incolti Volume XI. Local Institute. A local institute will be hold at Elk . i i Ann fcjty Saturday, Juiy u, w I jiH teachers ami mends or eauca imn re cordially iuvitad to attend. Fire on the Racine to klk CUy ana Ltiirn 50 cents, Leava Toledo at 9 a. m., returning leave Elk City at 415 p. m. UEOrtQE 15 ETHERS -. m Wolveliski. whom The Leader's hrrespoiiaeni nnu oluoio icpurieu lust X - . . , . fcpflli as liaviug maae a successful at- femot to commit suicide, is still aliye, i .i i 1 1 1 nd apparently recovering rapiaiy. the woman was brought to oiletz last Jsturday night, Dr. Parker of Toledo fan summoned. The various ""irterles and muscles of the" woman's inn which had been severed by the L;nr 'prn auccessf ully united bv Dr. Parker, although five days had elapsed i nee the terrible wound was inflicted. t was a very difficult operation, and ood results could hardly have been xpected, but again the old adage i Dmes to the front : "While there's life, ! iere'8 hope." A skillful modern sur ; eon can accomplish results that would live been regarded as miraculous only i few years ago. Dr. Parker appre- ated the valuable assistance of Mrs. alter, Mrs. William Alexander aud beriff Roes. The Ladies' Aid Society met Tuesday lernoon with Mrs. J. L. Hyde. There as a good attendance, and consider ate work resulted. The following of cers were elected and re-elected for leeneuing six months: Ada E. Soule, resident; Mrs. Doran, vice president; avilla McNeil, secretary; Mrs. J. L. yd, treasurer. The society will eet June 7 with Mrs. Addah Stanton i sew carpet rags. All members are rged to come and bring friends. . County School Superintendent Geo. ethers and family were among the issengers Monday morning for Port nd. . Mr. Bothers weut to attend the rstern Division of the State Teach V Association, whiU Mrs. Bothers is ie of the grand color bearers at the ate convention of the W. R. C, an mor which the local Corps appre ates. Fred Thayer arrived Tuesday evening om Eugene, where he graduated at ie head of the. class. He will return ' September for a year of post-gradate study.- Fred also stands high in jiletics and was recently elected cap in of the university team! Billy Ford, first assistant keeper of pe Foulweather lighthouse, visited 3'edo friends Tuesday and Wednes y. Life by the sea seems to agree i'o him. He is now fatter thau the litor Twenty eight of the young friends of 83 Rnth Ofstedahl made her the vie- f a pleasant surprise party Mon ' night, after her teturn from "Hand. A jolly good time is reported. That tailor first door south of the 'fber shop is always busy. He guar 'Jea a perfect fit on every garment 18 Uughly up to-date. . Prices wnable. 1 Some of our merchants are agitating question of closing their places of ""MM promptly at 7 p." m., but no reementhas been reached. Royal and Francis Ferr of Winant 2 city last Saturday with or the champion strawberries of e "eason. Mies Ethel Lemmon, who has been ,nS Mrs. John Mcduskey, left , 3 mrn tor her home at En- jfWr. Needh !r a i . 9 uas Deen visiting It ter' Mr8' Sto" Wells, left 'uiuB IOr iier home at Tangent. rur forma An-... .... i h olluw-ciuzen waius ki"uW f Portland. 'd business mesdav n rht " o ToledoJLliicolu County, Oregon, Friday, June 26, Ym. Number " i " , , . a a wmwm mi fOles. nit 0i. ... . . td . 01 are88 Rn1 8lreet DleBRn fcm f -"i ana see r- Mrs.Wygant. rur"ea to Alhnn n.. j. L- H- McCliDtock, the gas engine ex n'ft yesterday t... . j 1VJI I118 uome gl rtland. !I0tl.J. tr xtr. ... . . Mbui . ""nord of Albany kT8,ntheclt7,at 8ftturd f 8IlercoQ8",Mr8.T.P.Fi8h. Charlie AUree and his sheDherd doi? had a mixup with a cougar AVednesday evening at the ranch on the Toledo Ya- quma trail. The animal had rantw killed and carefully filed away for fu ture reierence a nice fat sheep. He waa discovered crouched on the ground near ms victim and the plucky doe im mediately charged. After a brief chase the cougar treed and Charlie brought him out with a shot which broke the brute's jaw, but did not disabla htm The oougar soon treed agaiu and was again tumbled to the eround bv a ahot through the body, the finishing touchee oeing put on by a third bullet through me neaa. The animal was larger than the average, measuring about 9 feet. The directors of the Toledo Ceme tery Association desire to build a side walk from Toledo to the cemeterv this season and also improve the grounds. This will require some money, and all owners of cemeterv lots who are da. linquent are urged to hand the amount to J.. P. Fish as soon as possible. This is an important matter one in which every citizen 6hould be interested. Dr. Thomas Parker of Toledo, as sisted by Dr. Thayer of Toledo and ur. warren of Newport, performed an operation on .Ray Doty of Yaquina last Friday, the ailment being appendicitis. The operation was entirely successful and the patient has since been under the care of Dr. Carter of Yanuinn. Ray is the 12-yeur-old son of J.H. Doty. Prof. F. 8. Haroun informs The Leader that Arthur Tongeland is one of the 12 constituting the class of '03 at Philomath college. Toledo is al ways pleased to hear good reports from her young people who are from time to time attending the educational institu tions of the state. Miss Martha Rache left Mondav morning for Monmouth, where her sis ter, Miss Matilda, has been attending the State Normal school. From Mon mouth the young ladies will go to Port land, to remain indefinitely. The old paint has washed off your house; it looks faded and weather worn. A little fresh paint will beau tify it And make it last much loneer Pure linseed oil and the best of paints at Krogstad's. Archie and Luella Van Cleve. who have been attending the Oregon Agri cultural College at Corvallis. departed on the 18th, inst., for Baker City. The college term closed the 17th. W. A. Jones of Newport is in the city today. He has traded his Newport property for Adrian Ford's ranch near Summit and will move onto tbe same in about two weeks. Say, gentlemen, if you happen to be looking for a bargain while walking along Hill street, just drop in and pat- roniza the tailor, first door south of the barber shop. Peter Schirmer, the famous straw berry artist of Pool slough, was in the city Tuesday with a cargo of fine ber ries, which found a ready market. The old wallpaper on your walls looks shabby. For one dollar I will sell you sufficient to repaper a room. Over 75 Styles to select from at Krogstad's. Lloyd Pruett, who has been attending school in Salem, is spending vacation with his father at Yaquina. He called on Toledo this morning. ' Lieutenant E. John Smith of Fort Bald Mountain was in the city yester day looking for recruits for the cavalry service. Superintendent Con Sullivan of the C & El went throueh to Newport Tues day evening, returning to Albany next day. Miss Frankle Hout of Corvallis ar rived Wednesday evening for a visit with Mrs. C. F. Soule. Robert Tassell and family of Elk City were in Toledo Monday gn their way home from Newport. W. E. Wann. the Yachata rancher and stockman, had business in the city Wednesday. Fred and Linden Vincent of Pendle ton are visiting Dr. and Mrs. IL W. Vincent. Attorney W. E. Yates returned to Corvallis Monday from an outing at the beach. Walter Hall, one of the Siletz mer chants, was in Toledo Wednesday. Dr. Thayer and family are indaleine in An outing at Otter Rock. Elk City Institute. Every year for the past four years Superintendent Bethers has promised a loeal institute to this place, and each year has failed to keep his promise. This year he appointed one on Satur day, the 20th, and notified our clerk and advertised the eame in tbe county papers. Our people were well pleased with the appointment and tastily dec orated a hall with flags and bunting and made ample arrangements for the entertainment of teachers and vistors. On the day of the institute Mr. Beth ers sent word that he could not get his folks together, and that there would be no institute. Not hearing of the in ability of the superintendent to get his folks tocethnr in timp. tfnHipi- nnA visitors came in from Yaquina, Eddy ville, Chitwood, Salade and the inter vening country and a good audience was in waiting. After a brief discussion of the situation it was decided to hold an institute regardless of the superin tendent and his folks. While the time was brief for arrang ing a program, yet when the people assembled at 1 o'clock, every thing was in order and the program was carried out with much enthusiasm. In some respects it was a departure from ordi nary institutes, but it was thoroughly enjoyed and every one seemed well paid for their time and trouble In at tending. The following teachers were present : F. M. Carter, taught in Oregon ; E. M. Mays, taught in Oregon; A. B. Clark, taught in Michigan and Oregon: Mrs. E. A. Gile, Jaught In Utah; Mrs. M. M. Clark, taught in Michigan; Miss Pearl Tucker taught in Oregon; Mrs. Ella M. Baxter, taught in Oregon; Mrs. Laura Dalaba, taught in Oregon; Mrs. Hattie Tracy, taught in Oregon. lbe meeting was organized with Dr. F. M. Carter in the chair as sunerin- tendent pro tern and A. B. Clark, sec retary. ' FROGBAM Song. Elk CTty Glte Club How to Teach Beading. . ..Pearl Tucker Music "The Crown Prince's March" ..Elva Mays Recitation "When I Am a Man".. ..- Wallia Miller The Passing of the District School. ....A. B. Clark Song... Glee Club Are Our Schools Stupefying or Ed- ucational?.. Mrs. Baxter Song "My Old Kentucky Home". Lillle Miller ''The cowboy's Story". . . .Hattie Tracy Van Bibbin's Rock". ..Mrs. E. A. Gile Song "My Creole Sue''. ...Elva Mavs Recitation "Kate Shelley" Lillie Miller What Is the Matter with Our Su perintendent? Under the latter order of business A. B. Clark introduced the following reso lution and moved its adoption: Whereas. The action of the county superintendent in appointing this insu tute and tbeu countermanding it at so late a date that teachers and patrons could receive no notice of it is a mis demeanor, militating against the edu cational interests of the county, ruff ling up the tempers of the echoolma'ams and inducing the use of strong adjec tives by the schoolmasters and patrons, and against the peace and dignity of the state of Oregon, therefore Resolved, That the office of county superintendent be declared vacant and that this institute proceed to elect a new superintendent. On motion of Miss Tucker of Salado the teachers engaged in active school work were excused from taking part in this revolutionary work. The resolu tion was then adopted and Dr. F. M. Carter was elected superintendent The doctor thanked the convention for the honor conferred and oromised. after looking up the matter of salary, to devote a large portion of his time to institute work. P A. Miller criticised the doctor for giving the salary instead of the work his first thought. After passing a resolution declaring this to be the moBt beneficial, enter taining and soul-Inspiring institute ever held in Lincoln county, and a mo tion requesting the secretary to furnish a copy of the proceedings to each of the county papers, the institute ad journed sine die. A. B.' Clark, Sec. All spring hats now offered at creatlv reduced prices at The Ladies' Baz(arl ' One of the neatest and meatiest little broebnres that ever left a printery is out on dress parade in the interest of Yaquina Bay. It is the joint production of Manager Edwin Stone of the Corval lis & Eastern and W. E. Coman, general passenger agent of the Southern Pacific. The booklet contains much valuable information regarding our popular re sort and is also beautifully illustrated. A pretty Oregon girl, who has numer ous acquaintances among the beach visitors, occupies the place of honor on the front cover and also marks the fin ish. t Through and through it Is a beau tiful and tempting sandwich. These booklets may be obtained from Edwin Stone, Manager of the C. & E Albany. or W. E. Coman, G. P. A., S. P. Co., Portland, Or. Joshua Louie of Siletz, aged 70. father-in-law of Billy Metcalf, out the end of the right great toe off with an ax last week. Dr., Parker was called last Sunday and was compelled to disarticu late the toe at the junction of the foot, mortification having set in. Louie weighs only 110 pounds, but the doctor reports that he was a whole team, and it required the combined efforts of Sheriff Ross and several others to hold the old man while the toe was being removed. Mrs. Matilda Espy and Mrs. Rose Schenck left Monday morning for Port land to attend the state convention of the Women's Relief Corps. The for mer is a delegate from the local Corps, the latter being president. They were joined at Eddyville by Miss Mamie Wakefield, who attends the convention as alternate for Mrs. Lavilla McNelL County Clerk Ira Wade departed Monday morning on a business trip to the state metropolis. He was accom panied by Clark Copeland, who kept him from running into snares, pitfalls and things, and also showed him Astoria by gaslight. Fred Wygant's face was seriously burned Monday by the explosion of powder that wasnt loaded: The boy was indulging in a premature celebra tion of the Fourth. He will be- all right when the big day arrives. Miss Nancy Blower, who has been at Eola', this state, for several months, passed through Saturday evening for a visit at the parental home at Mill 4. She was in Toledo yesterday with her mother. For Sale or Trade 1 second-hand buck board and 1 buggy. Will - trade both or either for good cow or horse, or will sell for cash . Hah, & A nderson. For Sale Lumber wagon, second hand, in good condition and sound in every part at a bargain. Inquire of Blacksmith Auderson, Toledo. J. T. Hanlon of Yaquina passed through Wednesday morning en route to Portland as a delegate to the G. A. R. encampment. Mrs. M. E. Thayer went down .to Newport last night for a week's visit with Mrs. ti. F. Swope. Robert Scott, one of .Yaquina's wide awake young citizens, camped in Toledo last night. Mr. and Mrs. John Shermer of Win ant were in tbe city yeaterday. Frank Lane, the Yaquina merchant, was in the city Monday,' Mrs. A. J. Stont of Yaquina was in the city Wednesday. Notice I will take butter and eggs in exchange for goods at my store. - Mrs. Wtqant. - - - No Trespassing. All parties are hereby forbidden to hunt or trespass on my premises, known as the Rosebrook place. Also Darties concerned nrA wnmwi ninimi driving my cattle from the out range Until my liliSH hnvo hnsn mlohlicho,! - m ww.. VUlUVIlUUVVt and fences constructed. Gabriel Dabu . Want a Piano? I am agent for the Soule Brothers Co. of Portland and can sell you a fine piano (20 styles to select from) or an organ, either Estey or Chicago Cottage, at a lffwer price than can be obtained from any other firm on the coast. Will also supply you with any other musical instrument you may wao,t. Call and inspect pianos now op band. Geo. A. Landrkth. , Hotel Arrivals. List of non-resident guests at Toledo1 hotels since June 19, 1903: , AT THE COMMERCIAL. H M Bronson, M V Collins and wife, W H Ben, Dayid Adams, Willie Towner and wife, Joseph Gay, Walter Hall, Siletz; E F Rizer, 8alem ; E W Powers. Pioneer; Fred Bierlein, Lilllen Browu.. Portland; FO Jones, M J Thompson, S Leutden, O L llolgate, Newport; C A Peterson, Bear Lake, Minn.; S Stryle wiacz, Roots; W Szelaszkiewicz, Kern ville; Jesse J Uoone, Oyster City; E Al len, Cincinnati; John Harlan, II L Harlan, Madison, Kan.; W E Wanu. Yachats; Mrs Jennie Stout, Yaquina. AT THE PARKER. W W Knn)!nnn. ur nn t- r, Downing and wife, Wallis Nash, Port land; A Gallagher, Beaver Creek; L Hardin, L C Fox, Clyde Fox, Siletz J K Weatherford, Peter Ruettner, Al bany; Fred Wessel, Depot; Mr Moorcv South Beach; Jas H O'Connell, Astoria;. P E Goddard, Berkeley, Cal; J M Sears,. Dallas; W Szelaszkiewiczinz, Kernville;.' S Stylemszincz, Roots; Wm Westuland, -Chicago; Salinda Baker, Nefrport: C 1 Cady, Sweet Home. Ladies, Attention, From now until July 4 I will have special sale on everything in my store. just received a new line of lawns and and other Fourth of July dress goods. Mrs. M. Wygant.. BIDS WANTED. Notice is hereby given that sealed; bids will be received by the count v court up to 10 o'clock a. m. July 2. 1903, ror delivering at the court house wood shed 25 cords of wood. 20 cords to bu maple, orabapple or cherry and 5 cords of fir, to be good, sound wood, 4 feci., long. The court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of the county court. Ira Wade, v ,, ; ' - County Clerk.; Stop and see the beautiful patterns of summer dress goods, French ging hams, mull, Swiss, etc., at Charlee Montgomery's. Fourth of Jnly sup plies' on hand. Come early and get your fireworks. A general line of fancy goods, novelties and jewelry al ways on hand. Fancy candies and lunch privileges enjoyed by all Weiu erwurst, cheese, crackers, ookies4 etc C. E. Montgomery, Siletz, Or. Call for City Warrants. Notice is hereby given that I have funds OD linnd tn nu v nil nntcl.ti.1: warrants against the city of Toledo up to and including Ne. 525, dated October 8, 1901. Interest on same ceases after this date. G. L. Grat, Treasurer. Dated June 5, 1903. ' . . Bargains In Real Estate. I have for sale the following property: 1 91 acies; 2 r6o acres; 37 acres; 440 acres; 5160 acres; 6280 acres. Also a number of lots and houses, in Fredricksburg and Olssou's adli-, tion to Newport, $25 and upward'A John A. Owson, '7 Newport, Ore , I have just received a new stock cf dry goods the best line ever brought to Toledo. Come and examine tho, goods, you will be pleased. II. Lewis. - The Pacific Commercial Advertiser of Honolulu, II. T.; combats the fre quent aesertion that President Roose velt is not an orator. We are inclined to adopt tbe Advertiser's defluitlon of "orator." Here it is: "Oratory mutt be judged by its practical re sults. If the speaker mould the audience to his way of thinking, persuades it to do this or that, forms public sentiment aa he wills, it does not matter if his delivery Is aa bad iih that of the late T. De Witt Talmairi. his education as neglected as was Pat rick Henry's, bis vocabu arv aa wpiLU as Dennis Kearney's he is still tho orator. On the 'oter' Wud ' jf tb speaker can only titillate the ear..)'.!' pratpry is of so low a type that it al: most uecomes worct-mongenng. In tbe higher eenno McKinley was an orator and Roosevelt Is one. What they ltuvo said becomes history In its nextanaly sis. But neither ever tore a nftlt tatters nor attuned his words to o sound rather than to the sense." ' '