M 3BSBSCS33 Lincoln County Leader. Peel Chittim ' tii rw t rvP J. f. Pl'l'I EY. ' &CAKTII, CHAKLES F. SOL'LE, ) ,,. ADA E. SOULK, J -" -- ... PltOPPJETORS. rresiilcnt. lce rrciaem. IiIqcoIq GouQty J3agl Responsibility 875,000 Official County Paper. KDtrei t ihe lit Toledo, Urt-f'JD. ! t r; I . ' 1 i I j i' !i i I 5LESCKIFTI0N RATES One Year - - - tl W Six Months - - 75 Three Mouths - - - V) , THE EEPUBLICAN TICKET j IB COUNTY, i g For Sheriff J. H. ROSS 3 For Clerk IK A WADE $ For Treasurer J. L. HYDE Ifj For School Superintendent w GEORGE BETHERS u or Assessor R. II. HOWELL For .Surveyor M. WYGANT For Conmiihsioner . .F. A. THOMPSON For Coroner W. W. SOCLE But before going come in and see a few of the bargains we are offering iu the line of Dress Goods Ladi&s' and Gents' Shoes Hats, Clothing We can supply you with the latest and best styles at lower prices than anywhere else in Lincoln county. Satisfaction guaranteed at TOLEDO PKEC1NCT. For Justice of the Peace R. b VAX CLE YE For Constable JOE HILL! i Hermann Wins. i Congressman Kinder Hermann was ; renominated at Salem Wednesday t'y I acclamation, his strongest opjionent, : Hon. L. T. Harris of Lane, not jiermit tiug Iii is name to go before the eonven- HALL BROTHERS, Siletz, Oregon. Mr. Hermann. ill , "f Inherited Indian Land for Sale At Siletz Agency, Oregon The Facts in the Case. As indicated by the semi annual statement of County Clerk Wade, the total indebtedness of Lincoln county at the beginning of the present month was 8-53,3!.0.'5, with resources of 216. Zi". Perhaps ?2000 of these resources will go to pay interest on outstanding warrants, making the actual indebted ness f3'J,071.03 inbteud of $00,000 or $70,000, as has been uublushingly cir culated by the Yaquina Bay Knocker and oilier dishonest calamity howlers. Tho semi-annual statement last Xovern ber showed a total indebtedness of j'J,2 10.89, with resources of 8G,fii;0.81 an Hctual indebtedness of 15.480.08 or IS.408.Ij more than the present debt. Let it be remembered that these resource are gilt-edged no inflation. As stated in tin; report, f 1 1 ,323 of the amount is cash. Ttio property bid in by the county at tax halts Is not even tstiinated as a part of the resources, although all are iigreed that it amounts to soiiii-thing. This is certainly a good bowing, ami should in a measure quiet t he fears of our citizens who have, been taught to believe the county debt is pil ing up every day. XOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That bids will be received for the sale of the following described inherited Indian lands, situated and being in Lid coin Coanty, Oregon, bh per schedule herein set forth, to-wit: ! The Newport Xewsauco unloaded Mime of its venom at Commissioner Stanton lust week. Mr. Stanton has lived in this part of the world nearly 40 years and has tins utmost confidence and respect of u host of old, friends and neighbors. He was defeated for renom iuation, it is true, and this is just about what will happen to any man who at-ti-mpts to succeed himself as county voininiiiMoiicr. it is well understood that when an olllciul net of a commis sioner or county couit gives satisfac tion in one quarter it almost invariably causes dissatisfaction in another, with tho renin that there is astrong demand fur a change every two years. Mr. Stanton was deleated, ami took it like a in ti ii not. liken mugwump. Ho bears a good reputation, and one who does not is baldly qualified to pose as his clitic. The contest fur tho Democratic Presi dential nomination seems to have nar rowed down to Judge Parker and Wil lie Hearst, with tho former having all the better of it. Judgo Parker is a piettyable man for a Democrat and would make u much better race than Hearst, although neilhcrcould go miuli iMits'deof New York City and tho solid south. A Russian battleship struck a mine m ar the entrance to Port Arthur bai lor Wednesday and went down with men. This is a sad incident and is noi a rumor, l no Kussians are very c.iielcss with their own wcanous. i HKHW sin- rr. h H . oo Date Date Did t I . divisions S V : Acres Li8ted Opened John Adams Ixt 3 ne 'i 1 10 10 J3.50 Jan. 'ii Aprils: Lot 4 ne )i ,1 10 10 23.13 Lot 14 ne i 1 10 10 3 " " Ut la ne i 1 10 10 ai " Coquelle Thompson S'i nw' bi;1 1 7 11 20 " " Ne K sv 'i 1 7 11 40 " " iMt U nw Vi 1 "11 IW.U " " llenry Johnnon SU s!i nw',; 8 9 10 20 " Nw i sw 4 8 'J 10 40 " J)t S BW -t S 10 4.C) " " mi 6 w ; s ti io a.wr. " Lot 7 BW '4 8 It 10 S.2H " " Lot 8 sw J4 8 it 10 0.71 " " Henry Johiifon He '1 nw 'i 8 9 10 40 " Ne kw i s 10 40 ' , " 1 Henry Johnson S' no 14 8 9 10 'jn " "- Nw 'i mo 'I s 9 in 10 " Lot 3 i 8 it id 7.10 " " I Lot 4 Hi .i 8 9 10 S.SI ' " I Henry Johnson Lot 9 sw '4 8 9 10 11.31 " ' Ixit 10 bw ' j s it in U.yi " Lot 7 nw '4 8 9 10 211 " " Lot 8 nw '.4' 8 9 10 20 " " N'Jlot 9nwl4 8 9 10 10 " N'jlot 10 nwJi s 0 10 Hi " Kutherine Kvans Lot 13 ne 33 9 9 20 Feb. 8 Mav 7 SllotSnwJi 9 !t in " ' S'.. lot nw 1 i 33 9 9 In " Lot 12 11 w 33 9 9 211 ' ' Lot 11 nw i 33 9 9 20 ' " Kiitlierlne EvatiB So i w i ; 27 9 10 40 " j Sw , sw 27 9 10 40 - Kathorliie Kvuns Lot 10 nn '4 33 9 9 20 " ImI ! ne 1.4 33 9 '.I 20 " " Lot 11 no I4 33 9 9 2o " V' bwJ4' nwf.4 34 9 9 20 " ' Abe b'iin Se ) sc i 20 9 9 40 " " Lurkcy Loiran Y.Vt bw! se 20 9 9 20 ' " A1111I0 Winkler Lot 21 sw 28 9 9 20 " II. 0. Caluhau h' Ke' sw U 2 9 9 20 Mar. 7 June -1 K1 sw '4 le '4 22 9 9 20 " " Nijlioiine'i 27 9 9 20 " " E 11 w) 4 ne I4 27 9 9 20 " " Mokps Lane W'g ne!-i nw'i 19 9 9 20 " " Lot 1 nw JJ 10 9 9 19.86 V' so'4' nw!4 19 9 9 20 " ' " Lot 2 nw '4 19 9 9 19.211 ' " ' Said bids will be received up to 12 o'clock, noon, of the various days upon which they aro'listed to bo opened in above schedule, and must be enclosed in sealed envelopes directed to John J. McKoin, Superintendent, Siletz, Oregou. Envelopes: containing such bids 'should not have uoted thereon tho description of the lauds tovvhieh tho bids relate, but there shall be noted 011 such envelopes the date uponTvhich the bid is to be opened. JOHN J. McKOIX, Supt. and Special Disbursing Agent, in Charge of Siletz Agency, Oregon. While tho appropriation made by O 'ii gross for the Lewis and Clark Pair if-u'l as largo as it fhimlil have been, it her should not be forgotten that it requires U'nh to Uiake 11 good showing iu Oregon Hum It does in Missouri. Additional Local. j Wool sacks at Stewart & Vant's. I. O. Johnson of Elk City was in To ledo Tuesday. Found - A pair of spectacles. In quire at this olliee. Found An A. O. U. W. emblem pin. Inquire at this ofllce. 1!. F. Dobsoa of Pool slough was iu tho city Wednesday. George P.lattner of Newport had bus iness in the city Tuesday. Horn Sunday, April 10, to Mr. and Mrs. c. L. Litchfield of Yaquina, n son. P.arber (Jeorge Landreth returned Tuesday evening from u business trip to Albany. C. E. Hawkins went trouting Wednes day in tho vicinity of Chitwood. lie caught sonio. Mrs. T. P. Fish invites (he ladies to call and inspect her new stock of Spring aim Miiunicr dress gooda. Miss Kato ISIower passed throuuh to Mill 4 Saturday evening for a visit with parents, returning to Albany Mon- 'lt is rumored" that the Uussinns and Jups huvo nt last had u mixup or two on the banks of tho Yalu, in which the Japs worn whipped. Thorn are other rumors, but this is tho most in toiesling. Tho following cipher telegram bus tieeusoiit to tho Portland P.roWua base ball team down In California: F r U-d'e s ko c-rnu h inc. day Tliu T .li..l All !. imuim iviM nu'nciy win serve l.-o croatn tomorrow (Saturday) at Mrs Ush a store, during tho millinery open ing. Frank Thompson of Pig Elk, Repub lican nominee for County Commission er, wiiM minj-lipK with Toledo friends Tuesday. K. A. Pensell of Newport was in the city yesterday. Mr. HonsolI informs 1 iik Leader that ho will go up into the state of Washington iu a few days, to be absent about six uiouths. Mohair for Sale. Sealed bids will be received up to the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of April 25 for the purchase of 1200 pounds or more of mohair at Elk City, Oregou. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. Uy order Lincoln County An gora Goat Association. W. E. Simi'sox, Secretary. Mrs. M. L. 'frapp of Chitwood visited friends in the city last night. James McDonald and son Lon came down from Chitwood Monody evening. Ladies you are invited to call nud in spect the new stock of spring hats at Mrs. Wygaut's. Call on Mrs. Wygaut for ladies' and children's underwear, hose and magic hone supporters. They are the best ever made. Mrs. Annie Hawkins, grand manager or me women of Woodcraft, returned Tuesday evening from nn official visit to LeadviUe, Col. W illiam Crawford of Fairfield, Neb., arrived a few days ago and will visit during tho summer with his daughter. Mrs. E.J. Avery. Rennet Oiseu of Fischer is in thecitv today making proof on a 40-acro tract of timber laud. Captain W. R. Wake, held of Waldport is with him as a witness. Henry Gannon, George Chambers, J. J. Ga.ther. Robert Mann and Sot.dre Romtvedt returned yesterday evening from Oregon City, where they tiled on homesteads near Cldtwood. Transacts a General P.ankiog Busiuess Interest Paid on Time Deposits Excha ;ge Sold on All Points Stale, County and School Warrants II !lllj!,: Principal Correspondents : ) FORTLAND-Canadiaii Rank of Commerce, lMidon and San Fraj.l?i ! L1....1. I 4.1 . C SCO uauit, it'i. SAN FRAXCISCO-Loudou and San Francisco Rank, Ltd. NEW YORK-J. P. Morgan & Co. THTCAGO First National Rank. LONDON, ENG. London and San Francisco Bank, Ltd. GEORGE HALL M. S. ANDlJ- Hall & Andersoj 0 FitorniKTOHs Toledo Livery and Feed Stab! Good Rigs and well-broken saddle horses. Soecial att given to Traveling Men. Horses boarded by da v, week or wX I CITY DRAY IN CONNECTION I DAILY STAGE TO AND FROM SILETZ L Leaves Toledo at 7:30 a. m Arrives at Siletz at 10:50 a.f Leaves Siletz at 12:40 p. m .Arrives at Toledo at 4.oopf j cal Bstato OF AIL KINDS BOUGHT AND SOLD RAXCHKS In All Parts ol the County CITY PROPERTY In Toledo and Newport CK-! have some bargains to offer in city property iu Toledo; also n ranches nearby. SXFli you wish to buy or sell, write me, or see me at my office at the Courthouse, TOLEDO, OKEGOX. C H A S. M. BROWN VM. GALLOWAY G. I.. HEDGES & GALI0I ATTORNEYS-AT-LA' tain LAND OFFICE BUSIN A SPECIALTY Id 3. Rooms 1 and 2, ) Oregon Ci' Weinhard Rldg, ) Oli Vil tati ion STYUSH SHOES s POIt .STVIJSBPFftWF mmx. SVJ WORKMANSHIP tne la SMOE wJr women W 1 f--'7P teVGn Tk-J vr-v- aU u.. 1 1.- V Dealers 3K & 01 rn Send wna I DucmpTivLBoaiiir MANUFACTURED DV GOTZIANCO. ST. PAUL. ' ATTORN EYS-AT-LAf; U. S. Land Office Bus: C lli i Twenty years' experience be'-, Local aud the General Lanil j and the Interior Departnif. at Wasliiugton, D. 0. j Office: Room 4 Land Olliee lildg OfCgOll ClQ( lUPPffiCOTlSl MCfJTHLY MAGAZINE " FAMILY LIBRARY East In Current Literatora 12 Complste Novels Yearly MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS 02.50 Pen year j 25 cts. a copy NO CONTINUED STORIES CVERV NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSELF The Leading of Toledo, ' At In order to compete w the leading hotels we iv compelled to establish t0n following rates : j Commercial accommodatiom f day f ' Tourists and others "i .-ii.gm iiieais 10 resworn ( Any guest dissatisfied wi commodations will have ey refunded by making plaint to the manage C. R. & S. EUS'( C! james Mcdonald 4 BEES, HONEY BEE SUPPLIES- T