V; r - - A'-i-"-- 5 --l-SIl,. - ZJTr" : " ' GARDNER & AVERY The Most Delightful Way to Cross the Continent Through Salt Lake City, Glenwood .Spring, Leadville, Pueblo Colorado Sprigs and Mauitou. ' A Daylight Ride Through Nature's Art Gallery Passim,' Castle Gate, Can von of the Grand. Tennessee Pass Marshall Pass and the Royal Gorge 3Jjj3TXYjSTWEEGDEN AND DENVER $ Ktiuipment rind Service Second to None Seek No Further, for Better Can't Be Found For Detailed Information, address W. C. HcBRIDE, t4 Third Street DES. ADAMS Dentists Of Leis nnilding, 300 Morrison St.. PORTLAND, Oil. Our sa-eeiaity is the painless liliinl ortx-j ,rr:''?- ... v . .i , vf3 i aucui uui xesfc Advertiser. PARKER HOUSE,;aeal Estate TOLEDO. OR. On the Water Front, one block south of Depot. Accommodations bs irood as can be found in Lincoln county. RATES REASONABLE. The traveling public cordially invited to give this house a trial. ALLEX PAKKEJl, Proprietor. M. WYGANT. SURVEYOR Real Estate Agent INSURANCE If you have a farm or town lot to sell, or if you wish to buy one, call on rue. A FREE PATTERN (your own selection) to eery tub scribcr. Only 50 cent a year. MS CALLS I MAGAZINE A UDIES' MAG4ZIVE. A rem; baulllul colored platei; lain! faflnionf ; dretimaliint; tronomiea ; fancy work; ftoutehold lunia; hction, etc. Sib acriha lolar. or, aend . f'r latest copy. lMy acenta wanted. Sand ior terma. Stylir.ii, tteli.ihle. Simple, Up-to-date, Ecnnomical and Abaolutelr Ptrfect-FitUnif Paiier Pattarna. MS CALL Patterhs All Saint Allowed and rrf orntlwit Uww Ik Battlai tad Sewing lltet. Only to and I) centa eaehflone hlEhar. Aak for tbem. Sold in neatly aratr oty and town, or by mail ffom THE MoCALL CO.. 113-115-117 wett 3Ht SI, NIW fOBK. LIPPINCOTT'Sf MONTHLY MAGAZINE A Family library The Best lii Current lltsratara 12 Complctc Novrts YeiLy MANY SHORT CTORICS AND PAPERS ON TIMELY T0PIC3 $2.C0 PEHVtA.n; 23 ct. a copy hlrt rAWTt ajf i er rs rrnotrc wwnitiivii 4 I Will b J evenv kumb(h complctc in (TiLr I Headquarters for the Best Stoves and Ranges on the Market ' S Toledo. Oregon v General Agent PORTLAND, OREGON H. B. Dabney Resident Dentist ' Rooms 7 nn.l s Ofstedahl Uldjj j Toledo, Ob. I A" kind, of Dental JVork done by Strictly Modern Methods. OF ALL KINDS BOUGHT AND SOLD RANCHES In All Parts ot the County CITY PROPERTY In Toledo and Newport GjET have some bargains to offer in city property iu Toledo; also n ranches nearby. BJSTH vou wish to buy or sell, write tne, or see me at my oflioe at the Courthouse, TOLEDO, OREGON. C H A S. M. BROWN MOO Keeps constantly on hand all the Standard Varieties of Fruit Trees Vines and Shrubbery J. E. WILSON, Chitwood, Oregon'. CO YEARS EXPERIENCE I Trade Marks rWSffc&jy Designs r'frm Copyrights Ac AnroTi iinndfns m nketrh and dncnintlnn mny inV:kj WH-Mtjtin our opinion fre wntber ma liifonMon ) probaMy patent 4b la. Com roan tcn tlonaiiitrlctlrrfrfiUfleritfftL HANDBOOK on Patent tjrit fr4. l1Ht aifjncf for Kcunnfr paten tA. l'iVnti tnkurt throuib Innn fit Co. recelT9 tp&UUntitU, without cfiirif. In the ScicJtJilic JJ!j.ericai. A hftnlnotrmif ,ntTni1 weakly. Tivest ctr ntlntlon of anf ivniiltflc I'mro J. Trr.i, 3 m fi- ir; f'.ur n.o-itba, OL bold trail nwid.,ler. MUNN & Co.3613"- New York ilraucb OSloa. SUfBU, WaablMtuo, UC . 1 '" i Dangira of Cold and How to Avoid Then. More fatuliiies have their or!;n in r rf.ar.lt from a ctlJ than from atiy other cause. Thi f at alone should rot. It 9 peotile more careful as there is no ilmgi r w hatovr from a cold when it is properly treated in the Di'iriruiLg. Pi r ma..y yirs Chamberlain's Cough Remedy lias been recognized as the most prompt and effectual medicine iu u-n fur this disfase. It acts on nature's 1 I a Li , looeens the coiiyh, relieves the lutrgs, opens the secretions aud aid-, nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. Sold by O. O. Kroy st. id. Lease blanks for sale at The Leader ollic-. For any disease of the t-kin we can recommend Chamberlain's Salve. It I II. I tl.Jl it ,.1. i .. . .. .4 1... .. t . thin instantly aud soon effects a cure. (This salve is also invaluable for sore nipples. O. O. KroosTad The Farmer's Opportunity. I By special arrangement with he ! publishers we are enabled to make the ! followi.ig clubliini; proposition in con- j nectiou with The Leadei:: Price to Vou Regular Price The Leader. Jl.oO t'osuiopolitan l.u j l'acitic Homestead. . 1.00 'r I Total for the 3. . 5.50 J T:: I.::Ar,:::: ! ""'' I'ai itic Ilotnestead. . l.mi Apple .Specialist 50 . . Oregon Journal .:A) . f 2.50 ! . ?3.0t' Total for the 4.. 1.50 J The Leader tl-50"l I'aciHc Homestead. . I.ikj Nw Poultry Journal. .50 Iairy Farmer 1 . 0 -. Cosmopolitan 1.00 Total for the 5 ..j00 j '1'he Lf.aiieii f 1.50"! l'acitic liotnestead. . 1.1 HI Co.-mopolitau l.l) ) . Review of Reviews.. 3.10 i Total for the4..8'i..rX) The Leader f 1.501 I'ucific Homestead. . 1.00 Nw Poultry Journal. .50 ! Review of Reviews.. 3.00 ) , Cosmopolitan 1.00 I Total for the 5.. $7.00 j The Leader fl.501 Pacific. Homestead. . 1.00 i Madame Magazine.. 1.00 I Cosmopolitan...;... 1.00 , Dairy Farmer 1.00 Nw Poultry Journal. .50 Total for theO. .80.00 J . ?3.2o . 63.7C . f3.T5 . tl.OO NOTICE FOR 1'lULlLATii'X. I-anrl Otlice at Portiaud, Or., j December 29, 1M. Notice is hereby given that In compliance! with tha provisions ol tlie, act of i.ongres of i June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of limlicr lan. Is in the States of California, Ore-' gun, Nevada, and Washington Ter-itorT." as' extended to nil the Public Laud btatee by act of August 4, Ibirj, Joseph A. Itoman.oi Oregon I City, county ot Clackamas, state of Oregon, i has this day riled in tills office liis svrorn state- ment No. 6712, for the purchase i t the ?',. I ne'4't nw!j and ne'i tv'i of ect. n No. a. In township No. 12 south, range No. 10 weit. ami will oiler proof to show that the land i sought is n,ore valuable for its timl-eror stone than for agricultural purposes, and toestabii a his claim to said land before the 1 Jr,'ister and ! Itecciver of this ollice at Portland, "regon. on j Tuesday, tho 27th day of March, lo. lie names as witnesses: George Myers and Julias I)us h. of Glen, ! Oregon, and V. Frank Atfcuok and Samnel T. i Homau, of Oregon City, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely tie aiiove deriiea lands are requested to file their claims in thlsofilceou or before said 27th day of March, l'JOfi. Algernon H. Dre.skc. Register. SlIEKIFrS SALE. Noiice Is hereby given that by virtue of an execution and order ol sale duly i :e l out of, ami under the hand and seal of the Cierk. of. the Circuit Court of tho State of Orcxon.in at.rl for Lincoln Couuty, bearing date the 11th n, -coior,, upon a juo.ni ana decree duly entered enrolled and .l.kete.i in said Court mi the 11th dv ot De-fnber, I9ti5, .(.. Jt. . .... in n i ci iuiu nun luan'iu uenuniK. waereini;. . K. Williams is plaintiff and Janie? If. Dunn, j 'J " '"''" Dunn, hmrr.a Dunn, Dee W. Dunn aud A. v. Dunn are defendants, and to rae directed,! cmmandiiig me to sell the htreirafter le cri.,1 ,h1 premiss, or so much thereof a. in.) ut; smiicivni io raise ice aii.ounis due 1 plaintiff, as specified In said decree :inI txeu tlu, with costs and disbures:e:.ts of and I uikjii said writ, I will, on j Satcrpay, Jascabt 13, IV, at the hour of one o'clock, p. m., of id day, I at the front door of tho County Courthouse in ! the City of Toledo, in said County i Linda, sell tit pal lie auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand on day of sale, subject toreden.p turn, in the manner provided by law. all of the gan! rtw! property and premises, or so much ! thereof as may be siiiticlent to tatisfy the ' amounts due plhiiitirl" as aforesnid, with costs or and upon said writ, which snid real prt.n ; erty and premises are described as follows, . towit: i The Northeast quarter, the ?outheait quarter '. the East half of the No.-ihwrst quarter, the ! Northeast quarter of the Somhwec quarter ami the lits numbered 1, 2 and 4 in section IS and the North half of the Northeast quarter of ; i-tion 19. all in Township 8 south. Raugu 9 west of the Willamette Ueridian. In Liueoln county. State of Orton, con'aintti,' 6IA aeea ' ot inmj, ui .re or lesi, together w uh the tene-, ments, he-editainenti and at p i.-tenauces theaunto lloncing or in aayw ie apjrtaiu inu. Dated To:edo, Orczon, this Utn i!y of Pe-. ceaibcr, J. II. Rosii, bheriff of Lincoln County, Oregon. For Best Values and a Square Deal Fresli and Choice Groceries and everything right in GEO. L. McCAULOU .The Tolsilo Sawmill G. L. GRAY, Proprietor Yellow Fir, Spruce and Alder LUMBER Good Stock of Seasoned Lumber on hand. Lumber delivered at Newport or Any Other Port, nt Prices Consistent with Market Conditions Quality and Prompt Delivery Guaranteed. Flooring, Ceiling Rustic, Shiplap oxing, Stepping Boat Lumber Doorumd Window Jamb Turned Pon h Columns rackets, Cresting Boxes Agent for Alfred NOTICE F02 PCBLICATION. j Unite 1 S'.ateM Land Oif.ee, Purtland, Oregon, j Novenibei fl, I'joo. i Notice is hereby given that iu compliance j with the prvv:iorji of the act of Cong-ess of June 3, lf. enti-.'.ed "An act for the tale of ! timber laiids in the itatrs of California, Ore- gon. Nevada aud Va.hmeton lerrlloty, as extended to a'.l pnbiic ianl states ty net of Aasmst -I, ls'.2. Jame s. U hf-o'.ti- of Tolcdti, comity of Lincoln, slate of 'Jrciroii, h:is this day fi'.eU iu thisotu.e hissworn statement No. f-TO-i. for the purt ha.e of the ne'l Sctlon 21, i Towttsnip Ni. 13 south, Itangc No. 9 west, and will onVr proof to show that tho laud ( suught Is more valuable lor its titiiber or stonu thxn for agricultural purta;s, and to es'ab- i lisn hu clalm t( id ,.ml lfo.e I, a Wade . Cortv t,k of Un0l)1 at T(l,e,,0i J,,;,, on MoIld,Ti rjln ,, , F-bru. i . . !0, I) lie natr.es as witnesses: tieorge A. Ilo-'gcs and Joseph Parks of fa- iA&0. or.: William l'ar-;-i ot tlk City, Ur.; ,. . . p,..,,i ,n; .., .-, , .JO4,.iMi,in ,lvr..lv th. .,h)V;.,IeM.ti!j Und, Hre reilll,ed u. Hie ,hrfr , th onke on or before t.tl.1 19th I aty oi peoruary, rjw. aloersos . DrtusiP- r.pgitr. NOTICE FOR PL'P.I.fCATIOS. luind Otllce at Portiutol, Oregon, j .November 'J. W. I Notice Us hereby given that in compliance I with the provL-ions of the act of Congresaof I ; June 3. 1ST, entitled "An act for the saic of j ' timber lands in the states of California. Or egon, Nevada, and Wa-hitn-ton Territory. " ts extended to a. I the Public iJiml states by at of August 4. '.".'2: Henry Wilson ot Portland. , County of Multnomah, Plato of Oregon. kas thisday tiled in this oilico his sworn statement I v. (-ot fur the rmrcha of the se'i of sectioa ! No. 17. m town-tip No. 13 sooth, range 9 wot, ! and w ill oiler to sluiw that the land sought Is more valuable for Its liinlier or ltono than for I agricultural pnrvose,, and to establish his : claim to sttld land be.ore tho CMtniy Merk of I int'oin cnnitty, at Toledo. Oregon, on Moti-1 day. the lwih day of February, ISoe. j fivorge A. Kodift sod Ji.,tp!i Prirks of Sa-1 lado, Oregon: William Parks of Elk City, Or.; i James i. v heeler vl T.U do. or. Any and a 1 pet-!ws Uairuiug adviT-e'y the . a,Te detcrlled lito-k- are requeste-d to file j th'rlr claims In ihioreon or before said U b f day of February, 1W1: Au.iax 3. DatlMJt. Rrgtstct, Go tH McCaulou General Merchandise Toledo, Oregon Picture Moulding Panel Moulding roicn Moulding Bed Moulding Moulded Casing and Base Balusters and Spindles Water Table Fencing Peats' Wall Paper- NOTICE FOR PI BLICATION. U. S. Land Otllce at Portland. Or., November 2 1'ju.i. Notk is hereby given that the following named settler has Bled notice of his Inteiitinp.a to make final proof in support of hU cliiiui,. and that said proof will lie made before -the County Clerk of Lincoln county, at Toledo, Oregon, on January IS, l'Jtti.vli. Lout Iteeit, II. E. No. If BO, for the e'j ne't' section 27, township 9 south, range 10 west. He names the following witnesses to prove -his continuous residence upon andcultivation -. of said land, viz: William Porter, C. II. Kuhl, W. 8. Hail ami: Hubert 1 roiison, all ot Sitetz, Oregon. AUiEK.NONH Iikk-ser. Register. NOTICE FOR PITSI.ICATI J I. 8. Land Ollice, Portland. Or., , Dec. 5. 1'juS. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice ol his intention , to make final proof in support of Disclaim,, and that said proof will be made before the County ( lerk at Toledo, Oregon, on January W, l'.a'-'i, viz: John I. Ilutterlleld, II. E. No. 12.9M. for lott . 6 and 7, sec. 2, and ne1; se'' and le.1 nc' set, 2", tp 8 south, range II west. He names the following witnesses to prove hit continuous residence upon and cultivation -. of said laud, viz: John s). Lloyd, Leo D. Wood. William F. . Allen ot Kernvllle, Or., Lee Wade of Toledo. , Oregon. AUiKUXoN X. Pi:kskr, lU-uisler. NOTICE FOIl ITIILU ATIOS. I'.S. Ijind office at Portland, Or., Ivcember 2ti. 1!. Notice Is hereby given that the follo ng- -named settler has riled notice ol his inten Ion to make final proof In support of his cL nu, . and that said proof will be made before the Register and Keepiver at Portland, Or. iu . Feb'uitry 9, l'.:, via: Andrew Jagoiliiaki, II. E. No. UIJ2, for the -northeast ..narter of section 23, township . range t w. He iis:nts fullowing witnes-es to prove -his continuuii- tesidrnce UHjn and cnltivutlon of si.id 'nn!, it : V l.iUm S-at'ke. Lewis Jones, Joseph Btatikc and Lee ftxith. all of talis Ciiv, Oregon. ALOHtNot s. Dr.-.s.-fr, Kiiaer. . 9 winter hpproarhp-, you may be t inline Rhoiit. s. awt hi no- In rrHt f ul - 1 on Thk Lijolb.