Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, April 15, 1904, Image 8

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FITS-As Usual:
Men's Fits
Our Spring Stock is here and wo
are opening up tliis week. Come
and see all the pretty tilings we
have. No trouble to show Goods
T?rom ffernville to SiletZ.
As arranged, I met Jakie Johnson
with the Keruville mail carrier near
the btiv. Taking conveyance with lnni,
we went up the river to the trail of the
Siletz mail-carrier. Leaving the bout,
we walked over the mountain and were
ready for ths kiud-uearted mail carrier,
who took us up the river to Mr. Micek's
place, where he left ns on solid ground.
$i j We tried to keep up, but in vain. e
K arrived in SileU just after ciarK, wei 10
$ ti and went to the Micek hotel,
where we found a Hot ureanuweio
anon dried and ready for bed, which we
I found warm and comfortable.
! On Monday, March 28, I was invited
k) i lo Uine witu linn oroujeis ami siii
I ...:.i. 1- n..T Tlta mind mfHIH
W11U VI I . 1,'U.L.tliUi ici . "v fci""
and pleasant chat were enjoyed. Next
day, by invitation of Superintendent
McKoin. 1 visited the Indian training
school. Everything is carried on in
perfect order. The names of the teaeh
eiH have slipped my mind, but tho work
that in being done is unsurpassed.
Well may the fjileU Indians be proud
of their school.
We" returned homo by way of the
i liver on a hastily made scow.
G. S. Paumelk.
Socialist Convention.
The Socialists held their county con
vention at the courthouse in Toledo on
the 7th inst. Otto O. Krogstnd was
chosen as chairman and J. W. Parrish
secretary. The following nominations
were made :
SberilT-J M K Batler.
Clerk George Wright.
Assessor Irvin Magee.
Treasurer II Olson.
Joint Representative O O Krogslad.
The balance of the offices were left
to be tilled by the executive committee.
The following resolutions were
adopted bv tho convention:
We, the So(;ialipf of Lincoln county,
Oregon, in convention assembled, re
allirm our allegiance to the cause of So
cialism by endorsing the national and
state platform of the Socialist party.
We demand the most rigid economy
In the conducting of the county busi
ness, consistent with efllcient manage
ment. Tho general concensus of opinion of
the votors of our conuty, irrespective
of party, seems to be in favor of a re
duction of tho present exorbitant sal
nries of our county officials. We as a
party hereby pledge ourselves to work
for such a reduction, thereby easing a
part of tho burden resting ou the tax
payer. We hereby pledge our candidates not
to work for an increase of salary dur
ing their term of olHce, and to serve
the people to the best of their several
abilities during the term of office for
which they will bo elected for the salary
ns now Oxod by law.
Wo demand that all contracts be com
pleted according to plans and specillca
t ions before the same are accepted and
received by the county court.
Wj further demand that all property
bo assessed at its true cash value as
directed by law and no favoritism be
hIiowu towards corivnmtbns and the
"Oil. .1. W. I'AUItlSH,
A. L. McFaudkn,
K. 11.
Is Crime Increasing ?
Few social questions are asked more
I'-ecjiiently than, what is the increase of
crime? The national Census Bureau is
M'ckitijf an answer to this inquiry. It
is undertaking to occure u record of all
I er.-ons who are .enteuced to the var
ious jails, penitential ios, and other!
prisons in the I'nited States during the j
year 1(101. ;
The wardens of the state prison- and I
The Democratic Convention.
The representative Democrats of
Lincoln county met in convention at
the courthouse in Toledo yesterday af
ternoon, with A B Clark in the chair
and John Loom is filling the position of
secretary. The committee on creden
tials reported tho following delegates
entitled to seats in the convention :
Toledo Dr Wetmore, B Fiary, Dan
iel Grady, George Schenck, Ed Puine
and Sam Owen.
Newport Adrian Ford, James Ball,
W S Whitten (J W Ball, proxy), Steven
Logau (John Loomis, proxy), John
Vaquina George Lewis, A L Taylor,
D F Scott, Joseph Shermer.
Beaver Creek Archie McGinley, J J
Gateus, J M Bowers.
Tidewater-J It Barclay. N J Good
man, W T Barclay (A T Goodman,
Nashville Alox Warnock. C II Big
don and II 8 Porter.
Klk Ciiy Dudley Trapp, C L Morri
son, Willio Simpson, O A Hooker.
Siletz -John Williams, John Micek,
Louie Smith, Bob Tronson, Butler Fair
child, Billy iMetcalf.
The following precincts were not rep
resented: Als-a, Five Rivers, Big Elk
Morris and Kern.
The following were elected as dele
gates lo the state convention: J V
Stewart, Al Waugh and Alex Warnock.
Following is tho county ticket :
Sheriff-It N Warnock.
Clerk-Z M Derrick.
Assessor J H Lutz.
Commissioner -Dudley Trapp.
Surveyor-(iouleib Elksnat!
School Supeiintendent C I, Knapp.
Coroner John Williams.
Unlike most Democratic conventions,
it was surprisingly harmonious, being
composed of the very cream or the
party Wo congratulate our friends
the enemy upon their good behavior.
Call for County Warrants.
Notice is hereby giveu that I have
funds on hand to pay all County War
rants drawn on the General Fund, ami
endorsed : "Not paid for want of funds'
up to and Including November 22, l'.KJO.
Iuterest on nila warrants to cease
from and after said date.
J. L. IIvdk, County Treasurer.
Dated at Toledo, Or., this 25th day of
March. 1001.
Call for County Warrants.
... , n,t,; jM null" I1IIU I (slVH Ulllt 1 liV(J
the sheriffs of the counties are being f,""N H band to pay all County War-
requested to act a special agents to re- j nu" 8 llrrtw,, ou General Fund, and
port certain facts concerning every per-1 enJ"Wl1 : paid for want of funds"
tiun delivered into their custody. Some u, to '"Ending April 2'.), IDOL
counties have not been heard from. Inj Interest on said warrants to cease
some perhaps there are no iail-. i ! 0,1 Hd after said date.
J. J.. Hydk, County Treasurer.
Date.! at Toledo, Or., this loth day of
April, 1004.
others perhaps the local jails are no
jon;'er ui-ed, iu ntill others the sUeriffs
l:ave posnibly neglected the matter.
But the records of the Census Bureau
and the resuliUn: statist ie win . i...
fomplete until all arc heard from, and
Seed Potatoes.
We have u few bushels of I-urly Rose.
I n rift V..- . '
it N hoped that the pres: ,,, I ! t'; Veek.y d Weekly Journal
t.usiues, wm not cui the sheritr n ! a .?. s. "I .B!,ra ?tr .u,n lb" ",!irkt '"!
ueiut?ss win uot cause the sheritf of
nuy county to block this most import
unt inquiry.
r.nrij- eeii hiL'a 1 ........ -.
, - i." ru iwiaiurii, speak
for them early, we have only a few
bushels 0f eucb. Stm akt & Vast.
Kernville Items.
Nearly all the little lambs h ive per
ished in the cold rains this spring.
W illiam Dick, an Indian, lost 30 all
he had. lr, is reported that Mr. Morris
of Salmon Biver has lost 10 head of
'-it! le thio spring.
Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Parmele visited
the Keruville school last week and re
port a good sohoolliouse and a fine litijo
teacher. Sheisdoiug good work, with
well-roirulated olasses.
John Garnier, Jakie Johnson and
Tipton Holland went on a bear hunt
last week. '
Willie Bones met two bear3 on a log.
He said he felt a Utile shaky a first,
and yelled ut them, but wheu the big
bear turned around and knocked the
little one off, he had to laugh while
they scampered through the brush.
Barniele brothers lost a valuable
shepherd dog last week and will give
$50 for another as good. They cannot
niauage their cattle without one. A
good dog is of more service to them
than a horse.
Drs. F. E. and M. C. Adams Coining.
Editor Luadkr:
lu reply to inquiries regarding our
return to Toledo during the summer,
you will pleaso announce through your
papoi' that we will be in Toledo during
the summer. Not able to give date as
yet, but we will be there thoroughlj
prepared for all lines of dental work,
and should any work done in the past
need repairs it will be done free of
charge. Das. F. E. and M. C. Adams.
Puxdlkton. Or., March 2:', 1901.
. Potatoes for Sale.
I have 400 bushels of flue potatoes,
chep for cash; still cheaper if takeu in
largo quantities. Jok Kohvdar.
SileU, Or.
For Sale.
One horse and buggy and four head
of cattle. Farm for rent. Inquire, of
C W. Day.
Four miles north of Toledo.
' .
Brown Leghorn Eggs.
I hate for sale Brown Leghorn eggs
at only $1 per setting of 15, from the
pure-bred celebrated Bonnev and Gar
rison stock. I. fiHser,
Toledo, Or.
For Sale.
At a bargain : Une acre of hind in To
ledo, 5-room bouse, barn and chicken
house, good well, splendid garden spot.
Call on or address Cihtis M Buowx,
Toledo, Or.
Read the Market News in
The Oregon Daily Journal
Nothing Is omitted which concerns
the interest of buyers and sellers in
the live stock, grain, provisions, produce
and financial markets-the markets are
comprehensive and in every way re
liable. The Journal iu addition carries every
dav a full mnl ti-i,ti,f,,i .. . .."
, ,, " -eiiorr. ot the
world h news and presents many special
features of deep Interest to the Hverage
reader. The Journal' woman's page
the illustrated tort'iug news p.ige the
Journal stories and comic pages and
other good things nmke it a very popn
lr family newspaper, clean and t,ri.,ut
from A lo Z and year's end to years end
Semi weekly, 104 issnes.oneyear.cii 5o
Weekly. M. Tl
Weekly and Weekly Journal also con!
nil a1 .
features of the Dally Journal. Address
Tortland, Oregon.
Leader in
Xiow Prices
Yours witli Bargains
. ToledJ
State NoiJ
Training School f,,
arranged ospecially (,.;
Most approved Jietl(
ungraded work tnucln
school. The demin.
this school as UacL.
supply. The Trsi,?
wiiiou consists of
fechooi ot ahout 2j
equipptd in all jtsbl!,
tSloyd, Music, l)Mllil
'draining. The Koras
.quickest war to n t,
Full term opens Sept.
or iniormatioii Hdilrm
Or J. B. W. BUTLEfJ, Sscretary
4k ST- "-'V'Srt7r-.
You dot
have to
hire a t
The La Salle Street St"
in Chicago, which is us
the trains of the Rock I
System, is loct '
the very hearts ,
city, less' th
block from the I
of Trade; less:
two blocks from tlit;
Office; within easyv
ing distance oftheprc' ,
hotels, theatres and
tr j . i i. , . ii
tj i ou aon i nave to nireacaDtom:,,
I The 'union loop is right in frontofto
I I . Pay 5 cents, get aboard the eltvild,ti
- r' " "-t
Let me give vou other ss
reason! why you should use
the Rock Island System.
There are lots of them.
L. B. CORHAM, Caneral Agont,
1 40 Third St.. Portland, Ore.
I'. S. I.Hiid Olllce at KoxeliurK, Or.,
, April HHH.
Notice Ih huroliy Riven (hut tho following,
nan.dl s-ittlcrha, lileil notice of hU lulenilo.i
"KO l'"'o in Kiippnrt of, hU clulm. 1
an.l that xai.t proof will lie .nude bufo.-o '
:. , ' v i Lincoln county, at
lolerto, Oreiton, on May 21, plot, vi.-
Isaac II. Kverm.n, It. K. No. s;i.-.",r I.ntH -I, 6
'cc tlnl an.l loui, a.U W(.tlon
twp M , raiiKO 12 w. ,
"0 names the following wlti.osno- to prove
h contlmuM,, resl.lcncc up,,., au.lculllvmion
of i-a id land, viz:
W T IToeki-r, All-ert llfnnett. C II ):VCI18 nm,
"alter llSord all ol WaMport, (r.
J. 'MtiiuiiiKH. Ilcglyter.
You want all the caKni;
Only t2 for Tun I.eadeii and Weekly
Oretfonian. Get them now.
(jour own selection) to e-r
,cr'b"- Q'"y W Lent, V?' ub-
No. 2. For Yaquini:
Train leaves Albany"
' ' Corvilli;
' " Toledo!
Arrive Yaquina,
" Corvallw i
Arrive Albany i
No. i.
No. 3. For Detroit:
Leaves Albany jj
At rive Detroit
No. 4. ReturninR:
' Leaves Detroit ;
Arrives Albany :
Train No. I orrivef '
hi limp tn rnnnect WltB
southbound train, a.itf
two or tliree hour? w-
fore departure of S. rt
train fur Portlaml.
Train No. 2 connw
S. p. trains al Coivj
mi critrintr Hirectser'Pl
pert and adjacent &t
Train 3 for Deirou,"
and qjher mountain t
Allinny atjjoo a. ra., T(J(r
troit about noon, gf''
time lo reach the fr
For limber informal''
J. E. FkANKllS, W
13. H. Bolks,