Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, April 14, 1905, Image 5

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    Millinery Opening.
On Saturday, April 2L I will have my
spring and summer stock of millinery,
dress goods, etc, ready for inspection
the latest of everything in these lines.
My stock of street hats has already ar
rived. Call aud see them.
Mrs. T. P. Fish.
Headquarters i
for the Best j
Stoves and Ranges
The Most Delightful Way to Cross the Continent
Through Salt Lake City, Glenwood Springs, Leadville, Pueblo
Colorado Spriugs and Mauitou.
A Daylight Ride Through Nature's Art Gallery
Passing Castle Gale, Canyon of the Grand, Tennessee Puss
Marshall Pass and the pLoyal Gorge
Equipment and Service Second to None
Seek No Further, for Better Can't Be Found
For Detailed Information, address
134 Third Street
On the Water Front, one block south
of Depot.
Accommodations as good as can be
found in Lincoln county.
The traveling public cordially invited
to cive this house a trial.
Real Estate Agent
If you have a farm or town lot
to sell, or if you wish to buy one,
call on me.
George A. Landreth,
The Barber.
A neat hair-cut iu any style desired
and an easy shave.
Thomas Parker
Office Yaquina Bay Mercantile Co. Big.
Dental Parlors
Portland, Oregon.
Lewis Block, Morrison Street, ono block
Portland Hotel.
Keeps constantly on hand all
the Standard Varieties of
'Fruit Trees
Vines and
CiJJ'j:VV,OOD,, 0.1 KG OX.
on the Market
Yours Truly 1
Toledo, Oregon
General Agent
J. D. Wetmore,
Main Ollice Yaquina Branch Oftlee Toledo
More from Fall Creek.
Fall Creek, April 10, 1905.
Editor Leader:
We notice there has been quite a dis
cussion going on through the columns
of Tue Leader in regard to our tele
phone line, and, as I am a member of
the Fall Creek Mutual Telephone Com
pany, perhaps 1 can explain the mutter.
We will not attempt to correct the niis
tanes in the Fall Creek items of Feb
ruary 24, as that has been done by T. J.
Cams; but to the answer to his article
we will say that while we admire some
things contained therein, we think
they are a little hard on the Fall Creek
people. It is true that if each citizen
would do all lie could to put down ly
ing, stealing, incendiarism, drink and
we would also add, forgery and murder
tne country would certainly be better
off, but we fail to see wherein our com
pany has been guilty of any of the
aforesaid crimes, but we think it very
kind of the writer to attend so closely
to 3ir. lorn s business, as he is a man
but little past 50 years of age and we
know he must feel grateful for. this
favor. When we had our first tele
phone meeting Mr. Taylor was present
for the purpose of selling us thia liue
belonging to him and Mr. Vidito. but
there seemed to be a misunderstanding
and Oscar Tom claimed to own a part
inttrest in the line, bo they decided to
postpone the meeting, in hope it could
be settled satisfactorily to all ; but hs
Mr. Tom did not prove an interest in
the line, Mr. Taylor agreed to give us a
bill of sale to the line, and he plainly
stated that Mr. Tom owned no interest
in the line; so another meeting was
held and the line bargained for, but it
has not been signed over to the com
pany yet, aud will not be for a short
time. I feel quite sure that if Mr. Tom
proves an interest in the liue he will be
dealt fairly with. Therefore, as the
lina baa uot changed hands, we would
advise that it retain its old name the
Taylor and Vidito line. After the deal
U completed, if our worthy correspond
ent sees tit to suggest a name, we will
consider it.
Claire Tbenholm.
This is positively the close of this
controversy, so far as Thb Leader is
concerned, both sides having had a
Rheumatic Pains Quickly Re
lieved. The excrutiatiug paitis characteristic
of and sciatica are quickly
relieved by applying Chamberlain's
Pain Balm. The great pain relieving
power of the liniment has been the sur
prise aud delight of thousands of suf
ferers. The quick relief from pain
which it affords is aloue worth many
times its cost. For sale by O. O. Krojr-stnd,
St. John's Church.
Services on the first and third Sun
days of each month.
Sunday School at 10 a. m.
Morning Prayer and sermon at 11 a.m.
Evening Prayer at 7:30 p. m.
Everybody invited and will be made
Rkv. Frank Owen Jones,
To Yaquina Bay Which to Peo
ple Wishing to Enjoy Nat
ure's Beauties Proves
so Popular.
The low rates in effect from points on
the S. P. to Yaquina Bay during the
winter, which proved so popular with
the people wishing to view the beauties
of nature at that magnificent seaside
resort, haveboen extended during the
month of April, and tickets will be sold
on Wednesdays and Saturdays until
the last of April, good for return at any
time up to May 31, 1905.
The month of April should be a fav
orite one for visiting the seaside, where
"Smiling Spring liprearlipst visit pays,"
and where the health-giving breezes of
the Pacific will banish "Spring Fever"
and other ills to which flesh is heir. '
Tickets from all East Side points to
nil West Side points, and vice versa,
via the C. & E. are also on sale ; and on
April 1st tickets to all West side points
w ill be on sale by the C. & E. at Albany;
and to all East side points on the S. P.
by the C. & E. at Corvallis on which
baggage can be checked through to des
tination, thus avoiding delay aud an
noyance to passengers traveling be
tween East and West side points.
Full information as to rates, baggnge,
etc., can be obtained by applying to the
nearest S. P. agent or direct from W. E.
Coman, G. P. A., S. P. Co., Portland, or
T. II. Curtis, Acting Manager, C. &
E. R. R. Co.. Albany.
Ballard's Horehound Syrup.
It immediately relieves a hoarse,
croupy cough, oppressed, rattling, rasp
ing and difficult breathing. Henry C.
Stearns, druggist, Shullsburg, Wis.,
writes, May 20, 1901: "I have been
selling Ballard's Horehound Syrup for
two years, and have never had a prep
aration that has given better satisfac
tion. I notice that when I sell a bottle
they come back for more. I can hou
estly recommend it." 25c,50c,$l. Sold
by O. O. Krogstad.
For Sale.
A good farm of 360 acres, about 100
acres on river; miles good fence, 2
acres fine orchard, just in bearing; 140
good goats, about half and half wethers
and nannies will increase about 50 or
60 beginning April 1; 50 head good
sheep; 7 head cattle, including 4 good
cows soon to be fresh ; 2 good young
horses; everything on ranch goes ex
cept bedding and wearing apparel.
One-half mile from schoolbouse, post
office and sawmill. Address
W. II. Daniel,
Elk City, Oregon.
About Rheumatism.
There are few diseases that inflct moro
torture than rheumatism and there is
probably no disease for which such a
varied and useless lot of remedies have
been suggested. To say that it can be
cured is, therefore, a bold statement to
make, but Chamberlain's Pain Balm,
which eujovs an extensive sale, has met
with great success in the treatment of
this disease. One application of Pain
Balm affords such nuir-k rulipf mul
costs but a trifle? For sale by O. O.
Talk-o-phone Given Away.
With every purchase of fifty cents
worth of garden, veeetchlo aud flower
seed you will be entitled to a free ticket
oy wbush you may wiu the beet talkinir
singing and playing machine now on
the market. Sample of the muchiue
seen and heard at my store or at Lan
dreth s barbershop. Yours fur busi
ness OttoO. Krogstad.
A Dandy for Burns.
Dr. Bergin, Pana, Ills., writes: "I
have used Ballard's Snow Liuimnt;
always recommended it to my friends,
as 1 am confident there is no botti-r
made. It is a dundy for burns. Those
who live on farms are especially liable
to many accidental cuts, burns, bruises,
which heal rapidly whon Ballard's
Snow Liniment is applied. It should
always b kepi in the house for cases of
emergency." 23o, 50c, fl bottle. Sold
by O. 0. Krogstad,
Geo. L. McCaulou
The Toledo Sawmill
Yellow Fir, Spruce and Alder
Good Stock of Seasoned Lumber on hand. Lumber delivered at Newport or"
Any Other Port, at Prices.Con.sistent with Market Conditions
Quality and Prompt Delivery Guaranteed
Flooring, Ceiling
Rustic, Shiplap
Boxing, Stepping
Boat Lumber
Door and Window Jamb
Turned Porch Columns
Brackets, Cresting
Agent for Alfred
Something New.
The Oregon Semi-Weekly Journal
will soon begin the publication of a
new newspaper novel by Paul DeLaney,
entitled, "The Sheepherder." In order
to give our readers a chance to read
this story, we have arranged an un
precedented low clubbing rate with the
Journal. This pnper and the Semi
Weekly Journal will be given one year,
the two for f 1.73. Call at once and
subscribe in order to get the first chap
ter of the story. This offer applies to
old subscribers paying in advance us
well as new ones.
Seed Potatoes
I have n limited amount of good clean
Bnrbank seed potatoes.
Stewart's Stoiik,
Health is Youth.
Disease and sickness bring old age.
Herbiiie. taken every morning before
breakfast, will keep you in robust
health, fit you to ward off disease. It
cures constipation, biliousness, dyspep
sia, -fever, skin, liver and kidney com
plaints. It purifies tlm blood uud
clears the complexion. Mrs. D. W.
Smith, Whitney, Texas, writes April 3, j
1902: "I have used Herbino, and Hud;
it the best medicine for constipation
and liver troubles. It does ull you
claim for it. I can highly recommend
it." 50c a bottle. Sold by O. O.' Krogt
Dried Italian Prunes
4 cents per pound at
II. S. 'i:i'XL:t's,
Nashville, Or.
Wool and Moh.iir Wanted.
I will pay the highest market price
for wool and mohair. Get my price
before Falling.
J.A.S'w.VAJrr. Toledo. Or.
Picture Moulding
Panel Moulding
Crown Moulding
Bed Moulding
Moulded Casing and Base
Balusters and Spindles
Water Table
Peats' Wall Paper
Call for County Warrants.
Notice is hereby given that I have
funds on hand to pay all County War
rant's drawn on the General Fund, and
endorsed : "Not paid for want of funds""
up to aud including April 31, 1902.
Interest on said warrants to ceasw
on and after said date.
J. L. 1 1 yds, County Treasurer.
Dated at Toledo, Or., this 15th day of '
April, 1905.
Cures Coughs and Colds.
Mrs. C. Peterson, 023 Lake St., To
peka, Kansas, says: "Of all cough rem
edies Ballard's Horehound Syrup is my
favorite; it has done aud will do all that
is claimed for it to speedily cure all'
coughs and colds -aud it is so pleasaut
to the tasto." 25c, 50c, bottle. Sold
by O. 0. Krogstad.
V. S. Ijinct office ill Oregon City, Or.,
March 4, l!Kju.
Notice Ih hereby given that the followlnjf
iiamcd !ttler ban filed notice olhla Inteutioai
to ninke llnal proof in aupport of his claim,
and that wild proof will lie made before the
County Clerk of Lincoln CounSy at Toledo, Or., .
on April '20, l!K).j, vli:
William W. Houlc, 11. K. No. 14093 for the
nej ol section 26, twp 9 I, range 10 w.
He named tlioWollowliig wltneiwcit in prove
bis coiitinuou'aei'idenco upon and cultivation-,
of xaid land, vji:,
lUliert V. Ma,nn, Chltwood, fr.: Everett C.
Jnes, Toled, dr.; It. F. Swope, Toledo, Or.;:
(icoi c II. Hall, Slletz, Or.
AWKItNoN S. Iikkkkkr, Register.
Send No Money
for Sampies of Cloth, Etc.
. LL-W00L ? Z A t? f MADE TO
TP llzial Teilori
69-71 Third Si. pnrVttcfl, Or.
i iia mention till p; per,