Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, October 13, 1905, Image 1

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Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, Friday, October 13, 1905.
Business Transacted at Regular
and Adjourned Terms. ;
Toledo, Or'., October 4, 1905.
Commissioners' Court (or Lincoln
couuty In Rejourned session. Present
Hon. C. M. Brown, Judge; Hon. Geo.
King and Hon. P. A. Thompson, Com
missioners; EdiMi Ros, Deputy County
Clerk; J. II. Koss, Sheriff.
It Altree. lumber fur county I 4 00
(iuorne MrCaulon, tawing wood for the
county 13 00
I.ouWe Hoover, wishing for county
charge 1 00
Hhuh Uruii, wood for county 58 00
J t. Hyde, Hilary iu treasurer for Augtint
uid September 06, 06
J H Kdm, Hilary as sheriff fur August
and September 800 00
-Ira Wade, salary as clerk for August and
September 208 30
J X Hull, salary ai Janitor for Aucust
and September; cleaning for county 32 00
l.oe Wade, nalary as deputy clerk for
August and September 100 00
E I) Bkaggs, blackimlthlng for Fire Riv
ers ltoad district 2 25
U M Dodnon et ill, co.-t bill Slate ts. Am
brose Wheeler. Continued M 70
Mrs (' M Ttryen, for boarding county
chanre 16 00
Itosa ti Moores, supplies for county 2 85
Toledo Livery Stable, hauling lumber
for county 2 0
Mrs F J Frary, for washing for county
charse 3 20
Mamie E Wakefield, work on county F.x-
uin liter Hoard 9 00
(' F Soule, printing for county 17 30
Gls Prudhommt, county supplies... 1 8.5
K M Wudxworth, assessing and taking
census 11 00
Adella Harrison, work on county Exam
iner Hoard 9 00
ieorse Gaby, work in road district No.
10 6 75
K 8 Derrick, work in roail district No 11. 2S 30
Kdith Ross, work in Assessor's office 66 00
George Bathers, salary, stamps and ex-
prcssagu 92
Ira Wade, stamps and sundries for Aug
ust and September 11 85
Joe Hill, work in road district No 8 35 .'0
A J Ugltaby, work in road district No 4.. 16
A J Uglesby, special road work on Fall
Creek road IB 00
Cunder Olson, rebate on tax 7 00
Hustiong& Co, county supplies. Con
tinued ....v. s oo
Toledo Reporter, printing for county.... ( 00
Alvin and Marvin Brown, putting 12
cords of wood in shed 6 00
J II Lull, assessing nnd making tax roll 141 00
C M Brown, salary as County Judge for
August and September 100 00
MrsC M Brown, boarding county charge
in September IB 00
Gardner & Avery, supplies for county. . 4 52
Otto 0 Krogstad, supplies for county
I P Burnett, balance due for caring for
Green 15 00
K I. White, balance due for caring for
Mrs Green 13 50
Sam Hill, work in road district No 5.
( ontltiued 27 00
R X Wamock, assessing and taking cen
sus 16 00
Chas Stouder, work In road district No 2 10 00
J H Ross, stamps and sundries 9 31
owren Ruperts, county charge 30 00
t A Thompson, Commissioner, per diem
and mileage 48 50
(ieorge King, Commissioner, per diem
ana muengo 37 ,so
Kd Altree, damages. Rejected 368 00
A M Wheelock, for taking care and re
moving household goods during the
trim oi urecn. itejeciea , , 2i
Miuutes of roml meeting in district
No. 12 read and the people commended
for their activity iu the mattr.
In the matter of the unpaid comity
warrants issued more than seven years
prior to the first day of July, 1905
Whereas on the 8th day of Jane, 1905,
Hi) order was duly made by this court,
based upon the certificate of the connty
clerk of Lincoln county, state of Ore
gon, containing a list of all county war
rants issued more than seven years
prior to July 1, 1905, and which had
not been paid, showing their respective
amounts, to whom issued find date of
issuance, ordering a notice to be pub
lished in the Lincoln County Leader, a
newspaper having a general circulation
in said Lincoln countv, and also pub
lishing weekly therein, That if Haid
warrants be not presented for
payment within sixty days from
the first day of July, 1905, they and
each of them would be cancelled, and
paymeut thereof would be refused aud
it was further ordered that said notice
contain the respective amounts, names
of persons to whom issued aud date of
issuance of each of said warrants; and
it now appearing to this court that said
notice was published in said ( Lincoln
County Leader m In said ordir directed
nnd that more than CO days has elapsed
siuce said first day of July, 1905, and
that the following-nanied countv war
v rants in said list and notice contained
buve not been presented for payment
ax by law directed or otherwise, as fol-
lews, tow It: j
Amount To Whom Issued Date
$ 1 70 PS Darling Dec. 9, 1893
5 50 Allen CBeamcr Aug. 9, 1895
3 00 James Williams Atif. 9, 1895
24 70 Josephine County Dec. 11, 1896
3 00 Meeion & Dygert Apr. 12, 1897
CO G P Thompson June 12, 1897
80 L O O'Brien A ug. 7, 1897
2 00 COHenUle Oct. 9, 1897
And it further appearing to this
court that each and all of said countv
warrants were duly issued more than
seven years prior to the first dy of
July, 1005. the court being fully ad. i
ised in ibe premises, It is ordered, ad-
udged and decreed that the said county
warrants of P S Darling, Allen C
Beamer, James Williams, Josephine
County, Mestou fc Dygert, O P Thomp
son, L O O'Brien and C C Henkle as
above described, be aud the same and
each of them are hereby cancelled and
held for nought and said county war
rants shall not be hereafter paid nor
whnll th emo'in's thereof be computed
in any estimation or computation of
the county's finances.
U. M. Brown, Couuty Judge,
George Kino, Commissioner,
F: A. Thompson, Commissioner.
In the matter of B F Swop and
Thos Leese for insurance on the court
house. Insurance takeu in each of the
two companies represented by 'fhos
Leese and B F Swope to the amount of
(1500 each and clerk instructed to draw
warrant in t Jieir favor for premium
when policies are filed.
Iu the matter of the semi annual re
ports of the sheriff and treasurer. Re
ports accepted.
In the matter of the petition of Wal-
lis Nasb for reduction of taxes from
1901 to 1901. Dismissed.
Whereupon Court adjourned until
next regular term, December 6, 190f.,
unless sooner convened by order of
County Jadge.
C. M. Brown, County Judge,
Gkorqe Kino, Commissioner,
F. A. Thompson, Commissioner.
Attest: Ira Wade, Clerk.
By Edith Robs, Deputy.
Dr. F. M, Carter of Newport was in
the city Wednesday.
T. 1". Lewis of Chitwood bad business
in the county seat Tuesday night.
Mr. aud Mrs. John McCluskey re
turned from a trip to the Fair last
S. A. Pruett, one of the prosperous
ranchers of Siletz, was in towu last
When in Xewport goto the Bon Ton,
Owen Graves, proprietor, for Washing
ton ice cream.
Sheriff and Mrs. J. II. Ross departed
Monday moruiug for Portland where
they will visit the Fair.
For Sale or Rent Will sell or rent
The Hotel Yaquina. Inquire of
Mas. A. S. Casteel, Yaquina, Or.
Mrs. Henry Gannon made a phenom
euul catch of trout last Monday on
Olulla, catching 75 iu about three
hours, which weighed 48 pnuuds.
Mrs! Fred Merriweather left last
Saturday for her home iu Spokane,
Wash., after a short visit with her sis.
ter, Mrs. George McCuulon. Dr. und
Mr 8. Merriweather were former citi
zens of Lincoln county, he being resi
dent physiciau at the Siletz Agency.
Dave l'eakel was brought to Toledo
last Saturday and lodged in the county
bastile. Justice Chuttertou binding
him over to appear at the next regular
term of Circuit Court on a charge of
larceny. . Yeakel, it is alleged, stole a
a revolver belouging to Paul Chatter
ton near the mouth of Siletz bay.
Mrs. C. G. Copelund was in Toledo
last Friday from Silelz, accompanied
by her mother, Mrs. Kisor, who left
next day for her home at Philomath
Mrs. Kisor has been troubled for some
time with a painful afflction of her
knee, which has inconvenienced her
considerably during her visit at Siletz,
Couuty Judge C M. Brown went te
Portland last Saturday to assist II. W.
Vincent iu representing Lincoln county
during the closing days of the Fair
There will be a number of articles
which will be disposed of and the bor
rowed articles returned to the owners
who so kindly lent them for the exhibit
A full account will be published as
soon us the exhibit is disposed of.
Hall-Alexaxdbr At Toledo, Or., in
the M. K. church, Tuesday, October
10, 1905, at 7:30 p. m., Mr. Warren R.
Hall of Siletz, Or., and Miss Anna
Alexander, Rev. C. R. Ellsworth officiating.
The groom is a well known and high
ly respected citizen of this county,
having been associated with his brother
it the mercantile business for several
years at Siletz. '
The bride is the popular daughter of
Mrs. W. II. Alexander of Toledo and
has a host of friends in this community.
Tne wedding was a very quiet affair
with only a few relatives of the bride
present, consequently the luck of de
tail. Immediately after the ceremony
the contracting parties departed for
Elk City where they will spend their
honeymoon, they willalso visit the Fair
at Portland und relatives in eastern
Oregon before returning.
Mr. aud Mrs. Hall will be at home at
the Hull residence in Siletz after their
City Feed Store.
Your attention is call te the fact that
we have put in a stock of hay, cereals,
flour and feed, aud are prepared to
supply our patrons with Valley or Hard
Wheat flour, Graham flour or Whole
Wheat flour. We will soli either
wholesale or retail. Come in aud see
us at the Old Courthouse.
Hall & Anderson.
Lincoln County Fourth.
The judges who were selected bv the
Lewis and Clark Fair Commission to
award tho prizes on the couuty exhib
its made the awards October 10. There
were twenty-three counties represented
and the competition was so olose and
the showings so uniformly excellent
that the judges found it necessary to
split the prizes which was done as fol
First prize of $1000 was distributed
Hmong Marion, (bos, Linn, Umatilla,
Wasco and Lane counties. .
Second prize of 500 tn-as divided
among Clackamas, Columbia, Jackson,
Morrow and Polk counties.
Third prize of $300 was divided
among Benton, Yamhill, Malheur,
Umou and Baker comities.
Fourth prize of f 200 wag divided
among Wallowa, Washington, Jose
phine, Sherman, Lincoln, Harney and
Douglas counties.
The judges who made the awards are
J. A. Filcher of California; W. N. Steel
of North Dakota; Wilson H. Fairbank
of Massachusetts; Charles Camp of
Wyoming and M. J. Weasels of Idaho.
Attention Ladies.
Our Fall and Winter stock of Ladies'
Furnishing goods, dress goods, waist
ings and neckwear has just arrived.
Our line is complete and up-to-date.
Mrs. L. E. Castkel & Co.,
Yaquina, Or.
The Last Chance.
On Saturday next, October 14. the
sale of three day tickets to Newport
will be discontinued, nnd after that
date no more will be sold at the tow
three-day rate of $2 from Wrens to
to Summit; $1.50 west of Summit to
Chitwood; f 1 from all points west of
Chitwood including Toledo. Good
fishing in Yaquina. This will be your
last cuanco to get these low rates and
all should take advantage of them.
Rates to the Lewis aud Clark Fair will
ilso expire on that date and the 'Dream
City" will bo no more. Everybody
should see it once more before the
Dr. A. J. Hendry will bo in Toledo
next Mnndav, October lfl, prepared to
do all kinds of dental work. Office
over Schenck's Meat Market on Hill
John Turnidge and Samuel Center
returned last evening from Portland,
where they wore witnesses on the W.
Jones' et al land fraud case. The Gov
ernment has finished its evidence and
defense is now being produced. '
The lighthouse tender Manzanita ran
into tho dredge Columbia whilo iu
Pnget Sound last Saturday evening and
was sunk in SO feet of water. The cut
ter on the dredge, which is used to dig
up the gravel, jammed a bole eight foet
wide in her side and Rank immediately;'
The crew were saved. The Manzanita
baa been in the Nowport harbor every
Benson for o number of years,
Carl Anderson of Newport was a
county seat visitor Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Jones went to
Portland Tuesday to see tho Fair.
When in Newport go to the Bon Ton
for cigars, tobacco and confectionery.
Call and get acquainted with some of
Thi Leadeb's clubbiug propositions.
Miss Daisy Fioit went to Portland
Wednesday morning for a Tisit at the
Dr. A. J. Hendry of Newport has
been in Toledo this week with his
tooth-preserving apparatus.
Miss Nancy Blower departed Tnesdav
morning for Salem, where she has ac
cepted a position in the Salem Woolen
Mrs. J. F. Stewart went to Portland
last Saturday morning for a visit with
relatives. She will see the Fair before
A basket social will bo held next
Tuesday evening in the Artisan ball iu
Elk City. A good program is being sr.
The Ladies' Aid Society will hold a
Hallowe'en Social at Woodmen hall on
Tuesday evening, October 3L Program
and particulars next week.
Dennis Cusack was landlord, of the
Commercial Hotel for a few days this
week, while Landlord and Mrs. Ells
worth visited at Mr. Heney's court, in
8. W. Greenwood of Long Prairie,
Minn , arrived Wednesday evening aud
is visitiug for a few days with his old
acquaintances, Professor and Mrs. O.
B. DeLaurier. Mr. Greenwood is look
ing for a location.
Ed Stanton returned to his home in
the Ten Mile country Tuesday morn
ing, accompanied by Reims Arnold, Al
Waugh and L. M. Starr. They expect
to coustruct a new residence ou Mr.
Stanton's ranch aud otherwise eujoy
A Junior League was organized in
tho Methodist church last Sunday af
tcrnoou with the ' following officers:
president, Onda Ellsworth ; vice presi
dent, Annie Hawkins; secretary, Til la
Crosno; treasurer, Frances Avery; or
ganist. Klma Waugh; chorister, Stella
Services will be held ut the M. E.
church next Sunday as usual by the
pastor, Rev. Himrod. Morning service
at 11 o'clock, subject "The Coming
Kingdom." Evening service at 7:30,
subject "Parable of the Sower." Tho
Sundayschool will be reorganized next
Y'ord was received Wednesday even
ing that Miss Vena Alexander was very
seriously ill of typhold-pueuinonia at
the home of her sister at Wamic in
Citstern Oregon. Vena had been teach
ing only a week when she whs taken
sick. Mrs. Alexander left for the bed
side of her daughter yesterday.
George Lewis of Winant had a nar
row escupe from drowning during the
severe wind storm on the night of the
5t.h inst. He and his partner were
fishing near the month of Kiuc's
slough, when the boat was struck by a
squall and filled with water, it was only
skillful management that saved their
lives. Tney recovered their nots next
W. C. Wolfe of Tillamook wus in To
ledo the fore part of tho week. He
has been engaged in the dairy business
in I illuomok county for a number of
years and came down here for tho pur
pose of buying or renting u ranch upon
which fifty cows 'could be kept. Mr,
Wolfe is very favorably impressed with
this pari of Lincoln county aud ex
presses surprise at the undeveloped
condition of our ranches and 'the poor
grade of stock which is being kept by
the farmers.
The following members of Pocahon
tas Camp of the Woodmen of the
World drove to Newport Weduesduy
uight to assist in instituting a camp at
that place: George Freeinuu, Swun
Bradeson.J. W. Parilsh, Otto Krog
ttud, George Hall, Normun Anderson,
George Bethel 3 und George McCaulou.
After the ceremony they partook of a
tnmptuous bauquct which had been
prepared for the occasion. A very en
joyable time is reported, in fact it was
only with difficulty that one or two o(
tho Neighbors were kept in the vehicle
on the return trip.
Siletz Bay Wagon Road.
County Surveyor Wygant returned
this week from surveying tho proposed
wngon road on Siletz bay and reports as
follows :
After completion of survey I would,
say that I view said road as an entirely
feasible nnd easily constructed rend.-
As shown by field notes and plat,
the grades as finally laid out and eetab
lished ore moderate and on the entire
route are in no caso as groat as on the
present Toledo Newport road, and in
fact the alignment is much better und
this road will be much more easily ami
cheaply built. Only two bridges will
be necessary for the county to build,
one across Tide slough near Walter
Bones' of a length of 114 foet and a
span of 50 feot, anil one ucross Drift
creek between W. E. Ball's ind George
Parmele's of a length of 90 feet and a
span of 80 foet. In each case timber
Is near so lhat .said bridges may bo
cheaply built.
The crossing of Silelz buy or river is
attnincd at a point where same is ouly
433 feet wide and where a high bank
on the north side of the river and
heavy timber makes a crossing by scow
safe and unaffected by storm or the
The crossing pf Schooner creek is
made just above L. Tarmele's at a good
ford with sandy bottom and may be
crossed at all times except during the
heavy winter tides when it will be nec
essary to wait about two hours at high
By the new survey over tho hill bo
tweon Jakey Johnson's and the ocean
boaoh, a much better route has been
chosen and on which no trades greater
than 8 feet to the 100 feet haye been al
lowed. By making tho change in route from
nitial point of survey, tho original sur
vey of which necessitated the construe
tion of 44 rods of embankment and a
bridge of 40 foot spun, the change pro
posed will neod only 23 rods of em
bnukmeut five feet high nnd no bridge
by the county, Joseph Sijota having
bound himsolf legally to construct tint
remaining 1(1 rods of embankment aud
the 40-foot bridgo at his own expeuse
and to keep same in repair. Tikis
chunge removes all local objection to
the road at this point. I would say
farther in this connection that by mut
ual concessions, which in no case have
affected the excellence of tho road, all
remonstrances und questions of dain
Hgus huvo been eliminated. In point of
fact the need for this road has been so
greatly felt that every person affected
has acted iu tho greatest spirit of fair
ness and good-will towards the survey
aud location of same,
In conclusion I would strongly rec
ommend tho adoption and construction
of this road as now surveyed. There in
no question, but that considering the
number of people benefitted and who
now have no legal outlet anywhere and
also tho fact that this road will muke
aud complete a continuous, easily und
quickly traveled route from Tillamook
and Salmon river points to Newport,
Tuledo and all southern and eastern
points in Lincoln county.
The same to be adopted at once and
constructed us a whole us soon as the
county finances und iu the judgment of
the Ilonorablo County Court, circum
stances will permit.
M. Wygant.
. Fall Announcement.
I have received my stock of Full and
Winter Hats, Fall and Winter Dress
Goods, Shirtwaist Goods mid a new
line of Nenckwoar of all kiuds aud um
prepared to supply everyone withtliete
articles at the lowest prices.
Mas. T. P. Fisn.
The Keystone.
Wheu iu Newport go lo the Keystone
for ice cream, served In all the latest
styles; also a very choice line of con
fectionery, cigars ami souvenir cards.
A. D. Shoi.i.bnduwi, Proprietor,
For Sale.
A good mower and rako, clump,
quire of Mrs. Lannabtar, Elk City.
Learn to Play.
I am prepared to give instructions on
tho violin, guitar, banjo or mandolin.
Charges v'rv reasonable.
HuflK MuitHAV, Toledo, Orosou.