Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, January 26, 1906, Image 4

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    l i
Lincoln' County Leader.
A DA E. SOULK. IPjiupkistobs.
Official County Paper.
filtered at the poftoflire at Toledo, Oregou. M
second-claw mail matter.
One Year -Six
Th ree Months
$1 50
While The Leader believes the direct
. primary law has much merit, it does
not believe any legislative candidate
candidate for United States Senator
who receives a mere plurality of the
votes cast in the general election as an
expression of personal preference only.
.Such a pledge spells danger. Toillus
trate: Portland and Multnomah coun
ty hare a very large Republican ma-jority-that
is, when the Republican
candidate is a Portland citizen. This
means that with one candidate from
Portland and two or three others from
different parts of the state, the Port
land man would in all probability se
cure the nomination by a plurality.
Now, there would be no objection to
this result if the successful Portland
candidate should happen to be all right,
but what if he isnt all right by a darn
sight? Local pride and local interests
may make it easy to forgive a oandi
date's trespasses and shortcomings
and money, like charity, may cover a
multitude of sias. Plurality nomina
tions should be considered binding only
when the nominee's public, private and
political record needs no. defense. Of
course, there is nothing personal in
this little argument. Another poinW
Members of the Legislature are the
hired men of their respective districts,
and they should not be tied hard and
nst by a pledge wbioh may compel
them to support a mun whom their
constituents do not favor for good and
sufficient reasons. This brings us back
to' the old subject. When men who
bavo no moral right to seek oifiee turn
their talents iuto other channels, then
will Harmony prevail aud voters cease
to be bored by circular letters breath
ing deep concern for the dear people.
Anything new from Jonathan?
There are others. The recent rains
iu California prove it.
The crop of candidates is growing
right along, but Tan Leader does not
feel at liberty to give names and size of
aspirationa until authorised to do so.
The Oregonian editorially refers to
Ssam Jones, the somewhat famous scv
called evangelist, as "the reverend
expert in sacred vaudeville.'1 This
seems to hit Sam squarely amidships.
When its dodgasted enemies are all
dead and a few other obstacles ate re
moved, Lincoln county will soon take
its natural position in the- front rank.
Oh, do not bediscoiiragttd, for Portland
U your friend
Ve disclose no secret wlieii .we state
that our wise Democratic brethren are
fraying for tho nomination of the
"King of French Prairie"' and tho, high
tieered gentleman who didn't help to
Furnish the state with, a Republican
Governor two years ago next votin'tiine.
We note that the Duchesa of Marl
borough - underwent an operatiou for
tome inward trouble- and thereby got
her picture in the Oregonian. We trust
Wiat nil women who hunger and thirst
after fame will not take the hint aud
convort the leading newspaper of the
' Pacific coast into a 'more photograph,
A farmer o( Clackamas county has
Vrought suit against his two sons to
Kecover possession of real estate vajued
"t $14,000. The father alleges that his
koys got him drunk and thep persuaded
him to Biun a paper which, proved to be
a deed to tho property. The old man
needs a guardian. He would b-ifr i.t
the boys keen the l,l ' " '
The orchardists of the valley-soma
of tht'ni are organising to waje war
against Insect pests and place fruit
Kiowmg where it holongsawong the
fading industries of the state. There
is no good reason why tho,. Hood Rjyer
und Mudford.districts should, have all
the fame as apple producers. Thoee
factious pay for their reputations by
hard, practical aud, incessant work.
They excel many other localities only
in enoigy and something somewhat
superior to horse sense. Xo modern
lip Van Winkle can pose as their com
(etitor. Is the point visible
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That bids will be received for the sale of
the following described inherited Indian lands, situated and being in Lincoln
County, Oregon, as per schedule herein set forth, to-wit:
DIVISIONS Isaac Washington ,Lot S, 6, 11, 12
Lilly Poucee Nettie West Lots 1 and 16
Wof w'jof n!i
Oscar Brown & Rachel Carson. .Lots 21 22, 23, 24
John Hill Lou 22, 23. 24, tee 28, and lot 17
Stewart Rooner Kb' noi. nv nt .-
Btewart Koonejr Lota 27,28, sec 1, ne4 nwi
oiewan nooney. n se; ne;;, sw;j ne;i, lot 11
Martha Johnson NeJneJi
Martha Johnson S'i ne'4
Martha Johnson Lota 39. 30, 31, 32
Archie Johnson Lots 21, 22, 27, 28
Edward Bensell SeX sej, ej swJ4 se1
! II V,'" " 7 VW
( .'vi0n1B1V4.n
Ella Ben & Andrew Smith.. Lots 9,10, 11 and 23
Robert Felix NJ ' 0f nvr'i
Robert Felix Ne'. ot seH
EJj nw!i se and lot 24
John Spencer and
Catherine Fairchild Sv-i e and lot 4
8ei ne?4
Catherine Fairchild Ne.'. sej and lot 3
Charles Johnson 8! lot 29
Lou 8 and 4 & nw n w seJi 4 w sw4 neJi
Charles Johnson : Lot 8
Se4 ne and eli swi neJi
George Barney EJ nwJi & no4
Henry Johnson KwJ. ixr & s$ sw4 nw
and lots 5, 6, 7 and 8
John Logsdon jl 4
Ne nwi and lot 3
John Qrtnn E,4 sej
Moses Lane Vt t ne'i ne'i, eii iot l,
ti se'i nw', and eU lot 2
Josle Tiptou, et al Nwji nei and sw'i neli
Ida Bensoll, g; ,wi
Ida Bensell WJsw
Louia Fuiier Me4 w,4 and lot t wj
Lonie Fuller Lots 29, SO, 31 and 32
Jane Yanner, KJ nw, lots 9, 7, 14 and 16
Jane Yanner, Ke neJi, sw neV4'and lot 11
Baldwin Fairchild Nwj$ part s lot 11
Minnie Lane and Martha, ..Lots 23, 24,
25 and 26
Minnie Lane and Martha Metcalf....Ne!4 seJi,
and at'i ee;i
. j, t j uua, uwu, ui ine various aays upon
which they are listed to bo opened In above schedule, and must be enclosed in
sealed envelopes directed to Knott C. Egbert, Superintendent, Siletz. Oregou
Envelopes containing such bids should not have noted thereon the description
of the lands to which the bids relate, but there shall be noted on such envelopes
the date upon which the bid is to be opened. Bidders should submit a draft on
some Portland bank ; otherwise remit enough to cover exchange on outside
Supt. and Special Disbursing Agent, in Charge of Siletz Agency, Oregon.
While it is unanimously agreed that
"Webfoot" no longer goes as a handle
for Oregon, the proposition to sub
stitute "Beaver," the old original nick
name, is not meeting with general
favor. To shut off argument, the mat
ter should be laid on the table until the
next session of the Legislature.
Only second to the Christian velloion
as a civilizing agent are the fraternal
sooiMies. While all fraternal orders
are good, some are better as the Ken
tuckian t-aid of whisky. While the
world eould get along with fewer of
these organizations, it is, in the opinion
of a vast majority of its intelligent
citizenship, a much better world than
it would be without them. To them is
due the absence of much strife and
bitterness ; they cool the hot head and
restrain the flexible conscience ; they
scatter seeus ot kindness and let sun
shine into the homes of the bereaved
and atflicted ; they are stepping-stones
to the one grand and all-sufficient
organization, the Universal Brother
hood of Man, as a blessed and accepted
reality ; their teachings are the only
influences for good that can touch the
hearts of reckless thousands aud this
alone places the stamp of value upon
tuem'iu every part of the enlightened
world. The Only obiection tn nnv mm
of the numerous fraternal societies is
the occasional member who has no
regard for his sacred obligation. These
rare "horrible examples" exist for the
sole purpose of making good the old
adage '-It takes all kinds of people to
mutta a worm.'
Popular and Picturesque.
The only thing necessary to make the
Denver and Rio Grande the most pop
ular, ns it has over been known the
most pleasant and most picturesque
way to cross the continent, has come
about. This is the establishment of
through sleeping oar service.
.u " T" " " l" V'".. - ft-.
Jn connection with the O . T! . -
ru'"usu deeper is
DOW run Irom tfortlandi to Denver,
leaving jortlnnd at 8:1a p. m. arriving
at Salt Lake at 8:40 a. m. the second
morning, leavinu Salt Lake, at S:sn n
in. and arriving at Denver 4:20 p. ra.
the following day. This schedule gives
passengers seven hours stop over in
Salt Lake, affording an opportunity to
visit tho Mormon Capital as well as a
day light ride through the grandest
scenery in the world.
For reservations In thla car and for
lllustratod booklets picturing the scen
ery contiguous to the Denver & Rio
Grande, proving it to be the "Scenic
Line of the World," write to W. C.
McBrlde, General Agent, 124 Third
street, Portland,
g S T3 Acres r Bid
: : Listed Opened
1 10 10 80 Oct. 80 Jan. 29
19 9
20 9 9 M
11 7 11 80
27 0 11 73.14 .
1 7 11 80 '
12 10 9 80 "
1 7 11 80.09
26 9 9 40 "
26 9 9 80
28 9 9 80 "
31 9 9 80
24 8 11 77.80 .
7 10 9 S.M0 it
7 10 9 SO '
8 10 10 SO Nov. 20 Feb. 19 '06
13 9 10 W . "
8 10 10 ' 80 "
29 9 11
S2 9 11J10.03 ' '
32 9 ll" 80.67 "
33 9 9
4 10 9 S3.J2
10 . 9
4 11 9 80
28 17 9 lt "
8 9 10 8U.56
10 10 10 Jan. 2, 1906 ' Mar. 2, 1906
18 8 10 77.26
84 ' 6 10 80 "
19 9 9 78.63 "
30 9 9 80
34 6 10 80
31 6 10 80 "
2 V II I'm "
36 6 11 80 " .i
27 9 10 72.30
27 9 10 ' ii
9 10 10 3.80 " ii
17 10 10 80
18 19 10 80
Dangers of a Cold and How to Avoid Them.
More fatalities have their origin 'in or
result from a cold than from any other
cause. This fact alone should make
people more careful as there is no
danger whatever from a cold when it ia
properly treated in the beginning. For
many years Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy has been recognized as the
most prompt and effectual medicine in
use for this disease. It acts ou nature's
plan, loosens the cough, relieves the
lungs, opens the secretions and aids
nature in restoring the system to a
healthy condition. Sold by O. O. Krog
stad. Pat I'm after biddiu' you goodbye,
Moike. It's to Panima for me. Shure,
$4 a day workin' ou the canal looks like
a gold mine beside the $1.20 iu Ameriky.
Mike But, Pat, do you mind that
Panima is one of the hottest places in
the world? It is twenty-one in the
shade most every day.
Pat You don't suppose that I'm
such a dommeal tool as to stay in the
shade till the time, de you?
A Jamaican Lady Speaks Highly of Chamber
lain' Cough Remedy.
Mrs. Michael Hart, wife of the super
intendent of Cart Service at Kingston,
Jamaica, West Indies Islands, says that
she has for some years used Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy for coughs, croup
aud whooping cough aud has found it
very beneficiul. She has implicit con
fidence in it and would uot be without
a bottle of it in her homo. Sold, by Cv
O. Krogstad..
Call for County Warrants
Notice Is hereby given that I have
funds on hand to pay all County War
rants drajvu on the General Fund, and
endorsed ;"Xot paid for want oi funds'
"p to and including June 7, 1902.!
Interest on said warrants to cease flnmnlntf Ktrwlr
from and after said date. .VUIIipiLLU OtUCK
J. L. Hyd Couuty Treasurer.
Dated at Toledo. Or., this 12th dav of
January, 1006.
The, Grip.
"Before we can svmnathize with
others, we must have suffered our-'w
l.. ,, T .. . H
ocivcs. iso one can real ze the siiffpr. a
ing attendant upon an attack of the
(trip, unless he has had the actual ex
perience. There is probably no disease
that causes so much physical or mental
agouy, or whioh so successfully defies j
medical uld. All ilnncrar frnm tl.A rrrlr, I
however, mav be avoided bv the nromnt
use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
among the tens of thousands who have
used this remedv. not One case has ever
oeen reported that has rusu ted
pneumonia or that has not reanvarod
for Bale by O. O. Krogstad..
J, President, Vice PrcsidenL
v Responsibility 75,000
Transacts a General BankiDg Business
Interest Paid on Time Deposits
Exchange Sold on All Points
State, County and School Warrants Bought
Principal Correspondents : -
PORTLAND Canadian Bank of Commerce, London and San Fran
cisco Bank, Ltd.
SAN FRANCISCO-London and Sau Francisco Bank, Ltd.
NEW YORK-J. P. Morgan & Co.
CHICAGO First National Bank.
Toledo Livery
Good Rigs and well-broken saddle horses. Special attention
given to Traveling Men. Horses boarded by day, week or month
Leaves Toledo at 7:30 a. m
Leaves Siletz at 12:40 p. m
Roy B. Jacobson David D. Gbah am
Willamsit. Heal Estate Co
Rentals and Insurance
Koomlng Houses und
Business Chances a Specialty.
Our Motto: Quick Sates and
Smalt Profit
291 Burnside St. PORTLALD, OR
The Leading Hotel
of Toledo, Oregon
In order to compete with
the leading hotels we are
compelled to establish th
following rates :
Commercial accommodations per
day .' 2.00
Tourists and others $1 te. 1.50
Single meals to resident . J25
Any guest dissatisfied with ac
commodations will have mon-
, ey refunded by making com
plaint to the management.
C. R. Ellsworth
GEORGE A. HALL,. Proprietor.
Best Grades
Lowest Prices
Toledo, Oregon
Furniture Cleaned
and Polished
and San Francisco Bank, Ltd.
M. N. Anderson
and Feed Stable
Arrives at Siletz at 10:50 a. m.
Arrives at Toledo at 4.00 p. m.
Room 1 aud 2, ) Oregon City,
Weinhard Bldg, Oregon
IT. S. Land Office Business
a Specialty.
Twenty yeari,' experience before tbi
Local and the General Land Office
and the Interior Department
at Washington, D. C.
Rooms 50ft 507 ,
Columbia Building Portland, 0r
Deputy District Attorney
fou Lincoln County
Will practice in all courts in tha
state. Probate matters and collea
tious promptly attended to
Office in Courthouse, Upstairs,
james Mcdonald
!f. I
Chitwoqd. Lincoln Countt Oregon
A Family Library
The Best In Current Literatim
,12 Complete Novels Yearly
$2.60 per Year; 25 ctb. a copy
Every numir complete in itself
S?T' ,1..