Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, March 11, 1904, Image 3

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Invites Consumption
It weakens the delicate lung tissues,
deranges the digestive organs, and
breaks down the general health.
It ofteu causes headache and dizzi
ness, impairs the taste, smell and
bearing, and affects the voice.
Being a constitutional disease it re
quires a constitutional remedy.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Radically and permanently cures ca
tarrh of the nose, throat, stomach,
bowels, and more delicate organs.
Head the testimonials.
No substitute for Hood's acts like
Hood's. Be sure to get Hood's.
I was troubled with catarrh 20 years.
Seeing statements of cures 'by Hood's Sar
saparilla resolved to try it. Four bottles
ntlrely cured me." William Sbxbiiar,
1030 6th St.. Milwaukee. Wis.
Hood's Sarsaparilla promises to
euro and keeps the promise.
Had The Marks.
The father of a Kensington schoolboy
does not feel satisfied with the progress
his son is making in the public school
which he is attending. The other
evening he said to his wife, "Why is it
that Johnny liever brings home any
good marks from sihool?''
"He does," promptly answered the
fond mother.
"But I never see them."
"They're not where you can," eame
the quick reply. Philadelphia Public
The Longest Day.
Teacher You must remember, chil
dren, that Dec. 21 is the shortest day
we have. Do you remember the long
est? Freddie Yes'm. It's July 3, when
you're waiting for firecracker day.
Among Those Not Present.
Teacher (of school in Ohio) Men
tion the names of the great men born
in Ohio, as near as you can remember.
Pupil Well, there's President
Roosevelt, David Bennett Hill, Senator
Hoar, Admiral Dewey, Chauncey M.
Depew, Ben Tillman
Teacher You are all wrong. Not
one of those men were born in this
Pupil I'm naming the great men
that were not born here. That's easier.
Chicago Tribune.
Perrin's Pile Specific
No Case Exists it Will Not Cor
Of Men ar d Women.
Man admires woman, but loves him
self; woman loves man, but admires
He who thinks to please her by tak
ing her at her word is either a born
fool or a self made one.
Man is logical, but unreasonable;
woman, irrational, but convincing.
If a man observes a woman carefully,
he will learn everything about her
that she wants him to know.
The best cure foi a man's conceit is
woman's laughter. Smart Bet.
Startled the Cashier.
Stranger Are the waiters here at
tentive to you?
Pretty Cashier Sir-r-r.
Stranger Oh, no offense, I assure
you. 1 was only carrying out the in
structions as printed on the bill of fare,
which Bays: "Please report any inat
tention of waiters to cashier." And I
thought if they are inattentive to you I
would report them that's all. Balti
more American.
flore Proof.
The New York World remarks that
whether or not wealth is a curse to
children depends upon the kind of par
ents they have.
This again shows that in the selec
tion of their parents children should
exercise the very greatest care.
My Lung,
"An attack of la grippe left me
with a bad cough. My friends said
I had consumption. I then tried
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and it
cured me promptly."
A. K. Randies, Nokomis, 111.
You forgot to buy a bot
tle of Ayer's Cherry Pec
toral when your cold first
came on, so you let it run
along. Even now, with
all your hard coughing, it
will not disappoint you.
There's a record of sixty
years to fall back on.
f?1 '! Mo., enough for kit ordinary
Jold Mo., Just right for bronchitis, boaraa
asss, hard ooldi, ata.t fl, moat economical
f oi ehronlo cue and to keep on hand.
J. 0. AiB CO, Lowell, Mad.
Colombian General Needed Milk to
(screw His Courage tn Fighting Point.
The latest hevolution In Colombia
had many farcical features. One of
the funniest of these was the incident
of the general who would not fight
without his milk. General Perez was
In command' of the government troops
at Call. One day news arrived that
the liberals had captured a neighbor
ing town. Perez was ordered to start
with his army at 7 o'clock next morn
ing to attack them. He went to the
barracks, made a patriotic speech to
the soldiers and told them to parade
at the appointed hour. Then he
sauntered into the Hotel America,
Cali's finest restaurant, and ordered
coffee for 6:30 in the morning.
The troops were lined up at that
hour outside the hotel and the general
strutted to and fro, waiting for his
coffee and telling everbody what terri
ble things he was going to do to the
enemy. But a complication arose.
Perez had not been general long, but
he wanted milk in his coffee, whereas
nine Colombians out of ten are content
with black coffee. There was no
milk. The cows are kept three or four
hours' journey out of town, and, of
course, milk cannot be kept over night
in-that tropical climate. The hotel
folk figured that the milk could not
arrive before 11 o'clock.
The general fumed and frottod.
Some of his officers suggested that he
had better start without the milk or
the would escape, but he said it was
impossible to fight on black coffee. He
sent a soldier post haste to fetch the
milk and then another after him to
hurry him up. Meanwhile the army
stood In the broiling sun for hours,
awaiting the order to march. It was
nearly noon when the messengers re
turned. "No milk," they reported.
"Caramba! Then I won't march till
And the general dismissed his men
and would not go until the next morn
ing after his cafe au lit Of course,
when he reached his destination the
liberals had flown and he was deprived
of his glorious victory by a miserable
spoonful of milk.
Inspired the Flarht fop a Protectee
Tariff in Great Britain.
One of the muost powerful women
In the political life of Great Britain Is
Mrs. Joseph Chamberlain, wife of the
ex-Colonlal Secretary and a daughter
of the late W. C. Kndlcott. of Salem,
Mass. Mrs. Chamberlain Is a strong
believer In the American policy of pro
tection and those on the Inside say
that she had a determining Influence
upon her husband, when he resigned
from the cabinet of Lord Balfour and
took up the fight as a private citizen
for a protective tariff for Great Brit
Her Influence over her husband is
unbounded and the easiest and safest
way to reach the noted British states
man is through his still handsome wife.
Since taking up her residence In En
gland she has made a study of British
politics and Is more thoroughly
grounded In them than many men who
hold positions in official life. She Is
the political adviser of her husband
and thus indirectly wields a tremend
ous power.
Escaped Puntnhment
A Philadelphia schoolmistress was
giving her pupils instruction In the
elements of physiology, and among
other things told them that whenever
they moved an arm or leg it was In
response to a message from the brain. !
"The brain always sends a message
to your arm or your leg whenever you
wish to move that particular member,"
she explained.
At last a mlschevlous boy aroused
her anger by his apparent Inattention
to the lesson.
"Hold out your hand!" she ex
claimed. The boy did not move. "Why
don't you hold out your hand 7" said
the teacher.
"I'm waiting for the message from
my brain," said the lad.
Will Save Time.
The new Pennsylvania Rniimai
bridge across the Delaware at Trenton
will bring Philadelphia twenty minutes
nearer New York. The total cost Is
Colds Invariably Result in Catarrh, Which Sets Up a Host of Dis
j tressing Diseases.
PE-RU-NA Both Protects and Cures a Cold-Read Proof
I L'' " " ' J( txM& 0ldmul
j WW ('liipMWI
igtipr v
Miss Rose Gordon, 2,102 Oakland
av., Oakland Heights, Madison, Wis.,
writes :
"A few yeara ago I caught a severe
cold, which resulted In chronlo bron
chitis and catarrh. Our family physi
cian prescribed medicine which gave
temporary relief only. I began taking
Peruna and Improved at once. Two bot
tles cured me. I recommend Peruna to
all sufferers, and am most grateful to
you for your valuable medicine." Miss
Rose Cordon.
Washington, D. C, 609 H Street, N. W.
Dr Dr. Hartman: " used o th'nk
that the doctor knew all about our
ache and pain and were the proper ones
to consult when sick, but since I have
been sick myself I certainly had good
reason to change my mind. During the
winter I caught a heavy cold, which de
veloped Into catarrh of th hrnnrhiii
tubes and an inflamed condition of the
respiratory organs. The doctor were
afraid that pneumonia would set In and
Prescribed pills, powders and pack until
sickened of the whole thing, a I did
not Improve. One of the ladles In the
Home had a bottle of Peruna and she
advised me to try that. Shortly after I
began using It I felt that I had found the
right medicine. I used two bottles and
they restored me easily and pleasantly
to perfect health. While my stomach was
very delicate, Peruna did not nauseate
ma in ins least, out gave me a good ap
petit, and I wish to exoreaa nw nr.ti
tude to you for restored health." Miss
nosane von Btruenning.
PORTABLE and drill any depth,
by steam or bora power.
We challenge competition.
Si4 f.r FrM IIL.Lr.1.. f'.t
Foot Morrison St., Portland, Ore.
24 pajjej full of half-tones, strong
editorials and descriptive matter
of our wonderful resources jt Jt
25c A YEAR
Send it to tout Eastern friends Subscribe
for it roarxlf Should be in every hoot
la Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana
Send money, or P. 0., or Express order to
Western Revenable Road Graders Western
Ditch Making Graders Western Rock
Crushers Western Scrapers, Plows and R.
R. Contractors Supplies Road Rollers,
Street Sweepers and Sprinklers.
Write (or Catalogs.
313 Commercial Blk. PORTLAND, OREOON
Experience bos estnbllahexl It ai
faoL Hold by all dealers. You
sow they grow. 1B04 Seed
Aaaaal postpaid Era to all ap
plicae la.
Is the Beginning of Most Winter
Ailments Pe-ru-na Protects
Against and Cures Colds.
There is no fact of medical science
better established than that a teaspoon
full of Peruna before each meal during
the winter season will absolutely pro
tect a person from catching cold. Now,
if this is true (and there is no doubt of
it), thousands of lives would be saved,
and tens of thousands of cases of
chronic catarrh prevented, by this
simple precaution within reach of ev
ery one.
After a cold has been contracted a
tearpoonfull of Peruna every hour will
shortly cure it, leaving no trace of it
behind. After chronic catarrh has be
come established, or the first stages of
chronic bronchitis or consumption have
been reached, it will take much longer
to encet a cure. - .
It seems strange that as well known
and well established as these facts are
any one should neglect to profit by
mem, ana yet no aoubt there are many
who pay little or no attention to them
r. C. Gee Wo
Thu wonderful Chi.
iipsp doctor la called
great because bo curt
people without opera
tion that are given up
lo die. He cures with
those wonderful Chi
neap herhs, roota, huda,
harks ami vegetables
Hi at ar. anlli-ely un
known to medical sci
ence In thla vonntrv.
those harmless remedies tbia famous doctor
knows the action of over 600 different rem
edies, whlih he surreasftilly uses In different
dleeaaea. He guarantees to cure callarh, asth
ma, lung, throat, rheumatism, nervousness,
stomach, liver, kidneys, etc.: baa hundreds of
,,...., , nni-gps moderate, (. all am
see oim. muenis out of. the city write for
&JV1,k"J'l.r,0,'lr- .Bno stamp. CUJSBUl,
The C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
253 Alder St., Portland. Oreiron.
atral.utiou paper.
Washington Farmers
and Stockmen Indorse
Prussian Stock Food!
I havs naed Prussian Rtorlc Food for the past
three years for Horaepi, Cattle. Hlieep nnd llotrs.
HAS NO EQUAL. 1 llnd Its tborouxli ren
ovatort It tone, up the system In Kvneral and
put. now life am! vlporln the animal. In my
dairy business 1 find In erery Initanre when fid
arcordlmr to directions It will INCREASE
the Now or milk to a marked detrree. AIho with
young animals, rslves In particular that are
uljctto 8COUR8 frusslsn Htock Food will
ounce the malady aa If by ni.irlr. 1 have tried
many kinds ot foods hut I
aj j consider Prussian Htock Kood
- 1 iBEST on the market
port, Waan.
Increase in Milk.
Since u.lnjr the Prussian
Stock Food with my milch
cow I find her supply of milk
hss Increased from ONE to
TWO qusrts each milking.
P. C. FaanswoaiH. Hockrorr
9oM ly trie l.eaiiln PrnMlsIn1
rOBTLAND SEED CO., Portland. Or.,
11 T-,f.ltjlai
Cough Syrup, Taste (loud. DM
roiq PydmrelBta.
tow mwi cam
and go on catching cold, acquiring
enrome catarrn, bronchitis and con
Catarrh May Permeate the Whole
Mrs. Mary E. Sampson, West Derry,
Rockingham county, N. H., writes:
"I had terrible headaches, both ears
run and I was nervous all the time, also
had trouble each month ; was deaf in
one ear for thirty years. I took six
bottles of Peruna and one of Manalin
and am happy to say that it is the best
medicine that I ever used. I am not
so nervous, my appetite is good, every
thing I eat nor es with me, and I am
feeling better in every way. I think
Peruna is a 'Godsend to women and a
blessing to suffering humanity." Mary
E. Sampson.
If yon do not derive prompt and sat
isfactory results from the use of Peruna
write at once to Dr. Hartniau, giving
a full statement of your case,' and he
will be pleased to give you his valuable
advice grat s.
Address lr. Hartman, President of
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
Salzcr'ai rVnllnnni n.s-
Most prollllo Oata on earth. The
v. o. uept. or Agriculture, Wash,
lngton.suys: "Walter's Out are the
best out of over four hundred aorta
tested by us." Thla grnnd Oat
yielded In Wisconsin lit bu., Ohio
17 bu., Mlchfijun 231 bu., Missouri
SM bu.,and North Dakota31ubu. per
acra.and will positively dona well by
you. Try It, lr, and be convinced.
A Few RwAn .- tt j
fcilior't PMnllMi Barley, 121 bp. perl.
!; " Ilomrhuildrr tern, tui bu. err A.
la ten ftw a.tllotuil ton, am ,a, wr i
J iliWi retttoei. 1.16 kg. per 1.
Balur'i (luiuui, 1,W)0 ln. per 1.
1 11 ... v . .. . V
r-.n.nmi veffetame needs are
Pedigree elodt, bred right up to big yields.
Salzer'a Epeltz (EmmerL
Greatest cereal wonder of tlio sue. It la
IrltZ- "' r?ln '"14 1.' . frwi
hi7 "V- "rentestitack food on
earth. Does WcUererywhore.
Salzer'a Mill Inn Faaralleaaas af".
Salzer'a Teoslnte.
ewen 'odder per ...V 6 ,lni
Grasses and Clover.
" wur v,ihj rAcrrg, our
tW'?"r:.""- wSroai,
"J'r'indll !
' For 10c in Stamp
ITiyr'1 ""'1,,dlnH ""
r abore, together with our
u. yoaiaga
lend lor lime
P. N. U.
No. 7-1904.
WHEN wHtlnr to advertisara plaaae I
mantlon thla paper. I
I Efv.'f ill!!
I I"!
r urn