ptcolti tp Volume XI i Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon. Friday, June 19, 1003. Hotel Arrivals. List of uon-resideut quests at Toledo iotels since June 12, I!K)3: AT THE COMMERCIAL. C Hroaner, San rrancisco; Yal atzenbergcr, Frank Neumann, bagi- ... I . T 1 Ol.-mn., V! I Cl.nt.rr.n- IGShermer, Mill 4 5 io uay, u x ;grv, Win Smith, Louisa (smith, Larkey ' .. ... i i.-.. Tl ,...,, tun vv Hsni iltluii. iuiu uiioKaoii: ffl 0 Olson.. T JMison, i-ergus fans; leaa Ferr, Drift Creek; Jensa J Boone, m r T - T l 117 ! )aisy rerr, Mrs j u imcuus, wmaoi; i. T. M Luc.kev. Phil Flood. S F Cook. PredBierlein, C P Ehmanu; W D How ard, 0 Hansen, Prank A Peters, Fort- land; J F Conn, C Burggraf, Dr Davis, E J Lutz, H K Lugger, Andrew John- son. W W Koweu, i' n uoinns, n l. nc'ravor, Vv'm Eagles, Albany; Dr Car ter. m sueiion, iiiquma; uooert Chambers, Nortons; II L Yeit, Eddy e; Owen Graves, Mr aud Mrs B F 'swope. Newport; Henry Potter. Wald- port; ML Frautz, HoBkins; Eiliel Letn- mon, Irving; it wunanis, imk uity AT THE PAHKEK. MLTrapp, Cbitwood;' Joe Shermer, Georee Lewis, Wiuant; A Gallagher. Ona; Warren Brainard, L V Williams, 0 E Bradford, J C Fox, Geo Newberry, Louie Smith. Siletz: II B Parker. Wat. jertown, N. Y.; Maud Ilarkleroud, John Loomis, H Doshe, Ira Miller, .Edgar Booth, Newport; D Hurley, Rudolph Long, Ollala; John C Lttdemanu, Wald I iort; Mrs Wellman, Drift Creek; Fred Wfissal. Donnt; R Ti Wefit.liroolr f!hns ii Antlerson, S Ketcbum, James Coun, jS W Dugger, D C Burkhart, C S Howell Paul Costel, Paul Mahonev. 11 Miller L Lewis, J R Wyatt, S II Clevenger, Frank Clevenger.'w R Bilyeu, II Cham berlain, Albany; T Beddio.Los Angeles: M M Davis, Yaquina; W U McClintock, itred Van Dorn. P J McDonald. Port land; Watt Shipp, Salem : W S Fifield. Janesville, Wis.; VF Ward, F L Ward, Partridge, Kan.; J W Hobbs, Eugene. Notice I will take butter and eggs in excuange for goods at my store. . Mrs. Wye. ant The old fashioned social given bv the losing wmgof Syrinca Circle Wed nes day night at Woodmen Hall was enjoyed nyalarge number of the exponents of Woodcraft and a few i nvitoil ornnsfa With but few exceptions the stlye of me costumes were decidedly ancient md several members of the Circle looked worse than a Davenport cartoon. ine program was very appropriate and pleasing. The songs were the good old ms which j r-" " Uttle nearer to the heart than anything wassic or un-to.ilnto "(ti,t- M.nH "arkleroad, Mrs. George Bethera and Messrs. E. W. Gaither and C. E. Haw- constituted a very satisfactory Aiiss liarkleroad rendered a oouple of solos It was the first time many of our citi- -uuaat:ie pleasure of henrino- her EH Guither Was Jnlinnv.nn.fha.cnnf awin and sang like a pair of love-struck ounKs. ums Ethel Lemmon and Ur-S. 8. Thaver Worn pnlln.l nnnn tnr recitations. The doctor ivn't Prepared, but v,,. latUOUS ,,Hofh Ann WJ. ! LI. ixaiour puum 111 ma iwketand it did good service. Miss wmtnoiiwasjustas natural as life in ner recitation about a girl who said ao twice, but didn't mean it, and "nally snid "Yea t. it.... KD8, master r.f .ai.m! c James John Ofstedahland J. J. Gaither tUefrontofthehalland with a few appropriate mmm-ira nn.A 'i a handsome emblem pin as a re WM for their success in securing the drW8t number of new members for J'W Circle in the contest a few eeks ago. The .ln!Mf. r.t i,- v, Wtre ploaaod but Kiul.Mn,. n f " uucmmon features of the affair ,JlitaeB hit..i , . .. p. . tcvoiui memocra or tne Mr. r ii Amort waugn ThTi YoU0ff leffc l te finals. 4le former won h j . "J uurruw uiurgiu received a setting hen as a prize. threi?'01, B,,d J,m 0aier won the ee-leggeil rce and each was awarded orse. The other pairs were Bob -""'uaano: H. E. Peterson and E. 8. n f0fm vwrg Jic(.;iuskey. The w pair was going some, but fell in ML ?teh The refreshmentH con- ki . "uaBa CPK sandwiches, U0URhnuts. nr.r,l-! -J . . . Sectnarl t uu conee ana mtheHl,!..Bpp,:odRte.d- Ifc WB8 - vj uijiif ii hAn s. i a. : C nonJ ,. "uvu luo K"ou lime With OHO rnnr1f wy md effect," Dr. M. M. Davis of Yaquina was in the city Monday. Ira Miller and daughter, Miss Lulu, were visitors from Newport last Satur day. Charlie Montgomery, oneof the Siletz merchauts, had business in the citv Monday. Harry Eycr, the Chitwood postmaster and merchant was a county seat visitor last Sunday. C. & E. Agent and Mrs. Bert Boles of Yaquina mnde Toledo a brief call Tues day morning. Tom Jackson, one of the Republican wneel horses of Siletz, had business in the city Wednesday. Owen Graves, No. 3 of the Yaquina i"iy Luo siiwug ouuiou, was a county seat visitor Tuesday. George Chambers made a business trip into the Salmon river country the liner part or last week. frank Jones returned last Friday evoning rrotu Portlaud, where he com pleted a course at the Business College, W. B. Stevens, the well-known Albany merchant, passed homeward Tuesday morning from a visit at the Resort city. Master Mechanic Walch and Fireman Ira Reeder of Yaquina went through to Aioany luesday morning in charge of a locomotive. Earl Landreth returned Wednesdav from a visit with Ira Miller and familv at their fnrm home between Yaquina and Newport. Robert Chambers of Nortons had businoss in the city last Sunday. He has gone to Albany, to be absent until some time next month. Mrs. C. G. Copeland and daughter kstper returned Monday evenins fr6m a visi t at Portland. They went to their home at Siletz next day. The Leadhr has just received a new supply of letterheads, envelopes, cards, etc. jnow is the time to nlace vour a 0 order for some up:td dite printing. Assessor Howell returned Monday evenmg from the east end of the county having completed his work in that sec tion. He is visiting Toledo taxpayers this week. Oliver Altree will soon have the planer installed in his sawmill and other improvements and conveniences added. He now has about 300.000 feet of logs on hand. Lee Williams, one of the tall Elks of Newport, was in the city all day last baturday getting acquainted with the streets, preparatory to the grand stam pede of the herd that night. J. F. Stewart has been all bunged ud with rheumatism during the past week It is an ailment that seems to become mere common as our population in creases by the influx of easterners. Foreman Gannon and crew have tmt the Fourth street approach to the rail road track in good condition with a stone base. The improvement will be appreciated by teamsters next winter. The Ladies1 Aid Society had a pleas ant session Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Samuel Center. The hoMtesn served choice refreshment)). and business and pleasure were blended admirably. Cene Young and Jim Derrick departed Monday for the Sugarloaf country to search for one of those famous lost mines which you read about. We hopo they'll find it, bring it back and put it in circulation. Shcdd Rosebrook keens bin parents pretty well informed as to his move ments or The movements or tne battleship Wisconsin through the newspapers. The Honolulu Advertiser states that the big fighting ship left that port for Yokohama May 28. The paper speaks highly of the conduct of of the crew while ashore and also praises the band, of which Shedd is a member. Captain Robert Jones of Marsh fieid went through Tuesday morning en route to Portland. The Captain left Coos bay at 5 o'clock Monday afternoon on the Robarts, reached Newport at 3 o'clock Tuesday morning and probably arrived at Portland about 5 o'clock that evening. Coos bay to Portland in 24 hours is pretty fair time, but it might be shortened three or four hours. The question of a regular boat between Coos and Yaquina bays is being agitated to some extent. I Number 10 VISIT OF THE ELKS. A Herd of the Antlered Animals at Large in Toledo. On May 14, 1804, the Lewis & Clark expedition, numbering 30 persons, left the mouth of the Missouri on its long journey into the unexplored wilds of the far west. On June 13, 1903, 40 brave- men left tne shores of the Willamette toexnW the hauuts of the noble Elk in Lincoln county. They certainly showed tact and wisdom, for it was "In the good old summer-time" all along the line. These pilgrims left Albany in a special car, witnabandof their "own, to visit the scattering members of the herd. Ar riving at, Toledo, they fonn nnito n number browsing around, with heads and tails in the air. They had a pleas ant time renewing old acquaintance. At 7 p. m. the band gave a splendid concert forninst the opera house, to the delight of the lesser ones and the entire SHtisfaction of all. . At 9 p. m. the opera house was thrown open and there assembled a curious throng of animials, the Elks predominating. Brother, Davis, M. D., of Albany was escorted to the throne to be master of ceremonies of the social session. He at once called the session to order and three fine selections were furnished by the bund. Dr. Davis then appointed his police for the evening. (Police, you know, are to keep order.) Brother Clyde Fox of Summit gave a very fine selection on the piano. Pursuant to an old and well-estab lished custom the police did their duty well. At thia time Brother Eli Gaither was delegated to act as secretary of the meeting. The duty of the police was to bring before the master of cere monies anyone caught disobeying any or tne rules of the order. Then came t he address of welcome to the visiting Elks bv Brother Ben J ones of Toledo, who gave a very graphic account of the introduction of the Elk as far-reaching as is the east from the wesc. He paid a glowing tribute to the noble animal, with its fleetness qf foot, quickness of eye and gentleness of dis position, that brought rounds of an plause. Brother Bilyeu of Albany responded with a well-chosen and log ical address, which was also received with warm demonstrations of approval. Brother Burggraff then rendered a solo and was promptly fined $1.25 for not knowing when to quit. Brother Neissgavean inspiring solo- chorus by the audience entitled "In the Good Old Summer-time." Brother Ross rendered a fihe solo. accompanied by Brother Clyde Pox upon the piano, Brother Eli Gaither gave a solo en titled "Little Black Me," that was full of pathos and feeling. Then the fun commenced. Culprit . ... . alter cuipnt was arrested and an promptly fined some for omission ana some tor commission. All were commission men before the bar. If any were forgotten, they expressed no regrets. The "pair o" docs" was verv clever indeed. The nolice arrested Brother A. A. Fuller and . arraigned him at the bar not for what he had not done, but for what he had done. The mnster of ceremonies, in a few well chosen remarks about Brother Fuller's fine baby girl three weeks old, told him he ought to be ashamed of himself; that he merited a floe, etc.. but would order that the secretary should t j him a sum of money with which his little daughter Florence might procure a souvenir of the occasion. The money was paid, Brother Fuller expressed bis gratification and said the little- daugh ter should have the present, with the name and number of the lodge present ing the same. Then the entire assem bly wbh invited to the banquet room, where "the tables fairly groaued" with the good things prepared by a commit tee consisting of Brothers Lee Wade, rred Stanton and Hurley Lutz.' The English language is inadequate to fully describe the menu. Think of evcrv thing good, and you have it. After supper came more boiiim. two- steps three-steps and no steps at all. At 5 a. m. of the 14th all took the train for Newport. After spending a very enjoyable day there thoy departed for home at O n. m.. leaving manv well wishes and hopes of a return visit in the future. Adonis. Oscar Brown was a visitor from Siletz Tuesday. Robert Tassell of Elk City was in Toledo Monday. P. C. Hoffman of Elk City was a To ledo visitor Wednesday. Rev. E. H. Bryant and son Roy of Siletz had business in the city yester day. Mrs. Hattie Tracv of Neu norr. n-nc eastbound passenger Wednesday morn inc. Henry Pottor of Lutjens was trans acting business in the county peat Tuesday. Mrs. Matilda Espy returned Monday morning from a visit with friends at Newport. H. s. Pitman of Wrens has been vis iting his almost cousin Grant King this week. ' Miss Hazel Walch of Y'auina was among the eastbound passengers Tues day morning. Captain Henry Nice of Lutjens was a passenger homeward from the vallev Monday evening. Albert Tucker, one of Newport's' respected citizens Jiad business in the ciry Wednesday. . St. Johns Church Service next Sun day, June 21, at 11 a. m.; Yaquina at ' i'. m. r.Kj. jones. Sheriff Ross and Demitv riafrit a torney Swope went to Silef wnD aay atternoon on official business. Mr. and Mrs. George nim.u.. ...n help in the work of improving on Clark Copeland's ranch this summer. They moved out there Tuesday. That tailor first door south of the barber shop is always busy. He guar antees a perfect fit on every garment and is thoroughly up-to-date. Prices reasonable. Grant King and familw j I vuiiiou bunday evening from Corvallis, where mey attended tha Woodmen Carnival; Grant reports a way-up time-even If it was somewhat expensive. Superintendent Con Sullivan of the C. & E. came in with the Elks last Saturday, but evidently got a little bit timid and went on to Newport. Really, the Elks are not as wild as they look." ' The Racine, Rite Derrick's new launch, made a trial trip to Yaquina Monday in charge of Engineer Enos. The boat caused but little trouble and showed all the speed that had been pre dicted. H. K. Lugger, an old resident of Ya-! quina, came In Saturday evening with the Albany Elks, of which herd he is an honored member and a towering mon ument of sobriety and culture. In fact, it is said the Elks Insist upon Mr. Lug ger accompanying them on all their ex cursions on account of his dignified bearing, yet mild and gentle disposition. The directors of the Toledo Ceuie tery Association desire to build a side walk from Toledo to the cemetery this season and also Improve the grounds. This will require some money, and all owners of cemetery lots who are de linquent are urged to band the amount to T. P. Fish as soon ax possible. This is an important matter one in whioU every citizen should be interested. Commissioners Stanton and King made an official trip last week over the Siletz bay-Newport rond and t he enntu where the road ought to 1 Tf kj road is ever completed it. will be one of tne most important roads in fi, county-not more Important, bowooer than the Toledo. Alsea bay road, or one lu" someiimes figures in dreams, con necting thecountv road acroB th v.. quina from Toledo with the Big Elk country. We'll probably have all of them some day if a littln ninBi,n. i. smothered. Geo. McCluskey has forsaken i porarily, at least the honorable and well-paid vocation of toachlng the youag Idea how to shoot and become editor and proprietor of the Reporter. While years of experience eannn in doubt the wisdom of Brother McClus key's act, we hope he will meet with that degree of success merited by his Integrity and honest endeavor to mould public opinion along unselfish and broad-minded lines. No honest man will score an utter failure, notwith standing the cynical construction of the old adago; "Do others, or tlmv ll do you." REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Record of Recent Exchanges in Lincoln County'. .. June 15-R. S. Bean and Ina Bean to Geo. B. Gray, east half of lots 11 uud 12 in Fairview block in Nye & Thomp- ' son-s addition to Newport. Considera tion 1(500. June 15 Belvin R, Forbes to Thomas Leese, south half of the northwest quarter and north half of southwest quarter, section 31, township 10 south, ' range 10 west. Consideration 8400. June 16-E. L. Thompson and Amanda I. Thompson to C. W Boast lot 7 in block 1 of Sea Home blocks in -Aye & Thompson's addition to New port. Consideration 87ft June 16-J. Elmer Hamilton and Anna E. Hamilton to Martin M. Bus sard, part of lot 1 in block 5. Nye Si Thompson's addition to Newport. Con sideration $200. June 10-William Teghtmeier and Lowe Teghtmeier to II. L. Nsler, South half of northeast quarter and the north half of southeast quarter, sec 10 in township J south, range 10 west Consideration $200. June 1C-C. G. Copeland end W. C. Copeland td Annie P. Hawkins, lot block 5, Graham's 4th addition to To ledo. Consideration $400. tAT. 1,6rDavld Rule. and Orlena . Ruble o Mrs. Ella Dole, lot 1, block 14, Waldport. Consideration f 15. Fresh Vegetables. Until further notice Adam Rae will have fresh vegetables on Bale Monday and Friday of each week at the store of McCaulou & Plumlee. Call1 for City Warrants. Notice is hereby given that I have funds on hand to pay all outstanding warrants against the city of Toledo up to and including No. 525, dated October: , lOOlv Interest Aofj-same ceHses after thUdate ( G.L,Grat, Treasurer. Duted June5, 1903. Local Institute. A local institute will be held at Elk City Saturday, June 20, 1903. . All teachers and friends of educa tion are cordially iuvited to attend. Fare on the Racine to Elk Citv and return 50 cents; " ; Leave Toledo at 9 a. n., returniog leave Elk City at 4:15 p. m. GkorobBetheks. i J. W. Hobbs of Eugene, deputy in ternal revenue Inspector, paid Toledo an official visit Wednesday. Mr. Hobbs is recognized as one of the most valu able men in the service; therefore hia territory has been increased. We be lieve, however, there was no Increase in salary; but Mr. Hobbs Is not kick ig. He values more than mere cash the privilege of visiting Yaquina bay. Judge C. M. Brown will deliver au address ori Odd Fellowship t the M E church next Sunday evening, in recog-' mtlon of the birth of the order ta America. All Odd Fellows and Re bekahs are requested to meet at thu hall at 7:30 and proceed in a body to the church. The aunual school election Monday afternoon resulted in the election of O. B. Crosno as director and C. E. Haw kins as clerk. The board of director was authorized to fence the school grounds and makeotherimproveiueuts. The old paint has washed off your house; it looks faded -and weather worn. A little fresh paint will heau hfy it and make it last much longer Pure linseed oil and the at Krogstad's. Say, gentlemen, if looking for a barcniii -i,ii n.. . r. """" nBIHIIIir along Hill street, just drop and pat- mo uuior, nrst door south of the barber shop. i. For Sale Lumber hand, in good conditiou and sound in every part-nt a bargain. Inquire of liinoksmlth Auderson, Toledo. I. A. Correll of Alhunw ..-j through Wednesday evening euroulo to the Alsea bay COUntrV til Plnminn .... . . timber land. Vane Hcnuoss ruttirnpd i:n City yesterday evening and left this morning for his home on the Siletz. Mrs. B. F. Swope of Nowpjit was nuuijgviu ueignuors yesterday,