The Best Throws to Est and Wear la I Stocking. llj 'Hero seems, to i") iiO I'scip. says ( ; the Chicui;t luu-r 0 ii, from Uio del- t ! I IChU' I Groceries I full Ih'-c "f U'W-cricn alwayt t k Tin Famous blue Uib- Clllltl'-'ll Kn;un,- ....... . : . . f t .. .. "llCOll. CIC., I" itllj- i-very! hit);; i" the line of l'loU' niidcrweitr, shirts, collars, tw 1)011 !iiii:)-S Uouts nc.d Shi es Tim Ci l'.l u :ilol Mayer Sau". in all sizes nml lutc.t "ssfyic-s ln,m Men's Drcis, to the lu-ttvy l.onil'oruian's w.'it'V'jiniiif f-hocs. Ladies nnd ChiMi-eii's loot wear, j I'.ubbers i;iid Loot s. Notions Our full ord-r of Notions has arrived nml wo are in-enured to Hid children with nreir.v toys us well as u.sful articles for Brown persons. Remember That w uuu M !i f eiirrv 'i rcmrlnf t.'U .1 7E.-rw-.- .-r, y-p in. H L 1 ' .Miff. 'illls u'"' Cll',s C!U'1'lt'1' 1,1 I "lock. l,ri' ,iml loolt nt bMvyOveiKhirtH. clmve .i;ist ict'oiecl our now linn of DrytJoods. The lui- 1 . i- .1 I t I r; . . ostsiyu?H.ot jjiiruBH jMi'nn v.oocih j or linniwave and can furnish for piiitur wear, calicoos, ging- j lionii'steaders with anything in -i . f (i,..f i;., liajllS, fit'. I umi. inn:. rem-" 2)0 it JLiSa. Siletz, Oregon. -t:ci:izi:: Thomas Parker, , PHYSICIAN AND SURCiKOX mi 11 tt1 to Vu.iiiiim 1-ay Jiorcaniue o. um- TOLKfiO, OllEGON. Hedges & (Jidlowiiy, the well-known Oregon City attorney, can furnish you j with up-to-date lilim prints of tlii dis ; l.rict. . J. D. Wetmore, 1'IIYSICIAN AND SUIlOKON. office YR'iman lirnnch Ollicc Tiipdo M. WYOANT. SUHVKYOR I Real Estate Agoiit INSURANCE , If you have a' farm or town lot .sell, or if you to buy one, on me. j Want a 1 am agent for the Sou'e Brothers Co. of Portland and ran sell you a fine piano (20 styles to select from) or an organ, either listey or Chicago Cotlage, at a lower price than can he obtained from any o:her firm on the coast. Will also supply yon with any other musical instrument you may want. Call and inspect pianos now on hand. Gi:o. A. Landuktii. . )) V. SWOPK, Attorney-at-Law. -Dl'TUTY DtSTKICT ATTOKNMCV Foii-Lincoln County 1 V'i!l iiiiictice in all courts in the natu. Prohate inalters ami collco ans iriuiijitly uUetideil to. Otliee in ('imrthoiiRC, U'stnirs, TOLEDO, OKKOON. B. F. J0NE5, .Attonioy-at-L'nw, Notary Puklic. roLi'.oo, . OKKCON. NO'J'ICIi Rllt ITBUOATION. I.11111I Olliie at Oregon City. Ore., October 'JO. lSHi::. Notice is hereby gtviii thnt in eniiiiiliiiiiee with the jirovisijns of the net of Congress of 1 I line :i, x"t, entitled "An net fur the mile of timber Innds in the ulntesnt California, Ore j Koiii Ncvintii nml Washington Territory," us ; cxtendiiil to all the putilie ntntes by tu t of August 1, Inn, Allen lirowii of (lien leonnty of l.ineoln. state of Oregon I lnis this ("my liled in this otliee his sworn stnte ment No. (hil.'i, for the imrehnse of the swjjof section S2, iowii-hiii 12 .south of rnnge y west, and will oiler nroof to show thnt the land son;;ht is more valuable for its tim ber or stona thiol for ns'i-ier.ltninl mri"scs and to establish his claim to aid laud before the Register and Receiver at Oregon City, Ore con, on Friday, tho Hth ilay of Jannitry l'.WI lie names as witnesses: A W Ackerninn and T 1, liuhannon both of Allien, Oiegon; Ale:: I'rusir and Ihnrlts wiChman both of rorllniid. Oregon. 1 Any and all persons cbiinin;; adversely the above describe.! lands are requested to lile their chum in this olhce on or before said Mil j day of January l!iii4.' i AmikiuX S. Dnr.ssKii. l(ci;istui-. or cotniuciitiiic tiDun the jnusforinpn which liaR befallen iMis. j Frtuxis Sterling, n rich Euii.jh widow, i residing in New York, j Mis. Sterling, it seen)!", has lout; lioen . n collector of raru imd h.-autifal i KoiUH f.f these gems she lias been fond I of wptuing and others she lms l.-eu f"ti li.f carrying in a box. her custom ! I'caig to carry the hox in her stocking. jlW ready nriney she ha.--also c;ir"ied ; ill this ho. which she has invariably Pnrrlcl in her stocking, dnnviiig troi.i it ; o.i her i-Lopping tours or travels only siu-h clianga as from time to time the found it liec.eiu-y to use. i 0:i 'I'hursdiiy she re-turned from Vv'ushingtou. Just be.foro leaving the sleoping-car in Jersey City, she put the box in its accustomed placethat is to say, in her stockiug. .She is quite sure that there wan no hole in her Flocking when she dressed, and yet when she arrived home tho box was niissiuj;. Moreover, there was a large hole in the stocking through which the box had escaped. Its contents were very valua ble, as may bo judged by the fact that she offers a reward of $1,000 for return of them "and no questions asked." It seems as if this ought to prove u lesson to women in general, whethor they tire foreign or native. Thousands of them tiro said to be more or less in r.f pivvvimr iof their stockings things that do not prop-1 erly belong there. There is no particu lar objection that we can se to carry ing bank bills of large denomination iu this way, but, on the other hand .women who crowd their stockings with silver liu, bank books, jewel boxes, letters, keys, theater tickets, receipts, and mis- eeilaueoiiB personal and household hne ti brae, not only ruu serious risk, but subject themselves to an uncomfortable and ungraceful gniV A woman's stockiug is a useful arti cle, and no possible objection can be made to its legitimate employment. There are times, doubtless, when a woman has no other safe place in which to storo suiull articles of value, hut tho stocking habit is likely to be carried to excess. In our opinion there are too many things carried in women's stockings that should be placed in the safety de posit vault or in storage warehouses, and, if we are correctly informed in re gard to the matter, we sincerely hope that Mrs. Sterling a experience may lead to a much-nooded reform. "T.H E OLD RELI ABLE Ready for the Holiday Trade iiunrav.trairniiMniirwi 1 l i I I j I 1 j Wiil practice in all the courts of j Oregon Five and one-hall years clerk of Probate and Circuit courts. Has complete up-to-date Abstract ol Lincoln County. George A. Laiulroth, ETffTaJJSC.-ili.t.i-SW".i.3 A FREE PATuZ7;N (your own selection) to everv sub scriber. Ulliy so Cfius a yi-.ii. Ars Eisgant Line of Dishes and Chinavvare Many handsome articles designed for Holiday presents. Mako your selection early and get tho best. Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats Make yourself a preunt of otie. The Prices are right, iind so are the goods. Come in and examine 'them. Headquarters for The Bet in the Falarkct 1MB ui mmm man itf,ttfw tr.ra -i YAQUINA BAY MERC. CO., JOHN OFSTEDAHL, Manager HEADQUAETERS IPOTl 5CH00 SUITS 4 Mv full stock (. shirtwaists has jupt arrived, also a new Hue of ladies' and children's hosiery." Mrs Wygant. NOTIC'i: KOlt I'l T.I.ICATION. Vnited Slates I.iind Ollice, Oregon City, Or. . October 'J4, Hull. Notice is hereby given that tho following nained settler lias tllc'l notice of his inl ?.ntion to iriike tlnal proof in support of jils eliiim, nml lhnt said tlnal proof will be iniido before Iho Ktgisternnd Iteeelver at Oregon City, Or., on Pccenibcrlii, 19isi,vH: Frank M Vjnlos, II K No 1 -H07 for the fc4 of section :, tv. p S s, range 9 w. lie inures Hie following witnesses to prove ids continuous residence upi'iinnd cultivation of said land, viz: Warren Wright of Falls I lly, Oregon; J C Kramer of Jloiunotilh, Oregon: Thomas Wright ami O O Hell both of Itocea. Oregon. Ai.iiki.non S. DliKshiiit, liegister. A Complete Line oi' Dependable Clothing and Shoes Boys' All-Wool Suits.. $2.50 to $4.25 Boys and Girls' School Shoes ; .75' to $3.00 Men's Ready-Made All-Wool Suits from $8.00 to $14.00' and a Complete Line of Ladies' and Gents' Shoe3 The Famous Cotzian Shoe GEORGE L McCAULOU . Oppoa!.t3 laiicoln County 2s,nlr A imS' MAQAZlNt. A neat hair c ut in anv stvle desired and an easy shave. , i PAltKEit HOUSE,! TOLEDO. Oil. ! Oath... Wati r lVont, one block south, of Depot. I 'Uttltao(i:ll inriu iiu irnml no- (Mill 1)0 : touiid in Lincoln county. i HAVES REASONABLE. The ttnv(dit.r nnlilin nirdiallv invited g. - - - - -i to liive this house a trial. A5.L52X l'AKKKIS, Propricioi'. A rtm- lir.iulibil cnlorr.l plates; laid ftuhiun; .licsfmaloTii: ctnni.mlM ; lanry wortc hmisrlwild bi"l; l!i'lnn. IC- iul "cVih. to-.tiiv. or. -.end . fnr l.n.-t copy. Lidy aticim wauled. Send for lermi. Stvlisli, Reliable, Simple, Up-nv rlne. Economical ami Absolutely p'orfect-l'ittiMK per Pattern. J 1 n i - ir-ri-ir-rA'xr.TCrir3r the Basting Mi Sfno ll3- Only 10 nnil ts nl fh-," "j'''; Ak for Ih'in Sol I m ii"il u't and town, orb) mail THE McCAtt CO.. 113-11-117 West 3isl SU NtVVVOftU. ' NOTICK KOit lTlU.H'.VTIOX. Land otliee, Oregon CPv. Ore. Octiilier -'I. 1::1. Notice is hereby glveu'tl.nt the folowlng nuniedselller has tiled noliee of his Intention to lnatio tlnal proof in snpoort of his claim that said prom' will be mink' before tho l.egis ter mid Ueceiverat Oreg i CHy Oie0-on. on ltce, nber 11, l'-KI viz: Ahiji'.li Williiiins, II K No l::"s.'. for '.lie nv.'.; of seel, on II. twpft . ran- e '.i w. lie the l'i llow ii.;: wiuiesses to )rovo bis ciiiitiiiiior.s residcii'-c ni"H ""il cultivation of said land, vii:: Calvin i; Hubert (ml '!h-. doro i an inglon liolhof i:i u, Oicuoii: Wiii run Wright mid ThoiniiH Wright botli of I'a'il City, Oregon. .'.tcxitsos S. litn :-:n, KegNtor. XOTICK KOlt lTKI.ICATION. V. S. Land Onice, Or"-(in City, Ore.. September l'. UK.'!. Notice is hereby Is h?re'iy given that In com pllance with the provisions of tbe aei of (.'oiik- sof.liine.s 1K7.S. entitled "All act for I he XOTICK KOll I'UIH.ICATION. V. 8. Lund ODlee, Oregon City. Or. f?eiteinber Hi. HKlir Not ice es lioreby given that In coinpliiimt Willi llio provlsloiiHof llui net, of Congresx of June :i, 1S7S. entllletl "An net for tho wilt! of tlniliur hinds In the SlntcH of ( 'nil lorn in. Or- - .MHLY IV1AGAZIME . A Family library 2 Cail i:i Current kJ'i2Sture II A . , '.. --MPLCTE IMOVilL YEAPLT MAriV SHORT STORIES ANO J r P Z ;rj O H TI f'-l E LY TO P! CS j 2. .0 PH YCAR ; 23 CT8t A COPV KQ CONTINUED STORIE ltVIR MUMBEB COMPLETE IN ITSELF n Keeps coHSiaiitly on hand all the Stanchml Varieties of Fruit Trees Vines and Shrubbery J. WILSON, CiirnyooD, Oregon. Saly of I imbi r lauds in the States of ( aliloriiiii eonf Xeviulu nnd Wnsliinglon Teirilory," ni Oregon, Nevada nnd Wiishingion Tenito ,', extend-jd lo all riiblio .and States by net or istitei'ididtoiill tho pal.lio. I.a'id States by August 4, 1WB, Sidney 1 llretherton of Itnlte- net of August I, Is!'-, Samuel s. cranier. ol It uy, Minn m Jiomnnn. ini-i un nnj men in Ciistlen ek, County ol ("owlet., Sta'o of Winih- J thlsolllee hissworn sliiteiiient Mi.iiiUS lor tno ingtou hit's Ihis'dav tiled in thii olliie hia imreliiiso oftlie ol section ;il in township sworn niuemetit N-f.' W, forthe piirchusc of j 12 s, lunge .No. in wnH nnd will oiler pr(M.f to thes'.2of nw'.'nnd J.ols :: and I of rcellon-l in i show tlMillbo land Sought l. nmre viihinblo township No. K. s. range" west and west ami lor Its timber or stone tbnii loi iiiriiciillural w ill etl'er proof to shi.w that the land i imvlit is ! purpo-cs. and to Ills elalni In sold moi-i velual le for Its liii.bcr or stone th.oi for i iniiil bolmv Hie Comity Clerk of l.ineoln Bgrienlturnl purpose-, and to esialjli; li his ! enuiUy, Oregon, on l ii l.iy, the lllli.ibiy of ( lal:nln said bind before Ira Wade Conuly Dceeliiber, l!i;.l. Clerk nt Toledo On :tuii, on TnesJny, thj Sth Mo nniiies as w-iulcsscs: day of liccember, I'.u :!. I W. .1. lii'idy and I.ouW MyoiHor Toledo. Or., lie nnaies as It ,ic;-us: .lolin Hiiseli ol (i!en. 'M-. IV I. Ilretberlon of (ienrge Hodges, .Iniin s ll..dgcs, Ooorge t'larUsvilli:, New M"xiisi. t nn.l Win i:avi n;.n, nil of Sa.ln.lo, Any nml nil ln r-cii- rimniing niivci'iv i no iibovi tdivci ibi'.t lioi W m o iciiie-led to III'- lev the beliTliiiiii" in llil or "Ctni" Mir I I Hit. Duvenpo Vho Lcrxlirg Hotel M)ninK CI TOlOCiO, UrejJOn ndve-i'.o-eiilie.l Inni'.s ure re ineled In liie thtlr eiuiais nl Il ls ollice on or before sui.l s .ii day of I'i i mil--, . I.I . A i, ;i.ii v. i:l rsnil, llegl-lor. of I ci'einl.e.', :iA. In order to comj-cte with the leading hotels we are corupelled to est ibli-h the following Tite : Al.ohHM'N S. IIIIi:h, lli'gl-ie: Couinietcitil BCCotninndatioiiH per day... i Tourists and otherc Sit'iilu meals to residents Any guest dissatisfied with ac commodations wi'.l have mon- I ey refunded by tnakitis? com plaint to the raatifigtmenr. C. R. & S. EtLSWOKTH. NOTICK KOK hi'hi.icai ION. 1 hand Oll'.co t Oregon City. Ornmm, October -,:l, V ol. I Notice Is herby pi veil that tho foib.w ing- iic.n.ed tef.ler has Hied notice "f his Intent!. .a ?-2.0 to fliiitl proof In support of his e'nim, . .fl to 1.3(1 and thnt ial.1 proof will be mmli' Vvorc ihe "5 ! lieglslcr and I'.ccelver, at Oiegon City, Oie., on ; lx-eeinl erlt. l.J", viz: I Caivin K Hubert, It K X l:'V.i7 for the rw' , of see: Ion VI. iwp'l . rniiue'.l w. lie nan'CS the followl:ig wltno os In prr,ve . his eonlliiimiis r;i-lilen-e uioii hihI eulllvBtloii ef ssliUand. vlx: , Al'dialt WIlllRf.s and Thcoilnre l-arringlou , iMthof ltoccn. Oregon; Warren Wilght and . Tlioinas Wright both of Fitlls City, Orevon. AMKHNoM H. l'KKssnu, llegli-lcr. tKA'?A1'1rf YEARS' v !. i ;:; V -1f EXPERIENCE TT l'.:-'.l' - ."-' -J-- i'- . ;'vi I) , i i- ri n: ( i rrt m, i v.i i :?. r 2''-:'-. ' '-' r TnDF. "tfSlii'i' CGPvni'oHTO &.c. AnTonnsorollMg a t':i- b nod i1i-criiiilti mn; mtt'Slv nsci.ri ion oer fpi-'i .o I'rori whcl lior an inv.l'itln'l Is in.lirilily pule- - Mi', ( oiiiinil'ilis. tn.os .it rtell'. '.lATWJ'lK "ii I'iiumiU ic il Ircn. Ol.t.Mt nielli y i' . '( "urnig l'".'.'i". I'mcnoi t.ik. ii iiiroci.ii Ji .not A :. rc;ele Ijirrl J nu, wllhiiuH'I'iircn, in tint A I ..A.flh..l Olti.lrnfi. tTf.cklr. 1 nri'C't -if- culnllmi of soy si ltniull" J"iirinl. 'K i ln-', i t tt. Tour: ri"'ttiia. i. oumuyu.i ti.-i'--".--. isnrtDnmclT lllimtralnil ne.-Rlv. 1 nn-c t .11 nllmi of soy si ltnillll" I '"'""'!; 1 '' '",''' 1 ' imnth O.Ticu, Ki V EU WaahliiKiun