Jill Humors re impure matters; which the skin, liver, kidneys and other organs can pot take care of -without help, there is iuch an accumulation of them. They litter the whole Byittem. pimples, boils, eczema and other captious, loss of appetite, that tired feeling, bilious turns, fits of indiges tion, dull headaches and many other troubles are due to them. Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills Bemove all humors, overcome all their effects, strengthen, tone and invigorate the whole system. I had salt rheum on my hands so that I (oold no( work. I took Hood's Sarsaparilla ind it drove out the humor. I continued Its use till the sores disappeared." Has. jit 0. Bbowh, Kumford Falls, Me. ft Hood's Sarsaparilla promises t cure and keeps the premise. Poverty In Denmark. Denmark makes a clear distinction between the thriftless and the respecta ble poor. The former are treated like English paupers. The latter never croes a workhouse threshold. 17 desti tute, they receive a pension ranging from three pounds to seventeen pounds a year or, if too feeble to look after themselves, they are placed in an old age home. You Can (let Allen's Foot-Ease FREE. Write Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Eoy.N. Y., for a !ree sample of Allen 's Knot-Kane. It cures iweatinjr, hot swollen, aching feet. It makes new or tlirht shoes easy. A certain cure for corns, initrowlngnails and Minions. Alldrug gists Bell it. 25c. Don't accept any substitute. Just a Little Slap. "I should think you would . realize that that settles the matter," she said sharply. "I have told you plump and plain that I can never marry you, haven't 1?" "Oh, I don't know," he replied, "I don't eee how you can call yourself plump." His View of It. Griggsby Yes, it was a close call for me. I owe my life to my wife's nursing. fliggins Is that so? Griggsby It is. The doctor objected to her niothods and quit in difguet. Another Point of View. "How true it is," said the dealer in stock quotations, "that the apparel oft proclaims the man." "Yes," remarked the casual ob server, "and on the other hand an hon est heart sometimes beats beneath the plug hat that surmounts a sack coat Too Swift Concurrence. An Atchison man. newly married, was sounding his wife's praises to his mon friends. "Why, she is so much better than I," he eaid, "I don't see how she came to marry me." His friends all agreed to this so promptly that he got mad ; said he was as good as his wife any day, and wanted to whip the crowd. Atchison Globe. If so then your system is out of balance, and there is a flaw somewhere in your constitution, and a possibility that you are losing health, too. The falling off in weight may be slight, but it makes a wonderful change in one's looks and feelings, and unless the building up process is begun in time, vitality and strength are soon gone and health quickly follows. If you are losing weight there is a miico if v.... is A pter i orati n tt and becoming too poor to properly nourish the body, and it must be purified and enriched before lost weight is regained. It requires something more than an ordinary tonic to build up a feeble constitution, for unless the poisons and germs that are lurking in the blood are destroyed, they will further im poverish the blood and weaken the system, and you continue to lose weight. In S. S. S. will be found purifying and tonic properties combined. , It not only builds up weak constitutions, WONDERFUL GAIN IN WEIGHT, but searches out and destroys germs nu'""-n' , and poisons of every description and Huntsville, Ala., Jam. 10, W03. r1PacM -i.."'. .11 :L;tia Borne years ago my general health r. Illt nCV;; healthy, steady increase ia weight md future good health. Food may be bountiful and the appetite good, but still' the system weakens and we remain poor in flesh unless what we eat is properly digested and turned into rich, pure blood. S; S. S. re-inforces the Stomach and aids the digestion and assimilation of food, and there is a rapid up-building Of hpnHVi nA n, c Q A flora promptly and beneficially upon the nervous system, strengthens and t it nr. nj .1.. .i: nrnritio- Round, refreshing sleep. canfinTnoto of roots and herbs Us use is attended with no bad effects Old people will find .. t . : ..,a tVi rirmilation of the blood, ana Draces uiem up, strong or well, and who are growing ;i.. -1 . . r - e ""Bui, Bnouia wice a course ui w. w. 'ecognized everywhere as the leading of all ton?,: "EL . ZlXnAto furnish woo will write us. ju SWIFT Wealthy New York Churche. A fcew Wk cl.urch that keeps si Jence respecting its wealth is the Dutch collegiate, whi.h is reputed to have an income from investments of $400,000 a year. Trinity church has an income trom its investments of over $1,000,000 per annum. . Misplaced Affection. The Eskimos were very angry with the active explorer. " "What did he do?" aeked the mem ber of the relief expedition. "He petted our dogs," explained the native. dog's1?""1"8 any harm in petting your "Yes; their tails were frozes. stiff, and when they went to wag them they broke off." Stray Stories. The City Man's Advantage. Jake (the hired man) That city boarder's the biggest fool I ever seen. W'y, he don't even know enough tew hitch up a hose. Silas-He may not know enough to uueu op a noss, Jake, but I notice he (an hitch up cluseer tew your best girl in five minutes than yew kin in a hull evenin'. Judge. A City of Vicissitudes. uerat holds the record of beine the most olten besieged of the world'B cit ies, it has been taken and retaken over fifty times. ' lowest Rates To Chicago, Dubuque and the fcast; to ues Moines, Kansas City and the Southeast, via Chicago Great West ern railway. Electric lighted trains. unequalled service. Write to J. P. Jumer, G. r. A., Chicago, for informs' tion. Steel Pens. Early steel pens were bo costly that makers advertised they would make such repairs as were necessary for a stated time, generally six months When a man damaged his pen he car ned it back to the factory and had it mended by an experienced mechanic. "Relsedllder." "How long has this thing been build ing?" asked the Amreican tourist, a he looked at Cologn cathedral. "About 500 years," answered th guide. five nunared years! Why, over in Chicago we could put up a building like that and have it all to pieces all within five years." London Tit-Bits, flarket Price. One day a little baby brother arrived at Hamiln s house, and being of a prac tical turn of mind, he asked his moth' er how much she had to pay for him. "How much do you think he is worth?" returned his mother. "Well," Hamlin reflected, "he only weighs ten pounds, so I should think ten dollars would be enough, because beefsteak is only 20 cents a pound. Doubted Him. The call had become tedious. "I really must go," he said. "Oh, you men are such deceivers," she returned coyly. "I wish we girls could believe all you say." Chicago Post. ave w.,; my nervou. ay.tem wa. ahattered, and I could g-et nothing; to do me any good till I began to use 0. S. S. I oommenced to improve at onoe. My appetite became splendid and from 135 pounds I Increased te ISO. I became well again by taking 8. S. S. and would take no amount for the good It did me. My health la now perfect, and I believe if every body would take a bottle of B. 8. 8. occasionally, they would enjoy life as I am doing, w. It. YfJJs btu. and tones You " ."the bodily organs, and n.,en.g of delicate constitutions can take S. S. S. with safety, as it does not derange the Stomach like the strong mineral remedies, but acts gen tlv and without any shock to the system. Those wtrU sic a f f1 i n era tell them they are not thinner and . fal ing Deiow r usuat c a ond timid uo aijsin. o. o. o. is . - --- , . t . . t blood purifier and the palest auaoesi medical advice, without charge, to all SPECIFIC CO; ATLANTA. GAm Cream Puffs. Stir a half-cupful of butter Into a cup of boiliuR water. When boiling, add a cup and a half of flour and cook, stirring constantly for two minutes; take from the fire and pour into a bowl to cool. When cold, beat In the whipped yolks of four eggs, lastly the stiffened whites. Line a bakinsr Dan Ith buttered paper, drop the batter by the larje spoonful upon It and bake in a quick oven. The puffs should be done in fifteen minute. Orange Marmalade. Twelve oranges. Peel and parboil the skins In three waters, allow them to boll in the last water until tender, drain and chop very fine. (Reject as much as possible of the tough white skin In peeling the oranges.) To the pulp and juice of the orange add the chopped peel, then weigh all. Allow- as much sugar as you have of the fruit mixture. Cook all until thick, adding before it boils about a gill of water, Plum Butter. To every pound of plums allow three- quarters of a pound of sugar. Wash the plums and put them, still wet, Into the preserving kettle. Cover, brinsr slowly to a boll and cook until the fruit is broken to pieces and Is very soft. Rub through- a colander to re- move stones and skins; return the Juice and pulp to the fire, add the sugar and boll until the mixture Is Tery thick. Put up in jars. Baked Peaches. Set a dozen ripe freshly pared cling stone peaches In a baking-pan, suioth er them In sugar, dot the sugar liberal ly with butter, squeeze a lemon over all. and bake forty minutes In a quick oven. Excellent with game or fowl or any highly seasoned meat. Epicures like the peaches liberally dusted with red pepper after baking. Capon and Blnahroom Falad. Cook fresh mushrooms In a little but ter, then cover with a white stock, and let them simmer gently till very ten der. Lift out and drain as well as pos slble from all liquid. Add to them twice their quantity of cold cooked capon cut in small pieces and cover with mayonnaise. Garnish with let tuce hearts. ' Tonrnados of Beef on Toaat. Cut the fillet of beef Into thin slices and then Into rounds about two Inches in diameter. Over each of these rounds sprinkle black pepper, a little salt and some chopped chives. Lay these Into a well-buttered saute pan and cook for six minutes, turning once. Serve on rounds of fried bread of the same size. The Epicure. Soft Gingerbread. Half cup sugar, half cup molasses half cup butter, lard or dripping, one egg, one nnd one-half cups of flour, one teaspoonful soda dissolved in gill of boiling water, one teaspoonful ginger. Put all together In a large bowl and beat well, Bake in a quar tin In a moderate oven. Baked Cuetard. Break eight eggs In a bowl; add to them six lublespooufuls of sugar quart of milk, a tnbloHpoonful of va nilla and a sherry glass of brandy Mix well together, strain, and bake 1 a slow oven for about forty minutes having it well colored on top. Serv ice cold. Ft e wed Cora with Cream. Scrape tlie corn from a dozen ears, without boiling first, and add to It upful of rich cream. Cook for fifteen minutes, seasoning with salt and white pepper. ' Short Pucseatioaa. To keep milk sweet for several day add a teaspoonful of fine salt to each quart of new milk. Mix blacking with cold tea rather than with water, for thus a better pol Ish Is obtained on the boots. To clean tinware use powdered whit ing moistened with a little paraflln Polish with a leather or with a pad of old newspaper. Match marks on a polished or tar nlshed surface may be removed by being first rubbed with a cut lemon and then with a rag dipped In clean water. When cleaning wall paper do so with a lump of dough made of flour mixed with a little soda water. The soda will not injure the paper and the work will be done more rapidly with it If ink be spilled on the carpet it may be taken un without leaving a stain if dry salt bo applied Immediately. Aa the salt becomes discolored brush It off und apply more Wet slightly. Continue till the Ink has disappeared. A useful cement for earthenware Vessels Is found in white lead. Spread It on strips of calico and secure with bands of twine. This method la only suitable for earthenware pans, etc., which are Intended for service and not for ornament Where Solomon Got His Wisdom. The little boy was asked by a Sunday school teacher to write all he knew bout Solomon nnd hand his paper to her the next Sunday. The following Sunday he handed her a slip ot paper on which was written: "King Solo mon was a great and wise man. He had 100 wives. After that he did not believe in God." New York Times. For bronchial troubles trv PUn'm fnr for Consumption. It is a pood cough uieuituiie. ai aruesisis, price zo cents. Moon and Weather. When the moon moves south in ber orbit abundance of rain will follow; but when she goes north drought is to be expected, says the government as tionomer of Australia. Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sonthtnir eiyrup the best remedy to use for their children ins undoing season. Feast of the Arrow. The feast of the arrow is a Persian festival. It commemorates the feat of Arish, who at evening shot the famous arrow which fell 500 miles away by 12 'clock the next day. . Btats or Onto, Cm or toledo, i , LUCAS COUNTY. ) Frank J. chenky makes oath that he la the senior parter of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co.. doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pav the mm ol ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. f RANK J. CHli.NfcX Sworn to before me and subscribed in my A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public. SEAL Ball's Catarrh Cure Is tazen internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of Ut system, send lor testimonials, free. v. j. ch enjsx & co., xoieao, u. Bold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family fills are the beet . Favored by Circumstances. 'I see that the czar is engaged in a reform movement." 'Well, he tan affcrd it. He doesn't have to come up for re-election." New York Tribune. IT A Permanently cured, no fltsor nervousness 1 1 U afterflratday'susenfDr.Kllne'sUreatKerre Bestorer. Spnd for Free H't trialbottleRnd treatise. Dr. U. U. Kline, Ltd..M) Arcb M-. Philadelphia, Pa London's Criminals. It is often eaid that there are 70,000 known criminals in London. The whole records of Scotland yard do not contain in all so many names,, and many of these have been dead for years. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of fee Fac-Slmlle Wrapper Below. Tery email and easy to take as usar. FOR HEADACHE, FOR DIZZINESS CARTERS ITTLE , IVER PIJLLS. FOR ULIOUSHESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION .. 1 oaminni suhswiumia!, jm cS I Purely TefvtaMe.WiV-wOl ' JiawuiiuaiNn m.w,, " CURE SICK HEADACHE.. Ifoursfora BSOLUTE SECURITY, ft 1U r OL,D E VJSKYlYIfERJS The Southwick has the largest capacity, la fastest and easiest worker ol any 11 ay Frcss made, fieud for catalogue. Mailed tree. MITCHELL, LEWIS A STAYER CO. Flrmt mnd Tmylor PAINLESS Teeth Extracted Absolutely Without Pain and oil kinds of Dental Work Done by Wise Brothers, the Painless Dentists. 1 " ' 4' ' '"''J UK. W. A. Wis- Open evenings till 9. bundsyi from 9 to 12. 'WISE BROS., Dentists No Hair? "My hair was falling out very fast and I was greatly alarmed. I then tried Ayer's Hair Vigor and my hair stopped falling at once." Mrs. G.A. McVay, Alexandria, O. The trouble is your hair does not have life enough. Act promptly. Save your hair. Feed it with Ayer's Hair Vigor. If the gray hairs are beginning to show, Ayer's Hair Vigor will restore color every time. Sl.M bottle. All dranlits. If your druggist cannot supply you, aend ub one dollar and we will expreis you a bottle. lie sure and give the name et yeur nearest express office. Address, J. C. AYER CO., Lowell, Mass. Miners and Quarrymen. There are 4,500,000 minera and quarrymen in the world. Finest in the world. Sit right down and write for beautiful illustrated special catalogue on rose bushes. Hoffman Bros., 768 Gllsan St., .Portland, Oregon. ROSES L. DOUGLAS 3- & $3 SHOES made! You can save from $3 to $5 yearly by wearing W. L. Douglas $3.00 or $3 shoes. They equal those that have boon cost ing you from $4.00 to $5.00. The Im mense sale of W. h. Douglas bIioos proves their superiority over all othor makes. Sold by rotail shoe dealers everywhere. Look for name and price on bottom. That ltnuirjan nrs ( or. onat'olt nrores lh"r Is I..- I.. I. ..L "hiVEat spx jm ' Wor Kveltti uted. 1f!iViSiiif7-K Our S4 Oilt dae Llneeannot beeaiialled at anu price. Shon by mall, !& renin extra. HluHlraled Catalog free. W. L, 1)0 1 (.LAS. Urotktou, Hats. Dr. C. Gee Wo VONDERFUL HOME TREATMENT This wonderful Chi nese riocior Is called great because he cures peoplM without opera tion that are Ktven up to die. He cures wlih those wonderful Chi nese herbs, roots, htuls, barks and veRctntilf'8 that are entirely un known to medical sci ence In this country. Through the use of those harmless reintdtes this famous doctor knows the action of over 600 different rem edlcs, which he successfully uses In different diseases. He Kuarantees to cure cattarh, asth ma, lung, throat, rheumatism, nervousness, stomach, liver, kidneys, etc.: has hundreds or testimonials. Chitrws moderate. Call mid see him. Patients out of the city write for blanks and circulars. Hend stamp. CONSUL TATION FUHti. Al)l)ltt;ss The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. ZS3 Alder St., PortlanJ. Oregon. AYT'Meutiou paper. P. N. U. No 41 1903. WHEN writing to advertisers please I mention this paper, I Clearlead Southwick Hay Press Portland, Oregon EXTRACTING I f 1 .ifZTi Mi IV kit Or. Main 2029. 0S2IJ f alling Bids. Cor. 3rd Wash. Stt.