Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, August 25, 1905, Image 5

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3, J
The Most Delightful Way to Cross the Continent
Through Salt Lake City, Glenwood Springs, Leadville, Pueblo
. Colorado Spriugs and Mauitou.
A Daylight Ride Through Nature's Art Gallery
Passing Castle Gate, Canyou of tlie Grand, Tennessee Pass
Mrhn11 Pns and the Royal Gorge
Equipment and Service Second to None
Seek No Further, for Better Can't Be Found
For Detailed Information, address
124 Third Street
Of Lewis Building, 3504 Morrison St.,
are again in Newport, as advertised,
and will remain a short time, prewired
for all kinds of dental work. Will also
be in Toledo for a few days. Notice
will appeaj iu this paper later.
Ou the Water Trout, one block south
of Depot.
Accommodations as good as can be
found in Lincoln county.
The traveling public cordially invited
to give this house a trial. '
Real Estate Agent j
If you have a farm or town lot
to sell, or if you wish to buy one,
call on me.
Salt Meats
Fish, Etc.
for the Best
Stoves and Ranges
on the Market
y x ours xruiy
loieao. urepon
I o
General Agent
Real Estate
In All Parts of the County
In Toledo and Newport
fjBTl have some bargains to offer in
city property iu Toledo; also n
ranches nearby.
IWli vou wish to buy or sell, write
me, or see me at my office at the
Keeps constantly on hand all
the Standard Varieties of
Fruit Trees
Vines and
Chitwood, Oregon.
In the Count; Court of the State of Oregon,
for the county of Lincoln.
In the mutter of the estate of C.M.Carlson,
u (ceased.
Notice la herebv nlveii that thu iinilnnimi
litis been duly appointed by the County Court
of the state of Orezou fur tha conn tv of
I.I 11
coin, administratrix of the estute of 'J.M. Carl
non, aeceasea. All persona having clal
against paid estate are herebv not i t n
sent them to It. F. Hwmv hi TnlAdo nroir,...
within six months from tho date hereof, duly
Termed as oy law required.
Administratrix of the estate of C. M. Carlson,
Dated this 2Mb. day of July, 190
The Launch Toledo
will make regular trips from Toledo
Newport on Tuesday and Friday of
each week: round-trip fare, 75o ; also
ever; Sunday ; round trip fare, 50c.
Registration of Land Title.
Id the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Lincoln.
ii the matter of the application of K. M.
Howell and T. '. Howell, applicants and
plaintiffs, to register the title to the South
west quarter of aection 15; the North half;
the Southwest quarter; the North half of the
Southeast quarter; and the Southeast quar
ter of the Southeast quarter of section 11, in
township 11 aouth, ranges nest of the Wil
lamette Meridian, and the South half of the
Southwest quarter; and the West half ol the
Southern quarter of section 21, and the
South half; the Northwest quarter of the
Southeast quarter; and the Northeast quar
ter of the Southwest quarter of section 26. in
tewnship 11 aouth. Range 11 west of the Wil
lamette Meridian; and Lot 2, belngall of the
fractional Southeast quarter of the South
west quarter of said section 26. in township
11 aouth, range 11 west of the Willamette
Meridian, lying oa the North and Kast side
of line parallel and 100 feet north and east of
the center line of the track of the Willam
ette Vail y fc Coast Kailroad Company (now
the Corvallia tt Kastarn Kailroad Company)
as now constructed there and running the
entire length of said track: All ef mid land
being situate in Lincoln county, Oregon.
William M. Hoag, Charles Smith Seyton,
WallisNash, Robert Marshall, Henry KiiU
erteoa, Joseph Burrel May, Oregon Agricul
tural Company, Limited, and C. II. Giddiugs,
To William M. Hoag. Charles Smith Seyton,
Robert Marshall, Henry Robertson, Joseph
Buirell May, Oregon Agricultural Company,
limited, aud C. M. Giddlngs, seven of the above
named defendants and to all whom it may
In tho Name of the State of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the ap
plfontton of the abOTe named applicants and
plaintiffs Hied with the clerk of the above en
titled court on the HlU day of July, A. ., lyuu,
within the time prescribed in the order tor
publication hereof, to-wit: On er before six
week-i from the date of the first publication of
this summons; and you are hereby notified
that if you fail to so appear and answer said
application as hereby required, for want
thereof said application will be taken us con
fessed, and said applicant and plaintiffs will
apply to the court for the relief demanded
and prayed for in said application, to-wit: An
order and decree declaring the three here
in aftermentinned Instruments to bo void and
of no effect in so far as tho same constitute
clouds or any cloud upon the title of said ap
plicants and plaintiffs to snld property hi
above described or any part thereof. Two of
which instruments purport to convey, with
other property, the southwest quarter of sec
tion 15, in township li south, range 8 west of
the Willamette Meridian. Oregen. One of
which said two Instruments bears date Decem
ber 28, 188, and was on January 21, I'M, re
Corded on page 174 of Hook "R''of the Records'
of Deeds In and for Benton county, Oregon,
and thereafter transcribed upon and appears
of record at page 292 of Book ' C" of records of
Lincoln countv, Oregon, and names as grantee
therein the above named defendant, Charles
Smith Seyton, as trustee for said defendants,
Wallis Nash, Robert Marshall, Henry Robert
son, Joseph Burrell May and others, which
others nit the grantors named Iu tho other of
said last two mentioned instruments. Which
other instrument bears dale March SO, 188.3,
aud was on August 28, 188., recorded at page
153 of Rook "T" of mid Benton County Deed
Records and was transcribed upon and ap
pears of record at pare 104 of Book "E" of said
Lincoln County Deed Records and names the
the suid defendant, Oregon Agricultural Com
pany, limited, as grantee. And the third of
which said three Instruments bears date Aug
ust 29, 1894, and was on the 6th day of October
1894, recorded at page 44 of Vol. 1 of said Lin
coln County Deed Itecords ami purports to
convey to said defendant, -William M. Hoag,
the Southwest quarter of section 11 in town
ship 11 south, range 8 west of the Willamette
Meridian, in Lincaln couaty, Oregon.
And for a further order declaring the title
and interest of these applicants in said land
as herein above described, directing aud or
derlug the registrar of titles to register the
same and for such other and further relief as
nmy seem meet in equity.
This summons is published for six weeks by
order of the Hon. L. T. Harris. Judge of the
above entitled Court, which said order is dated
July 11, 1905. The date of the first publication
of this summons is July 14,
County Clerk and ex-ofticio Clerk of the Cir
cult Court of Lincoln Countv, Oregon.
Ill the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for Lincoln County.
E. M. Baxter, Plaintiff,
S. S. Cramer, Defendant.
Under and by virtue of an order of sale and
execution issued out of the Circuit Court of
the State of Oiegon for Lincoln County, on the
24th day of July, A. D. 1W5, in the above
entitled action, wherein K. M. luxter, the
above-named plaintiff, obtained a judgment
and order of sale against S. S. ( tamer, the
above-named defendant, on the llthdiiyof
July, 1W, for the sum of fl7fi.4u In U. S. gold
coin, with in totes', thereon in like gold coin at
tlm rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 14th
day of July, 1905, aud the further sum of
137.50 attorney fee, and the further Mim of $'8
for costs and disbursements, iu which judg
ment it was further ordered by the Court that
tho property attached in said aclian and here
inafter described be sold fur the satisfaction of
said judgment, in the manner provided by
law, which judgment was enrolled and dock
eted in the Clerk's office of said Court on the
19th day ot July, 1905. In aid order of Hale
and writ of attachment execution I am com
manded to sell Ihe following-described real
property of said plaintiff, S. S. Cramer, being
the property attached In said action, to-wit:
Tho south half of the northweu quarter and
tha lots 3 and 4 of section 4, in township :;
south of range I) west of Willamette Meridian,
anil containing 111'.! 07 of an acre, situate in
Lincoln county. State of Oregon.
Notice Is hereby given that on Saturday, the
2d day of tcptember, 11K .1, at 1 o'clock p. in.
thereof, in front of the County Courtheuse, at
Toledo, in Lincoln county, State of Oregon, 1
will, in ebedtunce to said order and writ of ex
ecution, sell the abeve-descrlbed real property,
or so much thereof as may be necessary to
satisfy plaintiff's judgment, with interest
thereon aatl costs and disbursements, to the
highest and best bidder for cash in hand, gold
coin of the United States. J. II. ROSS,
'' ttheriffof Lincoln County, State oi iregon.
Gold Watch
Given Away
Every purchaser of 25 cents worth of any goods iu my store, excepting Flour
and Feed, Sugar. Meats and Tobacco will receive a ticket entitling bolder to
a chance on a fine Ladies' Elgin Watch. Ask to see it.
Geo. L. McCaulou
The Toledo Sawmill
Yellow Fir, Spruce and Alder
Good Stock of Seasoned Lumber on
Any Other Tort, at Prices.Consiateiit with Market Conditions
Quality and Prompt Delivery Guaranteed
Flooring, Ceiling
Rustic, Shiplap
Boxing, Stepping
Boat Lumber
Door and Window Jam b
Turned Porch Columns
Brackets Cresting
Agent for Alfred
United States Land Office, 1'ortland, Oregon,
August 2. 1!U".
A sufficient contest affidavit having been
filed in this office by Nina A. Ward, contestant,
against homestead untry No. 1.V31, made
March 22, 1904, for lots 2. 3 and 4, section 1,
township 10 s, range 11 w, by Ellthu F. Rice,
contestec, in which it Is alleged that she is
well acquainted with the tract of land em
braced in the said entry and knows the pres
ent condition of the same; also that said
Kllsha Rice, the entryninn above-named, has
never established his residence ou the said
tract of land, nor has lie resided thereon at all j
or at any time; and also that he has not
resided on said land or cultivated the soil or
Improved the same for a period of more than
six months immediately preceding March 17,
WOS, the date of filing of Ihe original contest
by the said Nina A. Ward against said entry
man: and that the only Improvements on the
claim contdstof a rndo cabin: and that said
alleged absence from the said tract of laud
was nut duo to his employment In the Army.
Navy or Marine Corps of tho United States as a
private soldier, officer, seaman or marlt.e, dur
ing the war with Spain or during any other
war i'l which the United Suites is or has been
engaged; said parlies are hereby untitled to
appear, respond and offer evidence touching
said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on scpteui
tier 14, 1905, before the Register and Receiver
at the United States Land Otllcu In Portland,
Thu said contestant having, in a proper
aflldavlt. tiled June 29, 1905, set forth facts
which nhnw'thiit after due diligence personal
service of this notice can not bo mado, It is
hereby ordertd and directed that such notice
be given by due and proper publication.
(iKo. W. HiiiEK, Receiver.
When paius or irritation exist on any
part of tho body, I ho application of
Ballard's Snow Liniment fcives prompt
relief. E W Snllivau, proprietor Sulli
van Mount, El Kuuo. U. T.. writes, Juno
0, 1902: 4,I take pleasure iti rucommend
Ing Ballard's Snow Liniment to nil w ho
are atllicted wit In rheumatism. It is
the only remedy F have found that gives
immediate relief."' 25c, D0o$l. Sold
by O. O. Kxootad:,
hand. Lumber delivered at Newport oir
Picture Moulding
Panel Moulding
Crown Moulding
Bed Moulding
Moulded Casing and Base
Balusters and Spindles
Water Table
Peats' Wall Paper
U. S. Land otlice at Portland, Or.,
Julys, 1(05.
Notice is hereby given that tho following
nuiued settler lias Hied notice of his Intention
to make llnal proof in suppnit of his claim,,
and that said proof will be made heiore tho
Register und Receiver at Portland, Oregon,
on September 11, liiOo, viz:
Norton J. Damon, II. E. No. i:31 for the n.'j
of s1 .j of see :il, twp 9 south, range 10 west.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residenso upon and cultivation,
of said land, viz:
Francesco Seley, II. 8. tillc, E. M. Hurd and.
Joseph A. Ilemardl oil of Toledo, Oregon.
Ai.iiKHNoN S. l) it Ess it r, Register.
Land Ofllceat Portland, Oregon
July '.".', lIHii.
Notice Is hereby given, that the following
named settler has tiled nolleo of his Intention
to make filial proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be
made beloru the Register and Receiver at
Portland, Oregon, ou September 5, 1!HI5, viz:
R. Vaude llwre, II. E. No. lMtl for the i ol
nw1., ee 12, twp 12 s, r 9 w.
Ilr names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivatlo.i of saiil land, viz:
Arnold Kester, Frank Stoner and Charles W
Mulkey all of Harlan, Oregon; (icorge- Iad..
better of Peek, Oregon.
AUiKitnoN S. DiiRssrn, Register.
Ill the County Court of the State ol Oregon,
for the County of Lincoln.
In the matter of Hie estnto of Samuel S..
Walters, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
has been appointed by thu county court of the
stale of Oictfon. for the eourty of Lincoln, ad
ministratrix of-the cstaic. of h'uinnel K. Wal
ters, decHM:.l. AH persons having claims;
agslnst xttiil i tnic are l.croo nolinud to pre
sent them to nm et Toledo, Oregon, within,
six months mm ll dale hereof, duly vrrilled
as by law required. Cathi.kink Ratkuan,
Adininistrii'rlx ui '.ho eMa'.e ol Samuel S. Wal
ters, deceased.
Dated at Toledo, Oregon, July TH, 1505.
Tub Lradkr aud Paciik Homestead!
tor only. It "to. Now it' the time