Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, August 12, 1904, Image 8

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Wo are handling the
Self-Sealing and Ringless. No
rubber ring required. The most
economical Jar in the world; will
pay for itself in the fruit it will
save. So Easy, Quick and Simple
a child can seal and open them.
A complete line of
trimmings on hand
Died At 7 a. m., August 6, in To
ledo, Mrs. Mary Reed, aged 32 years.
Mrs. Reed was married in Albany, Or.,
in 1891 to Albert Reed. To this union
lias been born six children, only tito of
whom are living. A daughter, Miss
Esther, is attending the school at Che
mawa. Funeral services were held in
the M. . church in Siletz Sunday at 3
p. m., and she rests iu the Siletz cem
etery. Her husband, son and daughter
.and Mesdames Lavina Felix and Abbie
John, sisters, were present. Many
were the offerings of sympathy in the
.form tif floral designs. It was a very
Bad occasion, as the funeral of a mother
.ill ways is. The motherless children
and bereaved husband and relatives
'have the deepest sympathy of the com
munity. -
A reception will be given Saturday
evening in the parlors of the school in
honor of Major J. J. McKoin's return
from St, Louis. We are very much
pleased, and the girls at the school are
xejoioing that the lace designs sent to
the St. Louis Fair were not inferior to
any there. Later Major McKoin has
been detained by official business aud
cannot arrive until the 15tb.
Mr. and Mrs. Raisinan have arrived
in Siletz with a portion of their house
hold goods Hnd will oecupy the former
i esidence of Charles Montgomery. We
are veiy glad to wolcorae these new
corners, and sincerely truBt they will
le pleased with their surroundings.
L. D. Wood, J. I. Butterfield and
season at the mouth of the Siletz.
Died At his home east of the
Agency, August 2, a son of Ike Wash
ington. He was laid at rest on the
bank of the Siletz river near Oscar
Card of Thanks.
I desire to express my gratitude for
the many acts of kindness and the as
sistance received during the illness and
after the death of my beloved wife.
Albert Rbed.
Real Estate Transfers.
August 4 Harriet Van Hoosen '.'to
George C Leadbetter, s6 of scj, neJ,of
sej and set of nej, section 34, town
ship 12 south, range 8 west. $500.
August 8 John F Stewart and Ella
F Stewart to Henry E Collins and
Nancy C Collins, 4 acres in sections 7
aud 18, township 11 south, range 11
west, f 100.
August 9 Andrew York to Henry
Leppala, undivided I interest in n of
swi, se of swtf and uwj of setf , sec
tion 2, township 11 south, range 11
west. $350.
Butcher Shop in Siletz.
The undersigned has opened a meat
market in Siletz, near Mrs. Copeland's
store. The best of meats always
nana. Give my shop a trial.
Job Kosydar.
Special Excursions to St. Louis.
September 6, 6 and 7 and October 3,
4 and 5 are the remaining dates upoq
which tickets will be sold at the re-
Mrs. Farrish and daughter Addie jour-duced rates the St. Louis Fair,
jieyed to the county seat Monday. Mrs- 'These rates apply over the Denver and
Parrish and daughter returned to their
home near Lebauon.
Mr. and Mrs. Bryant and son Roy at
tended the reception given in honor of
Mr. aud Mrs. Dedrick aud Mr. and
Mrs. Dick in Toledo on the evening of
the 9th Inst.
Mrs. C. O. Copeland, daughter Esther
and Mrs. Kisor have been at the beach
for some time. Charlie Ruhl has been
sending them the Daily Oregonian and
George Newberry is working for Roy
Huffaker at the upper farm. It was
very providential that George secured
work so convenient to .
Clayton Kreiger freighted to the
county seat Wednesday 2500 pounds of
bark for Jim Derrick. '
Oscar Wood was arranging machin
ery Tuesday for cuttiug wheat and oats
for Hall Brothers.
Miss Pearl Hall was in attendance
at the reception in Toledo Tuesday
William Towner has commenced cut
tiug grain for the Iudian training
We are sorry to learn of Will AleX'
ander's extremely poor health at New
W. W. Soule and Surveyor Wygaut
passed through Tuesday.
E. T. Hamar and Tom Brett contem
plate engaging in the fish business this
Rio Grande and Missouri Pacific. For
the patrons of these roads spaoial ex
cursion cars will be run through from
Portland and St. Louis without change.
See the many points of interest about
the Mormon Capital and take a ride
through Nature's picture gallery.
During the closing months travel to
the Fair will be very heavy. If you
contemplate going, write W. C. Mc
Bride, general agent at Portland for
the Denver and Rio Grande, for partic-
ulars of these exouraions. .
' To Taxpayers.
Notice is hereby given that the Equal
ization Board of Lincoln county, state
of Oregon, will meet at the courthouse
in Toledo on Monday, August 29, 1904,
and remain iu seasion for six days, as
by Ihw required, for the consideration
of such matters as may be properly
brought before it.
R. H. Howell,
Assessor of Lincoln County.
Going to the Circus?
For Ringling Brothers' Circus at Al
bany on September 1 the Corvallis &
Eastern has made a round-trip rate of
11 from all stations Yaquina to Nash
ville, inclusive, and from Summit to
Wrens 75 cents. A special train will
Yaquina about 6 a. m. and remain In
Albany until 6 p. m., giving ample
time for the performance.
Additional Local Notes.
J. 8. Aikon of Cottage Grove arrived
last Friday to help his family visit old
scenes and old friends.
G. L. Wharton, who has been clerking
for G. L. MrCaulou, returned Wednes
day to his home at Portland.
A. W. Weber and Mr. Cochran, the
present pedagogue in that district, were
visitors from Beaver Creek yesterday.
Ernest Vant departed Tuesday morn
ing for Portland in search of an oppor
tunity. Being young, active and will
ing, he'll undoubtedly succeed.
W. R. Craven of Dallas, mentioned
recently in these columns, will soon
place a stock of dry goods in the Ya
quina Bay Mercantile Company build
ing. .
Teachers' Examination.
The following persons are taking the
teachers' examination:
Marie Church, Springfield.
Alice Fieming and William Mofllt,
Pauline Aussieker, Toledo.
Edith Harrison, Ona.
Julian Hurley and Nola Owen, Inde
pendence. - Maggie L. Hampton, Rocca.
Omba Irene Daniels, McMinnville.
Feme Hooker, Elk City.
J. Auna Hall, Philomath.
Ettle Williamson, Waldport.
Alice McDougal, Toledo.
Esther Hampton, Rocca.
Mamie Wakefield, Eddyville.
Mrs. Jennie Pratt, Philomath.
Examiners, Prof. I. S Pratt, Mamie
Toledo to Newport.
Excursions will be run every Sunday
until September 30 by the C. & E.
Round trip 50 cents.
flowers ana niooa.
A superstition dating from olden
times exists to the effect that rosea
and flowers generally attain greater
beauty In soil fertilized by blood, espe
cially by human blood, than elsewhere.
Persons who have visited Newmarket,
England, kuow of the so called "bloody
flower of Newmarket," which la found
nowhere else than in the old moat now
filled up. and In which, according to
tradition, a very large quantity of hu
man remains Is Interred. These flow
ersbloora In June and July and by the
bloodlike hue of their blossoms sug
gest Ihe name wblcb baa been given
to them!" ' " '" '
..s An" Ancient Aqueduct.
The ancient Roman aqueduct nt
Nlmes is generally considered the most
perfect of Roman relics. It consists of
three great tiers of arches, the lowest
having been used as a bridge and the
uppermost ns an aqueduct It rises
about 120 feet above the level of the
rlver.wTbe Pont du Card, ns It Is call
ed. Is believed to have been built under
the supervision of Agrippn, the Uoinan
general, about fifty years before Christ.
Modesty Is one of the sweetest and
most desirable qualities one can pos
sess, and yet too much modesty hin
ders advancement When this quality
is overdeveloped It antagonizes aggres
siveness, without which no great suc
cess can be attained.
' Food and the Faee.
She That new boarder who came to
day baa a beautiful olive complexion
He Well, after she's been here a few
weeks I guess she'll have a prune com
plexion. Yonkers Statesman.
- Hysleale.
Johnny Maw's always talkln' about
a hygienic diet. What Is a hygienic
diet? Tommy It's any kind of diet
you don't like. Chicago Tribune.
Brief Lesaoa In Flattery.
To flatter a woman tell her she la
beautiful; to flatter a man tell him be
Is working too hard. Philadelphia
Record. T
Ignorance Is the. primary source of
all misery and vice. Cousin.
If you are .
If. you are
You will be sure to want something in
my line. When sick I can cure you
with Drugs, Patent Medioines, Powders,
Pills and. Potions. When well I can
supply you with Paints, Oils, Glass
Wallpaper, Stationery, Fishing Tackle,
Garden and Field Seeds and many other
useful articles. I want your trade and
will serve you right.
The Toledo Druggist.
The White House
HENRY LEWIS, Proprietor.
Leader in
Low Prices.
Yours with Bargains
Toledo, Oregon
Are You Going to St. Louis?
Choice Routes Going and Returning via
St. Paul, Denver, Colorado Springs,
. or Pueblo
For Rates Call on Your Local Agent
June 17, 18: July 1, 2, 3; August 8, 9, 10;
September 5, 6, T; October 3, 4, 5
For further information and
Sleeping-Car reservations chII upon or address A. H. McDONALD,
General Agent, 140 Third St , PORTLAND, OR.
Absolutely Pure
List your farm with me. If the price
is reasonable, I can sell it.
Chittim Feelers.
Don't sell or contract your bark until
you have learned what we can offer.
It may pay you to inquire of
II. S. GILE & CO.,
Cor. Trade and High Sts., Salem, Or.
Bead the Market News in -
The Oregon Daily Journal
Nothing U omitted which concerns
the interest of buyers and sellers in
the live stock, grain, provisions, produce
and financial markets the markets are
comprehensive and in every way re
liable. The Journal in addition carries every
day a full and truthful report of the
yorld's news and presents many special
.eatures of deep interest to the average
reader. The Journal's woman's page,
the illustrated sporting news page, the
Journal stories and comio pages and
other good things make it a very popu
lar family newspaper, clean and bright
(ram A to Z and year's end to year's end.
Semi weekly, 104 issues, one year, 11. CO
Weekly, (1. The issues of the Semi
Weekly and Weekly Journal also con
tain the market news and all of the
features of the Daily Journal. Address
Portland, Oregon.'"
Here's a Snap I
Ay special arrangement with the pub
lishers Thh Ls.umn is enabled to make
the following unparalleled offer to Its
readers : , .
Lippincott,8 Magazine. $2 60
Cosmopolitan ' Magaziue 1 00
Li.vcoi.n County Leader 1 50
5 00
We will give all three to our sub
scribers one year for only $3.25. Call
and see sample copies of these staudard
magazines. Yon can't afTord to be
without them at this price.
For Sale.
At a bargain ; One acre o( land iu To
ledo, 5-room house, barn and chicken
house, good well, splendid garden spot,
Cull on or address Cortis M Brqwn,
Toledo, Or,
No. 2. For Yaquina:
Train leaves Albany 12:4.5 P. w.
" Corvallis 1:50 p. m.
" " .Toledo 5:47P.m.
Arrive Yaquina, 5:35p, m.
No. 1. Returning:.
Leaves Yaquina 6:45 a. m.
Toledo 7:15 a. m.
" Corvallis 11:30 a. m.
Arrive Albany 12:15 p.m.
No. 3. For Detroit:
Leaves Albany 7:00 a. m.
Arrive Detroit 12:20 p. m.
No. 4. Returning:
Leaves Detroit 1:00 p.m.
Arrives Albany 5:55 a. m.
Train No. 1 arrives in Albany
iu time to connect with the S. P.
southbound train, as well as giving
two or three houTS in Albany be
fore departure of S. P. northbound
train for Portland.
Train N0.2 connects with the
S. P. trains at Corvallis an J Al
bany, giving direct service to New
port and adjacent beaches.
Train 3 for Detroit, Brettenbush
and other mountain resorts leaves
Albany at7:oo a. m., reaching De
troit about 6:00 p. m.
For further information apply to
Edwin Stons,
J.'E. Fkankun, Agent, Toledo.
v B. H. Boles, " Yaquina.