Xincoln County Xeaber Supplement COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Doings of the City Dads in Adjourned Session. Council Chamber, Toledo.Ore.. ) June 10, 1903 The common council of the city of Toledo met in adjourned session. Present Mayor Sturdevant, Aldermen Dick, Hall, Plum lee and Peterson, Re corder Krogstad. Minutes of the last regular meeting read and approved. Petition by J. Ofstedahl, Austin Rosebrook and others asking for the construction of a regulation sidewalk in front of lot No. block No. , ex lending 50 feet fioui corucr of 4th and Hill street On motion petition grauted unanimously. On motion the following claims were allowed. Stone Wells, labor on streets, $3; B. F Swope, drawing ordinance, $2, Ordinance No. 40, relating to nuis ances, read first time in full and twice by title, and on motion referred until next meeting for its third reading aud final passage. The following resolution was intro duced by Alderman James Pluinlee and seconded by Alderman C. A. Dick: "Moved that we submit to the legal voters of the city of Toledo, Oregon, the question -as to whether the present franchise of the Toledo Water and Li lit. company shall be declared for feited and void by reason of sai l com pany not having complied with terms of said franchise; and also as to whether or not a new franchise shall be granted unto said water company, limiting the life of said new franchise to 10 years and lowering the rate per hydrant to be paid by said city to said water company under said proposed new charter from what said rates are undnr the present franchise. That a special election for the purpose above named will be held in said city of Toledo on the day of , li)03, said special election to be g .vemed by the general laws cf t he State of Oregon relating to general, state and county elections in said state; and that said special election be author ized to be held iu said city on the said day of . 1903. Signed, J. Plumlee." On motion the resolution was adopted. On motion the time for receiving bids for grading intersection of !th mid Hill streets was extended until next regu lar meeting. On motion of Peterson, seconded by Plumlee, the marshal was ordered to have dirt removed from east side crots ingjof Hill and 3d streets. On motion of Wells, seconded by Plumlee, the marshal was ordered to have Graham street between lth street and Siletz road hill put in passable con ditiou. On motion of Peterson, seconded by Hall, regulation sidewalk was ordered constructed by property owneis on east side of Hill street between 2d and 5th streets, the same to he Mulsh, d within 00 days from date. H. W. Vincent was elected council man to serve the unexpired term of James Anderson resigned. On motion council adjourned. H. R. Sturdevant, Mayor. Otto O. Krogstad, Recoider. TOLEDO AND VICINITY George Hodges of Salado had busi ness in the city Monday night. O. B. Delaurier of Siletz made the county seat a business call Tuesday. The new gasoline engine and pump for the city waterworks arrived last night. Adam Rae, the enterprising gardener, fired new cabbage outo the market Monday. Johnny Gaither and Pete Abbey, two of Newport's well known laudlords, were passengers valleyward Tuesday morning. County Surveyor Wygant went into the Mill creek country Wednesday above Siletz to run some lines and settle a dispute over a chittim patch The old wallpaper on your walls looks shabby. For one dollar I will sell you sufficient to repaper a room. Over 75 Styles to select from at Krogstad'a. That tailor first door south of the barber shop is always busy. He guar antees a perfect fit on every garment and is thoroughly up to-date. Prices reasonable. The Ladies' Aid society will meet next Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Sam uel Center. All members are urged to come aud bring friends. Plenty of sew ing on hand. Van Burkleo & Johnson, the photog raphers, have gone to Newport for the summer. They do good work and should make a good cleauup among the mermaids aud their worshipers. John F. Muller, one of the energetic fiiletz homesteaders, left this morning for a visit with his folks at Portland He has doue considerable clearing this season and will soon have a flue ranch. L. a. Mei8 and family arrived the latter pu t of last week from Washing- ton to make their home in this county, Mr. Meigs has purchased the Baiilev place on Depoe slough aud will occupy n as soon us tne present tenant vacates. Mrs. W. K. Willis aud Mrs. L. F. Pryer, mother and sister respectively of virs.WilliamThayer.anived Wellies day evening from Oregon City for a brief visit. Ihey returned this morn ing. The od paint has washed off vour house; it looks faded and weather. worn. A little fresh paint will beau tify it and make it last much longer Pure linseed oil aud the best of naints at Krogstad's. K. S. Vmit, brother of Merchant J. R. Vant, ami Mrs. William Unpins. mother of Mrs. J. R. Vant. arrived last. Saturday evening from Birtle, Maui toh i, to make Toledo their home. The former wid probably accept a position in the Lincoln Couuty Bank in the near future. An election will be held at the school house iu Toledo at 1 o'clock p. m. next Monday for the purpose of selecting a school director for three years and a olerk for one year. The question of schoolhouse improvements will be dis cussed. . . Stop and see the beautiful patterns of summer dress goods, French ging hams, .mull, Swiss, etc., at Charles Montgomery's. Fourth of July sup plies on hand. Come early and get your fireworks. A general line of fancy goods, novelties aud jewelry al ways on hand. Fancy candies aud lunch privileges enjoyed by all Wein erwurat, cheese, crackers, cookies, etc. C. E. Montgomery, Siletz, Or. Newport Notes. BLUE PRINT MAPS. Blue print maps of any town ship in Roseburg, Oregon, and Dis trict, showing aii vacant lands, for 50 cents each. If you want any information from the U. S. Land Office, address Title Guarantee & Loan Co. , Roseijtirg, Or mm 11m m The Leading Hotel of Toledo, Oregon In order to compete with the leading hotels we are compelled to establish the following rates : Commercial accommodations per ' $2.00 Tourists aud others $1 to 1.50 Single meals to residents 25 Any gtiesi dissatisfied with ac commodalions will have mon ey retunded b making com- ' plaint to the management. C. R. & S. Ellsworth. rr4y CO YEARS n rr 1 mm ' Tradc Marks nrir.Nfl . 1 2e,t Fenr for securing patents. i5nt.itkm. tRr,uKh Munn A Co. reclVa ipecM notice, without chain, In the reoel Scientific American. A handsomely lllnirrnitml weekly. T.nrveit dr. culHtlim of sny solentltlo journ.Y. TernlJ $3 Km .i,r"l!ith,',U new.rte.leri MUNN & Co.36,Bh. New York Branch Otlloe. 625 Bt, Washington. D.C. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Record of Recent Exchanges in Lincoln County. June 2 Theodore Mulkev to Z n Davis, south of southeast , east i of southeast V of southwest section 8, township 12 south, rane 8 west Consideration $20. ' June 6 W. Gifford Nash to Fredrick Brockhoff , 80 acres In section 16, town ship 10 south, range 8 west Considera tion $800. J June 4 Josephine Neff and Samuel Neff to Louis II Meigs, southeast of southeast section 31, township 10 south, range 10 west; also northeast cf northwest H kvA lts 5 and 6 o( section 6, township 11 south, rauge 10 west. Consideration $2500. June 4 Adolpn Peterson and Ketura Peterson to William (J. Slyker, south east i of southeast section 10, town ship 12 south, range 11 west. Consid eration $50 June 6 -George B. McCluskey to Fred W. Chambers, lot 8 in block 7, Graham's 5th addition to Toledo. Cou sideratiou $262 50. Juue 8 Lydia Blaser and Jacob Bin ser to Lula Casteel, store-building in Yaquiua. Consideration $100. - Waldport Waves. A FREE PATTERN (your own selection) to erery sub- juy su cents a year MS CALL'S, MAGAZINE 1 A LADIES' MAGAZINE. A rem ; beautiful colored plates ; latest fashions ; dressmaking economics ; tancy work ; household lunts. fiction, etc.. Sub scribe to-day, or, send se lor latest couy Lady agents wanted Send for terms Stylish, Reliable, Simple, Un-to-date, Economical and Absolutely Perfect-Pitting Paper Patterns. J MS CALL Patterns All Seams AHowrd jnd PrT'oratloM stow ine NsiKfl iM stwisg the. ?nir,, n(l '"h-none higher Ask lor thern Sold in nearly svsry city and town, or by mail irom THE MoC ALL CO.. II WH-117 Wett 3Ht St, NEW 10U. I iDDiiinnTTJ urniiuui I MONTHLY MAGAZINE A Family Library The Best in Current Literature 12 Complctc Novels Yearly MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.60 pcrvcar; 25 cts.a copy NO CONTINUED STORIES 1 EVERY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSELF