Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, January 29, 1904, Image 3

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"w; ,
ftnps no. iex so o you
i:-;mpntS. It Simply loosens
rdforawhUe Whv?
. treir- win rT it mrww
must correct the acid con
dition of the blood on which
it, depends. Hood's Sarsa
parilla has cured thousands.
Super No, sir, the
ghost hasn't
... , t ioo,n u.
CritlCK i o ivum8 kiui
wad today, iie uiuou uavo got ills .
Super Oh, yes.
Crittick What
star, eh?
He's the star,
you might call
Why of It.
Mrs. Hayrix it peers tew me ez
keoff that cousin ov yourn is livin' in
I neap peiier Btyio buubd duo guu u ui
V01f. Mrs. Oatcake Yes, in course she do.
She's livin' on th' antimony the
jedge took an' Mow'd her." .
Perrin's Pile Specific
No Case Exists It Will Not Care
tfyoa biTen't a regular, healthy movement of tM
fowelery day, you're sick, or will be. Keep jour
bowelt oiicn. and be well. Foroe, la tbe shape of
Muleat ulivalA ni nlll nnlmti. ! ft&DvArntm. Tba
pootneit. eaatett, most perfect way of keeping Uie
ww m cieu ana eleao u W I
Srleuiiit, Palatable, Potent. Taste Oood. Do OooS,
iMerSlckeriWeakon.orUrlpe. We. 60o. Write
or free aamp.e, and booklet on health. Address
Mill Imdf (.pu7l UIcmo. HgaltMl, lew Iwk. 133
W.90F JlK
Hiik nb!k or yellow for ill kinds XhAKi I
tfwtwiVOnltevtrrvhtrt. viflV J
Lookfor the Sin of the Pish.and ' AvAsL.7
the nwt TOWER on the button. UyU 2 I
COlIOITON. Mt.U a. 7 A-Vt?
TffH Wm C.-,-u. T.rcMTO.CMI.K f-f "W'V
Every Catarrh sufferer dreads the coming- of winter, for with the first
weath of the ice-Icing " this miserable disease is fanned into life and all
jjie disgusting symptoms return. The nostrils are stopped up and the
throat can be kept clear of mucous secretions only by continual hawking
and 8pittintr. Catarrh ita nuisance
nd source of annoyance, not only
w the one who has it, but everybody
Jlse. The thick, yellow discharge
"ora the head produces a feeling of
personal defilement, and the odor of
we breath is almost intolerable.
The catarrhal poison brings on
Komach troubles and affects the Kid
neys and Bladder. It attacks the
oft bones and tissues of the head
tad throat, causing total or partial
ealness, the loss of smell, and giv
j"? to the voice a rasping, nasal
jwang. No part of the body is secure
"on its ravages. Catarrh makes
Jon sick all over, for it is a dis
ease of the blood, and circulates all
Jough the system, and for this
"ason, sprays, washes, inhalers,
wilur' aD( 8aves have Proven
on Mhe Way to cure Catarrl1 thor"
Wi yand permanently is to cleanse
ft, i1 of the unhealthy secretions
at keep the membranes of the body
""lamed, and nothing does this so
ury and promptly as S. S. S. As
a.s tne blood is poison
poisoned with
-"nai matter the discharge 01 mucus anu -.-. -
" ue miserable ri;,aa. iit continue.
stubborn disease,
W""n 10 Compromise.
lu-Oh,youbadboy! Where
, u'1 11118 time? Don't
,,ThfBoy7 - y c11j ma. I'm willin' to
IworrvniP 1 uiat a ,
The Real Thing.
wirJ113! fif'd the yunS benedict,
J i,ust realizing that he had
caught a Tartar, "is what I call real
married life."
JTin glad you'r satisfied with some
thing," she snapped.
t "Oh, I'm not. I merely meant to
inform you that it is not ideal."
KoT Tnrtv van', m t-t .
... r u' . rlau B iop uon-
.i.jjuuu uas cured couchs and oolda At
"" cents.
Willing He Should Smoke.
"Any objections to my smoking
here? asked the offensively cheerful
man as the vessel gave another disqui-
None," replied the pale chap in the
steamer clmi
Cincinnati Commercial Tribune
ncic ur iiereuuer.
vr,?nhth."iWl)1 """M- WlnrtoWs Soothing
Unfortunately the Only Way,
Vt course you wouldn't
marry a
"Not if there was any other way of
tub ecvoiciy
practical girl. Chicago PoBt
You Can Oet Allen's Foot-Ease FREE.
Write Allen 8. Climated i. d- w v .
free sample of Allen's Foot-Kane. It cures
sweating, hot swollen, aching feet. It makes
new or tight shoes easy. A certain cure for
corns, ingrowing nans ana numonB. All drug
gists sell it. 25c. Don't accept any substitute.
Brave Man.
Ethel Do you really think the lieu
tenant will propose to Beth.
Jidith Oh yes. He has several
medals for bravery, you know. Puck.
100 KEWAKD 8100.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
jearn that tbero is aileast one dreaded disease
lliat BCience has been able to cure in all in
llanos, and that is catarrh. IlaU'sCatarrhCure
is tbe only positive cure known to the medical
iraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis
ease, requires a constitutional treatment.
Han s catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces
of the system, thereby destroying the founda
tion of the disease, and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitution and
assisting nature in doing its work. The pro
prietors have so much faith in its curative
powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars
lor any case that it fails to euro. Bend ior list
of testimonials. Address
F. J. CHENEY 4 CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by druggists, 75c.
Hall's Familx nils are the bast.
Following: the Races.
Spoart You say he follows the race
horses. He looks prosperous.
Nervitt Yes; the race horses keep
him busy.
Spoart Bookmaker?
Nervitt No ; pawnbroker. Phila
delphia Ledger.
Tbe Wisdom of Wlsewell.
Noitt That fellow Wisewell could
have given Solomon a few pointers.
Askitt Come on with the explana
tion. '
Noitt When he and his family
went to the country for a month's vaca
tion he took his gas meter along.
Watsontowa, Fa., July 13, 1903.
DI have'used 8. S. 8. for Catarrh of the
Inner ear, and have found it n
lnt remody for same. I bad beea
troubled with tola di.eaae for Jtm"
ind tried many thin, law
ret relief, but noth'n did roe any
permanent rood until I began 8.B. s.
Thad di.oh.rre from my ear and mr
hearine- was ao badly atteoted that I
e "id not heir the tick of a clock. I wis
In bad ahape when I began your med
loine. 8. 8. 8. ha done away wltf??
aiaebars-a and my hearing beea
wonderfully Improved;
rood and I do not hesitate to give it the
credit it deasrvea. KEUMHINE.
Kreba, Ind. Ter., Aug. 1, 1903.
Dear Sire: arolmed your
forOatarrn" Ihad been troubled
remedy "but aince
with It for
with it for aoouiui"- ---- -- j.j
m a sum Toure for Catarrh.
-x. "
JWn.ttinir symptoms 1
tinue. d. o. o. . d enriches
?liUlldMfnvK.5iSd tones up
e Lw ratS cold and con-
S. S. S. goes w tuc -J7" i
5?m Catarrh is not so likely to occur.
brings none of the discomforts of Caurrh.
bnDWrite us Particulars of your cas . and
our physicians nP.y"h"- fot
we matte -"",-
The Laat of the Great Thinker, of the
Victorian Age.
Herbert Spencer, the distinguished
English philosopher and fill Hint ff
!TT - t
recently at hU home in
engntqn, was the last of the great
thinkers of the Victorian age; which
Included Charles Darwin. Thomas
Huxley and John Tyndall.
Herbert Spencer was born April 27,
1820, the son of a poor schoolmaster In
Derby, England. His advantages In
early life were few, most of his edu
cation being received throuch his fath-
: er, yet he lived to be one of the great
est minkers of the age. At 17 he be
gan the struggle as a civil engineer, a
calling which he followed for eight
years. While thus engaged he spent
his leisure hours in the study of social
science, but it was not until 1855 that
the result of all this thought and prep
aration was published to the world.
Then appeared his first book, "Social
Statics," which was four years in
advance of Darwin's "Origin of Spe
cies" and dimly anticipated some of
the proofs of evolution therein set
Spencer's first volume was received
with frosty air when noticed at all.
Others followed only to experience a
scarcely less frigid reception. At first
the determined philosopher paid the
cost of publication out of his own slen
der means; that being the only way he
could get his work before the people.
Not until twenty-four years later was
he able to say that be had got his
money all back so that he had lost
nothing by his work. Discouraging
as all this must have been,, Mr. Spen
cer was not of a kind easily turned
Sslde. He continued to think and
write, and his great llfework stands
to-day the strongest kind of evidence
that the sublime faith he had in his
own ability was well founded. He
lived to hear the applause of the world
acclaiming him one of the greatest
intellectual leaders of his time.
Herbert Spencer was. simple and
unostentatious to a marked degree.
He repeatedly declined academic hon
ors from colleges and universities, and
titular honors which the late Queen
Victoria was willing to bestow upon
him in recognition of his distinguished
services to humanity.
The romantic side of Mr. Spencer's
life may be summed up in a few ;
words, ne was devotedly attached to j
his mother and grieved much -during
her last illness. The only other wom
nn for whom he seemed to entertain
feelings of affection was George Eliot.
They were great friends and it is said
Uint he was in love with her. Ter
hnps the strongest evidence in support
of that claim is the knowledge that he
was never In love with anyone else
and the fact that he never married. !
In his-contributions to science Mr.
Spencer has shown the workings of a i
master mind; one that was clear, vlg-1
orous, forceful and original in Its con
ceptions. The world of mankind is
greatly indebted for his services and
will not soon know his equal.
One of the fuutures of a recent horse
show In Vienna was the appearance of
gnow in ivhuu -n
two horses, the one said to be the larg-
CHt horse in the world, the other sup-
, t0 be tne smallest, xne liiustra-
tion shows the comparative size of the
Bnd when lt l9 added mat the
smaller horse was the size or a Ht.
Bernard dog the huge proportions of
his big comrade will readily be under-
" ' ,,
What Ornmppe Never Saw.
tr GrumDDS What boobies women
I .t
0re always cijuin m
Mrs. Gmmppo-You never saw worn
I en crying at a divorce, did you?
Sisters of
Use Pe-runa for Coughs, Colds, Grip and Ca
tarrhA Congressman's Letter
In every country of the civilized world
Sisters of Charity are known. Not
only do they minister to the spiritual
and intellectual needs of the charges
committed to their care, but they also
minister to their bodily needs.
With so many children, to take care
of and to protect from climate and dis
ease, these wise and prudent Sisters
have found Peruna a never failing safe
guard. Dr. Ilartman receives many letters
from Catholic Sisters from all over the
United States. A recommend recently
received from a Cathloic institution in
Detroit, Mich., reads as follows:
Dr. S. B. Hartman. Columbus, Ohio:
Dear Sir "The young girl who used
the Peruna was suffering from larny
gitis and loss of voice. The result of
the treatment was most satisfactory.
She found great relief and after fur
ther use of the medicine we hope to
be able to say she is entirely cured."
Sisters of Charity.
The young girl was under the care
of the Sisters of Charity and used Pe
runa for catarrh of the throat with
good results as the above letter testifies.
Send to the Peruna Medicine Co., Co
lumbus, Ohio, for a free book written
by Dr. Ilartman.
Ask Your Druggist for a Free Peruna Almanac for 1904
Wood Saws, Drag Haws run Dy steam or gaso
line engines, also the latest in saw mill ma
chinery, stump pullers, well drilling machin
ery, etc., etc.
Write for your needs.
Foot of Morrison Street
Portland Oregon
The "drain of Truth." j
"Pa, what's a grain of truth?" I
"It is generally the thing that keeps
all the women in the neighborhood
saying: 'Well, I declare!' 'I never'
would have thought it!' You don't
nay!' 'I never did believe she was as ;
:nnoccnt as she tried to make out!' and j
'I feel so sorry for her children!' " I
riTQ Permanently carea. iromsor nervousness
I 1 10 after flrstday'suseofDr.Kllne'sOreatNerve
Tleatorer. Hend for PreW2 trial bottle and treatise.
Dr. H. U. Kline, Ltd..U Arch Ht.. Philadelphia, Pa,
Leads In Lumber.
Wisconsin is first in lumber and tim
ber products.
Little Liver Pills.
(.lust Bear Signature of ,
ee Fac-Slmlle Wrapper Below.
Very a an all mod sus eaany
to take aa snurajc.
,. I ifunrm mnnmtntynumimt. 1
I PmreiT Tetahla.Cwgfc
The following letter is from Congress
man Meekison, of Napoleon, Ohio.:
The Peruna Medicine Co., Colum
bus, 0.:
Gentlemen: "I
have used several
bottles of Peruna
and ' feel greatly
benefited thereby
irom my caiarrn 01 2i
tU 1 1 1 ..! Wflrf
1 1 .
but? utiiu, unit ll'l'i a ijfr7l
encouraged to be- ''&p
lieve that its con-
tinned use will fully David Mkkkiosn
eradicate a disease of thirty years'
standing." David Meekison.
Dr. Ilartman, one of the best known
physicians and surgeons in the United
States, was the first man to formulate
Peruna. It was through his genius
and perseverance that it was intro
duced to the medical profession of this
If you do not derive prompt and sat
isfactory results from the use of Peru
na, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving
a full statement of your case and he
will be pleased to give you his valuable
advice gratis. 1
Address Dr. Ilartman, President of
The Ilattman Sanitarium, Colum
bus, O.
Cures Cholera, Roup
and other diieaiei,
It Helpi hem '.ty and
mikei chick, grow.
Pkga. 25 and 50c; Palls, $3.50
Pruasiaa Remedy Co. St. Paul
THE BEST The I'mmlan Poultry Food and Lie.
Kiltor aru Cruukerjiu-ka." All Priia.
,mn goon, utvm iwrrtii-t untiMrnctlon.
W. M1MUUHN, lllllyard, Wa.h.
t-'PruttKtun Poultry Foml i, JumI wbut
la needed In raining pouitry.O. H.
1UUU1N, Latah. Waah.
Portland Seed Co., Af Is, Portland, Or.
Prussian Poultry Book FREE
l'UUILANU HKKlt C(, PurtUud.
CoKSt Agnnts.
First and MonlromrrrSts.. Portland, Ort)
Telephone, Main 394.
Dr. C. Gee Wo
This wonderful Chi
tiMM doctor I. railed
trat bcaua h. cures
nil. without npera
llon that ar.flTii up
lo dl.. Jle curHs with
tlioa. wonderful tJhl
nea. h.rba, roots, hud,
barks and vegetables
that are entirely un
known to medical sci
ence In this country. Through the una o'
those harmless remedies this famous doctor
knows th. action of over tuo different rain
edles, which he succea.fully uses In different
disease., lie guarantees to cur. catlarh, anlh
ma, lung, throat, rheumatlain, nervousiiean,
torna h, llv.r, kidneys, etc.) has hundred or
leatlninnlals. Charges moderaie. Call and
sea him. Hatlenis out or Hi city writ, for
blanks and circulars. Mend stamp. CO.NHUL
TA'llOM r'KKK. AI)01lh.B
The C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
ISt Alder St., Portland, Or.gM.
Ara-M.uuou paper.
p. n. ur
WHEN writing- to ad vertlaera pleaee I
mentloa this paper. I