Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, April 15, 1904, Image 3

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Spring Humors
Conn to most people and cause many
troubles, pimples, boils an J other
eruptions, besides loss of appetite,
r that tired feeling, fits of biliousness,
Indigestion and headache.
1 The sooner one gets rid of them the
better, and the way to get rid of them
and to build up the system that has
i offered from them is to take
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and Pills
Forming in combination the Spring
Medicine par excellence, of unequalled
strength in purifying the blood as
' shown by unequalled, radical and per
manent cures of
Scrofula Salt Rheum
Scald Head! Bolls, Pimples
All Kinds of Humor Psoriasis
Blood Poisoning Rheumatism
Catarrh Dyspepsia, Eto
Accept no substitute, but be sure to
get Hood's, and get it today.
Poor Im Spelling.
Charles Steckler and a friend were
driving along a country road on the
Canadian shore of Lake Ontario when
this alga, nailed to a gatepost, attract
ed their attention:
"Now, what does that fellow mean?"
mused Mr. Steckler. "Is his name
Lamb, and has he got sheep for sole,
or Is his name Sheap, and has he got
Jamb for sale?"
Hailing a native, Mr. Steckler re
peated the question. The native
grinned and drawled:
, "'TIs a leetle bit eomplex, come to
look at it, ain't It? Farmer Towle there
ain't much on spelling, but he's pow
' erful strong at trading. What he's try
ing to let people know by that sign is
that be has lamb for sale and that he'll
sell it cheap."
This Is Miraculous.
Manhattan, Kansas, March 14.
One of the Btrangest cases that has
ever been heard of in Kiley county is
that of the three year old daughter of
Mr. Jonas Brubaker of this place.
Sometime ago the little girl took
whooping cough, which was followed
by pneumonia When the pneumonia
left her, she was taken down with ma
laria fever with at times symptoms of
Spinal Meningitis.
The family doctor brought her safely
through these troubles, but after the
fever Bright's Disease set in, and the
doctors gave her up. Her father tells
the rest of the stoiy:
"We began to give her Dodd's Kid
ney Pills and aft;r she had taken about
three and a half boxes, she was entire
ly cured. Now she is well as any child,
rum ing and playing aa if nothing had
ever 1 eeu the matter. The doctors
said she was beyond the reach of medi
cine. Dodd's Kidney Pills certainly
saved our little girl's life, when she
was so far into the chronic stage of
Bright's Disease that we thought noth
ing could save her."
The Enterprising Drummer.
Shopkeeper (whose patience Is com
pletely exhausted) Snippers, call the
porter to kick this fellow out.
Importunate commercial traveler
(undaunted) Now, while we're wait
ing for the porter I'll show you an en
tirely new line best thing you ever
laid eyes on. Glasgow Evening Times.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That
Contain Murourjr,
As mercury will lurely destroy the tense of
smell and completely derange the whole srt
tem when entering; It through the mucous sur
faces. Such articles should never be used ex
cept on prescriptions from reputable physi
cians, as the damage they will do Is ten fold to
the good you can possibly derive from them.
Mali's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J.
Cheney b Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury,
and is taken Internally, acting directly upon
the blood and mucous surfaces of the system.
In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get
the genuine. It is taken internally, and made
In Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney A Co. Tesil.
inonlals free.
5r'?,.DVurufi"u' Prlee 75- wr bottle.
Hall's Family Pills are the bert.
' That Language of Oars.
h i ui don't worry about such trifles,
R. id the girl. "Just keep a stiff upper lip
Ind everything will come out all right."
! "But," protested the other maid, "it
Is a physical Impossibility for me to
maintain a superior labial rigidity."
tartest sttdfotau froktrt hi thi kvrldl
irom.soo to 1000 bushels per acre.
i d this notice we send yon lots of farm
' ed sample and big catalogue, telling
JbotToslnte,Rrlia) l'eooat, At rid
,. ?X"' "uaruni Wheat. Bronius. sV J
arllsst Cane, etc bend for same today! 1 .fc
'J U-ifcii a. 1 1 : 1 j fr -
eul nuiLi ... ., J V
rest Coiwo Byrup. lasts. Oooi Cse
... .....n. mm ny
Each Manufacturer Has Hie Own Pro
cess. All manufacturers of patent leather
have their own tanning processes,
much like those of the calfskin tanner,
though some patent leather is given a
bark tanning. Horsehlde and colt
skins are the chief leathers made with
a patent finish.
The patent or enamel finish is really
painted and baked on, as the bicycle
manufacturer paints and bakes enamel
onto a frame. Tanners are very par
ticular about keeping their processes
secret, and nobody but workmen Is
ever allowed into the finishing rooms.
The hide or skin, having been
stretched and dried as much as possi
ble, is first given a coating of a mix
ture of linseed oil litharge, white lead
or similar materials boiled, together
until they make a pasty mixture.
This Is daubed on the surface with
a steel tool and well rubbed in, so that
the pores of the leather will be filled
up. Then the leather Is put Into the
oven; Its surface being exposed to
steam pipes at a temperature of about
ICO degrees.
Next the surface is rubbed down
with pumice stone, and then it is cov
ered with linseed oil and Ivory black,
about six layers applied, each layer
being dried and rubbed down. Finally
a varnish is applied, and then the sur
face is rubbed down and finished off as
nicely aa a painter finishes a fine car
riage. Cleveland Plain Dealer.
riTQ Permanently cored, wo ntsor nervousness
II 10 after Hrat day's use of Dr.Kllne'aUreat Nerve
Beatorer. Bend for Free S3 trial bottleand treatise.
Dr... H. Kline, Ltd.. W Arch St.. Philadelphia, Pa,
Something About Canals.
The Suez canal is usually considered
the most important example of ship
canals, though the number of vessels
passing through it annually does not
equal that passing through the canals
connecting Lake Superior with the
chain of great lakes at the south. In
length, however, it exceeds any of the
other great ship canals, its total
length being 00 miles, of which about
two-thirds is through shallow lakes,
says Harper's Weekly.
The canal connecting the Bay of.
Cronstadt with St. Petersburg is a
work of great strategic and commer
cial importance to Russia. The canal
and sailing course in the bay are
about 10 miles long, the canal proper
being about six miles and the bay
channel about 10 miles, and they to
gether extend from Cronstadt, on the
Gulf of Finland, to St. Petersburg.
The next of the great ship canals
connecting bodies of salt water in the
order of date of construction is the
Corinth canal, which connects the Gulf
of Corinth with the Gulf of Aeglna.
The canal reduces the distance from
Adriatic ports about 175 miles, and
from Mediterranean ports about 100
miles. Its length is about four miles.
Remarkable Bridges.
Perhaps the most remarkable bridges
in the world are the kettle bridges In
Hussla and Siberia, of which Cossack
soldiers are expert builders. They are
built up on the soldiers' lances and
cooking kettles. Seven or eight lances
are placed under the handles of a num
ber of kettles and fastened by means
of ropes to form a raft Each of these
rafts will bear the weight of half a
ton. "
As Classified.
"What is the difference between whits
lies and black ones?" asked the youth.
"White lies," answered the sage, "are
the kind a woman thinks she tells her
husband, and black ones are the kind
she thinks he tells her!"
3. &3 SHOES S!
W. Li. Douglas
shoes have by their
excellent' style,
easy-fitting, ana
superior wearing
qualities, achieved
the largest sale of
any shoes In the
They are just as good
as those that cost you
4 to $5 the only
difference is the price.
Sold Cutrywhirt.
Look for name and
price on bottom.
Douglas uses Corona
Coltskin, which iaevery where conceded to
oe me n neat i-atent leather yet produced.
Fast Co'or Eytltt used. Hho brmall.26r.sf Ira.
Writs for Catalog. WJi.Douglas, Brockton, Mass.
There is no satisfaction keener
than bemej dry and comfortable
when out in the hardest torrai
M ,et(JWEr TV
hi 0 fAMAItljfc rn I IMITI D tnilnwn r.u
wnd tor otir 1r fMnlnoi "f tTariYH-nl nnd hntn.
P. N. U.
No. 12-1904.
TTTHKN wrltlnf to advertisers please I
i f
mention this paper.
Il I
He So your husband has given up
smoking? It requires a pretty strong
will to accomplish that! She Well,
I'd have you understand that I have
a strong will! New-Yorker.
"How long shall I boil the eggs,
ma'am?" asked the cook. "I don't ex
actly know," replied the young house
wife, "but cook them until they are
real tender." Chicago Post
Nodd Awfully sorry to hear your
house burned down. Did you save
anything? Todd Oh, yes. After some
very lively work we succeeded In get
ting out all the things .we didn't want
Town and Country.
Easy error: La Montt Made a ter
rible blunder to-day. Saw a man in. a
rubber suit and cap, and asked him if
he was a sewer-cleaner. La Moyne
Who was he? La Montt Millionaire
chauffeur. Chicago News. t
"Well. Snowball," said the patron to
the dusky waiter, "how did you ever
come by a name like that " "Well,
sah, I was born in Chicago. Reckon
yer never seed a Chicago snowball,
sah.1" Yonkers Statesman.
"I hear you're dissatisfied with your
doctor's bill." "Yes, I don't think he's
entitled to two hundred and fifty dol
lars for that operation." "Why not?"
"Because if he was he'd claim more."
Philadelphia Public Ledger.
A way she has: Morton Is Mrs.
Styles much of a talker? Norton
Much of a talker I should say so!
It is impossible for her to play soli
taire intelligently she has so much to
say to herself, you know." Boston
Transcript 4
A question: She Charles, dear,
how many teeth does a baby have?
He I don't know. But I think that,
after the way I've walked the floor for
the last six months, ours ought to have
at least a hundred and fiftv hv this
j time. Detroit Free Press.
I Howes Don't like this cold weath
er, eh? Why, only last summer you
were complaining of the heat. Barnes
j Not of the hent itself, but rather be-
I cause of its untlineliness. It would be
all right if reserved for such weather
as this. Boston Transcript
Mr. Trucker I think I shall give up
my business, my dear. I might as well
have some good out of my money. Mrs.
Trucker Oh, not yet, Samuel. But
when one of us dies, I shall give up
housekeeping and see a little of the
world. Town and Country.
Wife There was a man around to
day selling big brass burglur alarm
bells to put on the front of the house,
so I ordered one. Husband What!
You know we haven't anything worth
stealing. Wife I know, but it will
make the neighbors think we have.
Philadelphia Ledger.
"De trouble wlf dat man," said
Erasmus Plnkley, "Is dat he's too am
bitious." "But be won't work," an
swered Miss Miami Brown. "No. He's
one o' dese people dat would rather
'maglne hlsself ridin' in a automobile
dan git down to business an' push a
wheelbarrow." Washington Star.
Editor in Chief (to office boy) Ben
nle, Where's the theater tickets I sent
you after? Bennie I forgot 'em. City
Editor Bennie, Where's that paste I
sent you for? Bennie I forgot it
Sporting Editor Bennie, what was
Jack Glasscock's battln' average in
1888? Bennie (promptly) Three hun
dred and eighty-six. Cleveland Lead
er. Turpln Come with me to the zoo.
Jenks No, .thank you. I'll stay at
home. My oldest daughter does the
kangaroo walk, my second daughter
talks like a parrot, my son laughs like
a hyena, my wife watches me like a
hawk, my cook is as cross as a bear,
and my mother-in-law says I'm an old
gorilla. When I go anywhere I want
a change. Tit-Bits.
Icy. "Didn't you git no money from
dat woman yer held up?" asked the
first footpad. "Naw," replied the oth
er, shivering slightly; "she wuz from
Boston." "Well, Boston people has
money." "Mebbe dey bus, but when
I sez to her, 'Money or yer life, lady,'
she sez, 'How dare ye speak ter m
wldout de formality of a lnterductlon?1
sez she, an' leaves me froze stiff."
Philadelphia Press.
"There was once a minister in Hart
ford," says Mark Twain, "who had a
lot of boys in his Sunday school who
were In the habit of staying away on
the Sunday when the big steamer City
of Hartford docked in the morning.
"Ono Sunday the minister came
down to Sunday school and found all
the boys there. He was profoundly
"'Boys,' ho said, 'you ennnot imag
ine how much this exhibition of loyal
ty on your part to the Sunday school
affects me. Wbnu I came by the docks
this morning and saw the City of Hart
ford there '
"'Gee wblss!' shouted the boys in
chorus, 'Is she in?' and they left in a
body." Philadelphia Post
Duel a la Francalse.
"Hold! My honor la satisfied!"
"Mais oui. I see the blood in your
eye." Harvard Lampoon,
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslows's Soothing
Syrup the beat remedy to use for their children
during the teething period..
Hadn't Heard of It.
Mr. Clifton Do you think the North
Pole will ever be found, Miss Lakeside?
Miss Lakeside Why, I didn't know
it was lost
Piso's Cure fs a remedy for coughs, colds
and consumption. Try it. Price 25 oents,
at druggists.
Never Been Practiced On.
"I wonder why it is they always call
the doctor's business a practice?"
"Ha! I see what it is! You've never
been, under one!" Exchange.
Teoslnte and Billion Dollar dress.
The two greatest (odder plants on earth, one
good for 14 tons hay and the other 80 tons green
iodder per acre. Grows everywhere, so does
Victoria Rape, yielding 60,000 lbs. sheep and
swine iood per acre.
John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., and
receive in return their big catalog and lots of
larm seed samples. P. C. L.
Unexpected Happens.
Fred How about that wedding check
your father-in-law gave you; was it good?
Joe Sure. You know, it's usually the
unexpected that happens.
Aiiu -km. 1 1 lis i i is. sva. a iwava
i7raj 'ircJ! iwj
If 7a(31 rfm ) Mi
IVMfrtVjJ Wi 111 mil
ture of Cbas. II. Fletcher, and has been made under his
?ZTTJnveryi?onJ?T over 30 years. Allow no one
?1nZFe?, Jlis:Cou3teTtcits Imitations and
WhSnA areut Experiments, and endanger the
liealth of Children-Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
Sh ce t8 a?, i9 lts guarantee. It destroys AVorms
rluiP Fcvcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and AVind
n.i wirielieVe8 ?ieeth nS, Troubles, cures Constipation
?1itUlenc. assi.milatcs the Pood, regulates the
SJ,?,ld,1JS?,rel8 BM" bealthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
The KM You Have Always Bought
.Bears tne
In Use For
Another "If."
It grown-up folks, like children,
Were forgetful and forglTing,
This earth would be a paradise
And life would be worth living.
Because Rheumatism sometimes comes on suddenly it doesn't
prove that it is a chance disease or one due to accidental causes. It
takes time for it to develop, and is at work in the system long before
any symptoms are felt The blood is the first point of attack, and
the poisonous acids that cause the aches and pains are then distrib
uted through the circulation to different parts of the system, and
settle in joints, muscles and nerves ; and when the system is in this
condition it needs only some exciting cause like exposure to night air,
damp, chilly weather, or the cold, bleak winds of winter, to arouse
the slumbering poisons and bring on Rheumatism. The severity
of the attack depends upon the amount of acid in the blood and the
CUantitv of acrid mat(r in tins
joints and muscles. Some peo
ple are almost helpless from the
first, while others have occa
sional spells or are uncomforta
ble, restless, nervous and half
sick all the time from the
nagging aches and pains. Rheu
matism is a disagreeable com-
F anion even in its mildest form,
t grows worse as we grow older,
and frequently stiffens the joints,
draws the muscles out of shape
and breaks down the nervous
system. A disease that origin
ates in the blood, as Rheumatism
doeg. eannnt h rnmrl uritVi as
ternal remedies like liniments and plasters ; such things scatter the
pains or drive them to some other part of the body, but do not touch
the disease or improve the condition of the blood. The thin acid
Write for our special book on Rheumatism, and should you
desire any special information or advice, our physicians will furnish
it without charge. . WE SWIFT SPCCIHG CO., ATLANTA, CAm
If your blood Is thin and im
pure, you are miserable all the
time. It is pure, rich blood
that invigorates, strengthens,
refreshes. You certainly know
the medicine that brings good
health to the home, the only
medicine tested and tried for
60 years. Adoctor's medicine.
"I owe my life, wlthont doubt, to Ayer's
8rparllla. It Is the most wonderful medi
cine In tlie world for nervousness. Mjr cure Is
permauent, and I cannot tliank vou enough."
Mas. Delia MoWbll, Newark, N. J.
fl.00 ft bottle.
All clnipulntn.
T.owell. Mass..
Poor Health
Laxative doses of Ayer's Pills each
night greatly aid the Sarsaparilla.
' There is no rock so hard but that a
little wave may beat admission in a
thousand years. Tennyson.
c x j
signature of
Over 30 Years.
A Small Income.
"Dolly Decollete, I hear, puts every
penny her husband makes on her back."
"Then he can't be making much.".
Brooklyn Life.
TTrbana, Ohio, Aug. 28, 1003.
Xiaat winter I had a severe attaok of
Bhsumatlsm. It started in the right
elbow, and from there to my wrists; the
rlarht wrist was the worst. It hmim.
swollen and extremely painful. My loft
auiu. it DsotiQs swollen ana oi coarse)
painful. The next point to be affeoted
w. ino nip ana ankle, '
muua irouuie. a was Da rely able to got
about for some time. I was under treat.
mnt of a physician for awbllo, but (ret
ting no better I began 8, S. 8., and after
taking It for some lime I was entirely
relieved of the Bhenmatism. All swelling
and soreness disappeared. I considor
B. 8. 8. an ezoellent remedy for Rbeuma.
tlsm and all troubles having their origin
In the blood.
408 Bloomfleld Ave.
j '"f l " y , wai.wu KMVV SUV
wuuu in us i uv resioreu o us normal
purity and strength, so that all poi
sonous substances may be carried out
of the system, and no medicine accom
plishes this in so short a time as S.S. S.,
which not only neutralizes the acids
and counteracts the poisons, but builds
it. - 1 1 111. X A 1 A