a t Volume XI 1. Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, Friday, April 29, 1904. Number 9 fltnlti i Boy Whisky Gun. . Chester Keady, hi) 18 year-old Corval lis boy. cot, on u drunk Saturday night and shot Niaht Watchman Osbnrn and and ex Sheriff Dunn. The latter ex pirod Tuesday. Osbnrn may live. As he fell, Dunn shot Kendy through the lieart. 'A bullet from Sheriff Burnett's revolver passed through the young des perado's fnce, but the wound would probnbly not have been fatal. The trouble is only what can be ex pected in a community where boys are able to obtain liquor and permitted to Carry fire-arms. This dispatch from Albany to the Portland Journal con tains pointers worthy the consideration of the law-abiding citizens of every community: J "The htory of the shooting in Corval Jis, that resulted in the death of the vrmiricr mnn ronnniiuiri u r.u t laimmpuu u and in the dahgerous wounding of two officers, created intense excitement in ) his city, where all parties are well known. It's the old story boy whis ky and gun. There is a growing tend ency among the youth of a number of the valley towns to carry pistols and defy the police. Corvallis Is one of these towns, and the result of this habit is the tragedj of Saturday night. Similar conditions exist in Albany. There are eaid to be a uumberof smart youths here who habitually carry pis tols, and it is a known fact that indip. criminate shooting of firearms at night has disturbed certain portions of this pity recently. Only last week a shot, tired in the rear of a house in the heart of this city, frightened a poor woman badly, and it is now positively known that a certain smart youth of the pistol carrying class fired the shot for the sole I purpose of frightening what he sup . posed was a girl w ho was alone in the '. house. "It has been suggested that young men suspected of carrying weapons be searched, aud if found armed unless good reasons can be given why they should be allowed to continue to carry weapons -they be prosecuted. This affair in Corvallis is liable to bring ' about action here looking to the dis- aiming of the 'kids' carrying guu9 in Albany. Aud similar step9 would be ; advif-able in other places." Taxpaying Candidates. A couple of Tub Leader's sleepy con temporaries seem to be advocating the election of R N. Warnock, Democratic candidate for Sheriff, mainly because lie is a taxpayer. Bob is a taxpayer all right enough, but there are others. Here is what the assessment roll re veals : Taxes of R. N. Warnock $32.38 Taxes of J. H. Boss 34.78 Of course, we expect this little item from the records will disappoint a few of the chief knockers, aud they will whisper around in remote parts of the county that it is a campaign lie just as they would have the voters believe tho lat scmi-nnnual statement of the county officials isa campaign lie. lion est meu will investigate. Manager Edwin Stone is at Yauina l'.ny this week lookiug after the removal of tho rest of the machinery of the shops from Yaquina to Albany, and al fo improving his Seal Rocks property. Arrangements are also being made for tho better handling of the summer iriitcl to Newport and other coast sum mer resorts, and it is uniiounced that a larger truffle will be handled this year than ever iu the history of the loud, for more summer cottages are being built nt Newport than hate gone tip there in a number of vears. Albauy Herald. If you don't register beore May 10, you can't vote. Mohair and Wool Wanted. We will pay the highest cash price for mohair and wool delivered al any station ou the C. & ft. Get our prices before selling. Stewart & Va.nt. Seed Potatoes. We hare a few bu-dielsof Early Rofe, Early Vennout and Bui-poo's Extra Early Seedlings eeed potatoes. Speak for thi-m early, ns we have only a few hiixbcU of l-acti. Stewart A Vant. I By the way, have you n-gbtcred 1 Wool sacks at Stewart & Vant's. A Rowia of Yaquina was in the city Tuesday. George Hall has been numbered with the sick this week. You can't vote if you don't register. May 15 is the last day. S. F. Cook was a visitor from Elk City Wednesday night. I. J. Bill Pepin of Chitwood had business in the county seat Monday night. Ladies you are invited to call and in spect the now stock of spring hats at Mrs. Wygant's. C. & E. Agent and Mrs. B. II. Boles of Yaquina were passengers for Albany Tuesday moruing. W. H. Daniel of Big Elk was in the city Monday night feeling the pulse of tue iiiouaii' lutu kol, etc. George Meckel's overcoat returned Tuesday evening to its home at New port, accompanied by Mart Glass. Call ou Mrs. Wygant for ladies' and children's underwear, hose and magic hose supporters. They are the best ever made. Married - In Eugene, Or., April 3. 1904, Miss Emma Leabo of Yaquina and Charles G. Kundisan of Lane county, Oregou. Gus Olson of Sugarfoaf was among the arrivals Tuesday night. He has de clared bis iutention of becoming a cit izen of Newport. Mrs. G. R. Schenck, Department President of the Woman's Relief Corps, returned Monday evening from an of ficial visit at Eugene. The Leader's stock of garden seeds, compliments of Senators Mitchell and Fulton, is exhausted. Cull aud leave your orders for next year. R. N. Warnock, Democratic nominee for Sheriff, was sizing up the situation in Toledo Tuesday, departing that evening for down the bay poiuts. Surveyor Jim Derrick, Jim Gaither and C. E. Hawkins left Wednesday for the latter gentleman's ranch to meas ure a chiltim tree or something. ii any suoscriuer tans to receive a publication to which he is entitled ou a clubbing proposition, he should notify us at once, that we may investigate. ToeLbadkr has a bit of information a tip, so to speak to any of its readers who expect to attend the St Louis Ex position. Call early and avoid the rush. Mrs. Osthoffof Portland was among the arrivals Tuesday evening. Her husband owns the Charlie Dick ranch, which lie purchased about three years ago. S. A. Pruett of Yaquina was in the city Tuesday morning. He has been slightly under the weather for several days, but expects to be able to attend the tit. Louis Exposition in September, J. R. Mays & Son captured the mo hair pool at Elk City Tuesday with tho high bid of 33 U-1G ccuta per pound Tnis is very near the top of the market The bids for the Little Elk pool will bo opened at Eddyville tomorrow. The Republicans of Lincoln county, and Oregou generally, appear to be lazy this year just because an easy victory is assured, and are neglecting to register They should do so at once, aud prepare to pile up a record-breaking majority iu June. Ade CroBiio shipped his pair of boar onus Wednesday to Fred Dawson nt Albany. Fred is Maid to possess a won derful influence over wild animate, aud he will teach his bears to peel chittitn on his Lincoln County farm while he eiijoys himself fishing for trout and customers. George McCluskey leftTuesday moru ing for his ciaiui iu the Teumile country, accompanied by O. B. Long of Corvallis, who has taken a homestead in the same locality and formed a part nership with Georgo in the chiltim business. Mr. Long is a student at Willamette University. Talk is occasionally revived about se curing a regular cteauier to run iu and out of Yaquina harbor, handle local produce and supply bay points with Sau Francisco merchandise. Talk is still cheap, Until 'Lincoln county's timber is ready to move there will hardly be local business enough to jus tify the effort. It might be accom plished if our producers would orgaulze for that purpose. Inherited Indian' Land At Siletz Agency, Oregon NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That bids will be received for the sale of the following described inherited Indian County, Oregon, as per schedule herein set HEIRS SUB DIVISIONS John Adams I,ot S ne H Lot 4 ne ii Lot. 14 ne V? Lot la ne l2 Coquelle Thompson wj vti sc! ive ;i sw Lot 12 sw i Henry Johnson 8$ swJi nw'i iw ! bw Lot o sw Lot I sw li Lot 7 sw li Loc 8 sw 12 Henry Johnson '. Se u nw i Ne U sw V Henry Johnson w.i sw'i ne "4 Lot 8 se y. Lot 4 He Ui Henry Johnson Lot 9 bw ' Lot 10 bw J4 Lot. f nw 2 Lot 8 nw '4 NWlot 9nwJ4 N'lotlOnw'2 Katherlne Evans Lot 13 ne i 8'X lots nw i n'i lot b nw Lot 12 nw V. 12 nw uw Lot 11 Katlierino Evans Se sw A sw i ne '4 ne W 8w Katherlne Evans Lot Lot i.iiv it iiu YiM swl4 nw no i AbeLosran 8e i se X Larkey Logan K? sw4 so '4 Annie Winkler Lot 24 sw J4 H. C. Caluhan Moses Lane neJ4 nw'4 Mil i nw '4 WK se' n wl? Lot 2 nw 'i Jacob Johnson Lot 8 bw M Lot 4 bw ;-i , Lot 6 iwi: Said bids will be received up to 12 which they are listed to he opened in sealed envelopes directed to John J. Envelopes containing such bids should of the lands to which the bids relate, but f4 MS'A SW Vy 8f SW i MS 1 NWnetfnelZ .Q nwne? the date upon which the bid is to be opened. JOHN J. McKOIN, Supt. and Special Disbursing Agent, in Charge of Siletz Agency, Oregon. The Howler's Endorsement. The Newport Newsance warmly en dorses Ira Wade, but still warns its 11 readers that the last semi-annual state ment as to the financial condition of Lincoln county may be false. As Ira certifies that it is "a true and correct statement," we have here another glit tering exhibition of the consistency of the Yaquina Bay Newsauce. Any citizen who is willing to accept the report of Export J. H. Wilson, filed September 1G, 1901, may easily examine the records from that date, or get some one to do it for him, aud ascer tain for himself the amount of warrants issued and paid to April 1, 1904, the date of the last semi-annual statement of County Clerk Wade. As every man knows who knows even a little bit, Sheriff Ross has nothing whatever to do with the semi-annual fiuaucial statements of the county, and knows absolutely nothing about them. It is a matter separate and dis tinct from the duties of the Sheriff, the Clerk alone boing responsible there tor. Matthews is such a loyal friend of Lincoln County that he cannot avoid showing disappointment because it is not completely smothered under a rapidly increasing debt, thus making good the calamity howl which he has bceu pouring into his 11 readers during the past four or five years. Too statement of County Clerk Wade is correct and open for examin ation, and that olQcial will take pleas ure in placiug the records of his office iu the hands of any taxpayer who may call aDd ask to see them. The same is truoof the books of County Treasurer Hyde. Further, let it be remembered that these officials are under tho best bond that can be secured, and proof that they are dishonest or derelict in the discbarge of their duties will result in recovery from their bondsmen. These howUrs should either produce some thing substantial to back their talk or gracefully close up and take a beat in the rear of the auditorium. Found. All A. O. U. W. emblem pin. A pair of spectacles. Inquire at this otllce. John Bowers oi ucaver (Jreoit waa a Toledo visitor yesterday. for Sale lands, situated and being in Lincoln forth, to-wit: 03 D O 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 S 8 8 8 8 H 8 8 8 88 R8 84 83 33 27 27 33 83 83 84 20 20 28 VI 22 27 27 19 19 19 19 85 85 35 Date Listed Jan. 25 Date Bid Opened April 23 -p 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Acres 23.S9 2.S.li3 20 20 20 40 23.12 20 ' 40 4.(55 3.90 5.20 6.71 40 40 20 10 7.10 6.84 11.81 12.91 20 20 10 10 20 10 10 20 20 40 40 20 20 20 20 40 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 19.30 20 19.29 32.. 1H.18 19.54 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 Feb. 8 May 7 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 9 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 11 11 11 Mar. 7 June 4 April 18 July 1G o'clock, noon, of the various days upon above schedule, and must be enclosed in McKoin, Superintendent, Siletz, Oregon. not have noted thereon the description there shall be notp.d on such envelopes Alleged Remarks. According to Dad Clark's Vim, the following remarks were heard at the close of the Republican county conven tion. As Dad is a well-knowu wholesale aud retail dealer, in insinuations and innuendoes, we do not feel certain that the alleged remarks were made; neither shall we attempt a guess as to whom the remarks are attributed : TUB WINNERS. J. R. We have demonstrated to the "Skim-milk" that We are the People. I. W. Nothing but "acclamation goes with us. J. L. H. I did not ask for a life lease, but I guess that I've got it. Geo. B. My socks are not silk, but you know I needed the office. H. II. I surprised the old war horses Johnnie, I will reduce vour taxes. M. W. My office rent paid for two years more. TUB 8K1M-MILK. C. E. II. Don't you know that the judgeship in two years is better than nothing ? C B. C The deal was too rank for my stomach. I am going to the woods to meditate aud forget. D1SOIIUNTLEO. F. W. The deal was fixed. F. S. My friends went back on me, Geo. K. When they downed my old friend F. M. C. they insulted me. know that lie once voted a part of the Republican ticket. - F. M. C.-The elevatiou of W. W. 8 may cause heart-failure. There is a large gulf between the post mortem of a cadaver and the post mortem of a broucbo. - If you don't register before May 10, you can't vote. On account of the meetings la Toledo Rev Bristol will not be at Eddyville Sunday, bis regular date. .Captain Brauson and wife the evangelists, have been conducting the mooting at the M E. church in Toledo during the past week. The Captaiu is uu earnest worker aud Is arousing considerable interest Tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon, at 2:30 he will havo a icii!al meeting for chil dron and young people, to which, how ever, every body ia cordially invited. Memorial Day Committees. At its meeting Tuesdav night Abe Lincoln Woman's Relief Corps No. 49 appointed the following committees for Memorial Day : Music Henry Collins, Ella Stewart, Maybel Bethers. Finance G. R. Schenck, II. R'. Stur- devant. Decorating Hall F. M. WadRworth, Alice Waugh, Matilda Espy, Ida Center Mary Wygant, LaVilla McNeil. Program- Mary Arnold, Elma Hyde, T. P. Fish, J. II. McNeil, Lavilla Mc Neil, Ida Center, C. A. Dick, Job Arn old. Arranging Flowers Elma Hyde, Amanda Waggoner, Susan Ellsworth, Louisa Wadsworth. Catherine Collins, Jennie Fish, Margaret Armstrour. Olive Nye, Ina Sturdevant, Mary Pow- The program will be published later. Wanted A few buahels of good Bur- bank potatoes for immediate shipment. Stewart & Vant. If you don't register before May 16, yon can't vote. About twenty of the young peoplo of Toledo celebrated Willie Franklin's 16th birthday Tuesday night by making him the victim of a genuine surprise party. One of the best times on record is re ported, au abundance of ice cream aud cake contributing largely to the success of the affair. The cake, it is said, wag especially deserving of attention, for it was made by the girls present, and tbo boys think it just a little better than the girls' mothers could make. The good time lasted until the early hours of Wednesday morning. Sheriff Ross arrested Wednesday at Wrens George DeBois, Father of ' Irwin Debois, the young man whom he ar rested last week for looting a cottage at Newport. The father was arrested on information furnished by the son, im plicating him in the unlawful act. Tho elder DeBois left Newport Sunday and was traveling afoot toward the valley. Wednesday night at Newport DeBois was examined before Justice Sylvester, who fixed his bond at $500, in lieu of which the accu sed occupies the Toledo jail that is, tho space to which he is entitled. The launch Olalla, Captain George McCaulou, Hans Olson, purser, went to Newport Wednesday night with the jTollowing passengers : Mesdames C. E. Hawkins and J. Ofstedahl, Misses Ethel and Edith Ross, Dr. Thomas Parker and A. J. Hendry. A session of theO. E. S. was the attraction. Ou the return trip the party was increased by Assessor aud Mrs. R. II. Howell, Dr. Hendry re maining in Newport, his home. Cup McCaulou reports a pleasant trip, with do deadheads or stowaways aboard. Tho new planer was installed in Al- tree's mill this week. Oliver informs Tub Leader that he now has about 900,000 feet of logs ready for the mill and 400,000 feet to be placed iu tho boom when needed. Jay Dunn reports that himself aud Stony Wells expect to begin putting logs iu Olalla for G. L. Gray's mill iu about ton days. A.J. McMillan left Wednesday moni tor British Columbia, where he has a position with a railroad company. Mrs. McMillan aud sons will spend the sum mer in loledo. We see by Dad Clark's Vim that B. F. Jones of Toledo is a"PotHry Nublic." Mr. Jones, we believe, has the honor of being tho first to secure the new official title. Ed Stanton and family will remove to their farm in the Tenmile country "as soon as it (tho weather) clears up." Joe Blower returned yesterday even ing to liis home at Mill 4 from a visit with his brot her Tom iu Tolk county. James Plunkett of Kings Valley was visiting J. S. Copeland and othor com rades 'aud friends a few days ago. Mrs. C. IJ. Crohno returned yesterday evening from a visit at Corvullis with her mother, who has been sick. Mr. and Mr. Robert Tassel I and daughter were visitors from Elk City Saturday. Cecil Wvgaut returned Monday from the O. A. C. at Corvallis. Leon RoHebrook left this morning for Mount Angel Academy.