Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, April 15, 1904, Image 1

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' li
Volume Xll.
Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, Friday, April 15, 1904.
Number 7
? Council Proceedings.
Co'incil Chamber,.Toledo, Or.. 1
- . April 9, 1904.-
Common Council ot the city of To
ledo met in caled session. Pres
ent Mayor Vincent, Couucilmtn An
derson, Arnold, Van Cleve and ltose
brook and Recorder KrogHtad.
Councilman elect M. ' X. Anderson
took the oath of office and took his
place in the Council.-
Minnies of last meeting read and ap
proved. '
.... Upon motion the following claims
were allowed under suspension of the
Toledo Water and Electric Light
Co., water rei.t for March,
1904. .' $30 00
.Hall & Anderson, hauling lumber ' 50
Otto O Kiogstad, recorder's sal
ary and supplies 8 00
116 f,i" 1 '
" l ....a ....on.... m nn
m.... rvuuu luilb nun gnnvuut; in iw
trail j-
E kl
in mtj
lor m-
Of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, State of Oregon, Showing
the Amount and Number of Claims Allowed by the County
Court of Said County and for What Allowed, Amount of
Warrants Drawn and Amount of Warrants Outstanding and
Unpaid" from October 1, 1903, to March 31, 1904.
K an.
il Cot
late ij
i. F
Wm F Knofl, labor on streets 2 50
J A Hall, salary as marshal and
liibor on streets .. 21 50
Moyed by Councilman Dick sud pec-
O'ided by Councilman Rosebrook that
that part of the resolution passed at
last meeting ordering hydrant removed
from west side of Hill street to corner
of Fifth and Grove streets bo rescinded
and instead the hydrant be ordered
placed at corner of Grove and' Fourth
streets, in front of Episcopal church.
Carried, . ;
The mayor here appointed M. N. An
derson to fill vacancies of all commit-1
tees due to the, resignation of . Council
man A. T. Peterson, aud also on special
city ball building committee.
Moved by Councilman Rosebrook and
seconded by Councilman Arnold that
we purchase an undivided one-half in
terest in lot G block. (i, Graham's 5th
( audition to Toledo, iron) ilrs. Mary A.
t . .i:..!..: i .
I'liy, Ji kj luiug ur.-L u uivimuu iuuy ue
secured giving city ownership to the
eaH or west one-half of said lot; Car
ried. .;
Moved by Councilman Rosebrook
and seconded by Councilman Van Cleve
that grade as established by survey of
A. L. Porter on Graham street between
Third and Fourth streets be vacated
and that we order established instead
ithe grade as shown by plat A now on
'file, a surveyed by County Surveyor
M. Wygantfor Toledo Water Company.
Moved by Councilman Van Cleve and
seconded by Councilman Rosebrook
that recorder be authorized to 'draw -a
warrant in favor of Mary A. Day for
$25, to be turned over to her in lieu of
a satisfactory warranty deed to the east
fcor west one-half of lot 6 block 0, Gra-
j2J223hatu's 5th addition to Toledo. Carried.
t , Moved by Councilman Van Cleve and
seconded by Councilman Arnold that
i & marshal be instructed to have erected
. two posts, with cross bar, ou east side
ROAD'Of railroad track at crossing in front of
T. P. Fish's store, and that notices be
CARD, posted indicating sidewalk in dangci
bus condition. Carried.
uina: Moved by Councilman Arnold and
lbanv Seconded by Councilman Rosebrook
orvallis ihat street committee be instructed Ao
Toledo. investigate reason for fencing up of
na, iH R1D!? water front leading to city
ng; vuarf at First street. Carried.-'
a(uina On rooliou Council adjourned.
Toledo Otto O. Khoghtad, Recorder,
orvallisiip n f! , , . ,
Albany 1'jjBtunjBy eveuiu from the Depot
troit: pun try, accompanied by two bear cubs,
?Jilch they captured without a light,
ifoin Rlower had a different experience
fcy 'it two wecki ago near his borne in
iplk bounty. He discovered a large
imale bear getting a square meal off
.is cow. which had evidently been killed
arrive y tlio animal. 'Tho bear showed fight
iect v.ltn0(j .j-oni jijg us were B00I, busy,
in, as y'Ath Tom's dog charging the rear. A
ours !" ell-dlrected blow split the bear' head
)f D. f' "M ended the battle. Tom found two
ud. jbs In the bear's den nearby, and, it is
connect' ,porte(ji 8(),u tuem to Vroi pawsou,
,t Lotvai"(e w0H-known unimal tamer of Al
irect servtfiuy. .'
.,t ne1' jokt, w. Robertson writes for The
I,ell! eSADE1 to make him weekly visits at
intoiti "iagway, Alaska, as he desires to "keep
a '"'' f-..p touch w ith Lincoln county." His
lOOtl, 8n tier I dated March 27 and at that
IflC Si I" fciA f.fjpnm oncriiioa u.u hnttiir ivnflrur)
inforraati kr-wny ja an effort t0 thnw out the
EDWIS S:Hcr mains, the water supply having
n shut off by freezing. Johnnie
:LIN, te9 th wlnd blowafor40 dayii in Skrjfr
ij r t times without a let-up.
" i -
tin What Aocount
Allowed. '
Knad nurt bridge account.-.
I'auper iii'connt..r
rrimlnnl accou'it, Juslico Court....
Sfatinnei'y uovount
('onrthuuue ami Jail account
Clerk's account
Sheriffs account
Hnilill'H account
School Jnperintcndent'H account
County .Indt'e's account
County ComiiiisHionera' account..:..
Supervisors' account
insane account ,
Jury account
Coroner' account
ConiltV TrPHorr, recount
Mock Inspector's account...
Assessor s aci'ount
Klection account
Kelmteon lax account
l'rlntinr account
Janitor's account
Amount of
10-8 fi8
115 20
S3 2
l"i3 09
V.U (11)
'M0 no
io ro
27B 40
1113 40
7(H OS
1(1 00
4311 RO
21 SO
201 9S
12 4.1
270 HO
61 00
13 2.'
42 70
ilii 2
To amount received since last report i r.n
Ky amount paid out since last report m
Hy bulanceoa hand..... yj 'n
To amount on hand from last roporl 3 ja
To amount received slncj last report i.'. S2 (17
:iS 7!
, ICti
Ilv amount paid out since lust renort
By balance ou hand
To amount on hand from last report ,, o fij
To amount received since last report 1. .'."".!..'.'..!'. .'.. .'.!!.'.'.'.".. '.'.! .. 02 37
9 SI
Hy amount paid out since last reuoct.
By balance on hand .1. . . . ..... !)2 3"
To amount on hand from last report 3 jo
To amount received since last, ropnrt. . . , . . '.'.'.. .'...!! 87 ?
3 30
87 70
By amount paid out since last report. .
jiy otuauce on nana..
To amount on hand from last report .'
To amount received since lust report
Hy amount, paid out since last report
By balance on hand
To amount on hand from last report
To amount received since last report;
Hy amount paid out since last report '
By balance on hand
.32 7tl
21 24
S4 0(
I 12
87 07
81 07
10 42
Total , 574(i IS $5740 15
On the road, hrldirc and supervisors' account. nmniiiiHmr 'in nil tn i8 "(i ?i. tho u i.rr.1,1.
were drawn on the road fund and paid upon presentation to iho county treasurer in compll
ance with an order of the county court, made in April, luos. '
mount of warrants drawn: tr.7tc.1r.
Amount of warrants paid, drawn on the road fund 18:0 71
Warrant Indebtedness of county glnco last report.... ."...... .....' S3!i2j 44
Amount also paid out of the county fund by t ho county trcnsnrei to the state of Ore-
" on .uircn v.nn, represouiintr one nan of tho state tax ( 3308 75
For the County of Lincoln, State of .Oreson, from October 1, 1903 to JIarcli 31, 1904.
LIAflll.tTIES ivnm
Total amount of warrants, butstandlna; and unpaid, principal $18772 44
A mount of accrued interest asti mated for one and ntm.hulf v..n-r nt. si v n.r nonf ' j tso a-
Amount ot scalo warrants, drawn nn conntv treHsnrpr. (niistiiiidlii.r uml iinimiil itiio 110
Of this amount, tho county holds certitlcaie of auditing and allowing claim
iroiu secretary 01 state for , 4ia 83
. .- . . .. 234 07
To amount on hand from last report.
10 11111011:11 rl' Sinn? ICi.oii ,
By balance on hand '. 28 18
To amount on hand from last report
To amount received since last report
By amount paid out since last report
By balance on hand
To amount on hand from last renort
To amount received sine last report jj m
By amount paid out since last report '."."."!".""'."."!"""!"!'.!"!""" 2 tin
j)j uttiniivo un uuuu
To amount on hand from last report
To amount received since Inst report
By amount paid out since last report ,
By balance on band :
28 IS
(i 18
32 OS
13 89
24 37
U 02
3 78
3 81
7 59
Total liabilities $ 63;t96 03
Amount of funds in the bands of the county .treasurer applicable to the-payment of
county warrants and interest S nft nn
Amount of titxe-i uncollected, estimated on 11)03 lax roll, applicable to the payment of
vouiiLy narrauiH ; ., otHIO U0
Total amount of resources, exclusive of all county property and amount due on tax
Buie. recoru exciuueu 1G320 00
Total amount of llabilitiosiess resources $37071 03
Amount of warrants cancelled and turned over to me by county treasurer Binco my
last report, principal 3308 20
Amount of interest paid on above 7J0 82
5 ss
1, Ira Wade, county clerk of tho county of Lincoln, state of Oregon,
do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the number and amount
of claims allowed by the county court of said counlv lor the six months beginning October 1,
iw.i, mm cninng witn Jinrcn hi, jwh, on wnat account tho same were allowed, the amount of
wnrrnnts drown and the amount of warrants outstanding nnd nmmld. thn kni mimwrim.
on t he records of my ollice and in my otlicial cure and custody.
o uness my nana una me seal oi iqo county court oi sum county on ibis 1st dav of April,
I'-'Ol. 1KA WADK
sXAL Clerk of Lincoln County, Oregon.
To the Honorable Judge and County Commissioners of Lincoln county, Oregon :
Gentlemen: I herewith submit my semiannual report for tho six months ending March
31, 1104, trivln tho amounts of inouoy collected by me and turned over to the count v treasurer
as follows:
Amount of tax redemptions collected from the 1901 tax roll ....$ 290 01
Amount of tax redemptions collected from the 1902 tax roll 81 4(1
Aironnt collected from tho sale of taxes on the 11)02 lax roll 089 lii
Amount of taxes collected from the 1902 tax roll 8849 93
Amount of taxes collected from the 1903 tax roll 17928 41
To amount on bund from last report
To amount received since last report
By amount paid out since lust ienort
isy uninnco on nana jg j.j
By amount on hand
By amount on hand
By amount on hand
8 50
)9 St
8 5(1
34 15
22839 43
Which said amounts wero distributed tn the several funds, as follows:
General Fund '. ,
County Road Fund
County School Fund
City of Toledo Fund ..
City of Newport Fund
enooi District r.o l..
School District No 2..
School District No 3..
School District No 4..
School District No rt..
School District
$14945 18
1808 17
8072 03
77 11
3 44
102 07
825 11
014 29
12 00
82 0'
89 91
School District No 10 ; 104 21
School District No 12.
School District No 19 ,
School District No 31..
School District No 32.
School District No 84.,
School District No 3ti.
School District No 08.
21 24
87 o;
28 18
82 08
11 6:
8 81
59 24
Total , J...... .'. $22839 43
Respectfully submitted,
Dated Apr!tt04. .
J. n. ROSS, Sheriff.
I, J. L. iTyde, do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a true and correct
siuiemeni oi ixiuuiiiouuiH receive.,, jinm uut nioi nu nana, in tne county treasury of said
county for tho six months ending on the 81st day of March, 1904.
uness my nana inis ju uay oi April, i:w. j. iixvk, County Treasurer.
Declined with Thanks.
While I appreciate the honor con
ferred upon mo by the Democratic con
vention when it selected me by a uuan-
inious vote as its nominee for County
Clerk, I must decline to permit my
name to be placed upon tlte ballot.
Z. M. Derrick.
Real Estate Transfers.
April 6 Simeon J Wilhoit to Henry
Wilhoit, sw of seV section 18 and nj
of nel of sej of neJ4 of section 10,
township 12 south, ranno 9 west. $500.
County Clerk Wade urges the chair
men or secretaries of the precinct com
mittees of the various political parties
to forward to him immediately the
names of the nominees for justice-of-the-peace
and constable, in order that
he may mail to them acceptance blanks.
The nominees must file their acceptance
with the clerk by May 6 if they want
their names to appear on the official
W. II. Weathorson, editor of the
Floreuce West, was iu tho city Monday.
Brother Wcatherson has been enjoying
a visit from his parents, who reside at
April 5-Frederick T Porter to Phoebe anblt- m-. accompanied
iuciu U) iroiu 1'iureuce on tne Bieanirr
Roscoe, which arrived at Yaquina Sun
day. It was Ilia first visit to Toledo for
945 25
3H94 13
14211 80
2013 08
Of the Treasurer of Lincoln County, Oregon, for tho six months ending on the 31st day of
jiarcn, r.ui, oi ,inoncy received ana paia out, Horn
To amount on hand from last report , $ 1997 03
To amount received since last report ; '. 10880 M)
By amount paid out since lant report 7552 Nl
By balance on hand 11325 00
To amount on hand from last report
To amount received since last report.-m '
By amount paid out since Inst report , .
By balunco on iand
To amount on band from last report '. 1823 95
To amount received since last report
Ily amount paid out since last report 179M 15
By balance on hand 24 80
Tu amount on hand from last report t . 4922 R8
To amount received slnco last report . 2730 01
By amount paid out i!970 94
By balance on hand 4G81 08
To amount on hand from last report 71 24
To amount received since last repor.t 907 IO
Ily amount paid nut since last report 723 05
By balance on hand '25S 7U
To amount on hand since last report
To amount received since last report
By amount paid out since last report
By balance on hand
Tn amount on hand from last report , 1(1 80
To amount received since last report V.tZ 07
By amount paid out since last report 97 44
By balance on baud SI 49
TO ou hand from last report
To amount revived since last, report
Hy amount paid out since last report
By balance on hand...'
Tonmounton band from last report 104 so
To amount reci lvwi since last report
liv ummint tmld out since last renort
By balance on baud 486
To amount on hand from, last report jj.
19 48
7tl 11
59 85
30 24
93 73
825 91
7K8 28
131 86
520 94
139 9
30 21
of swi section 13, town
ship 11 south, range 8 west. $10.
April 6 Henry C Wilhoit and Mary'
F Wilhoit to Clyde L Knapp, '
sejjj section 18 and x of nej and se
of neJ4 section 19, township 12 south,
range 9 west. $1000.
April 8 Mnrtha Grant, heir of U S
Grant, to John Kentta, lots 18 aud 19,
section 4, township 10 south, range 10
west. $592.
April 6 Alzena Poolo to A L Taylor,
se-4 of nwj section 34, towuship 11
south, raui?e 11 west. $100.
April 14 Rosella Read and George L
Read to Rosa M Goodman, lots 6 and 7
in block 13, Waldport. $200.
April 14 United States to Alonzo T
Goodman, lots 4, 5, C and 7 and sw of
sei section 12, township 14 south, range
10 west.
April 11 United States to Mewton J
Goodman, lot C of section 5, and lots 5,
6, 7 and 8 of section 8, township 14
south, rauge 0 west.
Woodmen, Attention.
All members of Pocahontas Cump
are urged to be at tho hall tonight.
Business of importance. 3. R. Vant,
Consul Commander.
Mohair and Wool Wanted.
We will pay tiie highest cash price
for mohair and wool delivered al any
station on the C. & v.. Get our prices
before selling. Stkwabt & Vant.
Millinery Opening.
On Saturday, April 10, I will display
my new Spring and Summer stock of
milliuery. The very latest in every
thing. Ladies remember the date.
Mrs. T. P. Fish.
I have just received a fine line of
shoes.' Call and see tlifcm before buying
elsewhere. T. P. Fibii.
thirteen years and, verv naturally, ho
noted that many chantres had taken
place during that time.
The Socialists say certain wicked
Democrats are circulating the report
that they (the Socialists) have endorsed
Frank Thompson, the Republican nom
inee for Commissioner. Thk Leadek in
asked to brand the report as a prevari
cation. Ed Stanton, Glen Gillette and George
McCluskey came in Wednesday even
ing from their ranches iu the Tenmile
and Yacliats country, accompanied by
Fred Stanton and Ed Swansoc and ele
gant crops of whiskers.
John Quincey Adams and Keith An
drews were in the city Wednesday filing
on homesteads nenr Chitwood before
County Clerk Wade. They went down
to Newport that evening to visit tho
Mr. and Mrs. A. Jl McMillan and
sons of Vancouver, li. C. arrived last
Saturday eveniug for a visit with rela
tives nurl friends. It is Mr. McMillan's
first appearance ou the bay for several
W. K Foster of Omaha, who was In
the city several days visiting his old
friend C. II. Gardner of the firm of
Gardner & Avery, left for his homo
Wednesday morning.
Evangelist C. O. Branson and wife will
conduct a series of meetings at the M.
E. church in Toledo beginning next
Wednesday evouiug, April 20.
For Sale The 4-horse-power gaso
line launch Ottilia, seating capacity, 14
jxjrsons. Apply to John Olson, Toloilo,
Joe Blower, Jr., passed through Mon
day morninj en route to Tolk county
for a visit with his brother Tom. ,
Robert Tassell was down Tuesday
from his ranch near Elk City.