Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, April 15, 1904, Image 5

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To the Public:
U'e wish to inform the people of
Lincoln county thnt we are located in
Toledo with a general stock of hard
ware and such articles as the farmer,
sawmill man, fisherman, carpenter,
logger, or, in fact, anybody or his
wife may need in our line. We. show
' ulso a full line of plows, cultivators and
harrows. We will be fflad to have you
call atid see us before purchasing'.
, Remember, wo are the only exclusive '
hardware firm in the county.
. Sue Nature's Art, Gallery of the Rockies in addition to
attractions at St. Louis. This can only bo done by
.uv; frnin" or rot-nrntnir via tht 'Sppnip J. inn of tltp Vor'ln
r T WWTVAT.T.Tn fS.ri'W.taifi A TTP A fTTnWC
Write for illustrated booklet of Colorado's famous sights aad resorts
VV. C. HcBRIDE, General Agent
U Third Street
03.f Thomas Parker,
""Hilce Yaquina Ray Mercautile Co. Bid);.
I J. D. Wetmore,
tain Oliico Yaijuina Branch Olllce Toledo
Sllij Attorney-at-Law.
r -Defuty District Attorney
for Lincoln oiinty
n'Vill . jir.icticc in all courts in the
'tate. Probate matters and col lee
'jotm jiromptly attended to.
If. ' Office in Courthouse, Upstairs,
i 1 xt c inivpc
A-: . A ttnrnov-nt-r,nr.
practice in all the courts of
) Oregon. Five and one-hall" years
i clerk of Probate and Circuit.
, ! courts. Has complete up-to-date i
j . Abstract of Lincoln County.
George A. Landreth,
i The Barber.
A neat hair-cut in any style desired
3? i and an easy shave.
litiOntne Water Front, otio block south
j of Depot.
i -Accommodations as good as can be
j: . I fouud iu Lincoln county.
he traveling public cordially invited
I to ivo this house a trial.
I'eeps constantly on hand all
the Standard Varieties of
Fruit Trees
Vines and
' Shrubbery
Chitwoqd,, Oregoji,
t-i WM
f V VI
In the County Court of the Stato of Oregon,
for the County of Lincoln.
In the matter of tho estate of Nancy Knos, de
ceased. To Thomas W. Knoft and Mrs, M. U. Long,
heirs, and to all other heirs. If any such there
be, In tho Nnino of tho State' of Oregon, You
are hereby cited and required to appear in the
County Court of the Ktnte of Oregon, for the
county of Lincoln, at the court room thereof,
at Toledo, in the county of Lincoln, on Mon
day, the second day. of May, 1904, at 10 o'clock,
in the fore noon of that day, then and there
to show cause, It any, why an order ol
sale should not be made as iu the petition
herein, tiled, prayed for, to-wit:
For the saie of tho s.'ij of ne.'i and nV of se'i
of section C, township JO south, range 11 west,
sltuaio in Lincoln county, state of Oregon;
which said petition was filed by William K.
Knos as administrator of said estate; that an
order to slioyv cause at tho time and place
above mentioned why said described real
property should not be sold by said adminis
trator was made by the County Judge of said
county March 5, 1901. ' ' '
Witness, the Hon. C. M Jlrown, Judge of the
County Court of the State of Oregon, for tho
"County of Lincoln, with the seal of said Court
ailixed, this 5th day of March, A. D., 1904.
Attest: 'uA Vaik, Clerk
Land Olllce at Oregon City, Oregon,
March 5, 1904.
Notice is hereby given that the following-
i-nned settler has li lad notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
thntsaid proof will be made before tho County
Clerk of Lincoln county at Toledo, Oregon, on
April , 1904, viz:
Ole J. Johnson, 11. E. No. 1 11711 for the uo'I
or section 34, twp 8 s, range 10 w.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence npou and cultivation
of said land, viz:
Walter H. Hall and Warren It. Hall both of
Silo.s. Ore.; liemhard Olson of Toledo, Ore.;
Albin Olson of Hoots. Ore.
Ai.geukon B. DiiEHBKit, Register.
Land Olllce at Koseburg, Ore.,
March .1, liioi.
Notice is hereby given that the following.
named settlor has tiled notice of her intention
to make final proof In support of her claim,
and that said proof will bo made before Ira
ado, County Clerk of Lincoln connty at his
ottlce at Toledo, Oregon, on April lfi, loot, viz:
Homestead Entry No. 9045, Alice Vador, nee
Trenholm, for the Vi of nw'4, no' of !iwi
nw;4 of ne'-i, section 31, twp II s, ranga 11 w.
She names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultivation
of snid land, viz:
Walter Hosford, Silas Howell, Henry Tlobell
and Lmmerson Waun all of Waldport, Oro.
J. T. BmiMiKH, Register.
United States Land Ofllce, Itosoburg Or.,
February , 1904.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June a, 1K78, ey titled "An act for the salo of
timber lands in tho status of California, Ore
gon, Nevada and Washington Territor'," lis
extended to all public land slates by act of
August 4, 181), Clarendon C. Mcllridoof Wall
port, county of Lluciln, Btate of Oregon, has
this day filed In this oilice his sworn statement
No. 61)78, for the purchase of the wUof no'i
andnwtof se'of section 13 In township 13
south, range 11 west and will oiler proof to
show that the land nought Is more valuable
for Its timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to said
land before Ira Wade, County Clerk at Ills of
llce at Toledo, Oregon, on Saturday the 23d day
of April, v.m,
He names as witnesses:
C. M. Brown of Toledo, Or.; II. A. Bowman,
W. 1'. Uray and Charles Ewlng all of Waldport,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
aliove-ilovcrlbed lands are requested to 11 Iu
their claims In this ofllce on or before said 33d
day of April, ipoi.
4,T, Biudoes, Kogljtor.
Grist of Business Transacted at
the Regular Term.
j Toledo, Or., April II, 1904.
Commissioners' Court for Lincoln
County met in regular aesaion. Present j
Hon. C. M. Browu, Jtidne; Hon. F.M.
Stanton and Hon. George King, Com
missioners; Ira Wade, County Clerk ;
J. II. Koss, Sheriff.
(Continued from last week)
Glass & Trudhomme, supplies for sheriff
and clerk $ 45 67
Koss E Moores & Co, blanks for elerk. . . . 71
I K Mays Jc Son, nails for road district
Nolo 4 50
J L Hyde, salary as treasurer for Febru
ary and March and- stamps. 67 01
Chas L Hyde, putting wood in court
house woodshed 2 75
Georgo Hodges, examining Scott creek
bridge 1200
R II Howell, aessor ; 09 00
(iiirdner & Avery, plows furnished dis
tricts 12 and 0 20 00
II Lewis, supplies for county 5 00
O O Krogstad, supplies for county...... . 4 25
C R Ellsworth, board of Mrs Liza Coun-
Bll..... .' ; S0
A Uoscbrobk, merchandise for county. .. 5 40
Oren Ruperts, pauper so 00
Ira Wade, stamps, expressage, freight.. 22 00
C F Soule, printing for county 63 10
C F Soule, publishing delinquent tax
roll for 1902 217 00 j
J A Hall, work on connty vault 2 50 !
Lee Wade, work on county vault, 2 50
Joseph Goeser, county aid .... . 20 55
G L Grny, lumber for connty ' 1 87
Gardner it A ery, hardware for county. 40
J II Kosa, cimvcylTiir John UrIh, 1rB.Tie.. 7 50
J If Ross, stamps and sundries 41 85
F M Stanton, Commissioner, per diem .
and mileage 19 80
Gorge King, Commissioner, per diem
and mileage 20 50
In the matter of the appointment of
road supervisor for district No 19. J F
rroctor appointed to fill vacancy of B
L Wolf, resigned.
In the matter of the petition of W S
Mall for rebate of taxes in the sum of
$3.84. Rejected.
In the matter of the petition of Ar
thur Marks for rebate of taxes in the
Bum of $4.46. Rejected.
In the matter of the semi-annual re
ports of the clerk, sheriff and treasurer.
In the matter of the petition of Cath
erine Conklin for rebate of taxes in the
sum of $5.44. Rejected.
In the matter of the petition of J M
K Butler for rebate of taxes in the buiii
of 81.65. Rejected.
In the matter of the petition of C L
Chntterton et, nl for a county road : . At
this time came on for ilnnl public read
ing the report of J C Robertson, J G
Plailk and M Wygant, County Surveyor,
the viewers appointed in the above en
titled matter, and it duly appearing to
the Court that the said report has been
publicly read on two different days of
this term of this Court; that 110 remon
strance herein has been filed against
the petition herein filed in the above
entitled matter; that no petition for
damages has been Hied herein ; and the
Court being fully advised and satisfied
tnat the road as viewed out by said
viewers will be of public utility, the re
port of .said viewers beiug favorable
thereto and the Court being fully ad
vised in the premises, it is hereby or
dered that said-report, survey, profile
and plats in the above entitled matter
be recorded as by law provided; and it
is further ordered thut from thence
forth said road as viewed herein shall
be and tho same is hereby declared to
be a public highway, and it is further
ordered that said road as viewed out by
said viewers be opened as by law di
.rected. C. M. Brown, County Judge,
F. M. Stanton, Commissioner,
Ceorgk Kino, Commissioner.
In the matter of tho report of J A
Hill as supervisor of diatriet No 8. Ac
cepted. '
In the matter of warrant No. 5838.
There being a clerical error of $1.03 in
his favor, it i3 hereby rectified by his
paying the same to the treasurer.
In the matter of the petition of the
American Bible Society for rebate of
luxes. Rejected.
In tho matter of the appointment of
road supervisor in district No 9. It is
hereby ordered by the Connty Court,
sitting as a board for the tranac.tion of
county business, that tho District At
torney institute any and all proceed
ings against S J Stewart to recover from
him all county property now in Ms po
tsssion by vlrtno of his having hereto
fore Ailed the office of road supervisor
in Baid district.
In the matter of the election of road
supervisor of district No 9. At this
time it duly appearing to this Court
that 8 J Stewart, the former supervisor
of said district, has failed to deliver all
or any of the said county's property
r.ow in bis possession to Knssimir
Busch. supervisor of said district,
namely, 1 crowbar, 1 pick, 1 set of drills
and 1 plow and scraper, and unlawfully
holds possession of the same, to the
injury of said road district, it is hereby
ordered that the County Clerk of said
county notify the said S J Stqwart to
They Test
I have just received a new stock
of the famous waterproof
6 4
Loggers' and Cruisers' Shoes
Don't Buy ,
Any Other Brand
forthwith deliver possession of said
property to his successor in ofllce,
namely, Kasimir Busch; and further
that the said Kasimir Busch was duly
appointed to that office as by law pro
vided ou the 7tb day of January, l!)04.
C. M. Brow.v, Couuty Judge,
F. M. Stanton, Commissioner,
Geokge King, Commissioner. .
In the matter of the petition of An
ton Redski for rebate of taxes iu the
sum of $5.96. Allowed.
In the matter of the petition of P S
White for rebate of taxes in the sum of
$2.59. Allowed.'
Whereupon, there being no further
business, Court adjourned.
Read and approved.
C. M. BkOwn, County Judge,
F. M. Stanton, Cmmissioner,
George Kino, Commissioner.
Attest: Ira Vade, Clkhk.
Blue print maps of any town
ship in Roseburu;, Oregon, and Dis
trict, showing all vacant lands, for
50 cents each. If you want any
information from the U. S. Land
Office, address
Title Guarantee & Loan Co.,
Rosebtirsi, Or.
United States Land Ollk'e, Kosebnrn, Or.,
1 January.!. 1!WI.
Notice Is hereby given that iu eomplliuico
with the provisions of the not of Congrcus of
June 3, 1S7S, entitled "An net for tho sale of
timber lauds In tho KtHtes of California, Ore
gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as
extended 10 all public land states dj- not of
August WW, William A I'rinille of Waldport,
county of Lincoln, state of Oregon, bus this
day II led iu this ollieo his sworn statemeut No.
Si).', for tho purchase of tho n'-of ne',4, ne
of 11WJ4, miction 15 and swjof se' of suction
Kl, all In township !" south, i-augo 11 west
and will olllir proof to show that the IhihI
sought Is more vnluiible for Its timber or stonu
than for agricultural purposes, and to es'nb
Ili h his claim to said land before tho County
Clerk of Lincoln county at his ofllce at Toledo,
Oregon, on Wednesday, tho day of April,
Ho as witnesses:
W E Wann, Waldport, Or.; Fred Wann, Wald
port, Or.; J J Walter, Portland, Or.; Klinur
Helm, Waldport, Or.
Any and all )ei'souH claiming advorsely the
above-described lauds aro reipioNtod to tile
their claims In this ottlce on orbRfore'sald 'JTth
day of April, 1IK)I.'
J. T. HitirmiiH, lteglstor.
U. H. Land Olllce. Oregon City, Or.,
Fcbruunry 'JT. 1001.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named rettler has tiled notice ol Ms Intention
to make llnnl proof In support of hlscliilm,
and thnt said proof will bo made before the
Cooniy Clerk of Polk county at Pallas, Or., on
April 19, iwrt, viz:
Enoch L. Ingalu, II. E. No. 13M:, for tho nw4'
of sec Hon 4, tp 9 s, range 9 w.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of snld land, viz:
Tbeo. Farrington, R. B. Wlnslow, C. F.
Hughes of Itocco, Or., W.K.Ijicey of I ml Ian, Or.
Ai.okiinon H. i)iiKf Kit. Iteglstvr.
Ileal Estate Agent
If you have a. farm or town lot
to sell, or if you wish, to, buy one,
call on njfiv
Buy Your Pianos at Home..
The celebrated Emerson, Richmond,,
A. B. Chase, Estey and Steinway, all on,
easy payments. Geo. A. Landretii,
Toledo, Oregon..
Want a Claim?
I can locate homesteads or timber
lands, and will guarantee lines and de
scriptions to be correct. Call ou or
address at once
G. Ei.ksnat, Surveyor,
Waldport', Oregon.
U L.S.
U. H. Land Olllce, Koseburg, Or.,.
January 6, lyoi.
Notice In hereby given that in compliance
with tho provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3,1878, entitled '-An Act for tho sale of
Timber Lands In the States of California, Or
egon, Nevada nnd Washington Territory," as
extended to all the public land .Sates by net of
August 4, 18W, iiennot Olson, of Fisher,.
County of Lincoln, state of Oregon h-s this
day Hied In this olllce his sworn statement No.
fur the purchase of the h 4 of ne1,;, sec.
No. 7 in Township No. 15 Kouth of
linage w. and will oiler proof to show that
the land sought is more valuable for its tim
ber or stone than for agricultural purposes,,
and to establish his claim to said: Innd before
Ira Wado, County Clerk of Lincoln county at
Toledo, Or., 011 Friday the l."th day of April
He names as witnesses:
Win. R. Wakcllold, Waldport, Or.; K. II.
Howell, Toledo, Or.; I). M. Koss, Box, Or ;.
James Wilson, Box, Or.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lauds arc romn.jlnfl in ill..
their claims In thlB ofllce onor before said loth,
day of April, 1901.
J. T. Bin does, Register.
United States Land Olllce, Oiegon City Or.
March 19, 190-1.
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has Hied notice of his Intent ion.
to make final proof In support of his claim,
and thnt snld pi-oof will lm made liefore- tli
County clerk of Lincoln county, at Toledo, Oiv
on May 2, 1901, viz:
Michnl Sljota, Hi E. No. 1:1077 for the n'-i oC
sw.'4' of section M, iie'4 of se!4 and lot a, section
ID, twpss, range 11 w
He nimies the following witnesses to piove
hls continuous lUKiileiice upon nnd cultivation
of said IhihI, viz:
J. H. Boss and Lawrence t!hliiar of Toledo,.
Oregon;, Albert Sljota and Walintl lichloia
of Kernville, Oregon.
AwiKiiNos S. Hhkhhkk, Register.
Land Olllce at Oregon City, Oregon.
March 19, lunl.
Notice Is hereby given thnt the followfug
iianiod settler hns filed notice of his Intention
to make final proof in supjKjrt of his claim, and
thnt snld proof will be mndo before the
County Clerk of Lincoln county, ut Toledo, Or
011 May I, p.;oi, viz:
Walintl Hchiotn, 11. K. No. PJH-IO for tho s! a' of
sw.'f, section l.", ii'.fof nw);, section twp 8.
s, range 11 w.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous reMdence upon and ciiltlvntinii
..f an 1.1 ..I..
v. raiu ii.iiu, VIA.
J. II. Ross and Lnwrence Slilnnr both of To
ledo, Oregon; Jllchnl Fljola and Antono
Itydzwski both of Kernville, Oregon.
Al.or.aNoN H., Register.
United States Lnud Olllce, Oregon City, Or.
March Hi, lnol.
Notice is hereby given that the follow ing-,
nnnieil senior hns filed no! loo of his Intention
to ntuke final proof In nujiimi-r. of his claim,,
nnd that said final proof will be made be f oro
tho County Clerk of Lincoln Counly.nt Toledo
Or., on Aprll2'.', 1901, VM:
Axel Johns II. K. No. 1119 1 for tliowJu'nt
so' iof HW.'innd nri nf .';, section
township H s, ranue ID w.
He names 1 1 in following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of mild Innd, viz:
Vt alter H. llnll and Warren R. Hall both of
Slletz, Oregop ; Boi-nhnrd Olson of Toledo, Or
egon; Christ Johnson nf Knots, Oregon.
AWKRHoa h, liu ess sn, Koglstor.