White House Where did you get that suit of HENRY LEWIS, Proprietor. K I ? 'rices CALL, AND WE- WILI, PROVE IT. WE HAVEN'T TIM: TO TELL YOU ALL ABOUT IT HERE. COME IX. 015 STRONGER 0 THAN ITS D JWE&KE5TJ 1 I T M k" 1 K H A Why, at STEWART & VANT'S Of course. They are selling them at $1.50 per suit and good value at that price. Better buy now, before they are all gone. We are shewing' a nobby line of Men's Felt and Straw Hats All sizes and prices. Come and make your selection. STEWART & VANT Toledo - - - - 1 Oregon w LOuv Good Nciijhhot-s I From a Mountain Home. Cumvoon, Ok., June 11, 1903. Jack frost took a slight nip on pome of our beans the morning of the 5th inst. Touiatnes near were uot hurt. 15eeB swarming and sheep shearing give us lively times. Our range seems cleared of the bears and "rurmints" for the present. Still we keep u sharp lookout for signs. Garden' and hay are growing fast. Project of'a good crop, but it will be lato. I am late in season, but a few thoughts may be beneficial to some of our roads yet. It is time for us to quit filling up niudholos with brush and looso dirt, for it will be bad as ever bo fore uext spring. Take three poles from ft inches to one foot in diameter according to the solidity of the soil), lay one in tho middle and parallel with the road and one near where each wheel should go; cut poles eight to ten feet long and at least three inches in diameter at small end; level the polos so they will lay solid, then cover witli tho poles close together. Don't top to notch down or level, no matter jhow uneven or rough, so there is a good air chamber underneath. Coyer the poles with at least six inches of dirt tand 1 foot in middle; level the surface and it may bo necessary to pack tho dirt a little on each side-of a largo pole. This will make a sn.ooth, dry road as long an the air chamber lasts. The road to knowledge is truth, aud it must be traveled by faith We now show our faith by our works. Uncle C. L. A. Salado Items. Wo have boon having some warm weather tho past few days. very Mixs Pearl Tucker returned lust Mon day from Newport and resumed her duties as Toucher Tuesday. Miss Uird Daniel and brother Teddie returned homo Wednesday from Sliel- burn, where they have been visiting the past few weeks'. Mortimer Hodges is improving fast ami we hopo tosoi hnn well again soon Miss Mamie Daniel and brother Vance and Miss Althea llrown mid brothers spout the day Sunday at Mrs. Davenport's. Miss lVarlTucker visited Sunday at Mrs. Daniel's. Harvey Parks had the misfortuno to cut his right hand last week. The cut was deep, but is healing. Mrs. Kolnisbeo and daughters visited with Mrs. K. A. Gilo Sunday. - v , Say, gen tl'ouioiU if you happen to bo looking for a bargain while walking along Hill street, jusl drop in and pat roni;:othe tailor, first door south of tho barber shop. Ladies, my stock of dress and street Jiata will pleuso ' you. Call and see them, Mrs. Wygaut M Reduced Summer Excursion Rates. . Tho Denver & Rio Grande, popularly Known as the "Scenic Line of the World,' has announced greatly reduced ruuuu-uip rates trom Pacific coast points for the benefit of teachers who will spend their vacation in the east, and of delegates to all the prominent conventions-is. E. A., at Boston; A. j. ., at ot. raul; ji. p. o. E at Baltimore; Woodmen of America, at Indianapolis; Eagles, at New York; Aiysuc murine, at Saratoga Springs; ui jr., us iouisvniO; and T. P. A., at Indianapolis. Tickets at the reduced rates will be based upon one fare for the round trip, but will be sold only on enrt.nin 19J These tickets will curry stop over priv ileges on the going trip, giving passen gers an opportunity to visit Salt Lake -ity, Kenwood Springs, Colorado Springs and Denver; and will be good m return any time within ninety (90) days. .Passengers going'via the Denver REDUCED EXCURSION RATES To the Seaside and Mountain Resorts for the Summer. On and after June 1. 1903. tlm Rm,i, em Pacific, in connection with the Cor vallis & Eastern Kailroad will J,,, sale round trip tickets from points on their lines to Newport, Yaqnina andDe troit at very low rates, good for return until October 10. 1903. Three day tickets to Newport and Ya quiua, good goiug Satardays and return ing Mondays are also on sale from all East Side points Portlaud and Eugene in clusive, and from all West Side points enabling people to visit their families and spend Sunday at the seaside. Season tickets from all East side points i uruunu to Eugene inclusive, and from nil Wiitif oiiln . .n,nUDluo 1IU1I11H Hm it Ian -,., t.. Detroit at very low rates with stopover K"vmKes Ul Mm uity or any point oast enabling tourists to visit the Santiam and Dreitenbush as well as the famous wreiienousn Hot Sprang in the Cascade mountains, which can be reached in one uay. Season tickets will from all points until October 10th Three day tickets will be good going on Saturdays and returning Mondays oly Tickets from Portlaud and vicinity will be gocd for return via tho East or West side t option of passenger. Tickets from Eugene and vicinity will be good going via the Lebonau Springfield branch, if deiirod. Uaggago or, New port tickets checked through to Now Port; ou Yaqulna tickets to Yaquina only. S. P. trains connect with the C & E. at Albanv mill r.rv,iin. e v and Newport. Trains on tlin f! X- V vv.,ulHj larminn i I'eirou win leave Albany at 7:00 a m , enabling tourists to the Hot.Wi. ' to roach there the same day. Tnll Information as tn flatus tlx. tables, otc, can be obtained on 'appli. cation to Kdwin Stone, ninnar r x. v v. K., Albany; W. E. Coman, G. P. A., . P. Co., Portland, or to ny 5. P. or C. ! E. AgeuL IS STRONGER! THAN HIS STOMACH GOLDEN 'MEDICAL J. AS u .uu.ua 1U Ll U Ft Kate from Toledo to Newport $1.10. Three day rate from Toledo to port, $1.00. New- For Sale or Trade 1 second-hand buck board and 1 Unnav. Will tvAa both or either for good cow or horse, or will sell for cash. Hau,& A.ndeuson. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for 1'iuuuin county. Albert Beers, Plaintiff, ' vs. Luella Beers. Defendant ToLuella Beers, the above named defend- ui. in me name of the State of Oregon lou nre nereoy required to appear in the aoov- enuuect court and answer to the com plaint on file therein on or before the 10th duy of July, 190, that being the last day of the time prescribed in the order for publication . v..,n UmiUui upon you, and you are fur ther nntlflnrt that II ! . ,u , lunoappearana answ r said complaint and summons as by law required, the said plaintiff will apply to the court frir ttin vullof .,. , , ... fin; jui-in ins com plaint on file therein to wit: For a decree dis solving the bonds of matrimony now existing; '" piainuir ana said defendant and auuu ocner ana lurther relief astonnnfiv seon-eth just. Tho Deriad of tl , ..... v fiwullUUll for the publication of this summons upon you o uom me aate of its first publica- w mi. i nuay me'jtn day of May, li03 the date of the last publicnlon is the 10th day of July, 1903; the date of the first publication is the 29th day of Mav. inns- th.-. .v. order of the publication of this summons is 1,7 i y 01 Mny' 190:!- Thls summons is published in tho Lincoln said order of the Hon. 0. M. Brown. Judge of v."."v, u jjumoin, oiaie o( Oregon B. F. SWOPE. Attorney for said I'lalntifl CONTEST NOTICE. U. 8. Land Office, Oregon City, Or., .Tlina K Kino A surtlcient contest nfiMnvif v..i 11,1 i.h,m." :,7 een IMIB Ull V IIRTITV "Mnoni. ant, against Homestead Entry No. 11997, made November 7, 1896, for Lot 4, section 18, town- .,'.., .,.BB w w, oy Charles II. SI in turn contestfic, in which it is ali0o.,i , ' Bv .un. wilLSl. nut U wen acquainted with said tract of land ... ...u vne present condition of the samo ...... lucii. BBIU v.linriOS 11. Mfnfnrn ,... at.an.lo .ed said Maim that he never ia,1 J. tlemcr t on said land. Thnniim. onsa'dland is a small cabinet the value of pn.bably io but was never occupied by the said iS" V- M",U,'rn 8t a"y tl",e- that w t J if " om the said land wa, ..... . . ciupmymeni in the Army, Navy or Marine Coroa of the ITnif ' . . . ate oldlcr. officer, seamun or marin,, during J. v " "l ""'wig any other war in .aid parties are hereby noting ,0 apT r iK!id Riid otfer av.iU.ii v, ' , " '?,e ln,tcl1 But ny bo enirawd... s,.ond and oirer evidence touching said allega lion at 10 o'clock a. m. on jm. ..1 , Zl : ,, . 8 ' ,m ,nal '"fti hearing win held at 10 o'clock a.m. n ii..o. ..?, . ZlV:0T R""ver at tVe United " lu 111 urceon Cit" Oregon. n ml TteV?1 hftvlne' a PrP "alt, filed Juno 5. lsww. t f,..u , . . . show that after d .111 nmpn of ihi- n,.,. . ?""0" wrvice dered and directed thar.,r-" Lh ALOKiixoM 8. Dcksseb. Itegister. NOTICE OP FIai. kctt.i.-.,,,,.;" In the matter of the estate of Melissa Mont- ueceascn. Notice is hereby iriven that thr. .. . . . s administrator of th ... ., ' Montgomery, deewned, ha, Hied in the'eounty court ot Oregon, for Lincoln cm,,,.,, v. crount a, administrator of .,d es'ta.e, a . J that on the 13-.h day of Jnly, i!H. at the hoi ..M court a, the time for' hiring Jc tio , to Fld report and tho settlement thereof? . , . , C- E- MoNTOOMRRY. Administrator of the estate of Melissa Mont' gouicry, deceased. A jZ ,U odo' 0rcgon' thi 12th dy of hMAKES WEAKfj I 5TONACH5 f Yours with Bargains THE WHITE HOUSE DENVER D M05T DELIGHTFUL WAY TO CROSS Tlifi CONTINENT A Day in the City of the Saints Mountain-Walled Track Through Colo' rado and the Grandest Scenery on the American Continent Dining Cars on All Trains Service a la Carte Popular Personally Conducted Tourist Excursions to All Eastern Points For informal ion as to rates, and for illustrated booklets, address W. C. HcBRIDE GENERAL AGENT 124 Third St. Portland. Or. O. IT. DAVENPORT DENTIST -ir-trT , i , . flf ('Tl th cnirn frT ' UlU1 U11!) opdCC IOl date of his return AMERICA'S EDITORIALLY FEARLESS CONSISTENTLY REPUBLICAN News from all of tho world -Well written, original stories Answers to queries Articles nn iTnnith ., Home, New Books, and on Work Auout the Farm and flarrl,.,, The Inter Ocean Weekly Is a member of the Associated Press tne only w estern Newspaper receiv ing the entire teleeranhin ice 01 me r.ework Sun and special caDie 01 tne New York World-daily reports from over 2.0UO necial cor. respondents throughout the country YEAR ONEDOUA auDscrlbe lor The l.miW nnrf tu Weekly Inter Ocean one year, both pupers lor only fi.$o. In th " ' , F SKTTLKMKNT. M the matter of tho estntn nt rai, t-.. w. . tinUK. deoenned. ' Notice Is herehv trlvAn that th asaaininiKtrfttornf Ha nBtta c . ' uepeasea, has tiled In the I'mmtv AnllKt nf gon. for Lincoln county, his final account as administrator of said estate, and that the fith oy of Jnly 1903, at the hour cf 10 o'clock a m. thereof, haa been fixed by said court as the tlme for hc'lr lJecl i. ncinnir objections to said report and the settlement thereof. of the estate I. K. Sworn, deceased. Dated at Toledo, Oregon, this Coth day of fyp 1003, NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In tdlcder0f th" e"'Rte 0f A8K' Wta rtmliwlS !T tha,lhe n'1"HiKned. deceas dha, T'l ' Oregon, f'or LincoVn eo" ,,'ty hTfin7., ' M ad,nlnisratorof saidl Sthathe 6th day of July. imn. n, i... ' ".a..t.tb a-m. thereof, has been xiVlb,?! the time for hearing objection, to said nd the scttiement thereof, a. T. I'ktkbZ Add"8.,.r.r " AggTeKVati, Mny, 1003. l'g0n' 'hU aMh dny of lE-rrlllA RIO I Toledo, Oregon J. D. WetmorP PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Main Olllce Yaquina Branch Office Tole ' Thomas Parker, PHYSICIAN AP crir... Office Yaquina Bay Mercantile Co. B TOLEDO, OREGON. CORVALLIS & EASTERN RAILROAD. TIME CARD. No. 2. For Yaquina: Train leaves Albany 12:45 P. a Corvallis 2:00 p!m, Arrive Yaquina, 6:250.0. No. 1. Returning: Leaves Yaquina 6:45 a a " Corvallis 11:30 a.m. arrive Albanv 12:15 p. O. 7:00 a. m. 12:05 p.m. 12:45 P.m. 5:35 a. o. in Albanv No. 3. For. Detroit: Leaves Albany Arrive Detroit 4. Returning: No. Leaves Detroit ' Arrives Albany Train No. 1 arrives in time to connect with thp s v southbound train, as well as giving two or three hours iu Albany be fore departure of S. P. northbound train for Portland. Train No. 2 connects with the b. P. trains at Corvallis anJ Al bany, giving direct service to New port and adjacent beaches. ' Train 3 for Detroit, Breitenbush and other mountain resorts leaves Albany at 1:00 p. m., after the ar rival of S. P. southbound train from Portland, reaching Detroit at 7:ccp. m. For further information apply to Edwin Stonb, Manager. J. E. Frankun, Agent. Toledo, H. H.Cronise, Agent, Corvallis, Heal Estate OF A IX KINDS BOUGHT AND SOLD RANCHES In All Parts oi the County CITY PROPERTY Iu Toledo and Newport Vl havo some bargains to offer In city property iu Toledo; also n ranches nearby. gXSTIi you wish to buy or sell, write me, or see me at ray olllce at the Courthouse, TOLEDO, OREGON. CHAS. M. BRO W If Want a Piano? I am agent for the Sotile Brothers Co. of Portland and can sell you 8 fine piano (20. styles to select from) or an organ, either Estey or Chicago Cottage, at a lower price than can be obtained from any other firm on the coast. Will also stinnlu t.rt onv ft".' j niiu other musical instmmAnf vntt mat im v j w i y Want. Call and iimnpr- nlonoano on hand. Geo. a. t roducod price at Tho Ladics Bazaar, H'tr-.-.-: 1 V'