Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, August 25, 1905, Image 8

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Shoes! Shoes!
I liave just received a now ship
ment of Shoes. Have something
fine in Ladies' Tan and Gentlemen's
Tan; also in Patent Leather, Yici
Kid, etc. My. Workmen Shoes are
A full stock of Phoenix Paint, the
paint that goes furthest and lasts
See my bargains in Straw Hats
this warm weather.
Kates to Lewis and Clark Fair.
From Points on the Corvallis &
Eastern Railroad to Portland
aud Return.
RATE One and one-third fare for
the round trip, plus 13.30 when sold via
Albany and 3.50 wheu sold viaCor
V 111 lis.
SALE DATE Daily from May 29 to
October 15, both inclusive.
LIMIT-Thirty (30) days, but not
later than October 31, 1905.
Parties of ten or more from one point,
tritveling together on one ticket both
wb ys, will be sold tickets as follows :
RATE One fare for the round trln.
plus 2 45 when sold via Albany andl
JJ.WI when sold via Corvallis.
SALE DATES Daily from May 29
to October 15, 1906, both inclusive.
LIMIT Ten (10) days from date of
For organized parties of one hun
dred (-100) or more moving on one day
and one place individual tickets will be
sold as follows:
RATE One fare for the round trip,
plus $2.45 when sold via Albany' and
2.G0 when aold via Corvallis.
SALE DATES Daily from May 29
October 15, 1905, both inclusive.
LIMIT Ten (10) days from date of
Coaeh excursions will be run from
time to time during the Fair for which
special low rates will be made.
No stopovers will be allowed on nnv
of the above tickets. They must be
Aised for continuous passage in each
Tickets will not be sold locally to
Albany or Corvallis, but a ticket read
ing through to Portland good during
the Fair will be used under conditions
indicated above.
For further information call on or
"rite to . j. c. MAYO,
Ouneral Passenger Agent, Albany, Or.,
Or any C. A E. agent or couductor.
See here I am prepared to pay a
premium on county aad school war
rants. Otto O. Kbogstad. '
A little forethought may save you no
Mid of trouble. Auyone who makes it
keep Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy at hand knows this
to lea fact. For sale by O O.Krogstad.
To the Seaside and Mountain Resorts
for the Summer Vacations.
On and after June 1, 1905, the South
ern Pacific, in connection with the Cor
vallis. & Eastern railroad will have on
sale round trip tickets from points on
their lines to Newport, Yaquina and
Detroit at very low rate9, good for re
turn until October 10, 1905.
Three day tickets to Newport and
Yaquina, good going Saturdays and re
turning Mondays are also on sale from
all east side points Portland to Eugene
inclusive, and from all west side points,
enabling people to visit their families
and spend Sunday at the seaside.
Season tickets from all east side
points Portland to Eugene inclusive,
and from all west side points are also
on sale to Detroit at very low rates with
stop over privileges at Mill City or any
point east enabling tourists to visit the
Satitiam and Breitenbush Hot Springs
in the Cascade mountains, which can
be reached in one dv.
Season tickets will be good for return
from all points until October 10th.
Three day tickets will be good going
Saturdays and returning Mondays
only. Tickets from Portland and vi
cinity will be good (or return via the
east or west side at option of passen
ger. Tickets from Eugene and vicinity
will be good going via the Lebanon
Springfield branch, if desired. Bag
gage on Newport tickets checked
through to Newport ; on Yaquina tick
ets to Yaquina only.
8. P. trains connect with the C. & E.
at Albany and Corvallis for Yaquina
and Newport. Trains en the C. & E.
for Detroit will leave Albany at 7:30 a.
m., enabling tourists to the Hot Springs
to reach there the same day. Trains
frem and te Corvallis connect with all
east side trains on the S. P.
Full information as to rates, time
tables, etc., can be obtained on applica
tion to J. C. Mayo, Gen. Pass. Agt., C.
G E. K. R., Albany; W, E. Coman, G.
P. A., 8. P. Co., Portland or to any S.
P. or C. & E. agent
Rate from Toledo to Newport, $1.10.
Three day rate from Toledo to Ya
quina or Newport, $1.
Nothing on the Market Equal u Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy.
This fact is well known to drnggiets
everywhere, and nine eut of every ten
will give their customers this prepara
tion when the best is asked for. Mr.
Obe Witnjer. a prominent druggist of
Joplin, Mo., in a circular letter to his
customers, says: "There is nothing on
the market in the way of patent medi
cine which equals Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for
bowel complaints." We sell aud rec
ommend this preparation." For sale
by O. O. Krogstad.
Kernville Items.
We are glad to see the rain. Not
enough was the trouble.
We are very sorry to learn that J. C.
Robertson has been very sick, but Is
some better, lie started to attend
Ceuuty Court but was taken sick on
the way and returned home and has
been very sick ever since.
Pete White, we hear, is sick with
some kind of throat trouble.
We are somewhat scared about a
report from Slab creek where a mother
and four children died within a week.
'I he disease is supposed to be diptheria.
There, are several more cases with the
same disease. 1 ,
Bert Morrison awl family are tem
porary living with Fred fiutterfield
through fishing season. Mr. Morrison
aud Mr. Butterfield are fishing together
for the cannery.
Fish are not very plentiful yet.
We wouder how Mr. Chatterton is
making it catching crabs. This is a
new industry for Siletz and we hope he
will succeed.
Su-Boss-S keeps flies frem your cows.
Stewart' s Stoke.
Sick' headache results from a disor
dered condition of the stomach and is
quickly cured by Chamberlain's Stom
ach aud Liver Tablets. For sale by O.
O. Krogstad.
They Appeal to Our Sympathies
The bilious and dyspeptic are con
stant sufferers and appeal to our sym
pathies. There is not one of them,
however, who may not be brought back
to health aud happiness by the use of
Chamberlain's Stomach and LiverTab
lets. These tablets invigorate the
stomach and liver and strengthen the
digestion. They also regulate the bow
els. For sale by O. O. Krogstad.
Sunday Excursions.
Taking effect Sunday July 18, and
continuing every Sunday throughout
the summer, excursion trains on the
Corvallis & Eastern will run sharp on
the following schedule :
Leare Albany 7:30 a. ni.
" Coryallis 8 a. m.
" Philomath 8:13 a. m.
" Wrens 8:31 a. m.
" Btodgett 8:50 a m.
" Summit 9:05 a.m.
" Nashville 9:25 a.m.
" Nortous 9:39 a. m.
" Eddyville 10 a. m.
" Chitwood 10:13 a. m.
" Morrison 10:21 a. m.
" Elk City 10:29 a. m.
" Toledo 10:55 a. m.
Arrive Yaquina 11:20 a. m.
" Newport 12 in.
Leaves Newport 5 p. m.
. Returning train arrives at Corvallis
at 9:20 p. m. ; Albany 9:55 p. m.
Fare to Newport and return: West
of Philomath to Chitwood, (1 ; west of
Chitwood to Storrs, 75c; all points west
ol Storrs, 50c.
J. C. Mayo, Gen. Pass. Agent.
A Warning to Mothers.
. Too much care caunot be used with
small children during the hot weather
of the summer months to guard against
bowel troubles.' 'As a rule it is only
necessary to give the child a dose of
castor oil to correct any disorder of the
bowels, Do not use any substitute, but
give the old fashioned castor oil, and
see that it is frfcsb, as rancid oil nau
seates and has a tendency to gripe. If
this does not check the bowels, give
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di
arrhoea Remedy and "then a dose of
castor oil, and, the disease may be
checked in its inoipieocy and all dan
ger avoided. The castor oil and this
remedy should be procured at once and
kept ready for instant use as soon as
the first indication of any bowel trouble
appears. This is the most successful
treatment known and may be relied
upon with implicit confidence even in
cases of cholera infantum. For sale
by 0, O. Krogstad.
--r-- - -
' Tor Sale.
Eighty bead of goats-60 wethers
and 30 nannies. Will be sold in small
lots to suit purchaser.
Rqbert Tabbhll,
Elk City, Oregon.
At the
New Store
You will find what you want in
Full-width Sheetings, Pillow Mnslin
House Lining, Toweling ot nil kinds
Table Linens. Napkins, Etc., Dress
and Domestics. Come and see them
InMen'sDep a r t m e n t
I can fix you up, I carry in stock a
full line of Pants. Will take your
measure cud get you a suit in three
days that wHl fit or you do not have
to take it. Come in aud see samples
Toledo, Oregon
The White House
HENllY LEWIS, Proprietor.
Leader in
Low Prices
Yours with Bargains
Toledo, Oregon
Monmouth State formal
Begins its 24th year Sept. 26.
Three Courts of Studv, preparing for
County and State eriifkat8. Higher
cotuces recognized in Washington and
ether states. Demand for Normal
trained teachers. Longer terms, higher
wages and better opportunities for pro
motion award the Normal graduate for
his enterprise. School directors appre
ciate the superior abilitvef Monmouth
graduates and the demand far exceeds
the supply. Special attention given to
methods work in graded and ungraded
schools. Catalogue containing full in
foimation will U- tent on application.
Correspondence invited. Address
E. D. RESSLER, President.
Or J. B. V. EUTLEIl, Secretary.
I.and Ottiee at Portland, Oregon.
July 8, 19U5.
Notice to hereby given that the folluwlng
named lettler has Hied notice of hla intention
to make final proof In support of hia claim, and
that aald proof will be made before the
Beicinter and Receiver at Portland, Oregon,
on September 11, 1906, via:
Everett M. Hurd, H. E. No. 13005 for the ti
of the ) j of sec St, twp 9 1, rang 1U w.
He namea the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of aald land, via:
N. J. Damon, Kraneesco Seley, Joecph A.
Bernardl and H. 8. (ille all of Toledo, Oregon.
Alokrnon 8. Drehkkr, Register.
Call and get acquainted with some of
Tjik Leader's clubbing propositions.
George A. Lantlreth,
The Barber.
A neat hair-cut in any etyle desired
and an easy shave.
1 2SCKXHJaKSIMM!SS!33ffi!aK 9
Toledo, Oregon
Paper Jianjring
Glazing, Varnishing
Furniture Cleaned
and Polished
No. 2. For Yaquina:
Train leaves Albany 12:45 P- m.
" " Corvallis 1:50 p. m.
" Toledo V47 P- m.
Arrive Yaquina, 6:2op. m.
No. 1. Returning:
Leaves Yaquina 6:45 a. m.
Toledo 7:15 a. nu
" Corvallis 11:30 a. m.
arrive ,-i.iuany 12:15 p. m.
For Detroit:
No. 4
Leaves Albany
Arrive Detroit
7:00 a. m.
12:20 p. m.
weaves uetroit 1:00 p. ni.
Arrives Albany 5:55 a. m.
Train No. 1 arrives in Albany
in time to connect with the S. P.
southbound train, as well as giving
two or three hours in Albany be
fore departure of S. P. northbound
train for Portland.
Train No. 2 connects with the
S. P. trains at Corvallis and Al
bany, giving direct service to New
port and adjacent beaches.
Train 3 for Detroit, Breitenbush
and other mountain resorts leaves
Albany at7:oo a. m., reaching De
troit about 6:00 p. m.
For further information apply to
J. C. Mayo,
Genoral Passenger Agent.
J. E. FKANKMN, Agent. Toledo.
. B, H. Boxes, Yaquina,
- '