Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, August 25, 1905, Image 4

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    Lincoln . County Leader, j
Official County Paper.
Kncere1 at the wtofllrr t Toledo, Orecoa. u
rvriiud-elux mall matter.
One Year -tvx
Three Months -
il 50
Obeyed Orders.
Speakiug of the vital question of the
hour, the Ken-ant," said Mrs. Young
Matron, "I engaged a cook-lady last
eek who came well recommAndui
iter she had been with me several j
luys I said to her, 'I will stir up a fruit- j
cake but I want you to attend to the
buking of it Bake the cake,' said I
impressively, 'one hour by the clock!
pointing to one of those cheap affairs,
made of metal of some kind, that hung
tn the kitchen wall.
" 'Sure, Mum,' Nora replied.
' I went upstairs, took my sewing,
and soon the hum of the sewing
machine broke the stillness. After a
while my nostrils were assailed by a
most peculiar odor. I sniffed the at
mosphere, trying to determine what
the smell might be, for sometimes
trash was thrown into the furnace
along with the coal. Itstnelled neither
like burning rags, paper, nor rubber.
I threw down my sewing n'd hastened
to the kitchen.
' 'What is burning, Nora?' I ex
claimed. ' 'Faith, Mum, it must he the clock,'
lie replied.
" 'The clock ! what do you mean?''
' Nora opened the oven door, disclos
ing the oake and what was Uft of the
clock 'side by eaoh.' I grabbed the
coal-scuttle and hurriedly raked into
it the smelly mass.
" 'What on earth, Nora,' I demanded,
'made you put the clock in the oven?
Are you crazy?'
" 'Crazy, is it?' site made answer in
tones that a tragedy queen "might have
envied, 'and I just a-followin' your
orders.. Didn't you tell me yourself.
"Nora, bake tho cake one hour by the
idock?" Lippincotts.
Some Summer Snaps.
Dear Reader:
How does this offer strike you :
l.aily and Sunday Portland .lour.
nal, regular price bv mini t7 nn
Lincoln Coonxx Leader. . ... .... . 1 6
Regular price for both' . . .$8 50
Iluaiikb subscribers get both for.. 7 00
And save $v 50
Jtnily Journal (except Sunduy)k . ..$5 00
kiNcoLN. Count Leader. i 50
Regular price, for beth. $G 50
Uiadkb. subscribers get both, for. . 5 00
And save fl 50
Semi- Weekly Journal $1 50
li.i:xuoLN County Lbajikb. 1 50
Regular prict for both . .$3 00
hiiADER.subscribers get both for. . 1 75
Audi save fl 25
Bettor hurry this won't lust long.
It's said that a certain girL described
Iter visit to the Lewis aud Clark, expo
sition as follows:. "Oh but I had a
perfectly lovely timo. I contrived there
:il 9:35 and took a cabby to. the hotel.
H was soon cou verted vou know.. We
stopped at the hotiso where' we rode- lo
our rooms in. a refrigerator and our
rooms were illustratad with, elaotrio
lights. did not liavo any appetite
ml could not get a thing I could
realize. Honestly when I got home I
wan almost an individual."
Stop That Cough.. .
When a cough, a tickling or an ifrita-
hiou iu tli throat makes yon feel un
comfortable, take Ballard's Ilorehound
Syrup. Don't wait until the disease
has gone beyond centrol. Mt. and
Mrs. J A Anderson, 354 Wesb 5th St.,
Salt Lake City, Utah, wiitea: V
tJiink Ballard's Worhoutid Syrup, tho
beat medicines for coughs aud colds.
We have usedi it for several years ; it
alwavs uives. immoiliutn. rallaf. iu on,...
tdeasant and gives perfect satisfaction.'-;
'4rc,.50c, $L For sale by O.U.Kioa.Htad.
NOTJOK TO FISHERMEN.. visit the Mormon Capital as-well as a
-Notice la horeliv given that under day ,iRht ride tl,r0USh tlia- grandest
Hio New Schedule of Licenses a license sner iu tle rtd.
tor a gill-net or diJft-net is $0.00; set- For fOKepvations in this car and for
net, $J 50; sein..not to.oxceed 300 feet illustrftt!'1 booklets picturing the scen
in length. $l.").0(l,aiid'foreacbadditioual.lorycont'euon3 to' the Denver-& Hie
fioi, 3 cents. I Grande, proving, it to be-the "Sconic
To opHrato snail guar for. Uie purpose 1 Line of 1,10 Wort,,i'" write to W. C.
of taluug salmon in any of the waters ! Mol5rll3e. Onnorai Agent, 124 Third
of. this state wiUiont- first obtaining a 8tael .Portland.
liceuse therofor is au offtose that will
Uo prosecuted, in the courts.
II. G. V'an Dusen,
Master Pish. Warden, of the Suite of
iMloJ. Asioria, Crcn. Autvn.4,000
Old-Growth Fir, Spruce and Alder
I Boat and Box Lumber cut to order
No. 1 Yertical-Graln Flooring . Am well prepared to furnish
and Mouldings a Specialty anything in building line
Operating an Upto-Date Planer
Good Stock of Dry Lumber on hand
I will deliver lumber at any point on the C. & K. railroad or
tidewater on Yaquina bay at right prices, quality considered
branch yards j, R. Mays fc Son, Elk City
J. A. J. Fleming Newport
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That bids will be received for the sale of
the following described inherited Indian lands, situated and being in Lincoln
County, Oregon, as per schedule hereiu set forth, to-wit:
DIVISIONS Ellon H Watts NJ n; lot 16
Hoxle Simmnna NeJ sw , msli w,'i
Hoxie Simmon Lot 32
EJ 2 iiwj. swJi, Kw',i
Hoxle Simmons VU seM nw'i
seJi, w;, aw!4 te
Annie Tecumsch HJ sw
NJj lot 3 ne'i, nj j lot 4 ne!j
N w)4 nwJi
John Spencer et nl Sw1 w.-', lay i
Catherine FairehlM NeJ4 se;, lot B
William Klamath Lots 8 unci 4
Martha Johnson Ne,1 ne'.J
Marthu Johnson ne1
Martha Johnson Lots 29, 30, Ul and Si
Katheriue Evans Lots 14, IS and IS
Si vni n ni
Kathcrlne Evans 8 nvt
David John et al Lota :0, 31, Si
Ida Bensell i Sv!
Albert Martin et al Swi ue. nvtH ae'4
Albert Martin et al..K aeV; ne4, nj ne'i e
KH HV.'-4 sv'4, !j aw'i iiwJi
Coquelle Thompson V $ nw'. se4', ne'
swJi and lot 12 swj
John Albert Lot 6 and swne'i
John Albert Lots 5 ami 7
Lots Jti and ;
John Albert.......... Lot 6, sec 10; lot 1
Nollie Winkler Lota 4, 0, 8, 10, 18, 19, 20, 28
Cequelle Thompson. . . . E'i nw(i swV.J, ci i ' :
w"4', sec 29; wt ne'J
nwy see 32; lot S2 neyt
Butler Falrohlld Lots 12, 13, 14 and 15
Honry Johnson Nw'i w, lots 5, 6,
7, 8, swJi nw.'i
Charles Johnson Lot 9 see It; se no)i
sec 4; e4 sw.'4 ne see 4
Charles Johnson HJJ lot 29e'
lots 3, 4; nw'i Z ae'i
and w; stt'j'4 ne) i
Moses Lane.... WU ne'i nw'4, eH lot 1 nw,
w;a seU 1114, erg lot 2 nJi
Ellen Watts Lot 4 swf i see 24 ; ue.'i sw.1
Koue Rlyer Jack Nw; sw'i, m'
ItoKue KiverJack SwJiiwy, sw nw).,'
Ellua Albert Nwsw!t'
Foule Fuller Xei sw.U and lot 0
Louie Fuller Lots 29, 20, ;il and 3'J
Kllsa A'lbort.S sw.'i of,,', nw se.1;, nJS aw se
Eliza Albert.. .s'i seJi nej, nej. se,1,, n.2 se se
Said: bids wiil be received up to V o'clock, noon, of the various days upon
which they are listed to be opened in above schedule, and must be enclosed in
sealed envelopes directed to Knott C. Egbert, Superintendent, Siletz, Oregou.
Envelopes contaiuing such bids should not have noted thereon the description
of the lands to which the bids relate, but there shall be noted on such envelopes
the date upon which the bid is to be opened. Bidders should submit a draft on
somo Fontlnnd bank;-otherwise remit euotigh to cover exchange on outside
Supt..and Special Disbursing Agent,
Popular and Picturesque.
The oniy thing necessary to make the
Denver and Rio Grande the most pop
ular, as it has over been known the
most pleasant and most picturesque
way to cross tlto continent, has come
about. This is the- establishment of
through sleeping car survioei
In connection with the O. ft. & N. a
through Pullman Standard Sleeper is
now run from Portland to Denver,
lea ving Portland at 8;15 p. m. arriving
at Salt I.aka at 8:40 a. ui...tbe second
morning, leaving Salt Lake at 3:50 p.
m. and arriving at Denver 4:20 p. ro.
tl,e followiK
This schedule gives
passengers suven hours- stop over in
Salt Lake, affording an opportunity to
Renders the. bile more fluid and thug
helps the. blood to flow; it affords
prompt relief from biliousnees, indi
gestion,, sick and. ner.vous headaches
B E R !
Toledo, Oregon
3 Acres Tte, D,e BitJ
: : Listed Opened
W 10 r June 20 Sept. 2i
9 9 80 '
9 9 SO
9 9 80 "
9 9 80 "
9 11 110.03 " "
9 11 80.67 "
10 9 82.10 " . "
9 9 40
9 9 80 " '
9 9 80 '
9 80 '
9 9 80 ' "
10 10 60 "
6 10 80 July 24 Oct. 23 '
7 H 80 " ..
7 11 "
7 11 80 '
7 11 83.12 " "
8 1(1 78.13
8 10 ) !,
9 10 . 80.43 ii
8 10 91.83 ' ,
9 10 . 84.97 "
11 80 Aug. 7 Nov. 7
9 10 80 "
9 10 80.56 ' "
10 9 80 ' ii
9 9"
10 9 85.22
9' 9 78.65 "
8 11 77.48 " '
10 0 80 " "
10 - 9 80 "
9 9 40 "
9 11 72.55 "
0 11 80 " .
9 9 80 " "
9 9 80 " '
in Cbargo of Siletz Agency, Oregon.
and the over-indulgence in food and
drink, llerbine acts quickly; a dose
after meals will bring the patient into
a good condition in a few days.
G. L. Cal.lwelU Agent M. K. & T. K.
U. Cbecotah, Ind. Ter., writes, April
18, liK)3 : "I was sick for over two years
with enlargement of the liver and
spleen. The doctors did me no good,
and I had giveu up all hope of being
cured, when my druggist advised me to
use Herbioe. It has made me sound
and. well. 50o. Sold by O.O.Krogstad.
The Keystone.
When iii Newport go to the Keystone
for ice cream, served in all the latest
styles;-also a very choice line of con
fectionery, cigars and souvenir cards.
A. D. Srollkxbukg, Proprietor.
When iu Newport go to tho Bon. Ton
for cigars, tobacco and confectionery.
Cures: Sciatic.
Rev. W L Riley, L.L..D., Cuba,. New
Yorkj writes: "After fifteen days of ex
cruciating' pain from sciatic rbeuma
tioin,,nudep various treatments, I was
induoed: to. try Ballard's Snow Lin I'
inent; the. first application giving my
first relief and the second entire rolief.
I can give it unqualified recommenda
tion." 25c. 60c.. IL. Sold, by O. O.
1 Ikrogstad,
! jj TII08. J.F.ESE, J. Dflll EY. KM. SCAHTH, r
l'rerldent. Vice President. Cxhlcr. 7
IdpcolQ - goupty gaQls
Responsibility $75,000
Transacts a General Banking Business
Interest Paid on Time Deposits
Exchange Sold on All Points
State, County and School Warrants Bought
Principal Correspondents :
PORTLAND Canadian Bank of
cisco Dank, Ltd
NEW YOKK-J. P. Morgan i
CHICAGO First National
X A.
Ml ft dh.i . dteu
Toledo Livery and Feed Stable
Good Rigs and well-broken saddle horses. Special attention
given to Traveling Men. Horses boarded by day, week or month
Leaves Toledo at 7:30 a. m.. . .
Leaves Siletz at 12:40 p. m
The Leading Hotel
of Toledo, Oregon
In order to compete with
the leading hotels we are
compelled to establish the
following rates :
Commercial accommodations pet
day ....$2.00
Tourists and others. . . . , $1 to 1.50
Single meals to residents 25
Any guest dissatisfied with ac
commodations will have mon
ey refunded by making com
plaint to the management.
C. R. Ellsworth
Why Does
Woman Paint?
when she beholds my beautiful colors
and tints of bandy Household lVnts, 1
Varnishes, Stains, Lncqner, Flnorhic
and Enamels. Everybody wants to
paint when they see my durable mul
lasting house paints, roof hikI Imni
paints, also the famous cold-water
paint. The only stock of wallpaper in
Lincoln county at competition pi ices.
Look my big stock over and let me
figure with you.
The Toledo Druggist
Toledo Bakerv
JACOB BURKEL, Propietor.
South End of Water- Ftont liow.
Fresh Bread
Fresh Pies
Fresh Cakes
Iii fact. Everything to he found in a
First-Class Bakery Alwuys in Stock.
Orders Out of Town
Promptly Filled
Agent for Harelwood
Ice; Creanj.
Commerce, lxjudon and San Fran- (j
Sau Francisco Bank, Ltd.
and San Francisco Bank, Ltd.
&i -rinJ -
Hall & Anderson
. . .Arrives at Siletz at 10:50 a. m.
. . . Arrives at Toledo at 4.00 p. m.
Rooms 1 and 2, ) Oregon City,
Weinhard Bldg, I Oregon
U. S. Land Office Business
a Specialty.
Twenty years' experience befoje the
Local aud the General Land Ollice
and the Interior Department
at Washington, D. 0.
Rooms 500 507
Columbia Building Portland, Or.
Attorn ey-at-Law,
Notary Public.
Will practice in all the courts of
Oregon. Five and one-ball' years
clerk of Probate and Circuit
courts. Has complete up-to-date
Abstract of Lincoln County.
Deputy District Attorney
eor Lincoln County
Will practice in all courts in thQ
stale. Probate matters and collet:
tions promptly attended to.
Otlice in Courthouse, Upstairs,
James Mcdonald
Cwxwqoj,, LiNcaw. Cppkxt. 0kuo.