Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, July 03, 1903, Image 1

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Volume XI.
Jurors for July Term.
following is the list of jurors for the
term of Circuit Court beginning July
jjai Merchant.... Siletz
GRSo'.ienck Laborer." Toledo
GeoFSvlvester. . . .Laborer. ...Newport
ClI Williams.... Capitalist... Newport
A Hathaway Farmer Harlan
E W Gaither Farmer Toledo
E H Bryant Farmer Norton
Fred Greenbrook. . .Farmer. ..Newport
j jioore Stockman. . .South Beach
Wm F Wakefield.. Stockman. Eddy ville
DBRamsdell ..Stockman. .. .Elk City
David Kuble. . . . Capitalist. . ..Waldport
Bennett Olsou . . .Farmer. . .Five Rivers
E Hall Farmer Kernyillo
Joseph Lewis. .Oystermao. .Oyaterville
George F Green. ..Farmer. . . .Nashville
James Harrison . . . Millman . . . . Yachatu
AB Hunt Farmer Euuy ville
Oscar Tom Stockman Angora
FJ Frary Furmer.Y Toledo
Dan Grady Farmer Toledo
John Hamar. . .Stockman. ..Steer Creek
FA Thompson Farmer Salado
Hugh Carr Farmer Five Rivers
Arnold hurley Logger Toledo
J A Hill Farmer Toledo
John Bowers.. ..Farmer. Beaver Creek
MV Simpson Farmer. .. .Elk City
Alfred Bailey.. Oysterrnan. . Oyster ville
H N Foster.... Farmer Chitwood
AMI Dundon .... Farmer Toledo
The Toledo school board met last
Friday night and elected the following
teachers for the ensuing year: Princi
pal, George Bethers; intermediate,
Miss Jennie J. Maxwell; primary, Miss
Eebah Gang. It would be altogether
superfluous to give our readers an in
troduction to Mr. Bethers. His selec
tion is an emphatic endorsement of his
previous good work in the same posi
tion. Miss Maxwell came to Lincoln
county with first class recommenda
tions, and her recent success with the
Parfish school and work in the county
institute a few weeks ago have proven
her ability to the satisfaction of our
ichool board, as well as numerous
friends. Miss Gans also was one of
the shining lights In the institute, and
is an enthusiast in primary work. This
is her fort possibly her mission and
the little ones will be in good hands.
In education as in every thing else a
Rood start is all-important. The
obinioa. Is almost unanimous I hat the
cbooi poard has selected the cream
from among a large number of appli
We are compelled to reject certain
communications this week because the
wtnors have requested that their
"ames be withhold. The Leader has,
upon several occasions, explained the
reasons for this. All matter pnblic
interest for publication ia deemed
publio property and if a person is really
working for the woll-fare-of the com
munity he will not seek to hide his
hght under a bushel. Contributions of
nwit are appreciated, but we in
sist that in all instances relating to per
sonal or public matters, the signature
t-e author must go with the article.
Hotel Arrivals.
Uetof non-resident guests at Toledo
"otels since June 26, 1903:
Kobert Tronson, Geo Newberry, John
. vuquuue Thompson, Mr. and
n0 i V. olieizt . uomtveat,
Jjpot; Dr. Carter, B. F. Hahn, W. Wil-
W,i V, ' " u UoIlrd, R. L. Col
OrnlV i?re,lce; S" W- Sturdevent,
0aha,Neb.; 8. P. Cook, Jessie Bur-
ns. Portland ;Sven Isacson, Salado;
Ww Harrison, Monmouth; J. A. Peter
JJ, Bay View; J. M. Neil, Alplna Mich.
Frazler, K. Hachmuth, Grand
N.Micb.5J. P- Brooks, Minueapo-
Eiith nn:LL,?Roi Brow. 8il
Collin- r,,. ' riy Jvans, Alvena
;ol'in9. Olive Johnson, Alice Ben, Che-
Terwiir ' lvoeerK A B Clark, II
JcJS8V,nlIari0n-MaB-Elk Cit
r,. ' ' " s,evens, Joe Gay. James
BLermp ? V ES', Simon
FredwlL , " 'int8ookerr Wlnant;
Jens- w ' epot; U 8 Holgate, Lut
SH Fdi. nen8' YnJuia; Mr. and
Koots- ' L . psey' Frank stank.
8oith ",nuQ 'd Mountain; SL
View- V " J A Peterson. Bay
Mrs Robert Wamock, Eddy ville.
Toledo, Lincoln
Larky Logan was a visitor from Siletz '
Monday. i
Captain A. B. Clark of Elk City was a
county seat visi'or last Saturday.
Captain Henry Nice of Lutjens was an
eastbound passenger Monday morning.
The Yaqnina Bay Mercantile Co..
displays its ad in a new dress this week.
Sam Center wassmokinga new brand
of cigars the fore part of the week so
they say.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bensell of Siletz
were passengers for the valley Monday
Robert Warnock and wife of Eddy-
ville were among the Toledo visitors
Merchant Jim Plumlee moved his
avoirdupois valleyward Wednesday
morning via the C. & E.
Mrs. 0. M. Brown, wife of the couniy
judge, has been numbered with the sick
this week, but is improving.
Miss Nancy Blower passed through
Monday morning en route to Eola from
a visit with her folks at Mill 4.
A. A. Fuller, the handsome young
insurance man, wont to Roseburg last
Saturday to visit that daughter.
George Newberry, a young and ener
getic rancher from Siletz, was transact
ing business in Toledo last Friday.
Fred Wessel of Depot was in the city
Monday morningafter a new Champion
mower, purchased of A. T. Peterson.
Lee Williams, the altitndinous Elk
of Newport, passed through Tuesday
morning on a business trip to Portland.
Charlie Woodiug, the tail and hand
some pociety bud of Pool slough, was
making fashionable calls in Toledo
Roy Doty of Yaquina who was re
cently opereated upon for appendicitis
by Dr. Parker, assisted by Drs Thayer
end Warren, is rapidly recovering.
Wilson's orchestra will give a dance
at Newport tonight. A jolly good time
is expected. A splendid supper will be
served at the Bay View House.
Mr and Mrs. Ed Dunn and son ar
rived from Spokane, Wash,,Wednesday
evening for a visit with the former's
brother, Jay Dunn and family.
James Anderson, the ex-blacksmith,
was up from Lutjens Monday. - He now
registers from Lutjens, although be has
not made a complete transfer to that
Farmer Frank Parker moved back to
his ranch near Canoe landing Tuesday,
He was in the safe keeping of Mike
Mackay, Fred Anderson and Francis
Not the Merchant of Venice, bnt the
merchants of Toledo have passed res
olutions, and will close their places of
business promptly at 8 :00 p. m. on and
after Monday July 6.
Austin Rosebrook and son Leon did
the pedestrian act down to Cafe Foul-
weather last Friday to visit First As
sistant Keeper Billy Ford and family,
They came up from Newport Sunday
on the launch Ola) la.
Miss Addie Harrison of Waldport
arrived last Friday evening from Mon
mouth, where she graduated at the
State Normal. She visited her sister,
Mrs R H. Howell, several days before
proceeding to her home,
The C. & E. will make a one fare rate
for the round trip to Albany. Carnival
tickets on sale and good going June 29
to July 4 and returning not later than
July 6. Also a rate of 12.00 for round
trip on July 4 leaving Toledo at 6:30 a
m., on regular train returning from AL
banv Sunday on excursion.
Contractor Oliver Altree and crew
finished Tuesday morning the task of
raising the flag pole at the courthouse.
It is 90 feet above ground, and the large
edition of Old Glory recently purchased
by the county court may be seen from
every part of the city.
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Soule departed
Weduesday morning for Omaha, Neb.,
to attend the convention of the National
Editorial Association, the former being
ono of the ten delegates from Oregon.
They will be absent about six weeks,
visiting relatives and friends at various
points in Nebraska and Iowa. During
their absence The Leader will bo in
charge of a pair of "devils," to whom
everything of merit should be credited,
while anything which raises the read
er's fighting blood may be charged to
the absent editor.
County, Oregon, Friday,
Local W. R. 0. Captures State
Convention at Portland.
The convention of the Women's Re
lief Corps, Department of Oregon, held
at Portland last week, resulted in some
pleasant surprises for the people of To
ledo. Mrs. Rose Schenok was elected
Department President and the respon
sible position of Department Treasurer
was given to Miss Mamie Wakefield.
There was a spirited but good-natured
contest over the first office, but the
winning blarney of one of Toledo's
delegates, Mrs. Matilda Espy, ably as
sisted by Mrs. Bethers, color bearer,
and Miss Wakefield, the other delegate,
brought homo the plum. Our private
dispatches say one Portland member
became slightly vexed and accused Mrs.
Espy of being Irish. Wasn't that
Throe members of the executive
board also hail from Toledo. They are:
Maybel Bethers, Matilda Espy and Ada
As this was decidedly Toledo's inn
ing, President Sohenck deemed it
eminently proper to hand the state
secretary's portfolio to Mrs. Ina Stur-
devaut an excellent selection, by the
The victorious Toledoites. except
Miss Wakefield, arrived home Monday
evening and were met at the depot by
several fellow-members of the W. R. C.
and also a delegation of the G. A. R.
The enthusiastic company immediately
proceeded to the hall, where one of
thoae famous W. R. C. lunchss had
been prepared. The "high spirits" and
over-supply of fine eatables blended
harmoniously, and it was a very enjoy
able occasion.
The Leader congratulates Abe Lin
coln W. R. C. No. 49 upon the manner
in which it has been recognized an
honor which it entirely merits. It is
numbers considered, the best Corps in
the state, and its members have
proper respect for the much, abused
word, "Fraternity."
Local Teachers' Institute.
A local teachers', institute will be
held at Elk Citv July 10 and 11. 1903
where the following program will be
Address.......... J. B. Horner
SATURDAY, 9:30 A. M.
The Teacher's Duty in the School..
George Bethers
Primary History Etta Trout
Physiology Jennie Robins
Arithmetic General Discussion
1:30 Singing.
Primary Arithmetic Rebah Gans
Language Jennie Maxwell
Grammar. '. ....:. . ..Geo. B. McCluskey
Recitation Mrs. Rose Schenck
The public, and all interested in edu
cation, are invited to attend both the
evening and day sessions.
This program is subject to change.
George Bethers,
County Superintendent.
Mrs. Wolveiiskl, the Polish woman
who recently attempted suicide by sev
ering an artery of her left arm, has,
under the skillful treatment of Dr. Par
ker, so far recovered that she was able
to return to her home near Roots Tues
day. Manager Edwin Stone of the C. & E.
shipped 3000 lake trout through Toledo
last evening. They will be placed in
Beaver creek. Dr. M. M. Davis was in
charge of the shipment.
That tailor first door south of the
barber shop is always busy. He guar
antees a perfect fit on every garment
and is thoroughly up to-date. Prices
The old wallpaper on your walls looks
shabby. For one dollar I will sell you
sufficient to repaper a room. Over 75
Styles to select from at Krogs tad's.
Willie Towner of Siletz returned
Wednesday evening from a proctractcd
visit at Portland and other vlley points.
Ned Evens of the upper Siletz
country was in Toledo yesterday.
July 3, 1903.
Miss Clura
Olson visited . Albany
J. G. Johnson of Storrs was in the
city Mouday.
Mayor Roddy of Winant visited To.
ledo Wednesday.
Commissioners' court convened in
adjourned session yesterday.
U. S. Grant and Tom Jackson were
visitors from Siletz Monday
Miss Vena Alexander returned from
Portland Wednesday evening.
James Cavnaw of Otis was transact
ing business in Toledo yesterday.
County Surveyor Wycant and son
Cecil visited Newport the fore part of
the week.
Joe Briggs of Newport was anion e
tbe visitors seen on our streets last
Saturday. .
J. A. .Peterson, the jolly postmaster
of Bay View, was transacting business
in Toledo yesterday.
Dr. Warren, the henvv-weieht saw
bones of Newport, was a passeneer for
Portland Wednesday morning.
Prof. J. B. Horner and family of Cor.
vallis passed through Toledo Tuesday
evening en route to the Resort city.
K. C. Molver has moved his shoe re
pair shop to his residence near thn
intersection of 6th and Hill streets.
Miss Aileen Gaither left Wednesday
morning for Independence for a visit
at the home of Ed Owen and family.
Farmer Daisy Boles, accompanied
by her silent partner, Bert, moved out
to her ranch near Siletz this mnrnincr.
Franscisoo Seely, accompanied by
Lewis Young and his famous cayuse,
returned to his ranch up Depot Tues
day morning.
A. B. Clark and the launch Gypsy
were down from Elk City Tuesday. E.
M. Mays and II. Terwilliger were the
Mn. R. A. Bensell of Newport was a
homeward-bound passenger Tuesday
evening. She has been visiting in the
valley for some time. -"
August Fischer of the Corvallis
Flouring Mills passed homeward Mon
day morning from a business trip to
Newport and Yaquina.
Rey. F. O. Jones wishes to inform
the public through the medium of The
Leader, that there will be no services
at the Episcopal Church next Sunday.
Mrs. C. Gannon, mother of our cen
tal townsman, Henry Gannon, accom
panied by her daughter. MIsb Anna.
arrived from Spokane, Wash., Tuesday
Frank Carson was a passenger for
Albany Tuesday morning, returnihg
Wednesday evening. 0. R. Ellsworth
played Vulcan in his blacksmith shop
during his absence
Wm Thayer and family came in from
their ranch in the Siletz region Monday
evening ror a visit with Toledo friends.
Will reports every thing wet and lovely
in his part of the county.
Mrs. llona Howell was a passenger
for Waldport Monday evening. Her
worser half, Assessor Hank Howell.
broke loose from the strenuous duties of
his office and went the same route
Wednesday evening
Agent Franklin informs The Leader
that the regular train from Yaquina to
Albany tomorrow morning will arrive
in Toledo at 6 :30 a. m. An hour earlier
than the usual time. This is for the
benefit of excursionists who wish to do
Albany the Fourth.
Ell Gaither has given Toledo the
shake temporarily at least-and has
joined his brother John in tho mercan
uie ousiness at JNewport. Elf s exper
iencein selling sugar, salt and eauer
kraut is large and like the sands of the
sea his friends are legion
Mr. and Mrs.C. L. LitohfJeld returned
Monday evening from their bridal tour
of the i'aciflo Northwest, going straight
through to their home at Yaquina
Some of Charlie's numerous friendi
think he might at least have appeared
on the rear platform as tho train left
The C. & E. bills an excursion from
Albany and all points we9t to Newport
Sunday July 5. Fare for lonnd trip
Albany, Corvallis, and Philomath f 1.50
weal or Philomath to Chitwood $1.00
All points west of Chitwood 75 eents
Loaves Albany 7:00 a. m. Returnln
leaves Newport 5 :30 p. m.
Nmiiber 18
Record of Recent Exchanges in
Lincoln County.
June 20 Minnie Green and Fred W
Green to John O Connor the north half
of the . southwest quarter, southeast
quarter of southwest quarter and
southwest quarter of southeast quarter
of section 35, township 12 s, range 11
west. Consideration $425.
June20 Allen BSIanson and Mary A
Slanson to Mr8 R J Pemberton lot 3,
block 2 in Sea Home addition in Nye
and Thompson's addition to Newport.
Consideration $50.
June 26 Adrian L Ford to Jane Jones
south half of northwest quarter and
north half of southwest quarter sec
tion 14, township 11 south range 8 west. '
Consideration $800.
.Tnnfl 27 - Jacob Hnlimt A and A V Hoi
gate to L W Holgate lot 1 of section 17,
lots 8 and 9, section 18 and the south
east quarter of southeast quarter, sec
tion 7 and southwest quarter of south
west quarter, section 8, township 13 b,
range 11 west. Consideration 8500.
June 27 Jacob Holgate and A F
Holgate to U S Holgate lot 4, block 6 in
the town of South Beach. Considera
tion $75.
June 20 LeonidasE Mills to Minnie
Greeo north half of the southwest
quarter, southeast quarter of south
west quarter and southwest Quarter of
southeast quarter of section 35, town
ship 12 s, range 11 west Considera
tion $200.
June 20 Albert Brad way to Geo W
Ford lot 6, block 8 In Olsson's addition
to Newport. Consideration $25.
June 30United States to William IS
Calkins lots 1, 2, 3, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 32,
section, 24, township 6 south, range 11
west, containing 160 acres.
June 30 United States to Leonidas
E Mills north half southwest Quarter.
southeast quarter of southwest quarter
and southwest quarter of southeast
quarter, section 35, township 12 south,
range 11 west.
George McClunkey ia visiting Albany
aud the Carnival today.
U. S. Holgate of South Beach had
business in the city Monday.
T. G. Wilson of Elk City had busi-
ness in the county seat several days
this week.
Surveyor Lot Powell of Ona was
transacting business in Toledo Monday
and Tuesday.
Wilson's orchestra will givereeular
dances In the Newport opera house every
Saturday evening during the tourist
Joe Ludwig left Tuesday morning for
Tacoma in response to a message an
nouncing the serious illness of his
daughter. '
Mrs. M. J. Tyler of Waldport passed
through last Friday evening en route
home from a visit of several months
with her daughter in Alameda, Calif.
Amos Klaor of Corvallis was greeting
his friends In Toledo Wednesday.
He departed for Siletz yest rday for a
visit with bis sister Mrs. C. G. Cope-
Colonel O. R. Downs of Forest Grove
passed through to Newport last Satur
day evening. His popcorn emporium
may not bo. a feature at Newport this
season, but he may decide to return
next week. . -
The Launch Racine made a trip to
Newport yesterday. She had as return
passengers, Landlord John Fogarty of
the Bay View House, and George Heckle
junior proprietor of the Seaside refresh
inent bureau.
Mrs A. Sine, wife of the Night Chief
of the Western Union Telegraph Com
pany of Portland, and her four daugh
ters stopped off Thursday on their way
to Newport, to upend (he night 'with
Mr3. J. E. Franklin.
Grandpaw Ed Wade, the juvenile wet
goods dispenser of the "Dewey" was a
passenger for Portland yesterday. Ed's
new dress suit case recently imported
from Yokabuma, will be the envy of hi
brother Elks along the line.
Dentist O. H. Davenport pasitdi
through Toledo last evening en route,
to Waldport, where he will practico his,
profession for a week or two. The dot-v
tor has been roamin' considerable since"
he left Toledo but says be has found
no place that suits him as well as Lin
coln county. He will be with us again'
iu the near future
1 1
5,r .