.7 WMl1thl IP- J. ' .1 iLtnrnm gemier. '3 Volume XIII. Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, Friday, October G, 1905. Number :2 COUNCIL PR0CESDING3. Doings of the City Dads in Regular Session. Council Chamber, Toledo, Or., Oct. 4, Oj. The common council oC the city of Toledo met in regular scssiou. Present --Couneilmen Gardner, Anderson. Van Cleve, Arnold, MeCaulou. Fish and Re corder Krogstad. Absent Mayor Vin cent. In the alienee of Mayor Vincent. Councilman Gardner was chosen muyor pro tern. Minutes of last regular session read and' approved. IVtitiou presented by Gust Olson of this city asking for a renewal tf his liquor license for six months from the 10th inst., accompanied by a receipt from-city treasurer iu the sum of $250. Moved and seconded that petition of Gust Olson be grauted and that the re corder be instructed to issue the license and require a good and sufficient bond. Motion cn.rri"d . The followiug claims were presented, and allowed under suspension of the rules: Joe A. Hill, alary as Marshal....: I-M 00 Otto O. Krotfmad, salary n Recorder 7 10 l'ercy K Kelly, for examining our ordi nances 10 00 Gomrauuication read from Attorney Percy R. Kelly of Albany setting forth bis opinion of the validity of our ordi nances. Moved and seconded that above re port be accepted and placed on hie aud his fee for same in the sum of f 10 al lowed. Motion curried. Moved and seconded that claim of Eugene Williams for damages sustain ed to bis building on water frout be re ferred to committee on claims. Motion carried. There being no other business, Coun cil adjourned. Otto O. Krogstad, Recorder. Attention Ladies. Our Fall aud Winter stock of Ladies' Furnishing goods, dress goods, wai.it ings and neckwear has just arrived. .Our line is complete and up-to-date. Mrs. L. E. Castkel & Co., ' Yaqniua, Or. Learn to Play. I am prepared to give instructions on the violin, guitar, baujo or mandolin. Charges verv reasonable. llcun Murray, Toledo, Oregon. Oregon contains ono sixth of Jthe tim ber in the United States', approximat ing 300,000,000,000 feet. Valued at 812 per thousand feet, this timber would be worth $3,600,000,000, or more than the total cost of all the railroad equip ment iu the Union. It is the most densely timbered area in the world. Hoards made from the timber of one inch in thickness wotdd build a walk one half mile wide around the world at the equator! a driveway to the moon 250 feet wide, or a bridge to Mars C18, 000,000 miles away, 15 inches wide. California produced in gold since 1848 $1,400,000,000; Oregon will produce lumber valued at three times that sum in the present century. Ex. Some Seasonable Advice. It may be a piece of superfluous ad vice to urge people at this time of the year to lay in a supply of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. It is almost sure to be needed before winter is through, and much more prompt and satisfac tory results are obtained when taken as soon as a cold is contracted and be 'fore it has become settled in the sys tem which can only be done by keeping the remedy at baud. This remedy is so widely known and so altogether good that uo one should hesitate about buy ing it in preference to any other. It is for sale by O. O. Krogstad. Winter Reading. By special arrangement with the pub-Usher.-) Tiik Leader is enabled to make the following unparalleled offer to its readers: Twentieth Century Home $1 00 Cosmopolitan Magazine 100 Liscoi.ji County Lkadfk 1 50 $3 50 We will give all three to our sub scribers one year for only 5225 Call aud see sample copies of these standard magazines You can't afford to be without (hem at this price F. II. Lane was up from Newport last Saturday. M. Roddy of Win.mt was in the city Wednesday. , Mrs. A. S. Casteel was up from Ya quina Tuesday. Rev. C. M Bryan went to Portland Monday on a business mission. Your attentfon is called to the card of Dabuey the Dentist on another page. Walter Hall, the genial Siletz mer chant, camped in the city Tuesday night. Miss Verna Ross departed Wednes day morning for a visit to the Fair iu Portland. Henry Lewis and family returned Tuesday evening from a two-week's visit iu Portland. J. II. McNeil is iu charge of G. R. Schenck'a meat market during the ab sence of Cutter Schenck. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Stanton returned Monday evening from Portland after a visit at the Fair and with relatives in ll.ulciLj'. , Among the visitors to the Fair last week was Mrs. Samuel Center and son Newton. Mrs. Center, by the way, has only good words for the Lincoln county exhibit. Rev. Janies L. Himrod, pastor of the Methodist church of Toledo, will hold services in the schoelhouse at Elk City next Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Everyone cordially invited to attend. J. F. Stewart shipped a consignment of chitt.im from Toledo yesterday to Balfour, Guthrie Co., at Portland. Mr. Stewart accompanied the car to Eddyville, where he completed the sliipment. ' C. E. Franklin of Wolton, Wyoming, arrived Monday evening for a visit with his father, C. & E. Agent Franklin. He had not seen his father since 1897, when the latter came to Oregon from Nebraska. ' R R. Atkins, who is head salesman for the New England Furniture Store in Minneapolis, is visiting with his brother-in-law. Norman Anderson of this place. Mr. Atkins has concluded to make Oregon his home next spring. Tbo Ladies'-Aid Society will meet next Tuesday with Mrs. Ed Avery to make arrangements for a Hallowe'en Festival. All ladies interested in the welfare of the church are invited to meet with them whether members of the Society or not. A citizen of Toledo lost a ten-dollar bill ou the evening of September 20, somewhere between the depot aud the schoolhouse. Thinking some honest person might have found it, he offers Uie finder 25 per cent for its return. Call at this office for particulars. , The following citizens of Toledo went to Portland Monday morning in re spouse to invitations sent by Prnsecu tor Heney to be present at the trial of W. N. Jones et al iu the capacity of wit nesses: Fred Stanton, John Micek, Samuel Center, Al Hall, Ado Crosuo, George Scheuok, Lester Waugn, C. F. Soule, Lee Wade, John Turnidge and William Soule. .Warren Hall, John Savage and the postmaster at Roots were subpoenaed from the Siletz. The Toledo public schools opened .uonuay wun au enrollment ot i)2 pu pils. Prof. O. B. DeLaurier aud Miss Addie Harrison are iu charge of the same departments as they occupied last year, while the intermediate roem is presided over by Prof. Weeds. This year the study of Latin will be intro ducedand the first year's high BCbool work "ill be done. Everything prom ises to be an unusually successful term this year. The number of pupils has been increased since the opening. C. C. Vaughn of San Francisoo was in the city the fore part of the week looking over the situation with a view of locating an electric light plant here. Mr. Vaughn was well pleased with the encouragement lie received while in Toledo and left with the expectation of returning In the near future. This is an enterprise which has been talked of for seme time and it is ts be hoped that Mr. Vaughn means business. With an an electric plant in Toledo light could be furnished to Uie surrounding tewns in the county. It would also bring us nearer to the establishment ol several car lines, which Lincoln county is in need of. Over Two Million. With the two million mark passpd, and pros peats oxcellenWor Foiling up another half million before the gate? are closed for the last time on the uight of October 14, the Lewis and Clark Exposition is an jassured finan cial success. The remarkable attend ance demonstrates also that the Fair has pleased the people, and that is an other source of gratification. It is evi dent that the enormous attendance could not have been rolled up unless the Fair had received frequent testi monials from early visitors. It is evident now that &bc Fair will bo, in point of attendance and in every other respect, the most Successful Ex position ever held. Comparisons with the records made at the Trans-Miss-issipni Exposition at Umaha, an expo sition of about the same magnitude as that now drawing to a close, aud which has been generally conceded to have been the most successful of all fairs, show that the exposition will outdo the ohowinw rtadft by tb Mtfrn enter prise. This is considered more re markable when the statemeut is made that Omaha had a population of 13, 000,000 within a day's journey, while there reside within a similar radius of Portland not more than 1,800,000 souls. City Feed Store. Your attention is call to the fact that we have put in a stock of hay, cereals, Hour and feed, and are prepared to supply our patrons with Valley or Hard Wheat flour, Graham flour or Whole Wheat flour. We will sell either wholesale or retail. Come in aud see us al the Old Courthouse. ' Hall & Anderson.1 The Weather. Station: Toledo; Month: Sept., 1905. Mean temperature, 57.8. Maximum temperature, 84; daie, 21st. Minimum temperature, 33; date, 21st. Total precipitation, 2.78 inches. Prevailing direction of 'yind,' sw. Number of cloudless days, 8. Number of partly cloudy days, 9. Number of cloudy days, 13. Dates on which hail fell, 0. Date of light frost, 0. Date of killing frost, 0. Dates of thunder storms, 0. Otto O. Krogstad, Observer. Fall Announcement. I have received my stock of Fall and Winter Hats, Fall and Winter Dress Goods, Shirtwaist Goods and a new line of Neackwearof all kinds and am prepared to supply everyone with these articles at the lowest prices. Mrs. T. P. Fish. Lincoln Lodge No. 124, A. F. &, A. M. Stated communication Ou Monday, 9th inst, at 7:30 p. m All' members are urged to be present. Visiting Masons cordially in vited. ' By order W. M. The livestock show at the Lewis and Clark exposition, which closed Septem ber 29. was the crowning feature of the Fair. It was much hotter attended than was the livestock show t at St Louis, and in eome ways superior The showing of shorthorns was the best ever made in America, For Sale or Rent Will sell or rout The Hotel Yaquina. Inquire of Mrs. A. S. Cahtekl, Yaquina, Or. A Baked Soul. A boy who had been working in a bakershop for some time was just about to finish his trade. One night when the boss was gone he broke the marble slab he moulded his loaves on. So he went to the marble-yard to secure an other, but could not dud ono. On his way back he passed a graveyard,' and as it was very dark he jumped over and pulled up a small headstone .about the right size and took it back and finished his job. The next diiv, after the bread had been delivered, ueurly all of it was sent back. The baker looked at it and broke several loaves open, but found nothing wrong. Then ho happened to turn one of the loaves over, and found on the under side of the loaf the in scription: "Here lies the body of Mrs. . Born 1862, died 1740." October Lip-piucott's. Clerk C. W. Rastall of Siletz was in town yesterday. John Lloyd and Frank Lane of SiloU were visitors to the Fair last week. When in Newport go to the Bon Ton for cigars, tobacco and confectionery. .Commissioners' Court held its regu lar session this week.' Proceedings uext week. When in Newport goto the Bon Ton, Owen Graves, proprietor, for Washing ton i(!o cream. Miss Edythe Hall came over from Siletz yesterday for a visit with rela tives in this city. Dr. II. B. Dabney. the enterprising dentist, went to Portland Wednesday on a business mission. Round trip tickets from Toledo to the Fair, good for 30 days, $5.05 via Corvallis, & 95 via Albany. Frank Sturdevant, who lias been em ployed at Skamokawa, Wash., for some time returned the latter part of last week. 1'he Toledo Social Club will give a dance at the Woodmen Hall ou Satur day' evening, October 7. Everybody invited. A taffy-pulling and spelling match will be held in the basement of the M. E. church next Monday eveninir. All are invited to come. The recent rains haye brought the salmou up in large numbers. Tho run is expected to be light this seasou when compared with the run of last. Services will be held at the M. E. church next Sunday morning aud even ing by the pastor Rev. J. L. Himrod. Morning servico at 11 o'clock, subject The Atonement." Evening service at 7:30 o'clock, subject "The Parable of the Talents." Mrs. Mabel McClu're, Miss Vorua Ross, Sheriff J. II. Ross and Shed Rose brook, the hitter with his violin accom paniment, furnished some unusually good music at the M. E. church services last Sunday, which was thoroughly ap. predated by the congregation. Hans L. Line, who has had charge of John Kentta's hotel aud store at Silelz for several months, came to Toledo yesterday and departed this morning for Minnesota, where he was called by the illness of his little son. Mr. Line expects to return to Lincoln county. The Lewis and Clark Exposition closes at half past eleven o'clock Sat urday night, October 14. It was origin ally intended that October 15 should be the closing day, but as this date fell on Sunday, the chauge was inade. The Fair has beeu a tremenduous success. George Lewis of Winant brought to Toledo Saturday a starfish which prob ably outpoints any other ever brought from the bottom of the bay. Starfish rarely have more than six points, but this one has eighteen, thirteen of which are perfect and well-developed, the other five being "sprouts." Hans Larson contributes to the Lin coln county exhibit at the Fair this week several specimens of his Im proved Cattle Beet, one of which tips the scales at 1!) pounds, he alse sends several varieties of turnips and Ruta bagas. Gabriel Dahl contributes some very fine King of Tompkins County apples. Tho steamer Harrison of Astoria while trying to outer Alsea bay rail aground on the bar and washed ashore on tho south spit where she is fast going to pieces and will be a total loss. She was loaded with supplies for the Alsea cannery. All the crew ' were saved. Tho Harrison was in Nescucoa bay a few weeks ago with supplies for this cannery. She was owned by the Elmore Packing Company and has beon ou the coast run for about 20 years. Clovcrdulu Courier. Paris J. I'urks and Miss Ellen Tassell were united iu marriage at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. aud Mrs. Rob ert Tassell near Elk City, on Tuesday, October 3, 1905, by Rev, James L. Him rod of Tolodo. Mr. Parks is a sou of Loander Parks ef Etlk City and has been employed by E. M. Mays for a number ot years. After tho ceremony, which took place at 11 a ,m., an elab orate dinner was Bcrved. Mr. and Mrs. Parks left next morning for a visit to the Fair at Portland after which they will reside at Gleucoe. Popular and Picturesque. The only thing necessary to make the Denver and Kio Grande the most pop- ' iilar, as it has over been known thn most pleasant and most picturesque way to cross the continent, has come about. This is the establishment of through sleeping car service. ' Iu connection with the O. R. ei X. n through Pullman Standard Sleeper is uow run from Portland to Denver, leaving Portland at 8:15 p. m. arriving at Salt Lake at 8:40 a. m. tho second morning, leaving Suit Lake at 3:50 p. m. and arriving at Denver 4:20 p. rn. the following day. This schedule give passongers seven hours stop over iti Salt Lake, affording an opportunity to visit the Mormon Capital as well as a day "light ride through the grandest scenery in the world. For reservations in this car and for illustrated booklets picturing the scen ery contiguous to the Denver & Ria Grande, proving it to be the "Scenic Line of the World," write to W. C, McBildu, General Agent, 124 Third street, Portland. For Sale. A good mower and rake, cheap. In quire of Mrs. Lancaster, Klk City. The Keystone. When in Newport go to the Keystone for ice cream, served in all the latest styles; nlsoavery choice line of con fectionery, cigars and souvenir cards. A. D. Snoi.LK.NHL'Rd, Proprietor. -- Stop those pesky Hies killing your cows by usipg So-Bosa-So. St kw art's Stork. A Judicious Inquiry. A well known traveling man who visits the drug trade says ho has often heard druggists inquire of customers who asked for a cough modicino, whether it nas wanted for a child or an adult, aud if for a child they invari ably recent mend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. The reason for this is that they know there is no danger from it and that it always cures. There is not tho least danger in giviug it, and for coughs, colds and croup it is unsur passed. Fox sale by O O. Krogstad. . Zionist Dowio has been stricken with paralysis, and attributes his ailliotiou to what ho terms the ''sin of over work." Paralysis of the jaw is an un usual allliclion, but from all reports, that particular part of the Dowio anat omy is about the only portion of tho eminent Zionist that has been over worked, excepting, always, the wonder ful Dowie "gull." Orcgoniau. Insomnia, Indigestion Cured. "Lastyoar I hud a very severe attack of indigestion. I could not sleep at uight and suffered most excruciating pains for three hours after each meal. I was troubled this way ter about three months whou I usod Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and re ceived immediate relief," says John pixon, Tullamore, Ontario, Canada. For side by O. O. Krogstad . t Put Crowe, the alleged kidnapper of Eddie Cudahy at Omaha, Neb., in IK99, was apprehended this week iu Butte, Mont., and was taken back to face tho charge, Ho was very indignant at his capture and says he ought to havo known bettur than to have stopped in a littlo town like Butte. Give and Take. Tho other day the head of a boarding school noticed ono of the boys wiping his knife ou the table cloth, ami pounced ou liim at once. "Is that what you do at homo?" lit asked indignantly. "Oh, no," answered the hoy quickly, "wa have clean knives." October Lip. pincott's. - Cures Winter Cough. J. E. Clover, 101 N. Main St., Ottawa, Kan,, writes: "Every fall it has boon my wife's trouble to catch a severe cold," and thorofore to cough all winter long. Last fall I got for her a bottlo of Hore hound Syrup. She nsod it and has buen ablo to sleep soundly all night long. Whenever the cough troubles her, two or three doses stops it, ami she is ablo to be up aud well." 25c, 50c, ft. Sold by O. O. Krogstad.