.s 0 y 'A tfaUEC2easK "ii,irh,,-,jir,71:'wiii'- ,jv; n immfsmssski mw mam ra The Most Delightful Way to Cross the Continent Through Salt Lake City, Glen wood Springs, Leadville, Pueblo Colorado Spriugs and Mauitou. Daylight Ride Through Passing Custlo Gate, Canyou Marshall Pass and 3 TRAINS DAILY BETWEEN Equipment and Service Second to None Seek No Further, for Better Can't Be Found For Detailed Iuformation, address V. C. ncBRIDE, 124 Third Street PARKER HOUSE, TOLEDO, OR. On the Water Front, one block south of Depot. Accommodations as good as can be fouud In Li.icolu county. RATES REASONABLE. The trave'icg public cordially invited to gire this bouse a trial. ALLEN PAltKEll, Proprietor. M. WYGANT. SURVEYOR Real Estate Agent INSURANCE If you have a farm or town lot to sell, or if you wish to buy one, call on me. George A. Landreth, The Barber. A neat hair-cut iu any style desired and an easy shave. Thoma3 Parker PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Yaquina Ray Mercantile Co. Big. TOLEDO, OREGON. DR. ADAMS' Dental Parlors Portland, Oregon. Lewis Block, Morrison Street, one block Portland Hotel. Keeps constantly on hand the SUJKbml Varieties of Fruit Trees Vines and Shrubbery Vni I II g It'a a Habit when usinj STEVENS ! I ARMS lulling b. li's-Eyes and bringing ,iB1llliB-M H down your Rame. Ail ra;uisitj firearm vir- -N ItItRfIHtoVt m tties are embodied ii our famous line rf . IT K P K Y P R1FLE PI3T0LS nnd SHOTGUNS. How can IU I I II lill 1 1 1 j ym I clp hiiting the mark wheu suooii-'g a ' 1! VtlJVull I ffi r t r v f. tj a ? J. H. WILSON, Curi 'vooo, 0;t:r.ON, Headquarters for the Best Stoves and Ranges on the Market Yours Truly GARDNER & AVERY j j jaj Toledo, Oregon Nature's Art Gallery of the Grand, Tennessee Pass the Royal Gorge OGDEN AND DENVER 3 General Agent PORTLAND, OREGON J. D. Wetmore, PIIVSICIAN AND SURGEON. Iain Ollioe Yaquina Branch Ofllce Toledo Something New. The Oregon Semi-Weekly Journal will soon lgin the publication of a new newspaper novel by Paul DeLaney, entitled, ''The Sheepherder " In order to give our readers a chance to read this story, we have arranged an un precedented low clubbing rate with the Journal. This paper and the Semi Weekly Journal will be given one year, the two for 1.75. Call at once and subscribe iu order to get the first chap ter of the story. This offer applies to old subscribers paying in advance well as new ones. BLUE PRINT MAPS. Blue print maps of any town ship in Roseburg, Oregon, and Dis trict, showing all vacant lands, for 50 cents each. If you want any information from the U. S. Land Office, address , Title Guarantee & Loan Co., Roseburg, Or For a Weak Digestion. No medicine can replace food but Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets will help you to digest your iood It is not the quantity of food tnken that gives strength and vigor to the sys tern, but the amount digested and us similated. If troubled with a weak di gestion, don't fail to give these Tablets a trial. Thousands have been bene fitted by their use. They only cost a quarter. For sale by 0. O. Krogstad. A--,'- your dealer and In- Send 4 cents Postare f.-r W you cannot obtain the scrl's entire output, all 11 R STEVENS, wc ship i'A- ad.litiun; Mnt on flll W 11 in::, ruuuniti n, ex-, I tect, express prepaid nands.me co.erdesi-n I nmn retell of prLe. ! A. II. Vvit. R "T r CAN 111'. UuNL:" l'-.at new an 1 aftn.tivj j f ji?tle of ours, lul wi.I -ee? yujfiic;sini;t:ril:l you j b bidvu i;. Try ;'oi;r liz'i eemni. It's fiee, S J. STEVES ASMS AXQ TOOL CD. ! H P. O. BOX 4031 1 CH1COPEE FALLS, MA3C. V. 0. A. For. Sale by OardDsr.ft Ayery EXTENDING WINTER BATE 3 To Yaquina Eay Which to Peo pie Wishing to Enjoy Nat ure's Beauties Proves so Popular. The low rates in effect from points on ; the S. P. to Yaquiua Bay during the wiuter, which proved so popular with the people wishing to view the beauties I of nature at that magnificent sea-ide resort, havebeen extended during the month of April, and tickets will be sold on Wednesdays nud Saturdays until the last of April, good for return at any time up to May 31, 1905. riie month of Apnl shonlil oe a fav orite one for visiting the seaside, where i Smiling Spring her earliest visit pays," and where the health-giving breezes of the Pacific will banish "Spring Fever" and other ills to which flesh is heir. Tickets from all East Side poiuts to all West Side points, and vice versa, via the C. & E. are also on sale; and on April 1st tickets to all West side points will be on sale by the C. & E. at Albany; and to all East side points on the S. P. by the C. & E. at Corvallis on which baggage can be checked through to des tination, thus avoiding delay and an noyauce to passengers traveling be tween East and West side poiuts. Full information as to rates, baggage, etc., can be obtained by applying to the nearest S. P. agent or direct from. W. E. Coman, G. P. A., S. P. Co., Portland, or T. II. Curtis, Acting Manager, C. & E. R. R Co.. Albany. A Kansas City young man who had just married suggested to his wife that they argue some question fully and frankly every morning in order to know more of each other. The first question happened to be, "Can a woman dress on seventy-live dollars a year.'" lie took the affirmative, and when last seen was climbing into a hay loft with the evident intention of pulling the ladder up after bim. Ballard's Horehonnd Syrup. It immediately relieves a hoarse, croupy cough, oppressed, rattling, rasp ing nd difficult breathing. Henry C. Steams, druggist, Sbullsburg, Wis., writes, May 20, 1901: '! have been selling Ballard's HorehounJ Syiup for two years, and have never had a prep aration that has given better satisfac tion. I notice that when I sell a bottle they come back for more. I can hon estly recommend it." 25c,50c,$l. Sold bv 0. O. Krogstad. For Sale. A good farm of 360 acres, about 100 acres on river; 111 miles good fence, acres fiue orchard, just in bearing; 140 good goats, about half and half wethers and nannies will increase about 50 or GO beginning April 1 ; 50 head good sheep ; 7 bead cattle, including 4 good cows soon to be fresh ; 2 good young horses; everything on ranch goes ex cept bedding and wearing apparel One-half mile from schoolhouse, post office and sawmill. Address W. H. Daniel, Elk City, Oregon. Dried Italian Prunes 4 cents per pound, at H. S. Pbcxeh's, Nashville, Or. A COONSKIN FARE. It Would Hare Paid the Traveler to Let the Change (Jo. Many years ago, as the story runs, when coonskins were worth six bits n piece in Arkansas and a regulur fee of two bits was assessed fur ferrying a horseman across the St. Francis river, there came along a traveler whose en tire capital consisted of but a single pelt, uiid the ferryman hadn't a cent of (luinge iu his pocket. The traveler was bound to cross, but refused to pay three times as much as the man who passed before hhu or the one who was to come next. The ferry Inan would not wet an oar unless pay uient for his services wits assured. Here was ample foundation for an ar guineut, and presumably the opportu nity was not neglected. lint a satisfac tory arrangement was finally reached, the traveler getting value received for his coonskin by being wafted thrice across the stream. This of course would leave him on the rlpht side, and neither party to the trade would have cause for complaint. Such was the gen erous spirit of accommodation which obtained in these earlier days, such but hold on a bit. On the second trip the ferryman chanced to inspect the coonskin close ly and fouud that it was by no weans up to the recognized standard. Maybe It had been killed too early In the sea son or was not properly stretched. Anyway, he decided that fnr bits was nil it was worth, and tiie traveler frankly admitted the soundness of his judgment, acknowledged that he had received 'its value iu the do,iMe fer rlate und forthwith started on lii.i fifty mile ride ud the river to the neurit point where Ic. as forda'lo. h ield and Stroaia.. GO Geo. L. McCauloo For BEST BARGAINS The Toledo Sawmill G. L. GRAY, Yellow Fir, Spruce and Aider L TJ M B E R Good Stock of Seasoned Lumber on hand. Lumber delivered nt Newport nr Any Other Port, at Prices.Consistent with Market Conditions Quality and Prompt Delivery Guaranteed! Flooring. Ceiling Rustic, Shiplap Boxing, Stepping Boat Lumber Door and Window Jamb Turned Porch Columns Brackets, Cresting Boxes Agent for Alfred Peats' Wall Paper PAT BLACK percheron: Will make the season of 1905 betwecm Blodgett Valley, Eddyville and Toledo. TERMS 8 10 to insure. For dates see bills. papke & Mcdowell Summit, Oregon! The Popular Hambletonian Stallion! CHAMAL, Jr. Will make the season at Toledo and Siletz. Dates and Terms see bills: Pjjjqjjjjj; . Cliatnal. .Ir, nired by C'luiuml No. 10794, he by Cham, plain 1011, :;-fciir old roiord 2:1:0, tie by Daniel Ls.iiihcrr, the groat biro oi" .Morpan trolling horses, lie by KHian Allen, he by Ulu.-k lbwW. Tlio dani of Cliaua 10771 Castle, v. sired by t lie grwit Aluiont IUJ, he by- Ahliallah to, ho by Ih-nu. blotooian ID. Casile a dim Uosa Clay, by Aim i Kam Cly, by CussIum M. Clay. Will S.i $100 for Pick of Colts at weaning time. Ynr H. COAD, Owner and Manar TO Proprietor Picture Moulding Panel Moulding Crown Moulding1 Bed Moulding. Moulded Casing and Base Balusters and Spindles Water Table Fencing i ! f J . e i. "i ' 1 1 1 1' t H