Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, October 09, 1903, Image 1

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1 V
Volume XI.
SCflu ijw i
Becord of Recent Exchanges in
Lincoln county.
v.tnber 5-F M Carter and Olive K
t,.r to J 110 E Oisden. Wm J Maxwell
li Wm T Perry, s of seW, neji of so
& se'i ' ue'' 'ol8 1 4 an( 5' sec
tio'n M ; 11,80 'ots aud 3 of sectn 13,
,li in township 11 south, range 10 weet.
Consideration 93000.
October" J no A Olsson to Thomas
iiim,U.n. hII of Mock 52 in Case & Bav-
lev'sSJ addition to Newport. Consiil-(-ration
vtber 5 -Lincoln I) Daniel to C W
Wnthftws and I) A Madison, s4 of nwVi
gucl lots 3 ami 4, section 4, township 8
south, rauge 9 west. Consideration
Larkey Logan? Shot.
Larkey Logan, a well-known Indian
,.f filistz was s!ot by M. L. (3!s in th
Utter's saloon on the water front about
8 o'clock last Sunday evening. The
bullet, a 33 caliber, entered Logan's
right breast anil Inflcted a rather ser
ious wound, frm which, however, it is
believed he will recover. Mr. Glass
gives Tin Lkadkb the following account
of the affair.
Loean. while in William Enos' tcA-
taurant, told Miss Jennie Enos that he
intended to make a grand openinz in
Tony Jacobson with a knife. Mr. Ja.
cobson, by the way is n partner of Mr.
Glass. Later Jacobson entered the res
tuartnt and was chased out by Logan
with a knife. Jacobson went to the sa
loon, passing through to the rear room.
Logan soon appeared with a knife in
hi hand and started for the rear room,
tvideutly in search of Jacobson. Glass,
who was behind the bar, ordered Logan
out of the place. Logan backed
toward the door, applied a choice epi
thet to Mr. Glass, and just as he reaohed
the door, which he had left open, threw
hit right hand toward his hip pocket.
Glass seized his trim and fired, limn
taggered slightly but did not fall. He
lett the place, but returned agalaUtf a
few minutes, when he was arrested on
warrant sworn out by Jacobson.
Monday he was brought before Justice
Ellsworth and placed under a 300
peace bond, which he furnished.
Logan was intoxicated, and the ini
tial cause of the trouble is said to have
been Logan's interference in a game of
billiards between Tony and Hans Ja
cobson, to which the players very nat
urally objected.
Board of Trade.
All members of the Lincoln bounty
Board of Trade are requested to meet
in the council chamber in Toledo to
morrow (Saturday) afternoon at 2
o'clock. 'Business of importance.
Just received, a fine stock of latest
"tyle trimmed hats. The ladies are
vitedin to call and see them.
Mrs. T. Pish.
AtXewport, Or., October 7, 1903, Owen
graves and Miss Fannie Moffett, Rev.
Hurd otileiating.
The ceremony was witnessed by the
following named relatives and friends
t the popular young couple:
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Thomas, Miss
Maud Hurkleroad, Mr. and Mrs. B. F.
8opa, Mrs. Graves, Mrs. 8. D. Young,
Jack Porter, Crosby Mathews, Captain
Nellander, Mr. and Mrs. Moffett.
The bride was recipient of a number
of liandsome presents.
Before the departure of the guests a
harivari party appeared and discoursed
the customary more or less sweet mu
sic, aftnr which the bovs were iuvited
ato the dining room. : ' .
Mr. and Mrs. Graves departed next
doming for a visit at Portland.
Want a Piano?
I am agent for the Soule Brothers
Co. of Portland and can sell you a
fine Piano (20 styles to select from)
rau organ, either Estey or Chicago
pottage, at a lower price than can
e obtained from any other firm on
the coast.
Will also supply you with any
other musical instrument you may
want. Call and inspect piatios now
la bnd- .Geo. A. Landketh.
Toledo, Lincoln
iemcK ot riddvv la u-. .ho
city Wednesday.
George Gaby of Elk City was in To
ledo yesterday.
8. G. Irvin of Newport had business
m the city Tuesday.
Master Earl Landreth is visiting his
aunt at McMinnville this week.
Miss Pearl Hall of Siletz visited in
Toledo the fore part of the week.
L. C. Norton and Postmaster Miller
were visitors from Nortous Wednesday.
Frauk Sturdevanfc left yesterday for
Lexington, Wash., the home of his par
ents. J. A. Peterson of Bay View was a
county seat visitor the fore part of the
Ex County Commissioner F A. God
win of Nashville was iu the city this
Harry Eyer, the Chitwood post-
day night.
Supervisor Alex Catfish was over from
Siletc Wednesday to file his report
with the court.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Williams of New.
port wore paaseugers valleyward yester
day morning.
Mrs. Adam Rae left Tuesday morning
for Portland, where she will receive
medical treatment at the Sanitarium.
Mrs. E. Hi Bryant of Siletz returned
Monday from Salem, when she at
tended the annual conference of the M.
E. church.
Connty Surveyor Wygant returned
from the Siletz country Wednesday,
where he ran some lines for some poor
Messrs. Cop Sullivan, Clyde and Lou
Fox came in from the east Wednesday
evening and left next morning for their
farms on the Biletz.
Captain W B. Wakefield, Assessor
rfenry Howell, Al Reynolds and Tom
Barclay arrived from Waldport Wednes
morning on a business mission.
. Mrs. Grace Hinkle and Miss Hattie
Montgomery arrived" Tuewduy-evening
for visit; with their father, Charles
Montgomery of Siletx. Their home l
near Philomath.
Prof. K. P. Goin of Waldport was in
the: city Tuesday and departed next
morning on a business trip to the val
ley. He has been engaged to teach the
Waldport school this winter
It is rumored that the Corvallis &
Eastern is preparing to push its line on
through the Cascades. Important if
true. W doa't believe the movement
would raise a kick in this part of the
Bert Sawdon left Tuesday morning
for Huntington, where he has a position
as timekeeper of a construction crew
on the O. R. & N. His uncle is em
ployed by the company at the same
place. '
Rev. and Mrs. D. C. Williams are
visiting the hitter's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. G. L. Gray. Rev. Williams has
bceu stationed at Garfield, Wash., for
some time, but has accepted a call to a
charge at Tucson, Arizona, for which
place they they will leave in the near
M. L. Trapp of Chitwood was in the
city Wednesday. Mr. Trapp sold 100
head of mutton sheep a few days ago
at $2.25 per head a price considerably
lower than that which has prevailed
the past two years. While the price of
mutton seems to be on the decline, wool
isBteadily advancing, our sheep men
receiving from 16J4 to 17 cents per
pound for this year's clip.
A well-known young gentleman of
Lincoln county, a graduate of one of
Oregon's colleges, relates an amusing
incident of his collegt career. One day
a well-known professor gave our in
formant's class the duty of writing an
article upon some subject taken up dur
ing the term, to consist of not less than
1000 words. Our informant chose for
his subject: "Milton and His Works."
He then proceeded to tell what he knew
about "Pilgrim's Progress," by John
Hunyan. Ho discovered his mistake
after his paper had been turned in, but
was considerably relieved when it was
returned and a score of 08 marked to
his credit. He has never told the pro
fessor about it, and when the latter
reads this itom if he ever does be
may scratch his head nnd do a little
County, Oregon, Friday,
Grist of Business Transacted at
the September Term.
In the matter of the petition of F A
Thompson et al for the appointment of
justice of the peace for Big Elk pre
cinct. Petition granted and A L Hath
away appointed.
In the matter of the petition of J W
Parrish et al for county road and re
port of viewers, Report of viewers
read first time.
O R Altree, lumber $ 19 05
A T Peterson, nails 2 00
O R Altree, lumber and use of
scow 2" 32
M Wygant et al, laying out east
end of Toledoand Alsea road 22 00
Geo Bethers, salury and stamps 88 15
W R Wakefield, clerical work in
assessor's office 54 00
J R Barclay, report as road su
pervisor and bill 25 00
G B McCluskey, 3 days work on
examination board 9 00
Jennie J Maxwell, 3 days work
on examination board 9 00
Toledo Livery Stable, draying. . 50
F M Carter, coroner's inquest on
A H Guynn 10 80
M L Seits et al, jurors' fees, at
inquest of AH Guynn 6 00
Eva Council et al, witness fees
nt inquest of A H Guynn. .. 4 50
Thomas Harrison, labor in Dis
trict No. 5. 15 00
Glass A Prudhomme, supplies
for sheriff and clerk 14 92
Bushong i, Co, supplies for sher
iff and clerk........ .' 10 91
J A Hall, jauitor's fees August
and September and washing 32 00
A L McDonald, salary as stock
inspector Aug and Sept. .... 1 15
J A Peterson, labor with team
and men in District No. 3.. 42 00
R H Howell, salary as assessor. . 90 00
Mrs E H fjowell, work in asses
sor's office..... 48 00
Al Reynolds, road supervisor
District No. 2 28 60
J A Hill, supervisor District No.
-8..... 60
O R Altree, lumber furnished
Joe Hill..;..,... . 7 75
C R Ellsworth, boarding prisoner '. . .
L E Dole, ., ... . . 24 Oo
C M Brown, salary as County
Judge Aug and Sept. .i .w. 66 65
J L Hyde,salary as treasurer and
stamps Aug aud Sept.-. 68 66
J A Hill, working prisoner Dole 72 50
Alexander Catfishsupervisor'
District No. 15 20 00
Otto O Krogatad, stationery. ... . 2 55
Ira Wade, itemized bill for
stamps for Aug and Sept. . . 3 65
Oren Ruperts, pauper support
for August and September.. 30 00
G W Gaby, supervisor District
No 10 ' 9L 96
George McCaulou, nails and ax. 1 85
II Lewis, merchandise. . ......... 5 80
Mrs James Anderson, washing
for prisoner Dole 75
C F Soule, printing. 42 70
Mrs Ford Brown, washing for
prisoner Dole 1 25
Ira Wade, salary from August 7
to October 7, 1903 208 33
Henry Nice et al, petition for the va
cation of townsite of Stanford. Dis
missed. In the matter of Spout creek bridge,
report of Commissioners St.mton and
King. Accepted.
In the matter of the report of Com
missioner King on Elk creek bridge.
In the matter of the report of County
Judge Brown on wood. Accepted.
In the matter of granting license to
James Anderson for the term of three
months at Lutjens, Or. Petition hav
ing been granted at July term for a 12
months license, the clerk is hereby
authorized to issue license quarterly
or otherwise as money is deposited.
In the matter of the sealed bid of
Yaquina Bay News for publishing de
liBduent tax list. Rejected.
Mrs. A. Holgnte et nl, remonstrance
to renewal of liquor license to James
Anderson. Petition for 13 months li
cense having been granted, the court
cannot consider remonstrance at this
J W Parrish et al, petition for county
road; report of viewers onToledo-Alsea
road north end. Report read a second
time, accepted, and road declared a
public highway, width of eaid road to
be 40 feet
John Turkes of Waldport is in the
city today.
Dr. F. M. Carter was a visitor from
Yaquina yesterday.
O. L. Holgate of South Boanli van in
the city yesterday. ,
Hon. J. K. Wealherford of Albany
was In Toledo Monday.
Owen Graves was a visitor from the
Life Saving Station Tuesday.
D. D. Warnock of Eddyville made a
brief call in Toledo Wednesday.
D. J. Derby, the fruit and vegetable
expert, was in the city Tuesday.
Merchant Jesse Reeder of Yaquina
had business in the city Wednesday.
Merchant Walter Hall of Siletz was
transacting business in the citv Mon-
day and Tuesday.
Miss Esther Copeland returned from
a visit at Salado with hersister. Mrs.
Elmo Davis, Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Watford, who have
visiting Mr. and Mrs. A.T. Peterson,
returned today to their home in Albany.
D. S. Young. Newport's heavvwnloht
agate' and curio dealer, passed home
ward last uight from a busiaess trip to
Dr. Adams, the dentist, has been
kept bnsy during the past week, and
will remain a faw days longer if needed.
You'll have to hurry.
Miss Edith Harrison of Waldport is
in the city today. She will proceed to
Monmouth tomorrow to attend the
State Normal School.
Express Messenger William Toner is
visiting his friends the Chinese pheas
ants in the Willamette valley. G. L.
Braden Isf ubbing for him.
The annual conference of tbeM. E.
church, which met last week at Salom,
returned Rev. E. 11. Bryant to Siletz
and assigned Rev. E. A. Bristol to To
ledo. . v.'.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Litchfield, who
had heeg visiting at the home of the
latter'8 parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
McCluskey ttttumedvTuesday" evening
meir nomvat I equina.
Joint Senator Tyler Smith of Sheridan
was in the city Wednesday on business
with the commissioner's court. Mr.
Smith has interests tn Lincoln county
and is considerably interested in the
good roads question. '' ,
Dennis Cnsack returned from his
home on Cedar creek, yesterday. He
reports this year's crop as being not
quite as ebod as he had expected. He
expects to leave tomoirow morning for
Portland on business.
Jack Rader came in Tuesday eveaing
from the Eagle valley ' Country, to re
main until next spring. Jack declares
that he has at last struck it rich, the
ore from his mine coughing up great
glitteriog gobs of gold.
The "Harvest Edition" of the Salem
Statesman appears to have given satis
faction to several counties in the state,
but Lincoln oounty got a rank deal.
The" write-up" of our county was scis
sored from some ancient literature and
much of it isn't even iu the neighbor
hood of faots. Our business men who
subscribed to the effort feel that they
have been "harvested."
Lincoln Lodge A. F. & A. M.
Stated communication Monday
evening, the 12th inst. at 7:30
o'clock. Work in the E. A. degroe.
By order of W. M.
A Social Event.
Dr. and Mrs. J.' P. Wetmore enter
taiued a large number of friends Tues
day evening at their home on Hill
street. Social chat and ice cream made
the time pass very pleasantly until
the guests departed for their homes,
bestowing a shower of congratulations
upou the host and hostess. Those who
enjoyed the occasion were :
Mr and Mrs II E Collins, Mr and Mrs
F M Wadsworth, Mr aud Mrs Austin
Rosebrook. Mr and' Mrs TP Fish, Mr
and Mrs George Hall, Mr and Mrs M N
Anderson, Mr and Mrs R A Arnold, Mr
and Mrs Henry Lewis, Mr aud Mrs L
M Starr, Mr and Mrs George Hoeflein,
Mr and Mrs C M Brown, Mr and Mrs 6
R Ellsworth, Mr aud Mrs J E Franklin,
Mr and Mrs Samuel Center, Mr and
Mrs Henry Gannon, Mrs Lee Wade.Mrs
J II McNeil, Misses Pearl Hall, Stella
Rorgcn. Amelia Borgon, Wm Brazleton,
Ernc-st Vant, Otto O Krogstad, Warron
Hall aud 0 H Umbaugh.
Xmnbcr 32
Doings of the City Dads in
Regular Session.
Council Chamber, Toledo.Ore..
Oct. 5, 1903 S
The common council of the city of
Toledo mot in regular session. Pres
entMayor Sturdevant, Aldermen
Dick, Peterson, Hall aud Wells, Re
corder Krogstad ; absent Aldermen
Plumlee and Vincent,
The following bills against the city
wero read and allowed, except that tif
the Toledo Water & Electric Light
Company :
Joe Ludwig, labor on streets....! li. 75
James Brown, " " ....'18 50
L Rancoart, " " " .... 15 0
J H McNeil, " ' .... I 10
Wm Enos, " ' " .... 2 50
FSturdevant, " " " .... 2 tx
Dan Molver, ' " .... 1 no
E Monteom'v, " 'J " o ".
J A Hall, marshal's salary and
labor on streets... 63 00
J R Rurnidge, hauling lumber.
I 2f
9 t!5
5 5.V
4 00
Yaquina Bay Mercantile Co.,
rent 4 months and supplies.
H Lewis, nails and supplies
Frank Carson, blacksmith work
on jail
Hall & AndersoD, hauling and
excavating 11 25
Otto O Krogstad. recorder's sal
ary for September and sup
plies 10
Toledo Water & Electric Light
Co., water rent 3 months. . . . 90 ot)
Moved by Alderman Wells and sec
onded by Alderman Hall that bill of
Toledo Water & Electric Light Co. b
allowed in full. The vote resulted :
Dick, Peterson and Hall, No; Wells,
Yes, Plumlee and Vinceut being abseut
and not voting. The mayor declared
the motion lost.
Moved by Alderman Peterson and
seoouded by Alderman Hall that mar
shal be instructed to open drains on
both sides of 4th street between Hill
I and Graham streets for the purpose of
I iji... a i . .
itntuiug Burini-v water on pianaea cross.
Ilfg into its proper channels. Carried.
. Moved by Alderman Wells and sec
onded by Alderman Peterson, that a
sum not exceeding $5 be appropriated
toward improving First street in front
of old school housa; it being understood
that Mr. Wells and others would donate
sufficient work to complete place the
same in passable conditiou. Carried.
Moved and seconded that the mar
shal be requested to report at next
meeting the amount of lumber received
from O. R. Altree, so as to enable coun
cil to settle wrth him for same in full.
Carried. " '"
Recorder here presented receipt from
city treasurer in the sum of $15. being
for one dray license aud two show li
censes for past month. Moved and sec
onded that wbeu council adjourns it be
to meetagain on Thursday, the 8th
inst, &the usual hour.
H.'R. Stukpevant, Mayor.
Otto O. KbouStad, Recorder.
vL Oct. 8, 1903.
Council met in adjourned session.
Present Mayor Sturdevaut, Aldermen
Dick Teterson, Plumlee and Hall and
Recorder Krogstad; absent Aldermen
Wells and Vincent.
Street Commissioner Hall reported
10,485 feet of 'lumber received from O K
Altree to date, used for drain taxes and
plaukiug intersections of streets. Kit
port accepted and filed.
On motfon city waterworks accepted
from, the Toledo Water ami Electrhi
Light Co., Dick voting "No."
HXn jnjftlon the bill of the Toledo
NratWand Electric Light Co. for $110
was ordered paid, Dick voting "No."
On motion council ndjourrmd.
Otto O. Kkoostap, Recorder.
Saint John's CJhurcli Service next
Suuday in Toledo at 11 a. m. Yaqtiinn.
at 7:30 p. m. F. O. Jovkh.
The Loganberry.
I want to tell the readers of Tiik
Leadeb how they bear. We kept ac
count of one plant and from it wo
picked two crates and thirteen hoxe.
All of them were fino large berries, the
last being as la rae as the firwt. I hare
the true loganberry plants for sale at
tea centi each or one dollar per dozen.
delivered next March. Now in the time
to order. Address A dau Rae.
Elk City, Or.