1 !ZfTpTt, m Shoes! Shoes! I lmve just received a new ship ment of Shoes. Have something fine in Ladies' Tan and Gentlemen's Tan; also in Patent Leather, Vici Kid, etc. My Workmen Shoes are GOOD STUFF A full stock of Phoenix Paint, the paint that goes furthest and lasts longest. See my bargains in Straw Hats this warm weather. PRODUCE WANTED STEWART'S STORE Toledo Oregon is Popular and Picturesque.. . The only tliintt necessary to make the Denver and Rio Grande the most pop ular, as it has ever been known the most pleasant and most picturesque way to cross the continent, has come about. This is the establishment of through sleeping car service. In connection with the O. R. & X. a through Pullman Standard Sleeper is now run from Portland to Denver, 'leaving Portland at 8:15 p. m. arriving at Salt Lake at 8:40 a. m. the second morning, leaving Salt Lake at 3:50 p. ra. and arriving at Denver 4:20 p. ra. the followinjf day. This schedule gives pussongers seven hours stop over in Salt Lake, affording an opportunity to visit the Mormon Capital as well as a flay light ride through . the graudest scenory in the world. For reservations in this car and for illustrated booklets picturing the scen ery contiguous to the Denver & Rio ramie, proving it to be the "Scenic Line of the World," write to W. C. McP.ride, . General Agent, 124 Third street, Portland. Some Seasonable Advice. It may be a piece of superfluous ad vice to urge people at this time of the year to lay in a supply of Chamber. Iain's Cough Remedy. It is almost sure to be neoded before wiuter is through, mid much more prompt and satisfac tory results are obtained when taken us soon as a cold is contracted and be fore it has become settled in the sys tem which can only bo done by keeping the romady at hand. This remedy is so widely known and so altogether good that uo one should hesitate about buy ing it in preference to any other. It is for sale by O. 0. KrogBUd. Winter Reading. By special arrangement with the pub lisher Tub Luadkr is enabled to make the following unparalleled offer to its readers : Twentieth Century Home $1 00 Cosmopolitan Magazine I 00 Li. vcoln County Lkaukk ... 1 60 Vv'ewill give all three to oursub hcribers one year for only 8225 Call and sea suipe copies of these standard iimgfuines You cait afford to be without them at this price The editor of an exchange tells this story of himself: He was hurrying around a coiner one night recently, when he bumped into a lady who was running without orders on the main line. There was a fearful collision. The editor received a sprained kneo in the mixup and before the debris could be cleared up ho attempted lo rub his injured propeller when by mistake he rubbed the wrong knee. A black eye was added to the wreck. Saved His Life. J. W. Davenport, Wingo.Kv., writes, Jene 14, 1902 : "I want to tell vou I be lieve Ilallard's Snow Liniment saved my life. , I was under the treatment of two doctors, and they told me one of my lungs was entirely gone, and the other badly affected. I also had n lump in my side. I don't think that I could have lived over' two months louger. I was induced by a friend to try Ballard's Snow Liniment. The first application gave me great relief ; two fifty cent bottles cured me sound and well. It is a wonderful medicine and I recommend it to suffering hu manity." 25c, 5c,-fl. Sold by O. O. rWgstad. You can always tell a young husband from an eld one by the way he works in the garden. Three month's marrUd, be digs, whistles, smiles and casts cov ert glauces at the house as though some eno was looking at him through the window. One year married he smiles at turns and seems au.noyed at breakfast being late. .Two years mar. ried. hedigsa little,' looks sour and glum, kicks the cat and doir and looks toward the house as theugh he would like to choke somebody, Three years married he sits ou the step and smoker, while his wife does the digging. Insomnia, Indigestion Cured. "Last year I had a very severe attack of indigestion. 1 could not sleep at uight and suffered most excruciating pains for three hours after each meal. I was troubled this way tat about three montlu wheu I used Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and re ceived immediate relief," says Johu Dixon, Tullamore, Ontario, Canada. For sale by O. O. Krogetad. Doings at Nortons. School opened October 2 w ith an en rollment of niiib pupils. Miss M. L. Hampton of Rocca is teacher. Andrew Porter returned from Port land September 30. Howard Ebert, wife and daughter. Josie, of EllensburR, Wash., are Tisit- nig with A. U and II. b. Porter. Alex Warnock and familv brought some now furniture home with them from Portland. , Dau Wuinock and wife, who were visiting his brothers here have returned to tiieir home The Nortous Sundavschool was re organized October 8. The officers are MtKS Hampton, superintendent ; Mrs. A. b. Edwards, assistant superintend ent; Miss Ethel Edwards, secretary. Iu the dead of night recently a wo man telephoned to the mayor of a neigh boring city that a man was run- uing about his house decidedly short of wearing apparel. She wanted to know what could be done about it- The mayor told her he thought the best thing would be not to look. It appears that the man's wife was taken sick in the uight aud he was rushing around to find restoratives beforo adjusting i.i- 1 ma uouki le. Tfie Greatest;- Line of Fall Goods"! liver Seen in Toledo A Judicious Inquiry. A well known traveling man who visits the drug trade says he has often heard druggists inquire of customers who asked for a cough medicine, whether it was wanted for a child or an adult, and if for a child they invari ably recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. The reason for this is that they know there is no danger from it and that it always cures. There is not the least danger in giving it, and for coughs, colds and croup it is unsur passed. For sale by O O. Krogstad. As winter approaches, you may be thinking about something to read. Call on The Lea her. Cures Winter Cough. J. E. Cover, 101 X. Main St., Ottawa, Kan , writes: "Every fall it has been my wife's trouble to catch a severe cold, and therefore to cough all winter long. Last fall I got for her a bottle of Hore hound Syrup. She used it and has been able to sleep soundly all night long. Whenever the cough troubles her, two or three doses stops it, aud she is' able to be up and well." 25c, 50c, 1. Sold by O. O. Krogstad. IK 3 1 teat? i-5 Ladlci' Fancy Neckwear BclU, Eta. OenU' Ntw Tiaa for Fall Wear An eletrant lot of New Drew patterns New Kbrlc, Men's Indcrwear, Fancy Shirts, Xlnht Shirts and other furnishing fill-1 Ladies' Julia Marlow See thin 11 lie for stvlw and comfort. Boy' shoes-A jack-knife free wnn eacn pair ol this brand. ' NOTICE FOR ITBMCATIOS. United States Land Office, Portland, Oregon, August 21, 191)5 Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of Junes, 1S78, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the states of California, Ore gon. Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all public land states by net of August 4, ism, James I.. Keith, of (lalesburg, county of Kalamazoo state of Michigan, hits this day filed In this ollice his sworn statement No. 6Hk, for the purchase of the of ae'4 and iie'iofsw'aiulfe'-iof nwUof Section No. 15 Townsnip No. 12 south, Han go No. 10 west, and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for its timber or stonu tlmn for agricultural purposes, and to es'ab- lish his claim to said land before Ira Wade, County Clerk of Lincoln county at Toledo, Oregon, on Saturday, the 18tli duyof Novem ber, l!Rlj. lie nnn-.cs as witnesses: Samuel E. Heaver, George W. Myers, Julius Busch and Samuel J. Stewart, all of Toledo, Oregon. Any and all persona claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims In this otllce on or before sulci isth day of November, I'JOi. Algernon 8. Duesser, Register. NOTICE FOIt l'Cni.lCATl )S V. 8. Land Otllce, Portland, Or., Sept. 2. 1006. Notice is hereby given that the foliowing liaiued ettlcr has tiled notice ot his Intention tomaketinal proof in support of hlscliilm, and that said proof will be made before the ltcplster and Kecelver at Portland, Oregon, on October 17, luu-S viz: Cyrus Todd, II E No. 15712, for the sw sec 3, tp8 s, range 9 w. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said bind, viz: Ellsworth W. Fuller, Walter V. Fuller, l'eter A. Finseth of Dallas, Oregon ; William I. Todd of Fulls City, Or. Auhknon 3. Ckkkkkr. Register. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the county of Lincoln. In the matter of the pnrtnershipestate of Nice t-liarmtt, doing business under the firm name and style of the Alsea Trading Com . Pny, E. 0. Sharratt, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned as, administrator of the estate of Nice A Shar ratt, doiiijr business under thellrm name and style of the Alsea Trading Company, E. G. bnarratt, deceased, has tiled in the County Court ot Oregon for Lincoln County, his 11 mil account as administrator of said estate, and that on the 0th da' of November, 1803, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. thereof, has been fixed the time for hearing objections to said re. port and the settlement thereof. JIESRY NICE, Administrator ot the estate of Nice & Sharratt. doing business under the firm name snd tyleof the Alsea Trading Company E.G. Sharratt, deceased. .Cited. at Toledo Oregon, Dept. 6, 106. The White House HENHY LEWIS, Proprietor. Leader in Low Prices CALL, AND WE WILL PROVE IT. . WE HAVEN'T TIMB 1U lh,LL YOU ALL ABOUT IT HERE. COME IN. Yours with Bargains THE WHITE HOUSE Toledo, Oregon if "'n Monmouth Stqte Normal Begins its 24th year Eept,26. Three Courses of Studv, preparing for County and State rerti'tkutes. Hifiher coorn;s recntiizpri jn Washington and other Mates. IieniBnd for Sorroal traintd teurliers. Longer teims. higher wnyes aud better opportunities for pro motian iiwuid tin Normal graduate for hie enterprise. School directors appre ciate tli superior ability af Monmouth graduate-guild the demand far exceeds tbtf fiipply. Special attention given to methods work in graded Hiid ungraded M-hools. Catalogue containing full in. formation will be tent uu application. Correspondence invited. Address K. I). REPSLKR, President. Or J. B. V. EUTLE1J, Secretary. City Meat flarket I keep in stock oulv THE BEST that can be bought Everything Fresh and Clean Quality Weight Prices Guaranteed to Please You Give me a trial G. R. Schenck. George A. Landreth, The Barber. A neat hair-cut in any style desired and an easy shave. G. K. FREEMAN j Toledo, Oregon I 5 Painting Paperhanglng Waxing, Varnishing Furniture Cleaned and Polished Satisfaction i , Guaranteed CORVALLIS & EASTERN RAILROAD. TIME CARD. No. 2. For Yaquina: Train leaves Albany 12:45 p. m. " " Corvallis 1:50 p. rn, " Toledo V47 p. m. Arrive Yaquina, j:2op. m.. No. 1. Returning: Leaves Yaquina 6:45 a. m. Toledo 7:15 a. m. " Corvallis 11:30 a. in, . Arrive Albany 12:15 p. m. : No. 3. For Detroit: . Leaves Albany 7:00 a. m. Arrive Detroit 12:20 p. ra. No. 4. Returning: Leaves Detroit . 1:00 p. ra. Arrives Albany 5:55 a. m. Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in time to connect with the S. P.' southbound train, as well as giving two or three hours in Albanv before- departure of S. P. northbound train for Portland. Train No. 2 connects with the S. P. trains at Corvallis and Al bany, giving direct service to New port and adjacent beaches. . Train 3 for Detroit, Breittnbush and other mountain resorts leaves Albany at7:oo a. m., reaching De troit about 6:00 p. m. For further information apply to J. C. Mayo, General Passenger Agent. J. 12. FKANKUN, Agent, Toledo, B. H. Boles, Yaquina.