Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, April 07, 1905, Image 1

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Volume XIII.
Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, Friday, April 7, 1905.
Number 0
Doings of the City Dads
Regular Session.
Council Chamber, Toledo, Or., )
April 3, 1905.
The common council ot the city of
Toledo mt-t in regular session. Present
Counciluien Arnold, Anderson, Fish,
Gardner, McCaulou, Van Cleve and
Recorder Krogatad. Absent Mayor
II. W. Vincent.
In the absence of the Mayor Coun
cilman Arnold was chosen Mayor pro
Minutes of last regular meeting read
and approved.
The committee on streets whs given
more time in which to report on tire
Upon motion the following claims
against the city were allowed under
suspension of the rules:
3 A Hull, salary ts marshal $-J0 00
Toledo Uvery Stable, hauling lumber
and dirt 3 00
(t I.Uray, lumbar lor bell tower 4 40
Otto O Krotfutad, salary aa Recorder and
padlock C 2-"
Ueo I. McCaulou, gasoline '5 H5
Toledo Water and Electric Light Co.,
water rent for March 36 00
Gardner d: Avery, Are bell and sundries.. 61 13
On motion Ordinance No. 50 (pub
lished last month) was placed upon its
third rending and passed by a unani
mous vote.
Moved and seconded that a commit
tee of three, including the temporary
chairman, be appointed to purchase
material and superintend the com pie
tion of Couucil room. Motion carried,
and chair appoluted on above commit
tee Councilman McCaulou and Van
On motion Marshal was instructed to
place street lamp in front of City Hall
according todireciious of committee on
Fire and Police.
On motion committee on ordinances
was instructed to draft an ordinance
ordering property owners abutting to
drain lake opposite Water Company's
On motion committee ou streets was
instructed to examine all defective
sidewalks aud report condition and
necessary repairs at next session of the
Council. .
Attorney B. F. Swope appeared be-
fore the Council on behalf of Eugene
Williams, asking that damages sus
tained by his building on water front be
made good, nr property acquired by the
city. On motion it was ordered that
Mr. Williams be notified through his
attorney, Mr. Swope, that the city of
Toledo does not recognize h,is claim for
damages snstamed by said building,
On motion the Marshal was instructed
to notify Letter vd augh to cease using
the place in front of bis stable on Grove
street as a dumping ground for manure.
Recorder here exhibited receipts from
City Treasurer in the sum of 910.50,
the income from Ones turned over to
him dnring March.
Upon motion Council adjourned.
Otto O. Kroostad, Recorder
Seed Potatoes
I have a limited amount of good clean
Burbank seed potatoes.
Stewart's Stork.
Dried Italian Prunes
4 cents per pound, at
H. S. Prdnkk's,
Nashville, Or.
Wool and Mohair Wanted.
1 will pay the highest market price
for wool and mohair. Get my price
before selling.
J. F. Stewart, Toledo. Or.
St. John's Church.
Services on the first and third Sun
days of each month.
Sunday School at 10 a. in.
Morning Prayer and sermon at 11 a.m.
livening Prayer ut7 :30 p. m.
Everybody invited and will be made
Rkv. Frank Owen Jones,
Call for County Warrants.
Notico is hereby given that I have
funds on baud to pay all County War
rant's drawn on the Geueral Fund, and
endorsed : "Not paid for want of funds"
up to and including January 31, 1902.
Interest on said warrants to cease
on and aftr said diite.
J. L. IIvdb, County Treasurer,
Dated at Toledo, Or., this 24th day of
March, 190o.
L. F. Pepin of Chitwood was in the
city Monday.
Butler Fairchild was a Toledo visitor
Tuesday from Siletz.
J. F. McCartnev of Pool slough was
in the city Wednesday.
Charlie Kuhl of Siletz was in the city
Tuesday and Wednesday.
C. K. Mitchell from over Yaquinu
way was in the city Monday.
Dr. J. D. Wetmore was a passenger
for Portland yesterday morning.
Call and get acquainted with some of
Tun Leader's clubbing propositions.
George Landreth sells the best talk-
ophones on the market. Hear them.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Blower and son
Zeb of Mill 4 were in the city yesterday.
A. W. Weber and son Herman and S.
A. Holmgreen were visitors from Oua
Billy Wakefield of Eddyville had
business iu the city last Friday night
and Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Chirk of Elk City
were in Toledo Monday night, guests of
Dr. and Mrs. Wetmore.
The open season for trout began at
daylight last Saturday morning. Fish
stories are now iu order.
Barred Plymouth Rock eggs, faucy
stock, only $1 per setting of 13. Mrs.
George Bethers, Toledo, Oregou.
Charlie Collins returned Wednesday
to Portland, after visiting a few days
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 11. E.
The steamer Richardson is in dry
dock at Altree's mill undergoing re
pairs preparatory to the opening of the
season at Newport.
Justice George Schenck has been
"sporting" a fiue carbuncle on the buck
of his neck for several days, but the
pet is gradually evaporating.
Superintendent Knott C. Egbert of
Siletz returned Tuesday evening from
Chemawa, where he placed several Si
letz Indian children in school,
Mrs. T. P. Fish returned laiit Satur
day evening from Portland, where she
purchased her spring and summer
stock. See notice of opening day.
Ordinance No. 50, referred to in the
Council proceedings, prohibits the dis-
charge of fire arms within the city lim
its. It was published by Tub Leader
lust mouth.
.Mr. and Airs. Frank Hyde and son
Ralph of Eddyville were in the city the
fore part of the week visiting the
former's parents, Couuty Treasurer
and Mrs. J. L. Hyde.
L. F. Goin, who has been connected
with the life-saving station at Ham
nioud, Or., for several mouths, passed
through Saturday evening for a brief
visit at South Beach aud the Alsea Bay
Alexander McDonald, O. F. Jacob'
son, Captain John A. Olsson, Charlie
Loomis and Ed Stocker represeuted
Newport in the county seat Monday
Messrs. Loomis aud Olssou also being
detained by business next day.
Mayor Vincent celebrated his 78th
birthday last Saturday. He claims to
be the only "April fool" in the city and
is believed to be next to the oldest
mayor in the United States, Mayor
Williams of Portland holding first
R. P. Goin, who has been teachin
school at Fox, Oregon, during the past
winter, passed through to Waldpoi
Monday evening. He didn't take
kindly to the cold weather of eustern
Oregon aud is stuck on Lincoln county
more than ever.
The royal-bred German Coach stul
lion which had been on exhibition in
Toledo for a week, was shipped back to
the valley yesterday morning. He was
evidently just a little bit too way-up
for the community and local horsemen
did not feel justified iu exchanging
13000 for him.
Sam Stewart and M. W. Raudall were
in the city Monday after some fixtures
for the former's sawmill to be operated
on his place on Deer creek, niue miles
southeast of Toledo. This mill will
have a saw of the "muloy" variety, run
by water power, and is designed to cut
three or four thousand feet per day.
Mr. Stewart and his neighbors will
thus be able to secure all the roueh
lumber necessary tor improving their
farm homes at a minimum cost.
New Industries.
H. D. Blakely of Salem is in the city
with a view to establishing a cold
storage plant something that is cer
tainly needed in Lincoln county. Mr.
Blakely will probably decide today as
to whether or not he will be justified
n starting the enterprise.
Jacob Burkel of Portland is also here
and will probably put in a bakery and
restaurant. Mr. Burkel has had sev
eral years experience in this business
and should be able to command a good
The Weather.
Station : Toledo ; Month : March, 1905.
Mean temperature, 51.1-
Maximum temperature, 85; date, 8th.
Minimum temperature, 39; date, 29th.
Total precipitation, 10.25 inches.
Prevailing direction of wind, sw.
Number of cloudless days, 7.
Number of partly cloudy days, 10.
Number of cloudy days, 14. .
Dates on which hail fell, 20th,21st,24th.
Date of light frost, 28th.
Data of kiiliuK frust, 23Ui.
Dates of auroras, 0.
Dates of thunder storms, 20th, 21st.
Otto O. Kroostad, Observer.
Telephone Line "a Go."
A. T. Peterson Hud Attorney B. F,
Swope went to Eddyville Tuesday to
attend a meeting of citizens who are
nterested in connecting Lincoln county
with the outside world by telephone.
R. N. Warnock of Eddyville presided
at the meeting and P. A. Miller of Pio
neer acted as secretary.
The deliberations were harmonious
and temporary organization was ef-
fected without trouble, it being quite
evident that the pioposed 500 shares of
stock at $10 per share would soon be
taken. The line will start at Newport
and follow the wagon road to the valley
where connection, will be secured with
the long distance line. '
The Yaquina Bay Mutual Telephone
and Improvement Conmanv is the title
, r . i
of the comoralion. and nermnnnnt. nr. 1
ganization will be perfected at the
meeting at Eddyville next Tuesday. It
is strictly a Lincoln county concern,
and its value to every citizen along the
line is easily understood.
Millinery Opening.
On Saturday, April 22, 1 will have my
spring and summer stock of millinery,
dress goods, etc, ready for inspection
the lutflst of everything in these lines.
My stock of street hats has already ar
rived. Call and see them.
Mits. T. P. Fish.
. Talk-o-phone Given Away.
With every purchase of fifty cents
worth of garden, vegetable aud flower
seed you will be entitled to a free ticket
by which you may win the best talking
singing and playing machine now on
the market. Sample of the machine
seen and heard at my store or at Lan
dreth's barbershop. Yours fur busi
ness OttoO. Kroostad.
Tint Leader and Oregouian, $2.
Thomas Ferr was up from Winant
George Ileckel of Newport is a Toledo
visitor todav.
James Beach of Newport was in the
city yesterday.
Postmaster Roddy of Winant wns in
the city Wednesday.
Mrs. B. F. Swope of Newport was in
the city the fore part of the week. ,
William Towner drove over from Si
letz Wednesday after Superintendent
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ltftne left this
morning for a brief stay at their other
home Corval lis.
Miss Zena Pool left this morning for
Portlaud, where she will receive med
ical treatment at a hospital.
Mrs. C. E. Hawkins left this morning
for Los Angeles, Cal., to attend the
Women of Woodcraft convention.
Our former citizen Moses Gregson,
now of Gold Hill, passed through yes
terday evening on a visit to relatives ut
Winant. He will visit Toledo before
returning to his home.
Couuty Commissioner George King
of Winant was in the city last Satur
day on Fair business and showed some
Hue specimens of Eastern oysters. lie
will secure the shellfish for Lincoln
county's exhibit at the Fair.
Frank Vader was up from Waldport
A full line of Rubber goods at Stew
art's store.
Merchant Jesse Reeder of Yaquina
was iu the city Monday.
J. A. J. Fleming of Newport had busi-
ness in the city Wednesday.
Wild Bald Smith of Bill mountain
was in the city Wednesday.
C. E. Hawkins had business at Al
bany the fore part of the week.
The Leader and Pacific Homestead
for only 81.75. Now is the time.
For Plain Sewing Call on Mrs. L. L.
Comer, at M. E. Parsonage, Toledo.
Ladies, come in and see mv new line
of shirtwaists. Mrs. M. Wygant.
Joseph Sijota of Kernville bad busi
ness in the county 6eat Wednesday.
Ralph and Claude Wilsou of Chit-
wood were in the city last Saturday.
Jim Robertson of Kernville paid his
respects to the county seat Wednesday,
Several big jags were in the city
Wednesday on business with the County
Mrs. Derrick of Eddyville is visiting
at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Heury Ganuou.
Miss Mollie Blower of Mill 4 was in
the city Tuesday night attending a ses
sion of the Rebekahs.
Earl Frouk of Albany all the girls
know Earl had important business in
the city Wednesday night.
Miss Pearl Hal) and brother Warren
of Siletz were in the city last Friday
night aud witnessed "The Deestrict
Skule" exercises. '
Select your garden seeds early and
dou't forget to ask for a free ticket in
Krogstad s Talk-o-phoue drawing to
place in or about June first
Mr. aud Mrs. J. II. Conrad passed
through Wednesday evening en route
to their home at Waldport. They have
been in Portland for soveral weeks.
The Ladies' Aid Society of the M. E
church cleared $10.70 last Saturday
from sales of ice cream, the amount
being applied on the pastor's salary.
Mr. aud Mrs. J. Henry Penn of Ya
quina visited friends in the city Tues'
day and Wednesday,- enjoying a meet
ing with the Rebekahs Tuesday night,
James McDonald, J. E. Wilson, D. J.
Chitwood, I. J. Pepiu and W. N. Cook
were some of the Chitwood citizens
who had business Wednesday with the
County Court.
Your wife, or my wife, or your mother-
in-law may be eloquent talkers, which
usualy is the case, hut theTalk-o-pnone
given awuy by Krogstad can easily
scoop them all without half trying
Postal Clerk and Mrs. C. L. Litchfield
and heir came up from Yaquina Satur
day morning for a visit with Mrs.
Litchfield's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
McCluskey, returning Monday evening,
Grand Custodian G. L. Gray left
Tuesday morning for an olticiul visit to
tlie Masonic lodges of Portlaud aud
Albany. His son Clifford accompanied
him to the latter city for a brief visit
William Brazelton had D6en seriously
ill for several days, but was able yes'
terday morning to start for Portland to
consult a specialist. Mrs. Brazleton
lias also beett very sick, but is slowly
A large aud appreciative audience
witnessed the exercises giveu by "The
Deestrict Skule" last Friday night at
Woodmen Hall, uuder the auspices of
Syringa Circle No. 21, Women of Wood
craft. A little nonsense now and then
is still relished by the wisest men also
by the women and children.
The Ladies Aid Society of the M. E,
church met Tuesday afternoon with
Mrs. A. M. Gildersleeve. The Sociuty
announces that it will servo ice cream
every other Saturday until further
notice at the Laudrutb building. The
committee for April 15 is Mesdumes G.
K. Schenck aud George Bethers and
Miss Iua Gildersleeve.
Couuty Judge Brown received last
Friday particulars regarding the death
of Charles Carlson at the asylum at
Salem. Mr. Carlson wos for years a
respected citizen of Lincoln county and
had many friouds in Toledo aud vicin
ity. His mind seemed to have been uu-1
balanced by the incurable illness of his I
little sou, and it became necessary to
place him. in the asylum last November.
To Yaquina Bay Which to Peo
ple Wishing to Enjoy Nat
ure's Beauties Proves
so Popular.
The low rates in effect from points on
the S. P. to Yaquina Bay during tint
winter, which proved so popular with
the people wishing to view the beauties
of nature at that magnificent seaside
resort, hnvebeen extended during the
month of April, and tickets will be sold
on Wednesdays nnd Saturdays until
the last of April, good for return at any
time up to May 31, 1905.
The month of April should be a fav
orite one for visiting the seaside, whero
"Smiling Spring her earliest visit pays,"
and whom the health-giving breezes of
the Pacifio will banish "Spring Fever"
and other ills to which flesh is heir.
Tickets from all East Side noiuts to
nil West Side points, and vice versa,
via the C. A E. are also ou sale; and on
April 1st tickets to all West side points
will be ou sale by the C. & E. at Albany;
and to all East side points on the S. P.
by the C. & E. at Corvallis on which
baggage can be checked through to des
tination, thus avoiding delay aud an
noyance to passengers traveling be
tween East and West side points.
1' ull information as to rates, baggage,
etc., can be obtained by applying to the
nearest S. P. agent or direct from W, E.
Coman, G. P. A., S. P. Co., Portland, or
T. II. Curtis. Acting Manager. C. &
E. R. R. Co.. Albany.
Yaquina Hatchery.
Master Fish Warden Van Dusen, in
his report to the board of fish commis
sioners Tuesday ,suid :
"At the Yaquina hatchery we have
liberated all of the Chinook frv and
more thau half of the Silverside fry
raised during the past season. Of the
Chinook fry, 1,000,000 were hauled over
the mountains aud turned iuto Gopher
creek, which is a tributary of the Alsea
river,and 1,407,790 were turned into the
Big Elk, a fork of the Yaquina, a few
miles above the hatchery.
"Of the Silverside fry, 1,000,000 wero
hauled over the mountains to the Alsea
and 1,200,000 were turned into the Big
Elk, leuving 1,825,725 on hand in the
hatohory, which will be liberated iuto
the Yaquina and Big Elk rivers during
the next few weeks.
"Iu addition to the Chinook and Sil
verside eegs collected at this hatchery,
we are now colleetine a batch of Steei
heud eggs, principally for the Lewis
and Clark Exposition, and have so far
taken 74-1,800, with the prospects good
for two or three hundred thousnud
For Sale.
A good milch cow; be fresh in April.
Enquire of Hans Larson, 2 miles north
east of Toledo.
Wanted to Buy
A dairy farm thut will support from 20
to 30 cows near Toledo or some other
railway station iu Lincoln county. Call
ou or address
Ciias. M Bnow.v, Toledo, Or.
For Sale.
A good farm of 3G0 ncres, about 100
acres on river; 1 miles good fonce, 2
acres fine orchard, just in bearing; 140
good goats, about half und half wether
and nannies will increase about 50 or
(10 beginning April 1 ; 50 head good
sheep; 7 head cattle, including 4 good
cows soon to be fresh ; 2 good young
horses; everything on ranch goes ex
cept bedding and wearing apparel.
One half mile from schoolhouse, post
ollico und sawmill. Address
W. H. Daniel,
" Elk City, Oregon.
Something New.
The Oregon Sonii Weekly Journal
will soon begin the publication of n
new newspaper novel by Paul Del.nney,
entitled, "Ttie Sheepberder." In order
to give our readers a chance to read
this story, we have arranged an un
precedented low clubbing rate with tlio
Journal. This paner and the Semi
Weekly Journal will be given one year,
the two for $t.75. Call at once and
subscribe iu order to got the first chap
ter of the story.' This offer applies to
,1 L L I
oni Huusei'iours paying in advance us
well us now ones.
Tub Leader and Oregoniun, only f i.