Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, March 11, 1904, Image 8

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Our Spring Stock is here and we
are opening up this week. Come
and sec all tho pretty things we ,
have. No trouble to show Goods
Silctz Items.
An Epwoi tli Lcano has been organ
i it'J ut tho M. E. church with the fol
lowing oifli'urs in charge : Mrs. Agnes
llrvnnt, president ; Miss reurl Hall,
Wultcr Hall, Clarence dates, Willie
Towner anil Ira Hrown, vieo-prcsidents
of tho different departments. Tliny
liavo a good corps of assistants.
Spencer Scott is still confined to his
homo with latfrippo.
Baldwin Kiiireliild's health is iui-ti-oving.
A brothor of John Micek arrived
from Columbus, Neb., Tuesday.
E. T. llanuir in expected homo to
morrow. (.Hart to hear that ho is strong
and hearty as usual.
Ferry boat doitiK luisiuess ut tho old
Hall Brothers hnva thousands of feet
of ceihir logs now in Mill crook ready
, to float to their tni'l at this place.
llattie Montgomery is expected homo
John Micek hostelry is doing a good
DUHiticcs tlieso ilays and John is doing ,
all ho iran to furnish conveniences for '
tho traveling public. !
Ed Wood and wife will go out, to the
valley Monday.
Elmo Davis and family have beeu
visiting with Mrs, (i. ti. Cupeland this
Hoy liutterhcld was in from the lower
SileU Tuesday.
The long tedious job of moving the
Jigxiil's resilience to the tup of tho hill
to the site of t he schoul building has
been aivomplMied by Mr. Uice through
the very worst of our rainy season and
the planter, liie places, etc., are all in
t.ict. Professor Kyan and helper have beeu
i ntcrtaiiiiiii; the Silrlxites with hyp
JiotiiU'xhihitiun for three evenings' at
the Met calf lidi. A vote of thanks
v. -is ti'iidi-red him Tuesday evening In
itio audience for his kiiid responses to
o'lcslioi.H and rlfoits to please.
Waldport News.
('. I!. Ewiis left the lirt of the week
lor rortl.ind, hero he whnt to got a
t u-hor.-o poller engine for his boat.
The fishermen of AImm Hay met at
l-i'detnamrshall l-Vl'iuaiy -J7 Mu 0,..
e.i.a.ed a Fisherman union with about
s'.mv lueinbeiH.
Assessor Henry Howell is busy at
ioik iu this en. I of the county. Every,
one is much pleased with his'last year's
work and m-ci. to think ho Is tlio'iight
man ia the liht place.
Captain W. K. Wakefield returned
from Toledo one day last week, to re
in. lin home aw hile. .
I.' ,, V
....(' naun went up t0 X0 port
l.tsl Turs lav 1111,1 r.l, ... m t .
goat, but Is able to bo aiouti.l.
I'.lmer HelniH of Vi,chiits was in the
city last week making purchase,, of
mi nieirliHnu. lie reporuall YuchaU
people getting ready to peel bark.
C. 1.. Hiven and wife returned lust
Saturday from Los Angeles, Calif., and
report California people praying for
1 :
rain. Have tlietn move to Lincoln
county Charlie.
Fred Waun left tho first of the week
for Portland, where he is thinking of
going to school.
James Wolf is preparing to go into
his hunting camp at Suddlc Mountain
as soon as tho weather will permit, to
bo ready for those bear.
Johnson Items.
Our school is progressing nicely and
increasing in numbers. Fourteen are
now enrolled and are adviineeing rap
idly. It is thought they will accom
plish iu three mouths what usually
takes nine months.
Miss Carrie Lockwood finished tho
public school grades in the spring of
li)02 and attended the Walla Walhi Col
lege last winter. She arrived bore
March 15 to examine our school, ami
was so well pleased with the manage
ment that she lias taken up algebra
and book keeping iutending to remain
until this term closes, then attend
some high school next winter.
Prof. 1'imerfleld talks of buying
forty acres of hind anil putting up an
industrial school that will accomodate
about 80 pupiU,
Parmelo brothers are making ar
rangements to put in a sawmill. There
are two small sawmills doing good
work in this vicinity operated by Mr.
AfTolter and Mr. Thompson. One nioro
will do no harm.
G. S. Parmelo has been Sak with a
cold since his last trip to tho vidlcy.
Ho is recovering.
Nortons Items.
A. I.. Porter is rusticating at home at
the present, time.
H. a. Porter is looking for a ear of
lumber to erect a new dwelling house.
One of the section hands went to his
home near Jefferson, as he was not able
to work all the time, (section foreman
Hewitt and nephew, S. McCrum, are
running the section these days alotie.
Mrs. , John Allen is quite sick. Her
laughter Elsiu came homo from school
to euro for her.
Quite a number of our people at
tended the Elk City ihuico the other
night and all report a liue lime.
We have always heard it said that a
woman's clothes show her character.
We should say it, shows her husband's
character, as a general rule.
Our genial merchant is looking for
his stock of spring goods soon.
Miss Xora Waruock and two sisters
paid a short visit to Nortons the other
Albert lieers is back at Nortons.
Hedges & Galloway, the well known
Oregon City attorneys, can furnish you
with up-to-date blue print of this dis
triot. Brown Leghorn Eggs.
I hate for gale Drown Leghorn eggs
at only ft per netting of 15, from the
puro-bred celebrated Donne v and Gar
rison mock. I.F.'Hiseh,
Toledo, Or.
Fishermen's Protective Union.
At an adjourned meeting of the Alsea
Bay Fishermen's Protective Union, a
branch of the American Federation of
Labor, held at Ludemann's ball, Wald
port, on Monday, February 29, Charles
Stouder presidiug, for the purpose of
approving the list of enrolled charter
members, discussing and accepting sub
milted constitution and by-laws and
discharging the committee appoiutod
thereon, the following further proceed
ings were had :
Messrs. L McMillan, Fred Wann and
W. R. Wakefield being placed m nomi
nation for permanent annual secretary,
on a ballot being tHkea the chair an
nounced W. K. Wakefield elected to
that office.
Messrs. E. W. Counstl, James Kent,
Fred Wann, Wm, Helms, Chas. Stouder
and C. It. Eveus being placed in nom
ination for the central executive board
of three, the result of the ballot as an
nounced was Messrs. Kent, Counsil and
Wann elected.
Adjournment was then had until
Monday, March 7, at one o'clock p. m.,
wheu the secretary's bond being sub
mitted, the same was approved and the
aforesaid Union fairly launched with a
membership of fifty-six.
Fall Creek Items.
Not seeing any items in your paper
lately from the littlesettlement of Fall
Creek, thought I would tell the people
tbr jiigh your columns what is harippti
ing oyer here.
K. C. Oglesby returned lately from
Eugene, bringing his wife and littla
daughter with him, the daughter being
a new addition' to the family.
A. J. and Will Oglesby have returned
from the reunion held at Derrick's of
Eddyville, at which all the Ogelsby
brothers and sisters were assembled.
E. E. Hamersly of Five Rivers is on
the creek looking after his cattle, which
he reports as doing nue. All the stock
on the creek are looking well for this
season of the year.
Mot Cams is still slaving away on
his homestead and lookiug as though
be would likfi to get married Now,
girls, here is your chance; don't let Mot
go another four years without a wife.
Claire Trenholm makes an occasional
trip to The Bend. He seems to be
rustling for himself.
Chas. Cams has gone to Corvallis to
consult a physiciau with reference to
his little daughter Myrtle, who has
been quite sick for some tirno.
Grace Oglesby is at home again for a
short visit before going to Albany,
where she expects to study music. She
will make a valuable addition to the
Fall Creek orchestra.
There is a small mountain or "Peek"
which appears At tho mouth of Full
creek at irregular intervals and disap
pears again in a day or two This is a
curious freak of nature and should be
investigated by sc entists or auy oue
interested in such things.
The Fall Creek school is still without
Bleacher. Are wages too low, or what
is the cause of the decrease of teachers?
Tho wet weather has put a stop to
the road work around Digger mountain
for the present, but it will be resumed
again as soon as the weather is favor
able. G. S. Mangle returned some time ago
from Stayton, bringing his' wife with
him. We are all sorry to learn of the
loss of his little daughter.
Call for Warrants.
Notico is hereby given that I havo
funds on hand to pay all .outstanding
warrants against theci'yof Toledo up
to and including No. 58"), bearing date
of September 5, 11)02. Interest ou same
ce-ises after this date. (i. L. Gray,
, , . . Treasurer.
Dated tebruary 5, 1S)01.
Read the Market News in
The Oregon Daily Journal
Nothing is omitted which concerns
the interest of buyers and sellers in
tho live stock, grain, nrovisinns. nrmliin..
and financial markets the markets are
comprehensive and in every way ro
liable. Tho Journal In addition carries everv
day a full mid truthful reDort of tho
world's news and preseuts many special
lemures of deep interest to the nveraire
reader. The Journal's woman's page,
the illustrated sportiug news piigo, tho
Journal storie and comic pages aud
other good things make it a very popu
lar family newspaper, clean and' bright
from A to Z and year's end to year's end.
Daily, one year by mail, oulv $1; six
months, $2.2:; three months, fl.25.
Semi-weekly, 104 issues, one year.Sl.OO
Weekly, fi. The issues of tho Semi
Weekly and Weekly Journal also con
tain tho market news and all of the
features of the Daily Journal. Address
Portland, Oregon.
HENRY LEWIS, Proprietor. TO
Leader in
Yours with Bargains
Or J. B. W. BUTLER, Secretary
The Siletz Hotel.
I desire to announce that my new ho
tel building is completed and furnished
new throughout everything bright
aud clean, liest of meals and clean,
comfortable beds and rooms. Try the
Siletz Hotel.
John Micek. Proprietor.
Siletz, Oregon.
- -V
For Sale.
At a bargain : One acre of land iu To
ledo, o-room house, barn and chicken
house, good well, sulendid irardon mini
Call on oraddress Curtis M Brown,
Toledo, Or.
(ynur own ficlqction) to every sub
tcriber. Only 50 ceiim a year.
A rem: bfautilul cnlorrd plnln; luteal
tVi :.hy"hul'' ftlinn, etc Sub- to-dv, or, d w Ir,, U CoJ
LaJy t:cnti w,nlcd. Send ior tern!.? W'
Stylhjh, Reliable, Simple. Up-to-date,
Economical and Absolutely
f ertect-Fittlng Paper Paitcrni. '
All Sfami Allowed and PfortloM Uiow
the BAttliin Mil c..-inn 1...
' ' w.-iiiK ,nch
Atk for ih.m. Sold In n.uly
and town, 01 by mill Irom
e nou$
State Normal Scl!
Monmouth, Oregor.
Training School for teachers, (v
arranged especially for training,
ers for all brunches of the pro' '
Most approved Methods for grail. '
ungraded work t'niglit, in actual ii
,se.hool. The demand for grate
this school as teachers far exe';.
supply. The Training Dero'
whicli consists of a nine gvaile f
school of about 250 pnpila .' .
equipped in all its branches, in4
Sloyd, Music, Drawing and Plr;
Training. The Normal Course i
quickest way to a State Certi!?: .
Fall term opens Sept. 22. For cat''
or information address
E. D. RESSLER, Preside'
in Chicago or Kansas
City or Texas or any
where else, for whom
you want to buy a ticket
to this city?
If you have, call at
this office and let us
arrange matters for you.
You deposit with us
enough money to cover
transportation, as also
incidental expenses of
the journey; we do the
Csnoral Agent,
140 Third St.,
Portland, Ora.
No. 2. For Yaauina
Train leaves Albany 12:45 Pv
corvallis 1:50
' Toledo 5:47 p
Arrive Yaquina 5:351!
JNo. 1. .Returning:
Leaves Yaqiiina 6:45!
" Toledo 7:1s a
" Corvallis 11:30 a!
Arrive Albany 12:15 p
No. 3.
For Detroit:
Leaves Albany
Arrive Detroit
4. Returning:
Leaves Detroit
Arrives Albany
7:00 a
5:55 fta
1 Train No. 1 arrives in Alij
in time to connect with the Si.
.... .. f
soiunoouna train, as well as git
two or three hours in Albany
fore departure of S. P. nortbbc
train for Portland.
Tram No. 2 connects wilh
S. P. trnin nt fVitvillia on.l
bany, givinfr direct service to
port and adjacent heaches.
Train 3 for Detroit, Ureitenh
QnA ..1.a m.a..a!u ' - . . . I .-f
u" wiutt luuuiuu in resurin i1-..
Albany at7:oo a. m., reaching
iroit about noon, rivintr ai
. - d - n
time to reach the same day.
For further information app
Edwin Stonb.J
J. E. Franklin,. Agent, To!'
B. II, Boi.ES, Yaqu-