"-"X. v , . e; yj The Most Delightful Way to Cross the Continent Through Salt Lake City, Glen wood Springs, I.eadville, Pueblo Colorado Spriugs and Mauitou. A Daylight Ride Through Nature's Art Gallery I'apsiiitf Castle Gate, Canyon of the Grand, Tennessee Pass Marshall Pass and the Royal Gorge 3 TRAINS DAILY BETWEEN OGDENAND DENVER 3 Equipment and Service Second to None Seek No Further, for Better Can't Be Found For Detailed Information, address W. C. ncBRIDE, 114 Third Street DRS. ADAMS Dentists Of Lewis Building, Morriwn St., PORTLAND, OR. Our specialty j the painless tillinl or ex tracting of teeth. OurMotta: A Pleased Patient Our Best Advertiser. PAllKEll HOUSE, TOLEDO. OR. Ou the Water Front, one block south of Depot. Accommodations as good as can be found iu Lincoln county. RATES REASONABLE. The traveling public cordially iuvited to Rive this bouse a trial. ALLEN PARKEK, Proprietor. M. WYGANT. SURVEYOR Ileal Estate Agent INSURANCE If 3'ou have a farm or town lot to sell, or if you wish to buy one, call on me. TOLEDO MEAT MARKET Good Fresh Salt Meats Meats Sausage Fish, Etc. JOHN MICEK Proprietor Headquarters & for the Best il Stoves and Ranges on the Market I Yours Truly GARDNER & AVERY Toledo. Oregon General Azent PORTLAND, OREQON Real Estate OF ALL KINDS BOUGHT AND SOLD RANCHES In All Parts of the County CITY PROPERTY In Toledo and Newport -r I have some bargains to offer in city property iu Toledo; also n ranches nearby. fSli vou wish to buy or sell, write me, or gee me at my office at the Courthouse, TOLEDO, OREGON. CHAS. M. BROWN s Keeps constantly on band all the Standard Varieties of Fruit Trees Vines and Shrubbery J. E. WILSON, Chitwood, Oregon. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. Ill the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the comity of I.lneolu. In the imilter of the estate of CM. Carlson, deceased. Notice 1h hereby given that the undersigned lias been duly uprtolr.tcit by the County Court f the state of Oregon for the county of I.ln colu. administratrix of the estute of 'J.M. Carl con, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notllled to pre sent them to It. F. Kwope in Toledo, Oregon, wilhin hIx months from the date hereof, duly verlllcd as by luw required. KsTiiKa I Caulkon, Administratrix of the estate of C.M.Carlson, deceased. Haled this '28th duyof July, 1005. Cause of Insomnia. IndiKestian nearly always disturbs the Bleep mere or lerm and is often the cniiKo of insomnia. Many cases have been permanently cureii by Chamber lain's Stomach nnil Liver Tublets.. b'or i?aJo by O. O. Krotad,. Neglected Colds. Every part of tlie mucous membrane, the nose, throat, ours, head and hint's, etc., are subjected to dieas and blight from neglected colds. Ballard's Hore bound Syrup is a pleasant and cfTectire remedy, 25c, 50c, fl.OO. V. Attend rick, Valley Mills, Texas, writes: "I have used Ballard's Uoreheund Syrup tor couphs and thraat troubles; it is a pleasant and most effective remedy." Sold by O. O. Krogntad. POINTS FOR SMOKERS. Some Advice to Follow If Ther Moat lap the Weed. . Very few people ore aware how much barm Is done to young men by the al most universal habit of cigarette smok ing. The man who smokes cigarettes has one always in bis mouth and is con tinually inhaling nicotine until the sys tem Is saturated with the poison. The result of this practice Is a ca tarrhal condition of the nose, throat and bronchi, a disordered and very Ir ritable state of the nerves, a weak and rapid action of the heart and indiges tion. Thin, anaemic, weak, with clammy hands stained with nicotine poison, un strung nerves and degenerated mus cles, the youth of the laud go on Igno rant ly suffering the consequences of a pernicious habit until attacks of lieurt trouble, nervous prostration, niolnn cholin, etc., bring their condition to the attention of the physician. If a man must smoke-Mind we admit the charm of the habit to those who Lave become uccuatouied to Its boulh ing influences let him choose a mild cigar and have certain set times for in dulging. If he puts a certain restraint upon himself from the start in the mat ter of smoking, he will not overdo It, and there are few men who can smoke more than three cigars a day without Injury. Medical Brief. Abscess. W. H. Harrison, Cleveland, Miss., writes, Aug. 15, 1902: ' I want t say a word of praise for Ballard's Suow Lini ment. I stepped an a nail, which caused the cords' in my leg to contract and an abscess te rise in my kuee, ami the decter told me that I would have a stiff leg, so on day I weut to J, P. Lord's druif store (who is now in Denver, Cola.) He recommended a battle of Suow Liniment; I got a 50c size, and it cured my leg. It is the best liniment in the world." ABSCESSES, with few exceptions are indicative of constipation or de bility. They may, however, result from blows or f rem foreign bodies, introduced iuto the skin or flesh, such as splinters, thorns, etc. Sold by O. O. Krogstad. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. U. S. Lund Otlice ul Portlaud, Or., August 2t, 1;h. Notice is hereby given that the following uainod settler has tiled notice of his intent ioa to make final proof In support of his olaim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and lteceiver, at Portland. Oregon, on October 11, l'jaj, viz: Brooks Livingston. II. E. No. 1 : lk 1 fur th SK'i of Section la, Township ! s, Kangt 9 w. lie names the follow In? witnesses m nm his continuous residence upon and cultivation ut saia land, viz: Theodore Ferrlueton mid O.C. llell nf Km-en Oregon, Warren Wright of Falls City, Oregon) and James Hayes of Dallas, Oregon. Ai.okii.nun S. Diiksser, Itegi.ster. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. In the County Court of tlio State of Oregon, for the county of Lincoln. In the matter of the estate of A. E. Stout, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned hits been appoiuted by the County Court of the suite of Oregon for the county of Lincoln, ad ministrator of the estate of A. E. Stout, de ceased. All persons having claims ugalnst said estute ure hereby notllled to present them to me at iny residence iu Vaiiuina, Or., within six months from the date hereof, duly verified as by law required. LL'CIEN SToLT, Administrator f the estate of A. E. Stout, deceased. Hated Sept. 8, 1905. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. Land Olllce at Portland, Oregon, September 'J, l'.ioj. Notice is hereby given that the following. named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make tinul proof in support of his claim, and that saiil proof will be made before the llegister mid Keceiver at Portland, Oregen, on October 30, PJOi, viz: Peters. Ureenwood, II. E. No. 14-'i:i, for the ne1 of sec 35, twp u s, range 9 w. Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: James K. Harris of Rocca, Or.; Otto Ilycrley of Uoeca, Or.j F.M.Smith of Dallas, Or; Wm. E. Oreenwoed of Dallas, Or. Ai.iiKKNoN S. Drksskii. Register. NOTICE FOK ITHI.ICATlOX. L S. Land Olllce at Portland, Or., September !, P.nio. Notice is hereby given that the following named aottler has tiled notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof win lie made hefuru Wade, Coniitv Clerk of Lincoln county, at Toledo, Oregon, on October 10, 190i, via. Louis Heeit, II. K. No. 144.1U, for thee'ofthe ne); of sec 27, twp 9 s, range 10 v. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: William Penci-, C. II. P.uhl, W. S. Hull, Hob ert Tronson all of Hilct7, i iregon. AWKiiJios s: Diiiisseit. RugUter. Gold Watch Given Away UNTIL DECEMBER 1, 1905 Every purchaser of 25 cents worth of any goods in my store, excepting Flour and Feed, Sugar, Meats aud Tobacco will receive a ticket entitling holder to a chance on a fine Ladies' Elgin Watch. Ask to see it. Geo. L. McCaulou For BEST BARGAINS The Toledo Sawmill G. L. GRAY, Yellow Fir, Spruce and Alder LUMBER Good Stock of Seasoned Lumber on hand. Lumber delivered nt Newport nr Any Other Tort, at Prices.Consistent with Markot Conditions Quality and Prompt Delivery Guaranteed! Flooring. Ceiling Rustic, Shiplap Boxing, Stepping Boot Lumber Door and Window Jamb Turned Porcli Columns Brackets, Cresting Boxes Agent for Alfred NOTICE OF FINAL SKTTI.KMKNT. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Lincoln County. In the matter of the estate of E. Hiumir, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, as administratrix of the estate of E.S. Ilamar, deceased, has tiled In the Couty Court of Or egon, for Lincoln county, her Una! account as administratrix of said estate, and that on the 6th duy of November, ISmVi, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. in. thereof, has been fixed by said Court us the time for hearing objections tn sniil report and the settlement thereof. Hated at Toledo, Or., this 1.1th duy of Sep tember, 1905. M. J. HAMAI!, Administratrix of the estate of E. s. Ilamar, deceased. Beautiful Women. Plump cheeks, Unshod with the soft glow of health and a pure complexion, makes all women Ijeutit mil. lake a 8iiihI1 dose of Heroin1 after ouch meal; it will prevent uoustinution ami help digest what you have eaten. 50c. Mrs. Wm. Al. Stroud, Midlot.hiau, Texas, writes, May 31, 10nl : -iVe have used llerliine in our family for eight years, and found it th best medicine we ever nxed for constipation, bilious; fever tmd malaria." Sold bv 0. O. K must ml. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. I - Anyono sending a sketch and description may quickly ascoruiu our opinion free whether an ItiTonttnn Is probably patentable. Conmiunlra tlonsstrlcllyconlldniitlHl. HAND300K on I'ateuU aunt free. Oldest aueiicy lor hoeunnfr patents. Patents tnken thmuub iunn A lo. recelva tpv-inl notice, without elinpre. In tlio Stieniific flnterjcait. A handsomely fllmtratrfwreklr. Innrest elr. culntlnn of any selor! ale tocrual. 'J ernia, TJ a yem toui-mont'ir, h. Sjluiiail newsdealers. MIIKSI&C3.M,8i"H'f'K8VifYcik Mraueb Oi ... i If Bt , Wi'Uiuatun. D. C. Proprietor Picture Moulding Panel Moulding Crown Moulding Bed Moulding M vulded Casing and Base; Balusters and Spindles Water Table Fencing Peats' Wall Paper NOTICE FOK Pl'lll. ICATION. I'. S. Land Otlice at Portland, dr., September , liflj. Notice is hereby given that the following--named settler has tiled notice of his Intention to make Until proof in snppoil o( his cUtiin.. and that sild proof 'will be made before the liegistcr anil Receiver at Portland, Oregon,, on October 110, p.oi, viz: Otto liyerli y, II. E. No. 11112 lor the sw sc III, twp 8 s, range 9 v. lie names the following witnesses to prove hls continuous rcsldense upon and cultivation' of mi ill land, viz: Henry Wright of Fails City, 0;; James It. Harris ol Itocca, Or.; Frank Ilyorluy of Dallas,. Or.; Ocle C. Hell of Kocca, Or. Ai.iiKKNoN S. lUtKssKH, Kciiisler. NOTICE Foil I'Clll. ICATION. Land oilice at Portland, Oregon September !i, lWi'i. Notice Is ncrcby given that the following iniiiicil settler has tiled notice of his Intention, to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the ltegister and liecclvcr at Portland, Oregon, on October :!U, I'.nift, viz: James It. Harris, II. E. No. 141.13 for the no'.,' of sw1 ,', c'j of nw'nnd nw1 of ue1 see twi Us, range '.I w. He iiiimes the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon aud culliviitlo.i of said land, viz: 1'eterf. (ircenwood of Itocca, Or.; Otto liyer ley of Kocca. or.: William E, tireenwood of Dallas, Or.; Frank ,1. Morrison of Kocca, Or. .M.'tKrtNo.s H. Hiiksscii, iterister. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. Ill the County Court of the Stale of Oregon,. for the Con nly of Lincoln. In the maltiT of the estate of Samuel S.. Walters, deceased.. Notice I hereby given that the uiiderslgnedi has been apioiiicd by thu county court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Lincoln, ad uilnlstiatrlx of the etate of Samuel s. Wal ters, decea-cd. A'll persons having claims: aguliiMt said oMnie lire hereby notilied, to pro--sentlhcm In let! nl Toledo, Oregon, wiihliu six ntonths imni tl.n date hereof, duly verities as by law rciiiired. c.whkkink Mitkman, Aiinilnistratrlx of the estate of Samuel S. Will-- tors, ooceacd. Dated at Toledo, On gi n, July 190."., Ko-noss-S keej s f)ic frm your i-owsv. t ! I : .'. , .1 1. . -1 i ; '