Lincoln County Leader. ; owfr JiliiEiS p ..!! L TJ M! B Th R ! fj TV W M. bCARTII, ta.hier. 3 Official County Paper. - THOS. I.r.KSK, J. l'. IHMI EV. lmJ..nt VtcM Priori... it i1 w EutrJ at the ptoftic nt Toledo, Oregon, u ' vrouti claw mail nikticr. j SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year - -Six Month Tli re Months - Old-Growth Fir, Spruce and Alder ALL DIMENSIONS f l 50 ; 75 f0 Boat and Box Lumber Cl T T0 ORI)KR Governor Folk of Missouri is being! 1 boomed as the Democracic candidate j J for I'resldeut. Mr. Folk is undoubtedly ' J a well-balanced and morally all-right j ? young miiD, not to touch upon his j I political faith, but as a candidate for j J I'resnJeut he will carry a serious handi cap, viz., the vigorous support of V. J. Bryah. While Mr. Bryan is also a 8oo 1 citizen, be has incurred the ever lasting displeasure of a large element in bis owu party, including some of the leaders. It is easily understood that a candidate who is being boosted by Mr. Bryan will not be received with open arms by this element of hia parly. Democratic harmony is quite similar to the brand of Republican harmony which has made Portland fatuous or notorious. No. 1 Vertical-Grain Flooring Am well prepared to furnish und Mouldings a Specialty anything in building line Operating an Up-to-Date I'laner Good Stock of Dry Lumber on hand I will deliver lumber at any point on the C. & K. railroad or tidewater on Yaquina bay at right prices, quality considered branch YARDS J, R. Mays & Son, Elk City J. A. J. Fleming Newport It does seem that a :rt deal of un. accessary hot air is being blown off relative to the tariff question. The present tariff schedule undoubtedly contains & few flaws, and to say the Rcf.uL'iciu parly, tl.iuugli iU hkbiiU in Congress, is unable to repair these defects without eudaugering the pro tective system is to brand the parly as incompetent to manage the affairs of the Government. It is sensible aud proper to stand pat ou the basic prin ciple, which has thoroughly proven the wibdom of its fathers, but the Repub lican party cannot afford to be nariow miuded or cowardly on the question. . The big Republican social scheduled for October 12, at Portland, certainly will do no harm, if properly cenducted, und may result in bringing a few hot bends, soreheads and wobbly mug wumps buck to the path of peace and virtue. But if the affair is designed as sL boom for certuin candidates, an occa sion when gentlemen with incipient or full-blown aspirations will occupy the center of the stage, it would be wise to cut it out. When a redhot candidate begins to sing a song of har mony, cynical und suspicious persona are apt to suicker and spoil the effect. ! 0. R. ALTRRR. Toledo. Oreo-on . , , INHERITED INDIAN LAND FOR SALE AT SILETZ, OREGON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That bids will be received for the sale of ! the following nWribod inherited Indian lands, situated mil being in Liuuoln County, Oregon, as per schedule herein set forth, to-wif. j A large section of the middle west has beeu getting an oversupply of moisture, resulting io much financial loss. In some places violent wind storms accompanied the deluge. In the meantime Oregon, the famous wet slate, bus beeu having glorious weather. with just enough, moisture to tickle vegetation. Robert Cecil, postmaster at Tipton , Or., was publicly horsewhipped last Saturday at Baker City for beating his wife. The brave fellow is reported to have squalled like a colicky iufant u lien the lash wus applied, and he has decided to leave the state. The law seems to be working nicely. The Baptists, iu convention assem bled, have declared in favor of giviug women the uucurtailed right to vote. It is a proper recognition of top-uotch intelligence. A FISH THAT FIGHTS. H KlltS 8CB- tr. DIVISIONS f? mien II Watts N n;i lot 10 9 Uoxle Simmons Ne!i swlf , se 31 Hoxtc Sin.uions ix)t fr S3 K!J iiwli sw!i, s'4 w'4 3i HuxieSlmrauna W'i se'i se1.,', nw'j 9eri, v, nYi'i te'i .34 Anule Tecuuipeh S' sw'4 sw1-; 1M S'i lot 3 ne'.i, nu lot 4 lie1; .13 Siwl-i nw.'i 35 John )enceretul Sw'-f lnl 4 29 i&'i ne'-., : I'ulherine FutrvhlliV. Ne1. se4'. lot 3 Wtlli-m Klamath Lots 3 ami 4 7 Maitha Johnson Ne1; ne'j ai M art ht. Johnson s'jtie1 (, Martha Johnson Lots 29, 30, 31 and 3J 28 Kathurlne Evans Lot 14, l.'.miil 1G 38 Wlj 8v(i nwj-i :v4 Kntherlne Kvaim ujjmi'i,' 27 David John et nl Lots 30, 31, 32 io Ida lSennell Hjjsw1 :i4 Albert Martin et al Sw! ue!i. '"! te'i 25 Alhcrt Martin ot al . . N' e' tie1,;, n'4 no se1 i 25 N'i nw4 sw4, ,' w!i nw)4 so Ooquelle Thorn )ihom V'$ nw'.i xe1, ne1; nwl and lot 12 swj; i , John Albert lot aand bw); ne1; 17 John Albert Lots 6 and 7 "in i.otH jtmna 33 2S John Albert Lot 6, sec 1(1; lot 1 21 Nellie Winkler Lots 4, 6, 8, 10, 18, 19, 26, 28 27 H 10 10 8 il 11 9 11 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 il ( 9 9 0 10 10 6 10 7 It 7 It 7 U 7 11 8 10 8 10 0 10 8 10 9 10 0 11 9 10 Aug. 7 Nov. 7 The ARRrmalTe- and Iridescent Pla kut of 81am. So aggressive- Is the plnknt, a little fish from Slam, that the entertainment tt nffiirds bns become a national pas time. The fishes nro trained to go through regular battle and are reared artlticlolly for the purpose, while the Heense to exhibit them to the general public Is farmed out n:id brings a large' amount of money Into the royal coffers. They are kept In aquariums built for the purpose Und fed uvou the lurvue of mosquitoes and ever? possible caro taken of them. When the fish is In n quiet state, with the flns nt rest, the Cull colors are not at all remarkable t'itielle Thompson. ...K'v nw1; sw';.e'.j sw sw;, sec 29; wU ne1 nwl; sec 32; lot 32 se" llntler Fatrcbild Lots 12, 13, 14 and 15 Henry Johnson Nw!;sw;;, lots 5, (S, 7, 8, sy2 Hwj.4 nw); Charles Johnson Lot 9 nwf; sec 3; se1; ne); oc4; ejjsw1,; ne!4 sec 4 Charles Johnson si.j lot 2!8e4 lots 3, 4; nw1. uw1; se1; and wjj, sw'i, nc1; Moses .aue....Vne;nwi;, o1 kit 1 nw1;, wjs se); nw)4, eii lot 2 nwf; Kllen Watts Lot 4 awf; sec 24; ne); sw); Koue Uhrer Jack Sw'i sw1;, sw1; sw.'; Konne Klver Jack Xnwi;, awj; owj, lbsa Albert '. Nw);sv!; Fuule Fuller Ne1; sw .1; and lot 0 l-ouie Fuller Lots 29, 20, 31 and 32 F.llza Albert. sw.1; ne1;, nw); se.1;, ii1 sw se Kllza Albert. ..SLj se)., ne.1;. ue; se1;, n, q se Mujor Ludson. s j sw1; Jacob Johnson et al Ixits 3, 4, 5. sw1, Annie . rden .sj nw.1;, ne'; sw1;, lot 3 ew Annie Aidon t?;, lot 10, lots 9 and 4 Abbie John et al nw'; nwi-;, lot 1 ne1., Minule Ijine et al Lats 23, 24, 25, 2fi Minnie Lane ot al Ne'4 se1;, se1; se'; Said bids will be received up to 12 o'clock, noon, of t.h virions ,lv.a n which they are listed to be opened in above schedule, and must be enclosed in flemeu envelopes directed to Knott C. Egbert, Superintendent, Siletz, Oregou. Envelopes containing such bids should not have noted thereon the description of the lauds to which the bids relate, but there shall be noted on such envelopes the date upon which the bid is to be opened. Bidders should submit a draft on some Portland bank ; otherwise remit enough" to cover exchange on outside ,muk.s- KNOTT C. EGBERT, Supt. and Special Disbursing Agent, in Charge of Siletz Agency, Oregon. 10 10 9 11 , 9 9 11 11 U 9 11 11 10 10 11 11 10 10 Acres 5 80 so 80 SO HOW 80.67 82.10 40 80 80 80 80 60 80 80 80 83.12 78.13 80.4:: M.8.1 84.97 m 80 80.56 8U 85.22 7S.65 77.48 80 SO 40 72.55 80 80 80 70.68 80.30 74.22 36.:'fl 80 80 Date Listed J one 26 Date Bid Opened Sejit. 25 July 24 Oct. 23 Sept. 4 Dec. 4 THREE JURORS CURED Of Cholkba Mokbus with One Small Bottle of's Colic, CHOLEKA AND DuRJtllOKA. Remedy. ' Mr. G. VV. Fowler of Itihtower, Ala. relates an experience he had while serv ing ou 11 petit jury in a murder case at Edwardsville, county seat of Clebnurne But If two are bronght together priC0UDr Alabma. He says: "While there I ate gome fresh meat and sotno souse meat aud it Rave me cholera j morbus iu a very severe form. I was uever more sick in. my life and snut to j the drug store for a certain cholera I mixture, but the druggist sent me a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera A Remedy Without a Peer. 'I find Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets mere beneficial than any other remedy I ever used for stomach trouble," say J. p. Klote, of Edina, Mo. For any disorder of the stomach, biliousness or constipation, those Tab lets are without a peer. For sale by O. O. Krogaiad. within sight of each -jther, or even !f one sees Its own lmige In a looking tt'lass, the little creature becomes sud denly incited. TI.e fins nre rniswl, and the whole body shines with metallic luster acd volar of dazzling be-iuty, while the K "lectlug gill membn ne, waving llV.e a black frill round th thrrmt, nwhos r'oteque the geiiernl appearance. In t 1I1 rtrtto of Irrltittloa It uiiike.t repent ed darts at Its real or r "llecte I nnta;! i.l If two nre placed together 'n Innk they rr.h it c:-c!i other with Cte itmost rm?. Tbo-baitV- I t kept on ua M otiv- 1.4 killed or put t flight, but lot t.!t;i they i:re cutlrely separated ch8 tj.- v!tor shut h! gaudy fins, that, lfte lag of wr.r, are nrver lowered uirtil Bce l ust been decluroJ and lUnrrhoea Remedy iiisteud.saying that ho hail what I sent forv but that thit, medicine was so much better he would rather send it to me in the fix I was in. I took one dose of, ii and was better in five minutes. The secoiul dote cured me entirely. Two fellow jurors were Afflicted in the same tnan- I Her und one small bottle cared the J three of usj Fee sale by 0. O. When a woman with a lot of children and baskets and valises leaves on a train, says an exchange, there is uo one to see her off, but when a girl with nothing to carry but an empty pocket book and a mouthful of gum goes away there ore enough people with her to start a town. Responsibility 875,000 1) (III J) (111 Transacts a General Banking Business (Ij) Interest Paid ou Time Detosits -f ti Excha. ge Sold on All Points State, County and School Warrants Bought Principal Correspondents: (I? 1 rORTLAND Canadian Bank of Commerce, Ioudon and San t ran- (U , clseo Bauk, 4b SAN FRANCISCO-London and Sau Francisco Bank, Ltd. iC NEW YOKK-J. r. .Morgan & Co. r CHICAGO First National Bank. p LONDON, ENG. London and San Francisco Bauk, Ltd. i 4 GEORGE HALL M. N. ANDERSON .Halt & Anderson Toledo Livery and Feed Stable Good Rigs and well-broken saddle horses. Special attention given to Traveling Men. Horses hoarded by day, week or month CITY DRAY IN CONNECTION DAILY STAGE TO AND FROM SILETZ Leaves Toledo at 7:30 a. m. . . . Leaves Siletz at 12:40 p. m '. . .Arrives at Si'eiz at 10:50 a. m. . . . Arrives at Toledo at 4.00 p. m. 111! I WM. GAU.OWAY The Leading Hotel of Toledo, Oregon New Management In order to compete with , the leading hotels we are compelled to establish the following rates : Commercial accommodations pel day ...?2.00 Tourists and other." $1 to 1.50 Siugle meals to residents 25 Any guest dissatisfied with'ac commpdations will have mon ey refunded by making com plaint to the management. C. R. Ellsworth G. I.. HEDGES HEDGES & GALLOWAY ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW LAND OFFICE BUSINESS A SPECIALTY Booms 1 and 2, ) Oregon City, Weinhard uidg, 1 Oregon COWING win ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW U. S. Land Office Business a Specialty. Sprains. S. A. Bead, Cisco, Texas, writes, March 11, l'Jul: "My wrist was sprained so badly by u fall that it was useless: and after usiutr several remedies that failed to give relief, nsed Ballard's Snow Liniment, and was cured. I caiiiuaiiy recommena u to any one sufferinff from sprains." 25c, 50c $1.00. SulJ by U. KrofigtaJ- ' Why Does Woman Paint? SHE CAN'T RESIST THE ' TEMPTATION when she beholds my beautiful colors and tints of bandy Household Paints, Varnishes, Stains, Lacquer, Fluorine and Enamels. Everybody wants to paint when they see my durable and lusting house paints, roof and barn paints, also the' famous cold-water paint. The only stock of wallpaper in Lincoln county nt competition prices. Look my big stock over and let mo Hkuio witiryou. KllOGSTAD The. Toledo Druggist Twenty yearu' experience befo-ie thb Local and the General Land Office aud the Interior Department at Washington, D. C. Rooms 506 507 . Columbia Building Portland, Or. Toledo Bakery JACOB BURKEL, 1'roi'RIETor. South Kud of Water Flout Buw. Fresh Bread Fresh Pies Fresli Cakes Iti fact, Everything to be found in a First-Class Bakery Always in Stock Orders Out of Town Promptly Filled B. F. JONES, Attorn ey-at-La w, Notary Public. TOLEDO, - OREGON. Will practice in 'all the courts of Oregon. Five and one-halt' years clerk of Probate and Circuit courts. Has complete up-to-date Abstract of Lincoln County. F. SWOPB, Attorney-at-Law. Deputy District Attorney for Lincoln County Will practice in all counts in state. Probale matters and collec tions promptly attended to. OUice iu Courthouse, Upstairs, TOLEDO, OREGON. james Mcdonald BEES, HONF.Y AND I3EE SUPPLIES CV1T'0UD. LlNCLH.-; '"'OUKXT. OC3f0