I Shoes! Shoes! I have, just received a new ship ment of Shoes. Have something line in Ladies' Tan and Gentlemen's Tan; also in Patent Leather, Vici Kid, etc. My Workmen Shoes are GOOD STUFF A full stock of Phoenix Paint, the paint that goes furthest and lasts longest. See my bargains in Straw Hats this warm weather. PRODUCE STEWARTS STORE Toledo REDUCED EXCURSION RATES To the Seaside and Mountain Resorts for the Summer Vacations. On and after June 1, 1905, the South ern Pacific, in connection with the Cor vallis & Kasiern railroad will have on Hale round trip tickets from points on their lines to Newport, Yaquina and Detroit ut very low rates, good for re turn until October 10, 1905. Three day tickets to Newport and i'Hquina, good going Saturdays and re turning Mondays Hre also on sale from all east side points Portland to Kngene inclusive, and from ail west side poiuts, .enabling people to visit their families and spend Suuday at the seaside. Season tickets from ' all east side points 1'orllaiul to Kugene inclusive, and from all west side points are also ou sale to Detroit at very low rates with stop over privileges at Mill City or any point east enabling tourists to visit the Kantiatn and Hreit.enbush Hot Springs in the Cascade mountains, which can tie reached in one do v. Season tickets will be good for return from all points until October 10th. Three day tickets will lie good going Saturdays and returning Mondays only. Tickets from Portland and vi cinity will be good for return via the ast or west side at option of passen ger. Tickets from Eugene and vicinity will be good going via the Lebanon tSpringtield branch, if desired. Bag gage on Newport tickets checked thronch to Newport ; on Yaquina tick ets to Yaquiua only. S. P. trains connect with the C. & E. at Albany and Corvallis for Yaquina and Newport. Trains on the C. & E. tor Detroit will leave Albany at 7:30 a. in., fiiubling tourists to the Hot Springs to reach there the same duy. Trains from anil to Coivallis connect with all oast side trains on the S. P. Full information as to rates, time tables, etc., can be obtained on applica tion to J. C. Mayo, tien Phs. Act, C. i E. U. P.., Albany; W. E. Comau, . P. A., S. P. Co., Portland or to any S. P. or C. & E. agent. Kate from Toledo to Newport, f 1. 10. Three day rate from Toledo to Ya qutua or Ncwiioit, tl. As winter approaches, you may be thinking about something to road. Call on Tiic Leader. WANTED Oregon Call and got acquainted with some of Tim Leader's clubbing propositions. A FREE PATTERN (your own selection) to everr tnb tcribcr. Only 50 cents a year. MSCAULS MAGAZINE A LADIES' MAGAZINE. A rem; beautiful colored pratei; latest fashions ; dressmaking economief ; fancy work; household hints ; fiction, etc. Sub' crib, to-day, or, send . for latest cony. Lady acania wanted. Send for terms. Stylish, Reliable, Simple, Up-to-date, Economical and Absolutely Perfect-Fitting Paper Pattern!. MS CALL n m I Patterns AH Seimi Allowed and Pert oritkm How the Basting, and Srwlng lltes. Only te and tc, cente each none higher. Ask for tbara. Sold in nearly every city and town, or by mail from THE McCALl CO.. 113-115-117 West 31st St. NEW TOIK. The wMe-srmad ponularltr of STEVENS RIFLES, 1'IhTOI.S and SlIoTGl'NS emrliaslres the decree of prrfettlon embodied In our sterling mnke. You will find arms branded "STUVENS" stall KIFLS Ranges and wherever there Is Hunting. ' I T ' 3 A STEVENS" li uNslent to ssylnij C.VARAST1 lib FOR OITAL 1TY and famous for sll essential firearm properties. Our Line Rifle, from 3.00 to $150 Piatola, from 2.50 to 50 Shotgun, from 7.50 to 35 Ask your dealer, and insist Don't Tail to send for on our roods. If you can not obtain them .let us know and will sliipdirert,express prepsld, upon receipt of illu.trated t atalotr. It is a bo.'k of ready reference, and appeals to sll loverc Interested in the praml sport of shooting. Mailed for4 cents in stamps to y price. pustae. MIT THE MARK with our KIFLE TUZZLEI This ..Icier aoyelty will he mailed mtu upon request. J. STEVENS ARMS O TOOL CO. P. O. BOX 4081 FALLS, MAM. U.. A. , OH,OOP - Cared of Lame Back After 15 Years of Suffering. "I bad been troubled with lame back for fifteen years and I found a complete recover; in the use of Chamberlain's Pain Balm." eajs John O. Bisber, Gillam, Ind. Tbii liuiment is al.-o without an equal for sprains and braises. It is for sale by O. O. Krog stad. A Marriage Pronouncement. On Whit Sunday the vicar of au old EuglUn church in the north bad beeu kept bnsv the whole of the morning wine to the large number of wed dings. I ! was just leaving the church when another couple came. The vicar was very angry and told them they were too late and would have to coiiie some other time. Both pleaded so hard to le married that be consented at last, anviii).': ' I will marry you this time, bn' don t let it occur again." Ex; Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Aids Nature. Medicines that aid uature are always most effectual. Chamberlain's Couizh Kemedy acts on this plan. It allavs the cough, relieves the lungs, aids expectoration, opens the secretions, aud aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. Sold by O. O Krogstad. NUTICK KOIl I'tHI.lCATIO.N. United -lates Land Offlce, I'ortland, Oregon, August '21, 1905 Notice is hereby given tUat -lit compliance with ihc lir-ivision of the act of Congress of June 8, ism, entitled "An net for the sale of timber lands in the states of California, Ore gon. Nevada and Washluirton Territory." as extended to all public land states by act of August 4, lsii-2, James I.. Keith, of (inlesburg, county of Ksluuiaaoo state of Michigan.hiis this (lay li lad In this oibco his sworn statement No 6055, for the purchase of tho n)j of se?4 and ne.'of swanUse'iofnwJof Section No. 13 Township No. 12 south, Kange No. 10 west, and will oilur proof to show that tbu laud sought Is inure valuable for its timlier or stone thnn for agricultural purposes, and to e.i'ab. Ilsh his claim to said land before Ira Wade, County clerk of Lincoln county at Toledo, .Oregon, on Saturday, the 18th day of Novem ber, 11)0.1. He nair.es as witnesses: Samuel K. Denver, (ieorge V. Myers, Julius Busch and Samuel I. Stewart, all of Toledo, Oregon. Any and all persona claiming adversely the iiKove-destTibed lauds ure requested to file their claims in this ottlce on or before suld 18th day of Norr mlier, l'.Hjo. AMiKRKoN S. Drkskkr, Register, noi'ick foii rrnuuATioN. V. S Land Oillce at Itoseburg, Or., Sept. 2, lams. Notice is hereby lven that the following named settler has tiled notice of his IntcMion to make proof in support of his ctuiin, aud that said proof will be made before ltegister and Iteceiver at at Portland. Oregon, on Octo lerll, 1905, viz: Koscoe II. Winslow, It E 1H.138, for the ne.'i section 1, tp 9 s, range 9 w. He names the following witnesses, to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz; Charles C. Lewis, Margaret Tone, Oile 0 Hell, Wm K l.accy, all of Kocca, Oregon. Algkhnun S. DitKssKR, ltegister. NOTICE FOll 1TI1LICATION. Laud Ollice at Portland, Or., , Sept. 2, WW. Notice is hereby give'i that the following named Bettler has tiled notice of his intention to make tinal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the ltegister and Receiver at Portland, Or., on October 14, 190S, viz: I-orn .. Lewis, II E 13533, for the nw.; sec 2, tp 9 s, ranjre 9 w. She names the following witnesses to proe her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Margaret K. Tone, Rescue R. Winslow, Theo dore Farrington, dele C. Jlell, all of Rocea, Oregon. Aloerson 8. IliiF.ssKn. Register. NOTICE FOR lTilLlCATl JN V. 8. Laud Office, I'ortland. Or., Sept. 2. 11)05. Notice is hereby given that the following. named ettler has Hied notice ot his intention to make tinal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made beiore the Register and Iteceiver at I'ortland, Oregon, un October 17, inci, vie: Cyrus Todd, 11 K No. 15712, for the iwj; sec 3, tp K s, range 9 w. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, via: KllswertU W. Fuller, Walter V. Fuller, Peter A. Finsth of Dallas, Oregon ; William I. Todd of Falls City, Or. Algernon S. Dresser. Register. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the county of Lincoln. In the matter of the partnershipestate of Nice A Kharmtt, doing business under the Arm name and Btyle of the Alsea Trading Com pany, E. fi. Sharratt, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned as, administraiorof the estate of Mcc& Shar ratt. doing business under the tirm name and trie of the Alsea Trading Company, E. Sharratt, deceased, has tiled in tho County Court of Oregon for Lincoln County, bis final account as administrator of said estate, and that on the 6th day of November, woft, at the kour of j o'clock p. m. thereof, has been fixed as the time for hearing , objection! to said re port ana the settlement thereof. HENRY NICE, Administrator ot the estate of Nice & Sharratt. doing business tinder the tirm name and "Tleoflhe Alsea Trading Company E. O. Sharratt, deceased. Eated at Toledo Oregon, Sept. S, 1M5. ne urcatcsc L.me oJ t all Goods g Ever Seen in Toledo X. S. AKIN The White House HENRY LEWIS, Proprietor. LeaderVin Low Prices CALL, AND WE WILL PROVE IT. , WK HAVEN'T TIMB Tu TELL YOU ALL ABOUT IT HERE. COME IN. Yours with Bargains THE WHITE HOUSE Toledo, Oregon tL.5 "fJi ..:i;i.' "" City Meat flarket I keep in stock only THE BEST that can Le bought Everything Fresh and Clean Quality W eight P r i c eg Guaranteed to Please You Give me a trial Q. R. Schenck. George A. Landreth, The IBarber. A neat hair-cut in any style desired and an easy shave. & - .. -K (i. K. FREEMAN I Toledo, Oregon Painting Paperhanginff Glaxtng, Varnishing Furniture Cleaned and Polished Satisfaction Guaranteed Ladle' Fancy Neckwear Belt, Etc. Gents' New Tie for Fall Wear An elegant lot of New Dress Patterns New Fabrics, Men' Underwear, Fucy Shirts, Night Khirts and other furnishings mm 11 Ladies' Julia Marlow See this line for style and comfort. Hoys' shoes A juck-knifc free with each pair of this brand. 3Ionmolli State Normal Eecins its 241 h year Sept. 2(i. Tbree Courses of Study, preparing for Count' and State cerii'flcntes. Higher coiir.-cs i t'crmiizcd in WHsliiDgton iiud other states. JietuBnd for Noimal trniiud tciifliers. Lonner tci mg, higher wrigcB nnd I etter opportunities for pro motion awaid the Normal graduate for hie euierjtrise. School directors appre ciate the superior ability ef Vonniouth graduates and the demand far exceeds the supply, special attention Kien to methods work in graded and ungraded schools. Catalogue containing full in foiniatiou will he tent ou Hpidicut ion. Correspondeuce invited. Address E. D HEfrSLKR, President. Or J. 1). V. ELTLER, Secietary. CORVALLIS & EASTERN RAILROAD. TIME CARD. No. 2. For Yaqttina: Train leaves Albany 12:45 p. ra. " Corvallis 1:50 p. m. " " Toledo V47 p. m. Arrive Yaquina, 6:2op. m. No. t. Returning: Leaves Yaquina 6:45 a. m. Toledo 7:15 a. m. " Corvallis 11:30 a. m. Arrive Albany 12:15 P- m. NTo. 3. For Detroit: Leaves Albany 7:0x3 a. m. Arrive Detroit 12:20 p. m. No. 4. Returning: Leaves Detroit 1:00 p. ni. Arrives Albany 5:55 a. m. Train No. 1 arrives in Albany 111 time to connect with the S. P. southbound train, as well as giving two or three hours in Albany before-departure of S. P. northbound train for Portland. Train N0.2 connects with the S. P. trains at Corvallis and Al bany, giving direct service to New port and adjacent beaches. Train 3 for Detroit, I3reitenbush and other mountain resorts leaves Albany at7:oo a. ni., reaching De troit about 6:00 p. m. For further information apply to J. C. Mayo, General Passenger Agent. J. E. Franklin, Agent. Toledo, B. H Boles, Yaquina.'