Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, July 08, 1904, Image 5

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    Wo are Headquarters for
rx' i-a
L . Sash and Doors,
and tlie Liu'htRunniug Km pi re Cream Separator or u
McCormii'k Mower. Call aud see us.
See Nature's Art. Gallery of the Kockies in addition to
attractions at St. Louis. This cau only be done by
going or returning via the '"Scenic Line of the World"
Writ for illustrated booklet of Colorado's famous sights and resorts
W. C. HcBRIDE, General Agent
134 Third Street PORTLAND, OREGON
Buy Your Pianos at Home.
The celebrated Emerson, Richmond,
A. B. Chase, Kstey aud Steinway, all on
easy payments. Gec . A. Landreth,
Toledo, Oregon.
Thomas Parker,
Offle? Yaquina Bay Mercantile Co. Bldg.
J. D. Wetmore,
Main Olliee Yanuina liranch Olllce Toledo
ft F. SWOPF-,
Deputy District Attorney
for Lincoln County
Will practice in all courts in the
state. Probate matters and colleo
tions promptly attended to.
Otlice iu Courthouse, Upstairs,
Notary Public.
Will practice in all the courts oi
Oregon. Five and one-half years
clerk of Probate and Circuit
courts. Has complex up-to-date
Abstract of Lincoln County.
George A. Landreth,
The I3arber.
A neat hair-cut in any style desired
and an easy shave.
On the Water Front, one block south
of Depot.
Accommodations as good as can be
found in Lincoln couuty.
The traveling public cordially invited
to give this house a trial.
Ileal Estate Agent
If you have a farm or town lot
to sell, or if you w i.-di lo buy Que,
call on. me.
e v
Universal Stoves, ffsfeppi
John Ueere Plows, frtzE;
Stud-baker Whkous, fciljO
Lime, Cement,
Blue print maps of any town
ship in Roseburtj, Oregon, and Dis
trict, showing all vacant lands, for
50 cents each. If you want any
information from the U. S. Land
Office, address
Title Guarantee & Loan Co.,
Ro.sebttrg, Or.
Want a Claim?
I can locate homesteads or timber
lands, aud will guarantee lines and de
scriptions to be correct. Call on or
address ut once
G. Elksxat, Surveyor,
Wald port, Oregon.
NOTICE kou publication.
Land Olllce at Oregon City, Oregon.
June IN. 1'KU
. Notice is hereby given that the following-
named seiner nan tiled notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the
Register and Receiver at Oregon City, Oregon,
011 August ft, WW, viz:
John I). .McDonald, H. E. No. 14401 for the
nw!; of section 'Si, township 8 s, ranire 9 w.
lie names the following witnesses ts prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz:
0. J. Franklin. Ferris A. Lupus ami Wm i
Southwell all of Falls City, Oregon; and Wll-
nam ii. muz oi Koeca, Oregon.
A.WKUNON S. Lkkhkek, Register.
Land Oltice at Oregon City, Oregon,
June 18, WW.
Notice Is hereby given that the following,
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
lhat said proof will be made before the
Register and Receiver at Oregon City, Oregon,
on August 5, 1904, viz:
Christopher J. Franklin, II. E. No. 14370 for
the nej.4 of section 18, twp 8 s, range j w.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz:
J. I). McDonald of Dallas, Oregon; W. J.
Southwell, F. A. I.ucas aud Willard McKowen
all of Falls City, Oregon.
Ai.omiNoN 8. Diieshkk, Register.
Land Otlice at Oregon City, Oregon
June 4, 1904.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has Hied notice of his intention
to make proof under in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be
made before tho Register and Receiver at
Oregon City, Oregon, on July 18, HHI4, viz:
William .1. Southwell, II. E. No. 14(101 for tho
nc'4 of sec 22, twp 8 south, range 9 west.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon aud
cultlvatio.i of said land, viz:
Ferris A Lucas aud Christopher J Franklin
both of Fa'ls City, Or.: J I) McDonald and WIN
Ham Iluttz both of Dallas, Or.
Amikbnon S. Duksskk, Roister.
I'nlled States bind Olllce, Oregon City, Or.,
May 28. 1904
Notice Is hereby given tnat the following
named settlor has tiled notice or his Intention
to make tl mil proof In support of her claim,
aud that said proof will 1 made before
the County Clerk of l'olk County, Oregon, at
IMlliis, Oregon, on July IS, mot, viz:
Frcil Wittenstrom, II. E. No. 1814(1, for the 1
ne'i of section no, twp ft s, range 8 w. I
lie names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said laud, viz:
K. J. Morrison, Thomas lilower, O. B. II am p.
tou aud J. L. Morrison nil of Rocca, Or.
AxiiKjitios 8. Dubhskr, Register..
U. S. Land Ottice, Oregon Ci'.v, ir.,
May . lu.
Notice Is hereby given that the foii'.wiug.
named settler has tiled notice ot his il; cation
to make final proof in support of hi , e!uiev
and that said proof will be made ;.u'i,.-o il.e
County Clerk of l'olk county, Oregon, at Dal
las, Oregon, on July 1.1, 1901, viz:
Thomas lilower, II. E. No. 12417, fur the nw'4
of section :!4, twp 9 s, range 8 w.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz:
F. J. Morrison, Fred Wittenstrom, j. Mor
rison and O. It. Hampton nil of Rocca. -.
Alijeknos S. Ukksskr. Register.
I". S. Land onice, Rosehurg, Or.,
Mav 12, l'.Kil.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance
with the provision of tho act of Congress of
June .1,1X78, entitled "An Act for the sale of
Timber Lands in the Stales of California. Or
egon, Nevada aud Wasnlngion Territory," as
extended lo all the public land Sate- by act of
Augii'it 4, 1H92, Clarence E. Culver, of Fisher,
County of Lincoln, state of Oregon hr.s this
day filed in this nfllce his sworn statement No.
61K4, for the purchase of these).,' of nw'4', s-c.
No. 9 in Township No. 1" South of
Ran-je 10 w. and w ill offer proof to show that
the bind sought is more valuable for its tim
ber or stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to said land before
the County Clerk of Kenton county at cor
vallls, Oregon on Saturday the Oth day of
August, 1904.
He names as witnesses:
Theodore Cranz, Preston II. Wulton, John
May and Charles It. Culver all of Fisher, Ore.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file
their claims iu this office on or before said Mb
day of August, 1904.
J.T. Bntnc.Ks, Register
United States Land Olllce, Oregon City, Or
June 4. 1904.
Notice is hereby given that the following
iiaiucd settler has tiled notice of his intention
to muke final proof.ln support of his claim,
aud that said final proof will le made before
the Register and Receiver at Oregon City, Ore
gon, on July 18, 1904 vii:
Ferris A. Lucas, 11. E. No. 14t02 tor the sw';
of aec 14, twp 8 s, range 9 w.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residenco upon and cultivation
of said land, viz:
William Ruiz and I D McDonald both of Dal
las, Or.; C J Franklin and William J Southwell
both of Falls City, Or.
Alueiinon 8. Dbkssf.k, Register
United Slates Land Otlice, Oiegon City Or.
July 2, Will.
Notice is hereby given that the following,
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make liual proof In support of his claim,
and that said proof will be made before the
Clerk of Lincoln county at Toledo, Oregon, on
August 18, 1904, viz:
Gnstav Fapke, II. E. No. 12irr for the sw'j of !
section 28, twp 11 s, range 8 w.
He names the following witnesses to prove I
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz:
George Ridcnour, Win ltldunour and Lester
January all of Harlan, Oregon; John Mischler
of Summit, Oregon.
Al.oEti.soN s. Drksser. Register.
V. S. Laud Ofllee at Oregon City, Or..
July 2, 1904.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named ot tier has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim,
and that said proof will be made before
Ira Wade, County Clerk of Lincoln county, at
Toledo, Oregon, on August 19, 1901, viz:
Nicholas Fery, H. E. No. M114 for the lots 0,
11, 12, IS, 41, 22, 27 and 28, sction 2. twp 10 south
range 10 w.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz:
William Porter, E II Bryant, Roy Bryant and
Walter Hall all of Sllelz, Oregon.
Ai.qekkox S. Drkhrbr. Register.
Land Oltice at Oregon City, Or.,
July 2, 1904.
Notice Is hereby given that the followlng
nanied settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make final proof In support of his claim,
and that said proof will be made before the
Register and Receiver at Oregon City, Or., on
August 17, 190J, viz:
Lee Smith, H. E. No. 14.113, for the rw'a see 4.
tp 8 s, range 9 w.
He names the following witnesses to provo
his continuous residence ni.on and cultivation
of said land, viz:
P A Finseth, J D McDonald, I D Murphy, all
of Sugarlouf, Or., W 1, Wells of llalscy, Or.
Alokknon S. Iuiksskr, Register.
Laud Ofllce at Oregon City, Or., !
July 2, 1 I. !
Notice is hereby given that the follnv up-'
named settler has filed notice of. his lnten Ion i
to make final proof in support of hlscl m, 1
and that said proof will be made before ho '
Register aud Receiver at Oregon Ci Iv, Or. ui '.
August 17, 19(14, viz: j
Peter A Finseth, H. E. No. M"29. for the nu ' .' :
of see 10, tp 8, range 9 w. j
Ho names tho following witnesses lo prove 1
his continuous residence uunii and cultivation
of said land, viz;
W I, Wells of Halsey, Or., Ie Smith, J I)
McDonald, J D Murphy, all of Sugarloaf, Or. ,
Amikknon S. Diiksskk, Register. I
Land Olllce at Oregon City, Or.,
July 2, 19'14.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his Intention
to make proof In support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the Reuls
ter tind Receiver at Oregon City, Oregon, on
August 17, 1904, viz:
Eva C Smith, II. E. No. 14:124. for the nw' of
sec 9, tp 8 s, rango 9 w.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz:
Leo Smith, P A Finseth, J D McDonald, nil oi
Sugarlouf, or., W L Wells of Halsey, Or.
AmirhnoM S. Diiesskk, Register.
The Lkadkr and Pacific Homestead
for ouJj 51.75. Xow is the time..
Geo. L. McCaulou
United Slates Land Olllce, Orexon city Or.,
May lii, MM. I
Notice Is hereby given that iu compliance
with the provisions of the net of Congress of,
June 8, 1S78, entitled "An aet for the sale of
timber lauds in the states of California, Ore
gon. .Nevada aim vtasninguin Territory, as
extended to all public land states ty net of
August 4, 1892, William W Oglosby of Angorn,
county of Lincoln, state of Oregon, bus this
diiy liled in thisotlico his sworn statement No.
6432, for the purchase of the c'a oT se!4' aud
e'2 of ne' oc. 22, twp K! soulh, range 9 west
and will oiler proof to show that the lntnl
sought Is more valuable for its timber or stone
tlmn for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish his claim to said land before the County
Clerk of Lincoln county ut his olllce at Toledo,
Oregon, on Friilav, the Utli day of August,
lie as witnesses:
1) M ( urns, C V Oglcsby, M J Cams and R C
Oglesby all of Angora, Oregon.
Any and ail ieisons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to lile
their claims iu this olllce on or before said 12th
day of August, 1904.
Ai.OKHNoN S. Iikessek, Register.
Vladivostok Then Is Frozen Stiff, a
World of Blnck mid Denclly ,Vroat.
Tlie Way Frozen Food I Diaplnyrd :
Iu the Bnznur Coast Sledne ItaclnK.
Im:i;;lno u black world frozen stiff,
and that is Vladivostok in winter.
Wherever water once flowed, in liny j
or harbor, a wide, gray white road now i
runs, and these nre the only two colors !
in a wide, still world. There are no
trees. Tlie largo forests of which the
old travelers wrote have long since
been cut down for fuel, and the im
mediate hills behind the town are all
ns bare as a man's hand. Once behind
these hills the endless rolling tiluln be
gins, which is Siberia, says Herbage
Edwards In London Ulnel; ilnd White.
iMrectly summer la over all the
wealth of (lowers which for five short
months have simply rioted In the land
go black, die out. The earth freezes
stiff. Winter has como, and black and
stiff the world remains. In Vladivostok
there is little snow. Sometimes a gray j
dust, more like powdered ice than
snow, blows over the land, but for the'
most part it is a black, not a white, j
world of frost, aud In Its way it is
more impressive. The earth freezes j
deep many feet down and is as hard as
iron. The whole harbor turns a kind I
of dull gray. That, too, Is frozen deep.
To keep any sort of channel opt :i Hit' j
powerful Ice breaker has to go through I
Its work twice a day. Twelve hours of j
an ordinary winter's day is often suili- j
cient to block the passage. And till ,
this In a town in the same parallel as
To those wf?io have never experi
enced It real tirctic cold is tdinost In
conceivable. They cannot grasp the
difference between 10 and flu degrees
of frost. It remains to thorn merely
one of numbers. Indeed when
tho winter Vets gone it Is sometimes
dlllicult to remember really how cold
It was, but during the four severe win
ter months themselves it is a very
solid and serious fact. Every night
you go to sleep remembering. If you
are new to such things, that a failure
of the furnace which heats the house
means death. You might wake first t.)
know you were frozen or you might '
not. In tho poorer hou:;es the Inhabit- !
nnts sleep on the stoves, and the weak
ones often die. lii'iuikenness here is
often, attended witlii a. swift, retrlbu-:
non, wmcn noes not m ine least iur
vent it, and every day in winter people
are taken up frozen from the gutters,
the spirit which is In them only hns
tenlng tho freezing, so that the carts
which are always sent round to pick
up tho sailors when tho crews of the
men-of-war are ashore have to do theii"
Work quickly. In the summer time,
when there is not the same need for
hurry, the men often lie about In gut
ters until the afternoon. The word
"gutters" Is used simply to designate a
certain part of the roadway. Gutters
as such do not exist. The drunken
ness among all classes of Kussiaus Is
simply appalling. Officers think noth
ing of taking a tumblerful of raw
whisky as a modest "bitters" before
When the wind is not blowing the
cold Is endurable, though five fur lined
overcoats are not at all an extraordi
nary amount of winter wrap. You
wear, of course, fur boots, fur gloves,
fur caps. Women have their skirts
and bodices lined Willi fur. Wildcat,
being both soft and very warm, is of
ten used for this purpose. It is quite
astonishing the partiality for such
things as oily sardines that ono devel
ops. In the winter time tho bazaar Is real
ly a sight. Everything Is frozen stiff.
Tho huge, long stungeons from tho In
terior stand in rows on their very sharp
pointed noses. Baskets full of little
fishes are piled together like chips of
Ice. Frozen birds hang down on long
festoons, and the municipality is spar
ed one trouble It never has to make
away with food "gone bad." The
bazaar Is almost entirely in the hands
of the Chinese, the tall, dark, rough
Chiuoso of tlie north, who live wrapped
up in wadded cotton clothes until they
look like bundles of bedding. Without
tlie Chinese and the Japanese Vladivos-
tok would find it hard to exist. They
do all the work of the town. Tht
Russians garrison and govern it. Tho
Chineso, tho tJeruians, the Japanese.
and the other nations trade In it.
The great sport of Vladivostok in the
winter la sledge racing, and wlieu once
the harbor Is frozen over a proper
course is marked off, and every mm
who owns a horse takes part. A Rus
sian horse is a superior brute. Ilo
stands'as high and looks as strong as
a cart horse, but he goes like the wind.
He will wn)k or he will gallop, but he
does not condescend to do anything be
tween. His harness is weird and won
derful and very Husslan, cousisting
prininrlly of a huge wooden half hoop
over the head, the keystone of tho
whole structure, which is attached to
the shafts by winding long, thin straps
backward and forward. It takes hours
to put this on, is always liable to como
undone and If undone Is very danger
ous. An English lady once related to
me with horror how she was taken
for a drive iu Vladivostok and tho
horse and carriage Just went over ev
erything walls, banks or whatevoi"
came In the way. ' It is quite true, a
ltusslnn hore docs, and if you liavj
onco driven behind one you are nevei
norvous again. You are either killed'
or cured.
In Vladivostok you take your dally
skate as your constitutional, and the
most exciting tiling to do Is to sled go-'
along the const dangerous because
shore ice Is never quite trustworthy
to Askold, which is an Island on tlx
Siut'lhvast coast of ibr.AiL
For Sale. "
I own and offer for soli tho .James
Andorst'ii blacksmith property in To
lydo. fj-henp fur cash.
il..l). Wrrstoitii-