Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, July 24, 1903, Image 1

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    Gap I
Volume XI.
Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, Friday, July 24, 1903.
Xiunbcr 21
Rcbekah Installation.
Ihe BebcknhH installed tLio following
., Tue.liiv evening:
. ., m Wviriint, Noble Grand; Eva
.Ut. - ' ...... i'..1 Q.,.
i . . v . i
. r II Ti.n.iinrnii
I Vl'S. Ull,VVU u.-uiti,
"r.-. conductor: Mrs. Ilito
itks, Warden; mir.
tobia; Mrs. J. Turnidge, R. B. N.
. jlrn nuettaKrogstad, L. 8. N. G.;
''yi i'iro-.vf., R. S. V. U ; Mm. .Rader,
"g v. -!.; Johtl Turnidge, I. G.,
llir Olson, O.O. ,
Vftcr Hie installation refreshments,
Instins; of berries, cake mid lomon
levus served and the remainder of
' evcniuK -was spent in social chat,
citaiioiiF. singing and games. The
veiling was enjoyed by all. '
Odd Felloes Will Install.
Tliere will bo f.n installation of ofli-
. 1..U Mmnrvnw nii'lit. All
winters are requested to ho present.
K. A. Arnold,
Frauds Jones, Clarence Ofstedahl
i Fred Yinoeni are at Otter Rock thi
Services will ha held in Yaquina on
ndy evening nt 7:30 p. m. by Rev. I.
. Knotts of Albany.
The Slate Board of Health linn np-
ir.ted Dr. J. D. Wetmore Health Ofli-
r for Lincoln county.
Assessor Henry Howell returned
.'edni'sdi'y from an ofJlcial visit to tbe
jlmon river country.
Don't fail to visit the- Edison Moving
Mure and Illustrated Song entortain-
ent at Wood men Hull tonight.
Harry Trapp of Chitwood was pay
; his respects td Toledo friends last
iturday. Ilo visited Newport Sun-
Miss Anna Alexaudor returned Mon
;iy from Siletz where she has been
Siting her parents. Her sister, Miss
na, hold her position as clerk in H.
ivis' store during her absence
Tellef Tellefson of Yaquina fell from
fue unver Wednesday una was
pnoiwly iu jural. Dr. Wetmore was
tamoned. Latest renorts are that
Tellefson is getting along nicely.
Henry Lewis is seriously ill. I)r
htmo're, who is in attendance, fears
at lie iins typhus fever. At the hour
going to press this morning, we
amed that there was a slight chance
the better in his condition.
vv, Caiifiold has sold his Drift
kk ranch to S. J. Stewart of that
ace. The
wi 11 lu uiu uvw J v. a
'lay. Mr. Stewart evidently believes
Lincoln county pr6nerty and knows
sron mine when he sees it. The
hce paid was $800.
J. H. Roberts, John Stevens, James
vwn ana fcam Pruett, who have been
lD n extensive business sojourn in the
luey and other
Fir ruuehes in the Siletz country
r"ay. Thev will vlcif h;, t
p ctiittim and otherwise make prep-
iujs ior a long rainy winter,
iuterson has the exclusive
J8" or Toledo and vicinity for the
international Stock Food. It
experiment. Th
rmen in th TTnito.i
U for venrsnn1 if r.irD a 1
condimentBl foods-keeping horses,
,,8ueeP and swiuein fine condition
seasons of the year. Go to Peter
"-ne will tell vou all if.
''6 Edison Mnvin t,v.,-.. .i n
'trated Sr..,,. fy-
wwiik linrlnf tho mnnnrrn
ent t ..." '
,1 . ' Uook Eave n exhibition
"'" CUV I llOcIor, . ! 1
faience was nra.
"entertained for two hours. The
Hny have one of V.Hi0n.,0 i.f0of.
0TlnK p'lCturo .uv,: j
H-j7. "kiiiuoo H.UU 11 UOfS
'iaia worlt.
J V th life-like exactness. Each
"eral nictnpp. -i
n the price of. admission. This
lV r' OOk'B fourth vlttit. fr thia
aDd hBhaa ,i ,.. i
ll - uiawu iuu nouses on
no. uccasio-Lebanon. Express-Ad
Farmer S. A. Pruett of Siletz was in
Toledo Wednesday.
A special session of Commissioners'
court convened Monday.
Miss Stella Bovgen was a visitor at
Newport and the beach Sunday.
Sheriff J II. Ross went down to Wald
port Monday on ofllcial business.
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Trapp 'of Chit
wood were Toledo visitors, last Saturday.
Walter Hall, the handsome and court
eous Siletz merchant, camped in Toledo
Tuesday night.
Haying is progressing rapidly among
our ranchers. The heaviest crop in
years is reported.
Dr. Wetmore is treating his new
architectural endurance on Hill street
to a coat of paint.
Mr. and Mrs. Con Sullivan and Con,
Jr., of Albnny are enjoying their sum
mer vacation it 'n-rt.
Bobby Scott of Yaquina left Tuesday
morning for Seattle, where ho expects
to enter a machine shop in the near fu
ture. CI if Crosno and Oscar Ofstedahl aro
rusticating at Otter Rock this week.
Thev made the trio via t lie foot, route
Mrs. T. P. Fish, accompanied by her
niece, Miss Blanche Jeffries, departed
Tuesday morning for Soda Springs,
That is, Figuratively Speaking The
Editor in the East. '
Dvnreatii. Iowa, July 13, 1903.
To The Lkadkk: j .-v
The mercury has fallen four (oyfive
degrees during tbe past twent,y-four
hours aud we are feeling four (oyfive
degrees better. ' At Omaha it was a
complete knockout, a decisive victory
for Old Sol. We took the count, and
for one whole day such a long day!
lav in one of the several hundred
sweat-boxes at the Millard Hotel,
gasping for breath and devoutly
wishing we could annihilate space
and drop down again bu dear old
Yaquina Bay or in it. But this is a
a disagreuable subject. We're still
alive and properly thankful.
From Portland to Omaha via the i. Lti.aiiu, IXmui' u. Rio GiuHue
and tho Chicago, Rock Island & t'aoiiic
is a mere sprint of 3,07" miles. What
a varied feast for the alert eyes of the
traveler I 1
Down through "Oregon, sweet Ore
gon," its beautiful valleys, sparkling
rivers rugged mountain sceuery and
ere will be a meeting of the Board
Wlrectnro .1 .l. .
'lors of the Llnnnln ftminfv
krZ . Uon ai.the court , house
-7. august 1, 1903, at 1 o'clock
r rA a
JiYtt r,- O. KROG8TAD,
here thev will enjoy a short vacation.
Tho C. & K. has a large force nt work
between Toledo and City fencing
th railroad right-of-way. This will be
advantageous to our stockmen along
the line.
W. II. Parker, who is employed in
he state printing office at Salem, took
advantage of the excursion Sunday and
paid his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allan
Parker, a brief visit.
Mrs. J. II. Kocs departed Wednesday
morning for Los Angeles, Cal., where
she was called by the serious illnoss of
her father. She was accompanied by
her daughter, Miss Yerna, and son
The Edison Moving Picture and Il
lustrated Sonfj Company will give en
tertainments at Woodmen hall tonight
and tomorrow night. Trices 25 and 15
cents. They will also exhibit at biletz
Monday and Tuesday evenings of next
Mike Mackav is amusing himself
with real hard work, being a valued
attache of tho C. & E. obstruction crew.
He claims this work is necessary for
tho development of his biceps which
were becoming attenuated by the dolce
far niente life which he has been lead'
ing of late.
Services will be held by Rev. Doran
at Chitwood Friday evening, July 24th,
at 8 o'clock; at Eddyvillo Sunday
morning at 11 o'clock: at Wakefield's
schoolhouse Sunday afternoon at J
o'clock and at Elk City Monday even
ing at 8 o'clock. Everyone 19 cordially
invited to attend.
Ed Sullivan of Newport passed
through Toledo last Friday eveting en
route home from Portland, wheie ho
has been investigating tho fishing pros
pects. He reports tho outloo'k as being
rather dark nt preient owing to the pre
dicted heavy run and the seeming in
activity of tho cannery men.
Henry Tronson of Kernville was in
Toledo Tuesday on business relating to
a homestead coutest case wherein he
is the contestant. Mr. Tronson has been
staying faithfully with what he claims
to be his by legal right, for over two
years now and it is to be hoped that
tho final decision will be In ins favor.
Stewart & Vnnt have purchased the
water front lying adjacent to the city
dock, of Dan Grady, and will erect a
commodious warehouse in the near
future. Tho little building occupied
by Mr. Molver as a shoe repair shop,
now standing on the site will be moved.
Mr. Molver will conduct his business
at his new residence on Sixth street
The 2-vear-old son of Mr. and Mrs.
Heurv Rhoades of Yaquina met with a
serious accident Monday evening by
falling from a railway velocipede. The
child was brought to Toledo and placed
ia tho care of Dr. Wetmore who found
that the little fellow'i tongue was al
most cut in two. He stitched the
wound together and dressed several
minor injuries. Reports from Yaquina
are that the patient is rapidly recover
thriving citlou and towns.. Ou and 011
through similar landscape iu 'Califor
nia, until suddenly grand old snow-capped
Mount Shasta bursts into view and
claims the traveler's attention hour ot
ter hour. And then you stop at the
famous Shasta springs and drink pure,
spiirkhng soda water right out of the
eternal hills without money and with
out price. (It costs a littlo more in the
L'ullman diners.)
Iu due time you reach the wide, fer
tile and lovely Sacramento valhM
which has been embalmtd in song.
Save for a largo tract of marsh land,
which tho eye cannot cover the valley
merits all tbe nice things that have
been said about it. Here aro splendid
orchards and vineyards some of the
latter embracing an entire quarter sec
tion; thousands of acres of level pasture
and lands, dotted with cattle, horses
sheep; immense wheat fields, which are
now, however, only brown fatubble-,' for
the harvest time is past, and this part
of California is not as attractive as
earlier iu tho season.
Down below Sacramento ia a town
called Benecia. Don't stop at Benecia-
if you can possibly avoid it. Better pass
right on and visit Oakland aud San
Francisco. Beutcia is all right, but it
needs considerable fixing.
But you must move on eastward, and
finally reach the foothills of the Sierra
Nevadas. And here, you see fruit
miles and miles of brick-red soil and
beautiful well-kept orchards and vine
yards, and after awhile you reach a
stretch of country where for miles but
little is seen save barren whitish, yel
lowish and reddish soil, broken into
basins, knolls, seams, furrows and pin
nacles. But it is a very interesting
scene, for the memories of
ThedayHof old, the days of gold,
The days of M9
come rushing upon you. Jlere were
the original gold discoveries, wlmt a
busy scene it must have been ! What
a wealth of history, of poetry and fic
tion have emanated from these famous
old placer diggin's! The sight alone is
worth the price of the trip to any
American who is not too thoroughly
encased in the sentiment proof armor
of self-esteem or ignorance of his na
tion's history. I
But wo can't tell it all. Littlo weekly
newspapers were never uesiguea ior
that purpose.
You pass on and on, through Nevada,
which has much of interest and much
in common with her sisters on the east
and west. On and on till you reach
Ogden-andthe long and interesting
Southern Pacific run is ended.
Only a few minutes' run from Ogden
is Salt Lake the City of the Saints
with which most of our readers have
become familiar through reading or
actual observation. All the Oregon
editors got out of tbe city with their
wives. It is an interesting place -and
very much American. ;
From Ogden begins the pleasant trip
over the Denver & Rio Grande or the
Rio Grande Western, a branch of the
famous system. This line is noted for
its scenery, the finest of which is en
countered ou the Denver & Rio Grande
proper, from Grand Junction to Deu ver,
This ran fairly bristles with eights,
eql you can't afford to miss it, There
are beauty spots too numerous to men
tion. From the pretty and bustling city of
Denver you resume the whirl eastward
via the Rock Island system. Soon the
Rockies are left behind and you are glid
ing over the grass-covered foothills,
which furnish pasturage for countless
numbers of cattle and horses. With
scarcely areceptible change you reach
the plains oTbleeding Kansas- Kansas
isn't bleeding any more. Tito people
have renounced the hollow theories and
fallacies of Sockless Jerry Simpson and
returned to their first political love; tho.
grasshoppers have vanished from the
land; onco rnoro the rain faUs alike up
on the just and the unjust; there is
promise ot an abundant narvest, anil
tbe'Jayhawkers are apparently at peace
with the world and their own consciences.
And then comes Nebraska, with its
memories ot boyhood days, and also
some of later years. Nebraska also pre
sents a very promising surface t hat
is, in the south and eastern part of the
state as far north as Omaha t lie only
part we traveled through. Tho faces
of Omaha friends looked good to, us,
but that is about all. The convention
of tho National Editorial Association
was a success, and the. editors and their
too watchful wives wore royally enter
tained. With these subjects wc shall
not weary tho reader.
Iu this letter we have cut out the
few petty annoyancen and unpleasant
features which are a necessary or inev
itable attachment of-such an extended
Doings of the City Dads in
Adjourned Session.
Council Chamber, Toledo.Ore.. )
July 2D, l!
Present Mayor II. R. Stimlovautr
Aldermen C. A. Dick, James l'lumlee,
A T. Peterson, Stone Wells, II. W.
Vincent and Recorder Krogstad. Al
sent - Alderman (ieorge Hall.
Minutes of the regular meeting of
JnlyOwei'o read and approved. The
following bills were presontod and al
lowed :
Hall & Anderson, street broom and
hay $1. McUaulou & Plumlee,.
for nails Hall & Anderson, hauling
on streets as reported by committee on
claims at $.'1 per day if 15.75.
x Moved by Alderman Plumlee and
seconded by Alderman Peterson, that
u-.o.uiHn.- icuuing to a popular , vote
be inn taken on' Water Company ques
tion, introduced by James Plumlee,
June 10, be rescinded. Mot-ion carried.
Mayor Sturdcvant appointed Alder-,
man Vincent to fill vacancies on all
committees caused by resignation of
James Anderson.
H. R. Stvkijevaxt, Mayor.
Otto O. Krocistad, Recorder. '
Closing Out.
trip. ' -I
If you want, to see it all, and "get
your money's worth," go by tho routes
mentioned but don't go ''in the good
old summer titno." It's too strenuous.
We had almost overlooked Iowa.
From Omaha over the Rock Island is a
pleasant trip (when tho weather is
right ) We noticed many fine fields of
corn and small grain, sleek herds of
blooded cattle aud numerous largo
and beautiful graveyards.
Dear Webfoot, if you ever get an op
portunity, take the trip. You will have
a. good time, see plenty of "sights,"
and go home with an increased admi
ration, love and reverence for Oregon
in general and dear old Lincoln county
and Yaquina Bay in particular.
' , C. P. Soole.
.Walter Hosford of Waldport was in
Toledo Sunday.
Attend the entertainment at the
Woodmen Hall tonight.
Mrs. Murry of Nashville is visiting
her sister, Mrs. C. II. Young.
Misses Ruth Ofstedahl and Clara
Olson visited Newport Sunday.
Misses Vera Starr and Alice King
were passengers to Pioneer Wednesday
County Clerk Ira "Wado was wooing
the mermaids at the Resort city Sun
day. '
George Lewis of Oyster City was
transacting business in the county seat
Bert Ewing left Monday morning for
Iloquiam, Wash., where he expects to
remain for the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L, Hyde went up to
Eddyville yesterday morning to visit
with their sons, Charlie and Fratak.
The launch Ollalla took a party of
Toledo excursionists to Newport Sun
day. The trip was an enjoyable one;
Dr. Thomas Parker returned to Toledo
Tuesday morning. He has been enjoy
ing a week's vacation at. the Resort
George Walker, an old-time resident
of Toledo, now of Portland, was renew
ing acquaintance with our citizens
last Saturday and Sunday.
Come let me figure on your bill of
paiuK Raw oil, GO cents per, gallon
boiled oil, 05 cents: red bam paint, 00
cents; house paint, the best made, fl.GO
in 5 gallon cans; whito lead, $7.75 per
hundredweight; yellow ochre, 3 cents
per pound wall paper, 10 cents per
double roll. Everything else in pro
portion. Full stock at Krogstad's.
L. E. Dole, who was assessed $200 in
tbe circuit court last week for selling
liquor without license, refused to pay
and balked when he was requested to
work out the fine and he is now lan
guifhlng in fhe city hostile on bread
and water. Supervisor Joo Hill, who
Is the commissary officer, says Dolo
talks in a strange tongue when he is
sues his ration.
I have for sale in lots to suit the pur
chaser li head of cattle consisting of
8 cows giving milk, 1 2-year-okl he'ifcr,
1 yearling heifer, 7 calves and 1 2-year-old-ball;
1 span of mares with colts at
side; all wiy household goods including
an organ. Also farm implements and
about 3 ucres of roots consisting of .
beets and carrots. Take your choice
I mean business. F. M. Caxkihi.d.
f hero will bo an excursiou to New
port Sunday via tho launch Racine
leaving Toledo at 8:30 a. m., returning
leaves Newport 5 p. m. Fare 50 cents
for the round trip. Young man goby
all means ,'0 take your best girl, if
ou have none, take some other's girl.
Quite an effort is being made by our
local merchants to buy chittim this
season and thus far quite au amount
has been secured. Chittim has been
the. source of considerable revenue to
Lincoln county in "years past but the
supply is rapidly diminishing.
M,rs. 01 lie Hamptou of Aberdeen,
Wash., arrived iu Toledo Tuesday '
evening for a brief visit with her siater.
Mrs. Lester Wnugh. She went down to
Newport Wednesday, accompanied by
her niece, Miss Alma Waugh. '
Ceue Young returned Wednesday
from a prospecting trip in the Laurel
mountain country. Ilo presented the
'sporting" editor of Tun Leadek with
a fine niinoral specimen which ho will
use in tho manufaeture'of "Iiobs" liniment.
A letter received from Portland
Tuesday by Charles Day, brought the
welcome news that bin son Fred is.
recovering from the wound received in
the street car hold up tneuti.oned iu
Tue Leader last week.
Postmaster R.A.Arnold is buildiug
1 commodious addition to his resi
lence on First street. When com
pleted it will be quite an attractive Im
provement to that part of the citv.
Rolla Gaar is carrying his face in a
tlitig this week. Ono of Job's comfort
ers has taken possession of his classi-'
cal features and adds considerable Ut
his personal appearance.
Mrs. John Ofstedahl 'and Mrs. Otto
Krogstad, took their husbands for an
outing on tho Bench Sunday. They
succeeded in getting them home safely.
About twenty of the youug people
of Toledo gave Miss Blanche Jeffries a
surprise party last Friday evening. A
jolly good time was reported.
C.&E. Agent Clyde Fox, Fred Dun
can, Jap Hamar and Uncle Tito Ran
ncy of Summit were among the excur
sionists !uuday.
Collector of Customs C. 13. Crosno,
visited Yapiina last Friday to attend to
duties connected with his office.
Mr. and Mrs. Prank Lane Hiid daugh
ter of Yaquina, were Toledo visitors
last Saturday.
J. G. Plank of Newport had busim-
In the county peat Tuesday.
Dr. F. M. Carter of Yaquina is in
the county seat today. .
William Borden was fip from New.
Tort yesterdny.