are you clean Inside? And if not, how can you face the New Year with clean thoughts, clear Intelli gence, a fair, Just, and bright mind, and your full share of capacity for work and enjoyment. The holidays are over and everybody's had a good time perhaps a little too much of a good time. Over-eating and over drinking have been the rule ever since Thanksgiving Day. Manytpeople get little exercise In winter and breathe much stuffy, over-heated in side air. At tiie same time ther eat too much rich and Indigestible food, while fresh fruit and fresh vegetables are scarce in the market. So stomach and bowels are liable to be over-taxed. Clog up, stretch and paralyze the large Intestine by over-stuffing it with undi gested food, so It can not carry off the useless refuse, and it "backs up" the sewage, ancr" compels the small intestine to absorb the poison of decaying matter, instead of wholesome nourishment. That's what must happen. Isn't it plain as day? What's the result? Nearly everybody "gains In flesh" In the winter time, but It's pussy fat not healthy flesh and muscle. The Uver gets Inactive; the bile doesn't "work off"; the eyes get yellow; the skin gets dead like putty and pale like dough, with boils, pimples, blackheads, liver-spots to break the monotony. Dizziness, headaches, blurred vision, foul breath, sleeplessness and a temper like a wild cat make such persons very 3 MALLEABLE IRON STUMP PULLERS Kast.et, lightest and strongest Stump Pulls oo the market, lie Horn power oa Uie sweep with two bonee. Write lor descriptive catalog and prices. - RHIERSON MACHINERY CO. Foot el Morrison Street Portland, Orsgost 'enys Seeds are heat hennas R0 .....u, rnlB ii.a Bppntin ttiej aeTelopmentliair a century of eifiert care In making tlieui " " k. " n. in growing .. 1, .'"('-""run areas. we sisust tree. D. M. FERRY It CO., WET WEATHER. WISDOM! AVrS THE ORIGINAL BLACK OO YELLOW WILL KEEP YOU DRY NOTHING ELSE WILL TAKE NO 3UDST1TUTEJ CATALOGUES FREE SHOWING FULL LINE OF GARMENTS AND HATS. a J TrtWFR CO , snsTON. MA., U.I A. TOW E ft CANADIAN CO.. LTD., TORONTO. CANADA. r rn-e In ih mc inn r I h:o ij,.i Im iimi ul liit.si h innlt'FB r int i)h'M this lain, in no lor knows the action (foer."nJ i fTe-nt r.-umllea whirl, h-HitrcfHHinlly use in liittVn n disease. iit murium estonirpca a rh. HHthinu, lunK.ihr at, rhenuiuilsni, imtviii hii ss, Htomui h, llvir; kid- Dry, etc.; ha h Iredt of teAtlmnnlalH. 1 hitrKPH innderat". t nil and see him. Taih-nls tint ul' the My write lor hlunkr and c ruuhira. bend sump. t'ONSlJ LTATiUN FHKK. Address THE C. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO 162S first SI., S. t. Cor. Morrison Mention paiier. PORTLAND, OREGON. P. N. U. No. 1-OS w DEN writ Ins: to advertiser please wen u on uui paper. pleasant company to themselves and others. But, you say "I'll take a course of Spring medicine to clean me out next April." Not considering your duty to yourself and family, Isn't it certain that to leave the body full of pojson all winter, and then suddenly attempt to force out all Impurities by one violent attack Is danger ous, absurd and unreasonable? Keep clean Inside ajj jhe time. That's the simple solution. If you can not diet, or keep your mech anism going by proper exercise, the self evident alternative Is to take Cascarets, the sweet, fragrant, harmless little vege table tablets, that "act like exercise " on your bowels, and gently but powerfully clean out and disinfect the whole diges tive canal, . A Cascaret every night before going to bed will "work while you sleep" and make you "feel fine In the morning." If you have been neglecting yourself for some time, take a Cascaret night and morning and break up the "constipated habit" without acquiring a "calhartio habit." Cascarets are sold by all druggists, 10a. 25a and SOo. The lOo size trial box Is a neat fit for the vest pocket or lady's purse. Be sure to get the genuine, with tha " long-tailed C " on the box and the letters "CCC" on each tablet. They are never sold In bulk. " FREE TO OUR FR.IEND.St We want to seed to otrr friends a beautiful French-deslBned Gltl.D-PLATED PUN30N BUX hard-enameled In colors. It Is a leauty for the dressing table. Ten cents In stamps Is asked as a mcasnr e of good faltti and to cover cost of Cascaret With whlchWs dainty trinket Is loaded. n i Send to-day. mentioning this paper. Address Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago 01 New York, ft IS Dr. C. Gee Wo rjfW WONDERFUL HOME efMtJA TREATMENT JW J This wonderful Chi- (aT ffiy1 nese luc;or Is chJIkK uft -t' great biM'ttiiHH he curt aL 1 ho)1p without ope. a- Jf SjZm Hon ih it are ulven tin L T3y to die. lit tdrt-H with fy'FVw :7 a Uiohh wonderful lh - f XjftfiBJKK ins! herns, tOoih, hint', r'JjW) harks ami Vfj.ei.uhli tZ&tjffo I hut are enltriMy iv - Kff.Xl known to nxihcal r r -w ti l 1 0 I ilff n f IMi dr. r. P. wise.